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November 15, 1966 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-15

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(See Editorial Page)

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Sunny and
continued cold

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
lit on Student Power: New Battlelines £


Daily News Analysis
Demonstrations? Another sit-
in? A direct clash between Stu-
dent Government Council and the
Any or all of these may well
occur in the near future; beneath
the unrest which may lead to
conflict, are two distinct, yet re-
lated questions: Should students
have the power to make final de-
cisions on issues which primarily
concern them alone? And, even if
they do not have binding author-
ity, should they be consulted be-
fore decisions are made which
have a direct impact on their
It is clear that the administra-
tion does not plan to give students
final authority in significant
In spite of the recent prolifera-

tion of student advisory commit-
tees to the administration, the
Knauss report on student partici
pation, and the quiet, effective
work of a student committee to
advise the Regents on the selec-
tion of the next University presi-
dent, some student leaders are
questioning the administration's
intent to even consult with stu-
dents on major controversial de-
Both issues, student power and
the opportunity for consultation,
are under the spotlight this week.
For student power, tomorrow's
draft referendum is a case in
Several months ago, the admin-
istration decided to comply with
a request from the Selective Serv-
ice to compile class ranks for male
students to be used by local draft

boards in determining a student's
deferment status.
Since then, many student lead-,
ers have objected to this policy,
and Student Government Council
decided to put the class ranking
question on the ballot tomorrow.
Arguing that class ranking is an
issue which affects only students,
Voice political party and most
SGC members have urged the ad-
ministration to agree to be bound
by the results of tomorrow's vote.
The administration, however,
has flatly refused. Claiming that
the draft question affects more
than just students, Vice-President
for Student Affairs Richard Cut-
ler said, "The administration has
no intention of making the results
of the referendum binding.''
In a broader context, admin-
istrators often express reluctance
to give students ultimate power in

any circumstance because they
fear that students are a transient
group without an adequate grasp
of the issues at stake within the
University community.
But some students are adamant
in defending the opposite position.
With tongue in cheek, Voice
chairman Michael Zweig, grad.,
advocates student power with the
administration serving in an ad-
visory capacity.
"Sure I think the administra-
tion deserves a voice in student af-
fairs," says Zweig.
.I think we should have admin-
istration advisory boards to ad-
dise Student Government Council
on how to run student affairs.
"The administration should be
able to .come to the students and
say, 'Look we think it would be

unwise for you to do away with
class ranking because.....
But some advocates of student
power aren't just kidding: they
are talking about forcing a show-
down on the question if voters re-
ject the University's draft policy
Wednesday and the administra-
tion refuses to be bound by the
result of the referendum.
The second issue-the right of
students to be consulted by the
administration before it makes de-
cisions on issues directly affecting
the student body-is also the sub-
ject of heated debate this week.
The debate is focusing on Cutler's
weekend decision to ban sit-ins
"which interfere wth the normal
and orderly operations of the Uni-
Cutler made his decision with-
out consulting SGC or other stu-
dent leaders in advance, and SGC

reacted last night by threatening
to break relations with the Office
of Student Affairs unless he sus-
pends his action and discusses the
matter with students and faculty.
The vice-president has defended
the move on the grounds that SGC
does not have the authority to
handle or act qn regulations per-
taining to the individual student
"SGC will be consulted on mat-
ters within their purview," Cutler
said yesterday. "This means I will
consult SGC on decisions affecting
organizations; however, council
will not always be consulted on
issues dealing only with indi-
Cutler had expressed similar
sentiments at an SGC meeting last
Cutler adds: "In some cases the
students will decide, in some cases

they will be co-decision makers,
in some advisors, and in some they
will be left out."
When speaking of consultation
with students in a broader con-
text, administrators often cite the
creation of advisory boards ,to the'
vice-presidents and the advisory
committee on presidential selec-
tion as evidence that they do be-
lieve in student participation in
the decision-making process.
On the other hand, discontented
students contend that, in addition
to Cutler's -weekend sit-in ban,
the administration failed to deal
with them in good faith on the
question of establishing a student
bookstore last year, on the Regents
recent delegation of sweeping
powers to the vice-president for
student affairs, and several other

_ __ }








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GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Society will celebrate its 20th
year on the Ann Arbor campus by presenting HMS Pinafore at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in four performances starting Nov. 30.
Tickets will be available in the Fishbowl Wednesday-Friday of
this week, and Nov. 21-23 in the Student Activities bldg.
* * * *
A CAMPAIGN TO OBTAIN pledges for the nation's first
kidney donor bank was launched today by the Michigan Kidney
Foundation and the University Medical Center. It is expected that
the campaign could eventually save up to 200 lives each year in
ROBERT McNAMARA SAID Friday that the present draft
system "has led to inequities and uncertainties" and proposed a
lottery system as a possible alternative.
In an interview with the staff of the Harvard Crimson and
Harvard's student radio station, McNamara said the lottery
"would be one of the means of eliminating the deficiencies in
the draft system . .."
McNamara did not elaborate on the technical aspects of a
lottery system, and emphasized that he was not recommending
that the nation now adopt such a system.
He said that he would save any specific recommendations
until after the President's National Advisory Commission on the
Selective Service submits its report to President Johnson later
this year.
that it is attempting to farm out a $485,000 Air Force contract on
chemical and biological warfare.
The announcement followed a faculty recommendation that
the University cancel the research after the present contract
expires in 1968.
The action came after recent controversy on the campus as
to the propriety of the secret research, which the university
contends is defensive in nature.
A DEMONSTRATION BY 300 persons on the University of
California campus against the manufacturer of napalm for the
Viet Nam war drew a Dow Chemical reply Fridayrthat it doesn't
decide military policy, the Associated Press reported.
"We will do our best, as we always have, to try to, produce
what our Defense Department and our soldiers need in any war
situation," the statement said.
It endorsed "the right of any American to legally and peace-
fully protest an action with an action with which he does not
A GRADUATE INSTRUCTOR in English at the University
of North Carolina has been reinstated in the classroom from
which he was removed three weeks ago amid charges that he had
assigned a theme dealing with seduction.
A team of two professors and two university administrators
found that the theme assignment had been to paraphrase the
imagery in a 17th-century poem-"To His Coy Mistress" by
Andrew Marvell.
PROF. JOHN McCOLLUM, chairman of the music school's
voice dept. will be a soloist in "Messiah" with the New York
Philharmonic at Philharmonic Hall today.

3 Men On
Raft Battle
For Lives

Kaufman, Feiheim,
Lane Seek To Prove
Their Disciplines Best
Three men are alone on a raft
Only enough food is left for one
to survive. What should they do?
"I think Prof. Lane should eat
Prof. Kaufmann," ventured one
student amidst a sea of students
in the UGLI Multipurpose Room.
"I am prepared to let myself
be eaten, if there is something
in it for all of us . . . I think,"j
replied Prof. Arnold Kaufman.r
Three Men
Kaufman spoke as one of "Three
Men on a Raft" struggling last
night with Profs. Marvin Fel- OFFICERS OF STUDENT GO
heim and Harlan Lane for the administrative vice-president,I
right to survive.
Students and faculty lined the
walls, covered the floor and even AP EXECUTIVE:
overflowed out of the Multipur-_ __ _
pose Room as each of the three
professors argued that he, because - 0

-Daly-Thomas R. Copi
VERNMENT COUNCIL (left to right), James Benton, treasurer; Ed Robinson, president; Mark Simon,
ponder possible action concerning Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler's ban on sit-ins.
----- ------ - ---- -- - - - - -- --- - -- -

N 7T r-N / A 0

of what he represents in the aca-
demic world, has the right to sur-
vive on the limited amount of food
on a raft.
"The role of literature is not
only primary, secondary and ter-
tiary, but final," began Felheim,
setting a fast pace for the dis-
"We came first," said Felheim,
who, as an English professor, rep-
resented literature in the Univer-
sity Activities Center program. Lit-
erature was pitted against psy-
chology, represented by Lane, and
philosophy, represented by Kauf-
Felheim Dismisses
Felheim dismissed opposing
fields by saying of works in these
areas, "if it is any good at all,
eventually it becomes a work of
See FELHEIM, Page 2

.Swinton 1 valuates Internatrona
Situation in Journalism Lecture

Vote 13=2
For boint
Cite Long History
Of 'U' Ignoring ,
Student Channels
In an emergency meeting last
night Student Government Coun-
cil voted to break off its ties with
the Office of Student Affairs if
that office does not suspend its
new regulation banning sit-ins.
Council further called for the
establishment of joint consulta-
tion procedures between students,
faculty and administrators on any
such regulations that deal direct-
ly with students.
The move came in response to
the weekend announcement by
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler that sit-
ins by students in administra-
tors' offices will be subject to
fine or suspension.
All present at the meeting felt
'that Cutler's action has unjustly
bypassed the rightful channel of
SGC and that some action had to
be taken to express formally Coun-
cil's displeasure with it.
After five and one-half hours
of debate, a 13-2 vote established
the following motion:
"We are forced to conclude...
that the intent of the relation-
ship between the OSA and SGC to
provde for communication be-
tween students and other respo-
sible elements of the University
community has in fact broken
down ... . In our opinion the ac-
tions we have outlined previously
have only, exacerbated: the real
powers of student complaints at
issuein these cases.
"Over a period of 2% months
we have made every effort to con-
sult with concerned and interested
groups in the administration and
faculty. With the faculty the com-
munication was profitable.. .
With the administration the re-
lationship was not forthcoming.
"Our quarrel is not so much
with substantive policies but with
the procedures by which they are
formulated... .
"We feel we have an obligation
to express students' opinions in all
areas which concern them and
since the structure and actions 'of
the OSA have obstructed the ful-
fillment of this role we therefore
feel there will be no other course
than to declare our independence
of the OSA.
"But since our ultimate aim is
to increase the involvement of the
students as partners in pursuing
the common interests of the U
community we would welcome any
act on the part of the administra-
tion which would demonstrate a
willingness to cooperate with the
studenits and faculty on matters
relevant to them. The suspension
of the rule concerning sit-ins fol-

By CLARENCE FANTO the Peking regime is not a mono-,
Managing Editor lithic one.
"The internal political struggle
Communist China's internal po- will occupy China for a long time,"
litical difficulties are likely to Swinton said. He added that Chi-
keep it out of the Viet Nam war, nese prestige has been eroded
Stanley Swinton, assistant general throughout Asia because of the
manager of the Associated Press Red Guard movement and the re-
said yesterday. sulting political dissension.
Speaking at a journalism de- International Situation
partment lecture at Rackham Swinton, a University graduate
Amphitheatre, Swinton contended and former city editor of The
that the growth of the anti-in- Daily, delivered a general evalua-
intellectual Red Guard youth tion of the international situation
movement in China indicates that based on eight months of travel
and talks with many world lead-
ers, including Indian Prime Min-
ister Gandhi, Philippines President
Marcos and the foreign ministers
of Britain and France.
O fers The AP executive, whose specific
responsibility is Director of World
Services for the oldest and largest
ociety international press association,
pointed to Indonesia's recent sup-
ociety 62
pression of an attempted Com-
munist coup as the most impor-
an ' tn nc rin t in t ohbnnl,..,r,.., .;-

national community of nations,
Swinton, said.
On theViet Nam war, Swinton
voiced optimism regarding the
American military effort against
the Viet Cong.
"We're moving forward militar-
ily because of an extraordinarily
efficient army, highly-motivated
troops, superior firepower -and air
support," he said. Swinton pre-
dicted North Viet Nam would soon
return to an earlier phase of the
guerrilla insurrection, fighting in
small units and concentrating on
sneak attacks.
On the political side, the situa-
tion is less encouraging, he said.
The civilian population is war-

weary, U.S. troops are unable to
remain in a battle area to secure
political control after they defeat
the guerrillas, and thus villagers.
are reluctant to support the U.S.
because they fear the return of the
Viet Cong, Swinton argued.
But there is some hope that a
diplomatic solution to the war may
be in the works, he said. The
Soviet- Union seems to be gaining
increased influence over Hanoi
and may soon be in a position toI
urge the North Vietnamese to en-
gage in peace talks and to over-
come President Ho Chi Minh's fear
that the U.S. plans to install per-
manent bases in South Viet Nam,
Swinton indicated.

Ex-Volunteer Says Peace Corps
ew erspective on American S

Allows Flexible Study Plan

Why join the Peace Corps? Why0

,aLht int'n tha ,,,nhlanmc orf ,nnr

ana. rhictir a.ntivict. ta!hrn rinpc }srit

not settle comfortably into a nice{
upper-middle class job with Gen-
, eral Motors? One ex-Peace Corps
volunteer offers this answer: "I
joined the Peace Corps to prove
myself as a mind, to prove my
autonomy and to learn if I could
come to grips with the problems
of human society."
Hank Malin is an ex-Peace
Corps volunteer who spent twenty-

t t

siut mw ue sume i o yuranareIUC acs no t m o oesico o, ana CUILUral associaton co re coin- tant recent development in Sout-!BmYTI IL
wn society. You gain a new per- offer any positive solutions to the posed of as many of the villagers east Asia.
pective on American problems structures they wish to change. 1as wanted to join, Indonesia's Communist party, College Honors 290, an individ-
vhen you see the similarities be- "Dissension without construc- As time passed, the association which was the largest outside the ual study program instituted last
ween economic deprivation in tion is totally naive," says Malin. became increasingly aware of the Communist world a year ago with year to allow the student to go
turkey and the economic depriva- "Anarchy takes away the vice Irelative ineffectiveness of the at least five million members, beyond the scope of regular
ion of minority groups in the which is most cherished." council, and plans were made to attempted to take over the gov- courses, has been elected by 35
Jnited States." j Peace Corps men often find this support and finance projects in ernment on Oct. 1, 1965, after students this term.
Insight into similar problems'voice of the people very mufiled.!the name of the association alone, having been informed that Presi- The student makes up a reading
rorks the other way, too. "TheIIn a report Malin wrote at the but open to all interested parties, dent Sukarno was ailing. But the list with the faculty member, and
eace Corps needs the activist,",end of his stay in Turkey he states including the mayor. coup was put down by the Indo- writes a final paper or takes an
ays Malin. "He is dynamic and that, "The traditional government How does Malin view the posi- nesian army. A massive bloodbath examination. Depending upon the
houghtful and has proven organ-|of mayor and council, democratic- ion of the Peace Corps volunteer followed with at least 300,000 In- scope of inquiry, the course is
zational ability. He has worked E ally installed and ostensibly ork- as a U.S. renresentative? "The donneian Cnmmumists massaere worth from two tn thren eredit


updn the student's interest and
ability. Most faculty members who
have participated in sponsoring a
student have found it an enjoy-
able experience and a "very good
Criticisms have been leveled,
however, against the limitations of
the c o ur s e structure. Morris
Greenhut of the English depart-
ment finds the program only
"mildly, successful. In order for
the program to work properly,"
he say "the students hould have

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