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November 15, 1966 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-15

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November 16, 1966
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TV ball:


Did you notice last Saturday
how many measurements there
were? That the refs had makeup
on? It was a beautiful day de-
spite a 50-50 chance of snow?
Clancy made so many circus
catches? And for the first time
this year a visiting team's band
Act of God? No, act of ABC
television bringing in their crew

to regionally televise the Michi-
gan-Northwestern game. Everyone
wanted to get into the act from
the referee who painfully signaled
that Michigan was an inch short
of a first down looking right at
the zoomar lens, to Carl Ward
who thought that ABC was still
televising the fights.
Long Show
The schedule read Northwestern
at Michigan, November 12, but for
the television crew it started much
earlier than that. Beginning way
back in May when the television
schedule was announced,. ABC
technicians, producers and direc-
tors were already sizing up Michi-
gan Stadium as a place to broad-
At that early date, the camera
placements were decided upon.
Four were to be situated along

(or Fish Sandwich)
Present this coupon at Burger King window. Limited: 1 per customer. Not good after Nov. 25, 1 966.
~- m o - m - m - -- - inm - amm - --------- - - - o

scene. The producer in this case
was Mac Hemion, the man in
charge of making the whole sys-
tem go, and the director was Chet
Forte, the guy that stations him-
self down in the van beside the
press box watching five monitors
at a time and deciding which one
we the viewers will be looking at.
However, having covered many
sports events in the past few
years, I doubt if either have seen
one of the games live and in per-
'Don't Trade a Headache...'
Shivering in the 30-degree tem-
perature after leaving balmy Bat-
on Rouge where they had finish-
ed doing the Alabama-LSU game
the week before, 'Hemian and
Forte peered out on the field
wondering such things like wheth-
er or not they could get a better
shot of the "House that Cazzie
Built," or if the band would start
the National Anthem before they
came on the air, or if they would
be stuck with a 45-minute post-
game show (they had to stay on
until at least 4:15), or if the set
would show up, or if it would
snow, or if... on and on.
Saturday was relatively calm
with the crew running through
checks and the director looking
once more at the camera shots.
Saturday morning was also spent
getting the lineup and scoreboards
set up for the superimposed
shots, and about two hours before
game time the announcers, Bill'
Fleming, veteran Big Ten and
play-by-play announcer, and Ter-
ry Brennan, former coach at No-
tre Dame and now color man, ar-
rived at the booth and ran through
their game plan.
Long Seasons
Fleming, who had been in town
since Thursday, talked about how
he prepared for a game: "An-
nouncing the Michigan-North-
western game started a long time
ago, back in the spring as a
matter of fact. Then I was as-
signed to the game and I start-
ed keeping a notebook on both
"I gather press clippings and
information from the two schools
and as the year progresses I col-
lect squibs and columns from the
papers and any other interesting
things. That way I know who to
look at for the good years."
During the game Fleming does
not use spotters but depends en-
tirely on his studying. "What I do
during a ball game is refer to the
various boards I've made up. On
these boards I put both the of-
fensice and defensive teams and
the various formationstin which
they line up. In other words, how
they line up on the field is the
way they line up on my boards. I
also put interesting facts under
their names, such as for Vidmer
the fact that he sat out his soph-
omore year with a broken leg.

"Actually, a few days before the
game I go on a crash study pro-c
gram and memorize the players'C
names, their numbers and theY
ways they lin up on offense andC
defense. By game time I know as t
much about the teams as their"
And Now a Word from Our ... C
To those watching at home, no-t
ticeably absent were such ABC
features as the sideline camera
and the shotgun sideline mike. No-t
ticeably present to the some 59,-
000 fans were the obvious TV
time outs and a man on the side-
line dressed in white who decided{
when the game should resume aft-
er the commercial was over.
To those at home, the decision
to keep the cameras off the field
was made clear back in May. H.
0. (Fritz) Crisler, Michigan ath-



9111 I I the photographer deck and the
I fifth was to nest high up on a
scaffold in the south end zone.
Also, back in May meetings were
held with the Athletic Depart-
ment to decide the do's and don'ts
of televising from Michigan Sta-
Between May and the day be-
fore the game very little else was
accomplished, buteon Friday morn-
ing WXYZ of Detroit, doing the
pickup for the network, descend-
edupon the scene.t
Cue In
With a crew of about 18, dressed
in pale blue coveralls that some-
Swere from ABC, setting up was be-
gun which merely meant putting
the earlier survey report into prac-
tice. Everything had to be perfect
on Friday so that Saturday morn-
4885 WASHTENAW ROAD, ANN ARBOR ing could be spent making tests.
" Friday afternoon. the brain
thrust of the operation, the pro-
ducer and director, arrvied on the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __----- - -- --- _- -- -_ - i

letic director, vetoed the move and
stated his reasons: "Actually, we
did it for two reasons. First of
all, we have narrow sidelines at
the stadium and if you put all
that paraphernalia out. on the
field it makes it hard to see for
those in the front row seats.
Secondly, with all that eequip-
ment it just raises the chances
for serious injury."
Fo: those in the stands who had
to sit through the Dodge com-
mercials without 'the benefit of
even seeing the Dodge Rebellion
girl, it looks like there is no re-
lief in sight. "In 1964 they in-
terrupted a college game 12 times
sfor commercials," Crisler men-
tioned, "and last year they upped
to 14 times. Now they do it 16
times. This seems unreasonable
because TV is actually getting to
control the game. Why, if you're
right in the middle of a drive and
a TV timeout intervenes who
knows what might happen to your
momentum. I think the other col-
leges should stand firm on these

Television's argument is of year we lost 20,000 tickets and
course commercial. They pay the when you figure that at $5 a head
dough so they should have some we can get economical, too.
hand in the show. According to "What we want to do here at
Crisler, Michigan's argument can Michigan is let the television peo-
take on an economical turn too: ple broadcast the event as the
"They pay the Big Ten confer- people in the stadium see it. Not
ence $211,000 to televise the games to produce the event themselves."
of which we all get a share. And So, the TV listings said Sat-
they pay the home team $15,000 urday, Nov. 12. Football game:
and the visiting team $12,000 in Northwestern at Michigan. 1:30
lieu of tickets not sold because it p.m., on Channel 7. But the story
was being televised. Actually, for began far before that will extend
the televised Ohio State game last long beyond the credits.
Changing Some
Trivial Traditions
Well, its just about that time of year when olde Yost Field House
will be stepping happily back into the spotlight. The freshman
varsity basketball game is November 22nd and the first regular season
game is just two weeks later.
Olde Yost has been around almost since basketball was in-
vented but 1966-67 is likely to be its last full season of hosting the
cage sport. Tradition is tradition, that's for sure, but its certainly
time to start a new one'as far as where basketball games are played
is concerned. And, after numerous delays, the new stadiun, which
completes Michigan's intercollegiate athletic plant, will probably be
ready for at least part of the 1967-68 season.
But though we won't play any basketball in the new p (a)lace
for a year or so, this year might be the right time to start some
new traditions regarding what happens at the games themselves.
Along this line I have two suggestions.
First and perhaps most open to debate is the question of cheer-
leaders. The young (men) who cheered our football team this fall
will also be showing up for'the basketball games, if history repeats
itself. The cheerleaders are well-coordinated and reasonably enthusi-
astic about the teams. But no more so than any of the fans, nor is
there any reason why they as opposed to myself or any other
'average' fan should get the best seats at the basketball games, as
well as free admission.
Hiring Clowns ...
I find them amusing, sure. Some of their cheers are downright
ridiculous, and they are sensible enough to realize that humorous
cheers can add something to the game sometimes. But if that's what
people want, lets hire some clowns. As far as inspiring either the
fans or the team though, this they simply do not do. Rather because
of the fact that they sit right at the entrance to the court, they tend
to get in the way whenever Michigan runs on to the court.
Personally I get far more excited watching the team man-
agers sweep the court at halftime than I ever could watching the
cheerleaders jump around. Every other Big Ten spool has girl
cheerleaders at basketball games, and there's no reason Michigan
shouldn't either.
Second gripe concerns the programs which are distributed for
15 cents at the basketball games. Michigan publicity director Les
Etter accomplishes here whatit takes five or six men to do at most
schools and generally does a better job too. Yet in this one area, he
falls short.
Wisconsin's basketball program, for example, includesup
to date statistics, pictures and stories on every player, as well as
general articles about the team and other Wisconsin winter sports
teams. Michigan's includes only team pictures of Michigan and
rosters of each team. There are no statistics or articles.
Pay for What You Get . .
It seems obvious that if Michigan students will pay 15 cents for a
roster and a few pictures, they would be willing to pay a little more
for statistics, at least. And if the Athletic Department does not want
to or perhaps cannot take the trouble to compile a useful program,
then they too should distribute just a mimeographed roster at no
charge. It is simply unfair to students to make them pay 15 cents for
our little yellow program, when spectators at other schools are paying
25 or even 50 cents and getting five or ten times as much for their
Tradition is changeable. The team has changed from a loser
to a winner. Why not change the cheerleaders and the basketball
programs from losers into winners?
(If you do feel strongly on either of these matters, you might
write to Athletic Director Fritz Crisler concerning the cheerleaders,
and to Les Etter about the programs. The address is care of the

Athletic Office Building, Hoover and State Streets, Ann Arbor.)
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