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November 13, 1966 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-13

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iWy I r Yltl Y® s l Y


Seventy-Sixth Year

Free Radio of Asia Makes Its Debut

iere Opinions Are Free,
Truth W Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Students and Civil Rights:
Redefinition of Roles

"Communists are waging ag-
gression against the independ-
ent peoples of Asia. They oper-
ate under cover of deception.
They hate and fear exposure,
especially exposure of their sub-
jects to the truth about what
Communist leaders are doing.
"They isolate their subjects
from the truth by creating a
Bamboo Curtain to cut off their
people mentally, spiritually and
physically from the outside
world. The Red Chinese have
made the Bamboo Curtain
stronger than the Iron Curtain,
so we can say that in one part
of the world, bamboo is strong-
er than iron.
"Of all the many weapons in
our arsenal, radio alone has
the power to immediately break
through these Communist de-
fenses in Asia, end the Red
Chinese monopoly of informa-
tion, and bring the liberating
power of the truth to Commu-
nist subjects."
THUS RUNS the prospectus for
the Free Radio of Asia, a new
enterprise under the aegis of the

Korean Cultural and Freedom
Seoul based, and supported by
private American contributions,
ROFA transmits over a 500,000-
watt radio station capable of
blanketing the vast expanse of
Red China, in addition to reach-
ing North Viet Nam and a great
portion of Southeast Asia.
As a new development in East-
West propaganda joustings, RO-
FA's August debut merited more
attention than it received.
IT HAS the distinction of be-
ing a private, non-governmental
undertaking, a fact contrasting it
with the U.S. Information Agen-
cy's Voice of America; American
propaganda leaflet drops over Ha-
noi; and anti-Western broadcasts
by Radio Peking to neighboring
Running the operation is Gen.
Graves B. Erskine (ret.), the Iwo
Jima hero, along with Foundation
Vice-President Col. Bo Hi Pak
"Before Free Radio," says Pak,
"there was nothing to counter the
night-and-day outflow of intense
Red Chinese propaganda. Still we

are not going to rebuff them the
same way-our method will be
more sophisticated. Instead of the
hard-sell we're going to have edu-
cational programs for the welfare
of the Chinese people."
AT PRESENT ROFA is leasing
the government-owned station,
HSLA, in Seoul, for transmission
one hour per week in both Chi-
nese and Korean. Future plans
call for daily programs; Vietna-
mese language broadcasts, and
eventually the construction of fa-
cilities for 24-hour transmission.
Latest USIA estimates place the
number of radios in Red China as
5.5 million-this for a population
of over 700 million. Pak suggests
that there are probably three
times the number of sets, and
classes his guess as conservative.
To affluent Americans, this ra-
tio of people to sets is abnormally
high, but it must be noted that
often an entire village population
crowds around a single radio.
PROGRAMMING covers five
major areas: news, commentary
and press reviews, religious broad-

casts, educational information and
entertainment. Broadcasters will
not incite the Chinese and North
Korean people to "rise up and
throw off their chains," but will
-try to give a supposedly un-
tainted version of what is hap-
pening in the world-specifically
in Viet Nam.
While Americans may be suspi-
cious of the credibility of U.S.
war reports, the Chinese people
are receiving a considerably more
polluted version of the truth, as
Red Guard uprisings have clamp-
ed down governmental censorship
tighter than ever. To this, ROFA
directs its attention.
Mvoreover, the Korean. Cultural
Foundation hopes to institute a
Radio Free Asia station in South
Viet Nam to augment the U.S.
propaganda efforts. In fact, Pak
is hoping for eventual aid from
the governments of America and
South Korea.
Reaction in the Far East to
ROFA is not yet clear - Japan
has said nothing: not surpris-
ingly, South Korean President
Park has voiced optimism.
INASMUCH as ROFA attempts

to counteract Chinese propagan-
da. the undertaking is worth-
while. However, there are several
reservations which must be met.
First, the broadcasts must not
become so wrapped up in self-
righteousness that they distort
their own "truths."
The brochure raises many doubts
about this necessary restraint
when it speaks of "enhancing spir-
itual values"; stressing peace with
honor and justice and freedom";
and "men, free and equal under
God, responsible not to Marxist-
Leninists as the false priests of
Red Dogma but only to God.."
SECONDLY, the focus of the
broadcasts should not be on Amer-
ica as the ultimate hope for cap-
tive peoples of Asia, but on the
emerging free nations that ulti-
mately determine their own future.
Finally, ROFA must attempt to
draw funds from the South Ko-
rean people, and should shy away
from the image of being a tool for
American self-interest.
Along this line, if the group is
to have any American leadership,
it should be run by civilians, and
not by former generals.


CIVIL RIGHTS as a campus issue is be-
ing redefined by those most involved
in it and shortly will have to be re-exam-
ined by almost every interested student.
New men have been offering new ex-
planations for the condition of America's
Negroes, and they have their own ideas
for change. Because they depart signifi-
cantly from more traditional analyses,
these ideas force new kinds of roles on
those that adhere to them.
The question of black power is of enor-
mous significance for students because
it involves a redefinition of role for white
students in the civil rights movement,
in arousing the ill will of many who
had considered themselves friends of the
movement, because he has insisted that
a Negro protest movement should be run.
by Negroes ...
Carmichael holds that there is noth-
ing so debilitating for Negro self-esteem
or the growth of '-black consciousness"
as having whites directing what essen-
tially must be a Negro battle.
White liberals on college campuses are
faced with a difficult and very important
responsibility: the responsibility of rec-
ognizing that Negroes need - perhaps
more than anything else-the opportuni-
ty to make their own mistakes and win
their own wars.
NEGROES, unlike any other group in
the history of the American melting
pot, have tried to gain acceptance into
the mainstream of American life by en-
tering society's pre-existing institutions.
Black power advocates are saying that
Negroes can only enter the American

mainstream by building their own insti-
tutions, just as every other group did.
In the South, the superior ability of
white students from the North made it
very easy for rural Negroes to rely on
the student for leadership.
This relationship, while very pleasant,
was of little substantive benefit to the
poor Negro who stayed behind in Merid-
ian, Miss., while his summer compatriot
returned to Scarsdale, N.Y. There was
no more indigenous leadership in the
community than there had been before.
COLLEGE STUDENTS are faced with a
painful but necessary duty. They have
a duty to take orders from Negroes and
to contribute money to civil rights groups
without saying a word about how that
money is spent. The activist has an even
more difficult task. He must suddenly go
to world among a different group of peo-
ple - among the bigots whom he has
spent his summers fighting.
Instead of marching for open housing
in Cicero, white college students must go
into Cicero and Marquette Park and Chi-
cago Lawn and try to convince the resi-
dents through any means they can that
there is nothing to fear from a Negro
next door...
THE TEST of our dedication as white
students is not whether we can lead
a band of Negro pickets. The true test
is whether we can go into the Missis-
sippi's and Chicago's and quietly, dili-
gently, and effectively work to persuade
the white community to accept a decent
way of life for America's Negroes.


Food Store Boycott Is No Coincidence

EVIDENCE strongly suggests
that the Johnson administra-
tion organized, fed and spread the
food store boycott now sweeping
the country.
The action directs attention
away from the responsibility of
the White House and the Demo-
crat majorities in both houses of
Congress for today's skyrocket-
ing inflation. which is robbing
every consumer.
The timing-coming as it does
Just before the elections-is high-
ly significant.
The starting point-Denver-al-
so is significant, because that city
was made to order for the kind
of hocus-pocus which, I am con-
vinced, big-spending Democrats
hit upon to help their candidates
slip, slide and duck the issue of
high prices.
WHAT GAVE the boycott move-
ment its steam were published re-
ports that the housewives' "re-

volt" in Denver achieved a 15
per cent reduction in the price
of some food items.
But Denver had higher food
prices than most of the country to
begin with. Denver had higher
service costs, giving a ready area
in which costs temporarily could
be cut.
The boycott took advantage of
a price war that temporarily forc-
ed stores to cut prices, anyway,
but which, if continued, would
force them out of business.
Let's grant the fact that in
early October there was much dis-
satisfaction and anger among
housewives over rising prices in
general and rising food prices in
YOU HAVE to be the world's
champion believer in coincidences
to conclude that the politically
worried Johnson administration
didn't play a major role in the,
so-called revolt with the help of
"volunteers" from the radical left

where the art of organizing pro-
tests is highly developed.
Is it mere coincidence that food
store boycotts broke out in one
city after another in the wake of
visits by Mrs. Esther Peterson,
White House aid assigned to con-
sumer problems?
Was it mere coincidence that
Mrs. Peterson had her picture tak-
en with Mrs. Paul West, leader
of the Denver boycott, to go with
a Washington Post article entitl-
ed "Esther Peterson Raises Flag
in Boycott Battle?"
Was it mere coincidence that
in my own town of Phoenix, Ariz.,
a group called "Housewives' Voice
for Lower Prices" telegraphed the
Department of Agriculture and
their congressmen asking for an
investigation of food prices just

after they had conferred with Mrs.
SINCE DENVER seems to be the
model, I have reviewed what took
place there. In the Denver Post
of Oct. 16 I found an article an-
nouncing the boycott and a tele-
vised meeting at which Washing-
ton officials of the U.S. Depart-
ment. of Labor and Department of
Commerce were to appear.
The very same edition carried
separate stories on: a promise by
Roy Romer, Democrat candidate
for the Senate, to provide addi-
tional "ammunition" for the boy-
cott: an announcement by Demo-
crat Congressman Roy McVicker
of Colorado that he had introduc-
ed legislation demanding an in-
vestigation of the food industry;
a statement by state Rep. John
Baer, also a Democrat, asserting
that the Denver housewives were
boycotting "the right people."
The next day Denver's Congress
of Racial Equality (CORE) an-
nounced plans to picket five su-

permarkets. Robert Deluxe, CO-
RE's political action chairman,
expanded theaprice protest to say
that CORE objects also to "poor
service, unfriendly attitudes, hir-
ing practices unfair to minorities."
Other rapid-fire developments
had McVicker quoting Mrs. Peter-
son as saying "I'm a housewife,
and I know what I'd behdoingif
I were in Denver"; the Senate
Democrat candidate asking Colo-
rado farmers to join the protest
because they, too, had been caught
in what Romer called "the mid-
dleman squeeze and manipulative
THIS LEAVES the real prob-
lem, the inflation caused by Lyn-
don Johnson's wild spending and
the hardships caused by his high
taxes, on the wrong doorstop, the
steps of the chain stores.
The worst thing that is happen-
ing to your pocketbook is the
spending of the Johnson adminis-
,Copyright, 1966, Los Angeles Ti es


Letters: U' Policy on Negro Students

Move to the Left

for Rep, Weston Vivian in last week's
election have undoubtedly become dis-
couraged by the victory of Republican
Marvin Esch.
If we examine the results of the elec-
tion, however, it becomes apparent that
the Romney coattails were not. so wide
in the congressional race as some would
have them, and that the Democrats still
hold considerable latent support.
One Ann Arbor precinct, for example,
voted 761-137 for Romney, 700-183 for
Griffin, and 448-419 for Vivian-any-
thing but a clear-cut rejection of the
Democratic Party or of the liberal phil-
ALSO, ESCH'S plurality of 3000 votes
in the race can be attributed in part
to the votes for write-in peace candidate
Elise Boulding which drew from potential
Vivian support. The write-in votes for
Mrs. Boulding in a number of other races
also attests to this support.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
LEONARD PRATT ........ Associate Managing Editor
JOHN MEREDITH ........Associate Managing Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT CARNEY ...Associate Editorial Director
BABETTE COHN .............Personnel Director
ROBERT MOORE ............. Magazine Editor
CHARLES VETZNER.......... Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL...........Associate Sports Editor
JAME S LaSOVA.GAssociate Sports Editor
GIL SAMBERG .............. Assistant Sports Editor
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Grayle Howlett, Howard
Kohn, Bill Levis, Bob McFarland, Clark Norton, Rick
- Stern, John Sutkus, Gretchen Twietmeyer, Dave
NIGHT EDITORS: Meredits Eiker, Michael Heffer,
Robert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport,~
Susan Schnepp, Neil Shister.
DAY EDITORS: Robert Bendelow, Neal Bruss. Wal-
lace Imme, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia
O'Donoiue, tephen Wlldstromn.
Klempner, Dan Okrent, Deborah Reaven, Jennifer
Rhea, Betsy Turner.
Firsheini, Aviva Kempner, Lyn Killin, Carolyn
Miegel, Kathy Permut, Regina Rogoff, Warren
Business Stafft
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS.... .... Associate Business Manager
HARRY BLOCH. ...........Advertising Manager
STEVEN LOEWENTHAL ........ Circulation Manager

In the end, Esch's margin is very sim-
ilar to the 1500 vote plurality that sent.
Vivian to Washington two years ago,
this time with the coattail influence on
the other side.
Thus, there is strong liberal sentiment
in Ann Arbor, and probably in the sur-
rounding counties of the district (Mrs.
Boulding reports a favorable reception
among many older voters in the outlying
areas), upon which the Democrats could
IT APPEARS, then, that the Democrat-
ic party cannot lose by moving to the
left, and such a move could be a strong
asset in two years, when criticism of the
war in Viet Nam may have increased
Now that Esch is in office they can no
longer expect the support of the moder-
ate Republicans who voted against the
reactionary Republican Rep. George
Meader two years ago.
A move to the left in the form of a
strong stand against the war could pick
up the latent liberal support and in-
crease the Democrats' chance of regain-
ing the seat.
Your Choice
WEDNESDAY WILL BE an important
day for the student body. Accompany-:
ing the regular Student Government
Council election proceedings is a ref-
erendum on the draft asking for student
views on the submission of class rank
and grades to draft boards, and on vari-
ous alternatives to selective military
SGC is attempting to make the deci-
sion on grades and rank binding on the
administration-for this effort to be ef-
fective there is obviously a need for a
large turnout.
The second issue, however, has al-
ready been guaranteed some very real
weight. In Washington and throughout
the country government officials are now
seriously examining alternatives to the
present system of conscription.
THERE IS NO avoiding this issue-if
you want things to continue as they

To the Editor:
A MORE BALANCED view of the
University's position in regard
to opportunities for Negroes than
that afforded by your headline
of November 11 ("Pentagon
Charges 'U' Is for Rich White
Students,' Asks Opportunities for
Negroes") may be obtainedmby
noting that the "Pentagon" made
no such charges, nor was Mr.
Greene's report particularly cri-
tical in tone.
The report was not from the
"Pentagon," but from Mr. Greene.
It did not make a charge, but.
stated an opinion of some mem-
bers of our University community.
It did not imply that Negroes
have no opportunities at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, but it did
make a number of suggestions
(some good and some bad) about
ways to improve those opportuni-
Committee on the Development of
Academic Opportunities has been
given coordinating and advisory
responsibilities for: (1) the Op-
portunity Awards program, (2)
the Tuskegee Institute-U. of M.
relationship, and (3) the broad
problem of recruitment of Negro
faculty, students and staff.
The committee is a means of
responding to the concern felt by
both the faculty and the admin-
istrative officers of the Universi-
ty with respect to this broad prob-
lem area.
Although the committee's work

does not lend itself well to dra-
matic headlines, it has been, I
feel, steady, persistent and, en-
-Norman R. Scott, Chairman
University Steering Committee
on the Development of
Academic Opportunities
To the Editor:
THERE ARE more Indian stu-
dents on campus than the 350
Negroes, and yet almost a million
Negroes live within 50 miles of
Ann Arbor.
Just possibly there's been some
lack of certain emphasis at this
institution claiming 'to serve the
people of Michigan.
-David Stewart, '69M
To the Editor:
WE HAVE just received notice
from our landlord that if we
wish to keep our apartment for
next fall, we must notify him of
our desire by November 15th, and
include one month's rent to lend
weight to our stated opinion.
The rent for next year for our
five-man "penthouse" (so termed
by our landlord) is being raised
from $58 a man per month to $64
-this does not include electricity
or phone bills.
WE ARE quite angry with this
sort of treatment which is the
rule rather than the exception for

Ann Arbor landlords. Students are
treated without trust or respect-
hence we are forced to pay, be-
fore even occupying an apartment,
the first and last month's rent
plus one month's rent as a dam-
age deposit.
All rent payments are due on
the 15th of the previous month.
And of course, there Is 'the In-
evitable 12-month lease.
This demeaning treatment does
not end with rental payments.
Our apartment included only four
beds and four dressers when we
moved in this fall, and;the fifth
ones arrived only after two weeks
of daily calls to the company. No
expression of regret was ever voic-
ed by the landlord.
are well aware of their monopoly
over the student. The University
is irresponsible for permitting the
conditions now existing to con-
SGC should realize this and
could put pressure on the Uni-
versity to become at least offi-
cially aware of the situation, and
to prod it out of its inadequacy
and impotence in dealing with the
apartment problem.
SGC could also, try to organize
student rent strikes in hopes of
at least securing an eight-month
We believe an active and aggres-
sive involvement in this area is
the very least we can expect from
our student government.
-Don Selcer, '68
-Mitchell Rose, '67
To the Editor:
IN THE OCTOBER 30 issue of
The Daily you reported a score
from Indiana State (Pa). Indiana
State College ceased to exist al-
most a year ago and was replaced
by Indiana University of Penn-
It would seem that in the course
of a semester The Daily should be
able to realize this fact and
represent it in print.
Perhaps, however, we are ex-
pecting too much from you
and should be satisfied that the
score didn't read:
Indiana St. Normal School . . 21
Slippery Rock .............. 0
-Dave Scott, 70
-Al Charlson, 70
To the Editor:
rmIT. T NTVFlRT'T'V m xan+, +hp.

and Fuller Road would do more
to attain this than the plans
which have been presented.
This would separate University
traffic from "town" traffic. Sich
a bridge, with pedestrian and bi-
cycle lanes, would make a few
minutes walk out of what is now
a hazardous hike. (There is now
no provision for the safety of
walkers or cyclists going' to or
from the North Campus along Ful-
OF COURSE Fuller would still
need to be improved to handle
more traffic, but the extensive
re-routing of traffic and remod-
eling of the terrain ncessary to
bring a wide street up to the
north side of the hospital would
not be necessary.
The bridge could carry traffic
from Fuller or Plymouth roads
to the new parking structure by
the Women's Hospital. Then an
extension of Ann St. to the east

between Simpson Memorial Insti-
tute and the main hospital would
provide access to the campus. An
access ramp could also be pro-
vided for the proposed Residen-
tial College to be built on the golf
THE LAND at both ends of this
bridge is already high enough to
eliminate the need of building; up
expensive approaches. If generous-
ly designed to allow for future
traffic increases such a bridge
would effectively tie the two cam-
puses together.
-George B. Thorp
All letters must be typed,
double-spaced and should be no
longer than 300 words. All let-
ters are subject to editing;
those over 300 words will gen-
erally be shortened.



"He Left A Note Saying He Thinks Very
Highly Of You

Hatcher on the Draft
The following is an editorial on selective service by
University President Harlan H. Hatcher, as it appeared in
the July-August edition of The Hamilton Journal. The ~
editorial was submitted to the Daily by Robert Sims, '66.
THE DRAFT was not intended to be used as a punishment
for boys who like to wear beards, or who declare their
protest against the confusion of the age with wrongly-directed
placards or with marches and sit-ins, although some would
apparently like to use it for this purpose.
It was not intended for peacetime or as a permanent de-
mand upon American youth.
Neither is the draft an excuse for ill-planned and arbitrary
mobilization of American youth for two years of "nontraditional >.
military projects" or missionary tours in social work or religious
instruction, because the Viet Nam war adventure requires that
some young men be sent to fight in that wretched country.
THERE SEEMS to be an uneasy guilt feeling, that, in order
to equalize the demands on all youth, all of them should be con-
scripted for some purpose.
Encouraging out talented youth to develop their fullest
potential, in itself a high priority service to the nation, is *
tenuously tolerated in some circles not rationally embraced.
Gifted youth is a precious asset and must be so regarded and
OUR PROBLEM in the United States is the unexpected;
waste of an abundance. It is the litter after the party.
It is the pollution of air and water, backwash from farms
to cities, schools inadequate to population and needs,,the Har-
lems and Watts, Tobacco Road and clogged Manhattan, un-
necessary elements in the society.
I confess that I lack enough imagination to see the rela-
tion between the problems that have high priority impact and
a solution provided by the mobilization of youth under a concept



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