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November 13, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-13

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1968 National Race: Four Leaders Emerge


WASHINGTON, (M) - Repub-
icans are drawing the lines of
combat for their next presidential
nomination, with a corps of Elec-
tion Day heroes ready to test po-
litical fortune.
Within a week or so, the Re-
publican National Committee will
set in motion the process of choos-
ing a city for the ultimate clash-
the GOP National Convention
some 20 months away.
For the moment, most of the
likely contenders-campaign-tired
or perhaps campaign-shrewd-are
cautious if not silent.
Photogenic, Ambitious
What kind of men are potential
Republican contenders?
Photogenic is one word for most
of them. Ambitious is another.
There are newcomers, seasoned
politicians-and the veteran of

Republican veterans, former Vice
President Richard M. Nixon.
There is Michigan Gov. George
W. Romney, who had stopped re-
acting to White House talk as
blasphemy, and now calls is flat-
tering. At 59, he won his third
term as governor after a career
in industry.
There is California's Gov. Elect
Ronald Reagan, a face from the
movies and the television screens,
suddenly the face conservatives
like best.
And Sen.-elect Charles H. Percy
of Illinois has two years to carve
himself national ranking if he
wants a spot on the ticket.
And there are others, from New
York City to Ohio to Oregon, who
could figure in the outcome before
the long months of buildup, organ-

ization, primaries and state con-
ventions are over.
Of the party's current big four,
only Percy responded to a series
of questions posed by The Asso-
ciated Press.
Q: How do you view Republican
prospects in the 1968 presidential
A: In view of Tuesday's electioin
results, the party's prospects are
very good.
J: How can the party best mo-
bilze now for 1968, and what per-
sonal role would you expect to play
in the effort?
A: By making the most con-
structive possible record in Con-
gress, within the states and local-
ly. I would hope to contribute to
this record.t
Q: Do you believe the "Great
Society" will face a major slow-

down in Congress next year in
view of GOP congressional gains?
A: There will be a thorough
audit of "Great Society" programs,
but I would hope that the em-
phasis would be on improving
them rather than negating them.
Q: Do you believe there should
be changes in U.S. policy in Viet
A: Uneasiness over the war was
certainly a factor in the election.
I would hope that the administra-
tion would now begin to show
more initiative and imagination in
the pursuit of peace.
Romney, Reagan
Romney relayed a refusal say-
ing he would answer no such ques-
He said Wednesday the Repub-
lican party has a chance now to
prove its merit by "tackling old

problems in new ways." Romney fornia's giant delegation to the
has advocated individual state and next convention in a favorite-son
local initiative to deal with some role.
of the social problems Johnson To do that, he would have to
seeks to solve in his Great Society win the state's binding presiden-
programs. tial primary.
Romney's stance on the war in He said the party can mobilize
Viet Nam has varied. Lately, he best for 1968 by unity .
has not been talking about the Reagan said his victory showed
matter. Six months ago, he was the people want a pause in social
advocating military steps to show legislation, both in California and
the Communists not only that nationally.
they cannot win, but "that they And he said his only criticism
are going to lose." of the war in Viet Nam was that
Reagan was vacationing, po- the United States is not trying
liticaly silent at least until Mon- hard enough to win.
day. On federal open-housing legis-
Insisting at this point he will lation-Percy and Romney have
serve his full, four-year term in similar stands; Reagan is opposed.
Sacramento - which would pre- Percy advocates an exemption for
elude a 1968 presidential move- privately owned, single- family
the actor-turned-politician has homes. Romney has said he sup-
not ruled out captaincy of Cali- ported publicly and privately the

bill President Johnson proposed
this year. It did not pass.
Nixon, vacationing from politics,
is on a fishing expedition off Flor-
He emerged as the party's top
campagn spokesman on the war
in Viet Nam-and that role was
enhanced when Johnson assailed
his qualifications Just four days
before the election.
Nixon said there should be no
more peace-seeking concessions.
"Now is the time for decisive
action in Viet Nam," he said.
"The peace party always wins,"
he said. "I know my own party.
If the war is still going on in 1968,
there is no power on earth can
keep them from trying to outbid
the Democrats for the peace tote "
Nixon traveled from coast to

coast campaigning for Republicans
this year. And Goldwater said the
former vice president is his cur-
rent choice for the nomination.
Goldwater backing could be vital
to Nixon's nomination prospects
if a sizeable bloc of conservative
delegates is returned to the next
Others on the Goldwater list of
prospects: Percy, Reagan and Gov.
James A. Rhodes of Ohio.
Goldwater already has made one
thing clear: He would prefer al-
most anyone to Romney. The
Michigan governor refused to en-
dorse the national ticket Gold-
water headed two years ago.
Rockefeller, who has said he
will never again seek the presi-
dency, favors a Romney-led ticket.
He has suggested New York Sen.
Jacob K. Javits for second place.

Gemini 12
Sun Eclipse,
Astronaut To Take
Two-Hour Walk,
Handle Small Tools
r 12 -pilot Edwin E. (Buzz) Aldrin
Jr. charges into a searching, two-
hour walk in space today, hoping
to pin-point human limitations in
that hostile environment.
Whipping 42,000 miles through
the ocean of void, Aldrin poked
head and shoulders out of his
spaceship yesterday for more than
two hours as he and companion
James A. Lovell Jr. chased the
moon across the face of the sun.
Aldrin was awed and chatty as
he sailed through a complex pic-
ture taking session of man's first,
perhaps most revealing, pictures
of a rare .solar eclipse from space.
It proved to be a smooth sailing,
flawless prelude to today's long
work session outside.
As the moon moved between the
earth and sun, the astronauts
shielded their eyes and took stills
and movies of the seven-second
event. However, they failed to
spot the 52-mile long shadow of
the moon as it swept across Peru,
Boliva, Brazil and Argentina be-
low. On earth, the eclipse lasted
for 31/2 hours as 800 scientists
charted its progress.
Aldrin's space walk is designed
to probe baffling questions uncov-
ered by previous strollers. He will
go to the rear of the spaceship
where a "work bench" has been
designed with some simple task
task for him to do. First he will
ease over to the Agena target ve-
hicle to which the Gemini craft
is attached, and connect a 100-
foot cord for a formation flight
later in the day.
Then he plans to perform the
tasks, like linking little hooks to
little rings and big hooks to big
rings. The Jobs have no bearing
on the actual operation of 'equip-
ment but should be able to pro-
vide, future space-walkers with
tips on various tethers and straps
that are suitable.
Meanwhile, the spaceport com-
plex that launched 12 successful
Gemini flights was being disman-
tled. The next space program-the
M a n n e d Orbiting Laboratory
(MOL) will be launched from
Vandenburg Air Force Base.

To Appeal
Ga. Run-off
Court Order
Atty. Gen. To Seek

Viet Allies Shoot Up U.S. Club;
Eight American Aircraft Down

By The Associated Press

High Court Ruling if SAIGON - A squabble between
Assembly Pick Null allies led South Vietnamese gov-
ernment rangers to shoot up a
ATLANTA (A') - Atty. Gen. recreation club of the U.S. Green
Arthur K. Bolton announced yes- Beret Special Forces team at Hon
terday the state will appeal to
the U.S. Supreme Court a find- yesterday and two Amen-
ing by a three-judge federal court cans were wounded, reliable
that the legislature cannot choose sources said.
between Republican Howard H. An isolated case in a compli-
Callaway and Democrat Lester G. cated war, tempers flared at that
Maddox for governor. post 70 miles north of Saigon as:
"If the formal decision Tuesday .-The U.S. Command announced

Above is an artist's conception of Gemini 12 astronaut Edwin Aldrin as he makes a two-hour
excursion outside the spaceship to test man's performance of simple tasks at the Agena target
vehicle's "work bench."
Johnson Bars Crimas H
To Bombing North Viet Nam

is as indicated by the federal!
judges yesterday, I will take an
appeal to the court of final resort
as quickly as possible," Boltonj
"As attorney general of Georgia
it is my duty to do that when a
provision in our constitution is
ruled void. There must be a final
determination by the highest
"The people have voted in three
elections for governor this year
and before they are called upon
to vote again, the Supreme Court
of the United States should hand
down a decision."
The informal but firm ruling by
the three-judge federal court that
the General Assembly cannot
make the choice apparently means
that the people will vote again
unless the Supreme Court inter-
But when, and what the ground
rules will be were the questions
being asked everywhere yesterday.
The principal question was wheth-
er those who wrote in the name
of former Gov. Ellis G. Arnall on
Tuesday in sufficient numbers to
keep either of the party candi-
dates from winning can vote for
him again in a runoff.'

the loss of eight American air-
craft and heavy casualties among
their crewmen Friday-five planes
over North Viet Nam and three
helicopters in the South.
To Replace General,
-In the military-political field,
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky was re-
ported ready to remove Lt. Gen.
Dang Van Quang as commander
of the 4th Corps area, which em-
braces the populous, rice-rich
Mekong River delta.
Quang was cool toward the re-
cent introduction there of Ameri-
can troops, expected eventually on
a big scale, though his own men
have made little progress in driv-
ing guerrilla battalions from the
-U.S. infantrymen pressed in a
rain their massive hunt in War
Zone C northwest of Saigon for
the Viet Cong, whose mortarmen
shelled forward command posts
of the 1st and 25th divisions and
the 196th Light2Infantry Brigade
in the night. B52 jets again loosed
tons of bombs on Communist hold-
ings in that territory adjoining'
the Cambodian frontier. Through
Friday the Americans had count-
ed 926 enemy dead.

The specific cause of the Hon
Quan outburst was obscure, though
there haveebeen reports of fric-
tion between some Vietnamese
rangers and U.S. troops in that
rubber-growing region for several
weeks. By one account an Ameri-
can was clubbed to death there
recently and a Vietnamese soldier
was beaten up in retaliation.
Reliable sources said the ran-
gers used- two armored personnel
carriers, part of the equipment
supplied them by the United
States, to crack open a wall of the
recreation club and then fired
into the building with automatic
Spokesmen at U.S. military
headquarters in Saigon said they
had no information about the in-
cident. Thirty-five Special Forces
men are among about 70 Ameri-
cans based at Hon Quan.
Destruction of the five planes
Friday boosted to 426 the an-
nounced number of such losses
over North Viet Nam. The single-
day toll was exceeded only. once,
when North Vietnamese gunners
felled seven planes last Aug. 7.

A Marine Corps F8 Crusader
and two F4 Phantoms, an P105
Thunderchiefhand an, AlE Sky-
raider of the Air Force were
downed. Of all the crewmen, only
the pilot of the Skyraider was
rescued. Hanoi broadcasts at the
time said "several pilots" were
Oddly Effective
An oddity was the effectiveness
of the enemy fire on a day when
bad weather limited American
squadrons to 78 missions, about
half the number they fly when
skies are clear. Pilots nevertheless
reported they destroyed or dam-
aged 27 barges, 28 boxcars, 14
bridges, 6 buildings and 10 anti-
aircraft sites.
The three helicopters were shot
down while supporting ground
troops in Operation Paul Revere
IV near the Plei Djereng Special
Forces camp, in the central high-
lands 230 miles north of Saigon.
Presumably each carried four or
more men. A spokesman said the
crews suffered heavy casualties.
The count of helicopters felled by
enemy action in the South rose
to 218.

r ""_ m

WASHINGTON ()P) - Any call
issued by Pope Paul VI for a
Christmas truce in Viet Nam is
assured of sympathetic consider-
ation in Washington, but Johnson
administration o f f ic i als are
strongly opposed to another pro-
longed, one-sided pause in bomb-
ing North Viet Nam.
The U.S. attitude does not rule
out a Christmas lull in the fight-
ing. It does, however, appear to
bar any _repetition of the 37-day
suspension of air strikes against
North Viet Nam such as grew out
of the Christmas truce a year ago.
The one exception would be
some indication from North Viet
Nam, perhaps through the Soviet
Union, that a decision by John-
son halting the bombing would
bring- immediate, responsive steps
from the Communists. The word
from Hanoi would probably be
clothed in diplomatic secrecy, but
U.S. officials say there has been
no such indication so far.

As President Johnson and his
top advisers see it, the aerial of-
fensive against the North is one
of the most potent instruments
they have for bringing about
peace negotiations or scaling down
the Vietnamese conflict. They in-
sist that any pause must be Justi-
fied by some move toward peace
from the Communist side.
As Johnson put it Friday: "We
are very anxious to always give
consideration, and as sympathetic
as possible, to any suggestion the
Pope gives, as we did last year.
But we are also anxious to have
other people do likewise."
This comment, a restatement of
a news conference remark of a
week earlier, was made as ne and
roving Ambassador W. Averell
Harriman talked with newsmen at
the Johnson ranch in Texas.
Harriman said Friday "we are
hopeful" that some sign of pro-
gress toward peace talks will
emerge from Moscow discussions

next month between the Soviets
and the British.
Indeed, the lack of any demon-
strated interest on North Viet.
Nam's part in easing or ending
the conflict is seen by Washing-
ton officials as the fatal flaw in
the new surge of peace efforts
which has developed in the last
few days.
These developments included a
strong indication from the Vatican
Press Office in Rome that Pope
Paul will call again for a Christ-
mas cease-fire. The appeal he
issued last year resulted in a lull
in the fighting and with that as
a start Johnson built his own ac-
tions into a peace offensive that
produced a 37-day pause in the
bombing of the North.
Thant Request
The flattest request for a bomb-
ing pause came last week from
U.N. Secretary-General U Thant
who said the United States should
stop the attacks unconditionally
and without a time limit. His pro-
posal appeared completely at odds
with Johnson's policy.
The importance of the air of-
fensive over North Viet Nam as an
element in the search for peace
was strongly emphasized by vet-
eran Canadian diplomat Chester
Ronning, former envoy to Peking.
He said in Montreal there was no
possibility of starting peace ne-
gotiations unless the bombing was


Can Jews Be Pacifists?
PAUL LAUTER-American Friends
Service Committee, Chicago
REUBEN CHAPMAN--Dept. of Psychology, U. of M.
present their affirmative answers
MONDAY, NOV. 14-7:30 P.M.
A discussion of Conscientious Objection will follow

world News Roundup

1429 HILL ST.


Cutler Regulations Ban Sit-Ins;
JJC To Decide on Punishments

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW - U.S. Ambassador
Foy D. Kohler, summing up a
four-year tour of duty in the
Soviet Union, said yesterday he
had witnessed extreme highs and
lows in U.S.-Soviet relations and
expressed belief that over the long
pull relations are likely to im-
The 58-year-old career diplomat
wound up his round of farewell
calls yesterday and will leave to-
morrow for Washington to become
deputy undersecretary of state for
political affairs. He is being re-
placed by the ambassador he suc-
deeded in September 1962, Llewel-
lyn E. Thompson.

ROME-Fear grew in Italy yes-
terday that flood-tainted food
from the agricultural area inun-
dated in the Italian floods might
find its way into commercial
markets and endanger the health
of consumers.
At Ravenna, south of Venice,
health officials reported a poultry
company had attempted to include
300 flood-drowned chickens in a
shipment for export.
Soldiers labored to bury or burn
the bodies. The Interior Ministry
ordered more men on the job and
told public security forces to send
frogmen protected by rubber suits
and masks into high water areas
to help in the disposal operation.

(Continued from Page 1)
sit-in on Sept. 30) won't be allow-
ed to happen again.
"This new regulation is some-
thing that a University consensus
has agreed is now necessary. It's
like President Hatcher says, you
don't need a rule unless someone
forces you to have it."
The regulation says that if a
student fails to appear to answer
the charges before JJC, jurisdic-
tion will be waived to Cutler.
"Failure to appear or refusal to
answer charges before" Cutler
"will constittuesgrounds for sus-
Cutler's new regulation does not
limit "the right to public picket-
ing, authorized rallies, vigils,
demonstrations, marches, or other
legitimate means of protest."
Cutler said his office will toler-
ate "discussion, debate, dissent,
but not disruption."
Cutler has established the in-
terim regulation while he formu-
lates a comprehensive disciplinary
"I suppose that in the final reg-
ulations there will be some kind
of codified enactment of this reg-
ulation and enforcement pro-
Cterti haA rprted tn the Re-

said that he was "not surprised"
by the new regulations.
The administration is "just ex-
pecting the worst. They just want
to keep all fronts covered," he
"We've been expecting this kind
of thing to come along and we'll
just have to take that into con-
sideration on our plans."
Student Government Council
President Ed Robinson, '67, voic-
ed dismay that Cutler did not
consult students in formulating
the rule. ,"Time after time he
(Cutler) does things for the bene-
fit of the students without ever

talking to the students- in actual
formulation of the rule."
Cutler said that the new reg-
ulation has been "discussed with
the faculty, not in term of the
specific enactment but in terms
of the general intention. I talked
it over with some of the univer-
sity deans in a general way.
"I think this is something the
University has agreed is neces-
sary," said Cutler. "The Univer-
sity always runs its business in
an orderly fashion. This repre-
sents no change. It's regrettable
that we have to have this kind
of rule, but we do."

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Sunday, Nov. 20 at 5:30
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