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November 12, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-12

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(See Editorial Page)

131w iau1

:43 a t t


Partly cloudy with
possible snowflurries

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


National Leaders Discuss~Students End uRsn
. Draft Sit-In


Status of

% l.iga

Possible Uraft ilevision

President Charges commendations
0. J~ t'.

WASINGTON (P) - A national But Col. Daniel O. Omer, deputy
conference on the military draft director of Selective. Service, re-
ranged yesterday from demands iterated the agency's opposition to
to abolish it to proposals for re- a lottery.
vamping it with enlistment incen- Dr. Harold Wool, director fo
tives, voluntary national service, procurement policy in the office
or a lottery, of the assistant secretary, of de-
t A major topic of the two-day fense for manpower, brought out
conference sponsored by the that the lottery procedure had
American Veterans Committee been considered during a two-year
was a statement earlier this week Defense Department study of the
by Secretary of Defense Robert S. draft and military manpower.
McNamara that a lottery might thWool said itahad been concluded
correct some deficiencies, that use of a draft lottery in-
THE STANFORD CHAPTER of Sigma Chi disclosed yester-
day it has broken with its national fraternity because of a two-
year dispute over, racial discrimination, the Associated Press
A unanimous decision to withdraw was announced at a din-
ner meeting of chapter alumni in Los Angeles by chapter presi-
dent Brock Gowdy, a political science major from Glencoe, Ill.
"We have sought to resolve the discrimination question ever
since we were suspended by the national in April, 1965," Gowdy
said. "We now realize this isn't possible."
The chapter was suspended for one year after extending
bids to several Negro students. It was reinstated on strict proba-
tion this year after the national was told that the one Negro
student who had accepted a bid was no longer eligible for mem-
In recent years, Sigma Chi chapters at Brown, Columbia,
Cornell, and Lafayette have withdrawn from the national in
disputes over racial policies.
PROF. RICHARD SOLOMON of the University told the
McGill University Conference on World Affairs yesterday that
China has serious internal troubles related to the necessity of
changing the familiar pattern of family loyalties to state and
party affiilations. The leaders had to utilize all instruments at
their command, including the Red Guards movement, to In-
stitute the change, he asserted.
"This is understandably a very great undertaking since
loyalty to the family has been a concept of Chinese thought for
thousands of years," he said.
* * * *
q the University can be sued for damages.
The court reversed a summary dismissal of plaintiff Joyce
Branum's damage suit against the Board of Regents. Miss$
Branum was struck by a University-owned vehicle in 1963. Her
husband sued for medical costs and the loss of her companion-
The University asked dismissal of the suit contending that as
a governing body, the Board of Regents is immune from suits.
"The Supreme Court of the State of Michigan has ruled that
the judicial doctrine of governmental immunity no longer exists
in Michigan," the Appeals court said. "The University of Michi-
gan is an independent branch of the government of the state,
but it is not island . . . there is no reason to allow the Regents
to use their independence to thwart the clearly established public
ti policy of the people of Michigan.
The case was sent back to the Court of Claims for action on
its merits.
RUSSELL H. FIFIELD and Robert E. Ward, professors of
political science, were among 19 persons named by President
Johnson to his new advisory panel on East Asian and Pacific

volved so many national policy' '-.VIIIin l Iiiejt _____ "v - Wmw rw -- - -
issues that deserved study in the By Berkeley Interns
broadest possible frame of refer--
ence, so no recommendations had Students at City College in New
been included in the Joseph P. McMurray, president sit-in at the college's administra-
J of Queens College, N.Y., soundedItion building demanding that a
the call for ending the draft by forthcoming student-faculty ref- Advlee A sked
declaring: erndm n hehe te oleg
r "Do we, in the United States should compute class rankings for 9 £
today, need to put our young men use in draft deferment be con- se uss
into what, in strong and plain sidered binding.
language, must be seen as invol- The Student Government spon-Says N e hucs
untary servitude?! sored sit-in provoked CONY Pres- Governlent Officials
"Men should not be coerced into ident Buell G. Gallagher to charge
the service of their country bar- in the New York Times yesterday Say Suggestions Also
ring the most calamitous circum- that the administration building *. SIIt to Washington
stances. was being used "by a small groupM> W}.
"We are not in those circum- of 'Communist' students to take By ROGER RAPOPORT
stances as Secretary McNama over the college" and "reduce it to University officials said yester-
made quite clear from his state- anarchy." day that Defense Department ree-
ment about lowering the draft call A rally of some 600 students was ommendations stating that the
the other day," McMurray con- held in front of the administration school is known as "basically for
tinued. building on yesterday afternoon , f rich, white. students," are "confi-
"I just read . . . that Mr. Mc- again demanding that the referen- dential . . should not nave been
dum on Nov 16 be bindingFol- -made public" . . . and are "not a
drafted even if there are enough lowing the rally the sit-in was dis- report to the Defense Depart-
volunteers to meet manpower re- banded when it was decided that ment.
quirements in the armed fores.., t over the week?end would The document, based on an in-
"Mr. McNamara's argument for bing the administration tev survey o he nes
the continuation of the draft is i closer to accepting the students' k made In July, was disclosed in yes-
ante xml ftebi de ns terday's edition of The Daly. It
another example of the blinders consisted of 25 recommendations
that constrict our view of the Larry Yermack, treasurer of for broadening equal educational
Selective Service Act." Student Government, said yester- opportunities here under. Title VI
McMurray charged the draft is day that there is a possibility that -Daiy-chuck soberman of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
both economically wasteful and the sit-in will be organized agai Walter R. Greene, chief of the
economically unfair. on Monday. Other possible student IIjDetroit branch of the Contracts
"The men who are presently ident Gallagher's resignation, to ABOUT 25 MEMBERS of "Voice Political Party last night picketed a Veterans' Day parade as it went Compliance Office of the Defense
drafted are forced to subsidize by stage a general student strike, or down State Street. The pickets were protesting the war in Viet Nam. Although there were shouting Deparm ent, which made tervue
the cost defend their oun to stage a boycott of the referen- matches between the protestors and those who disagreed with the protest, no incidents of pushing or last night "We simultaneously
try," he said. dum. shoving were reported. sent the recommendations to the
Gallagher said that he wxas not - - -- - - University, for further discussion,
"Why' should we expect men in charging the leadership of the sit- and to our office In WashIngton,
the~~~~~~~n armd frcertobeafthcinwihnRGEN Sshington,'~~i
the armed forces to bear the in with being Communist-domi- REGENTS MEETING: to inform them of our activities."
greatest expense at the'same time nated, but that five leftist groups Standard Procedure
we expect them to bear the great- (including the W.E.B. Dubois club, Greene said it is "standard
est danger. Students for a Democratic Society, operating procedure to give our
."I propose that men be recruit- and the Maxist Discussion Club) reommendations tothe part is n-
einoteamdfrebymaswere among those behind the ZR.4-e ~ul volved, whether they request the
of attractive benefits ... :emonstration that were attemp- " recommendations or not."
"Benefits might take the form ting to use it as part of a "naked He added, however, that UnI-
of bonds or other savings . pay- power grab." versity officials had specifically
able to him later in life. Aguar- Gallagher added that "City Col- asked him to provide them with
antee for future educational op- lege is the No. 1 target of 'the recommendations if they could be
portumrty... would be a cogent American Communist Party" and'md valbe
argument for enlistment."mGeenecninubedhtth n
Icurysi l consh has been since 1927. Gen'cniudta h n
aMcMurry a ste da ountstheu In an ABC Radio interview late By JOYCE WINSLOW sponsibility in non-academic pow- made it possible for federal and vestigation and the recommend-
under way by a presidential com- Thursday night Gallaghercharged The Regents yesterday heard er is now centralized." She said, state groups to work together on tions were intended to deal with
misio ady failed tosetat [further that "some of the demon- and approved a report from Vice- in what she described as "just a highway research and will - be "broadening equal opportunities
mission had failed to state that trat tudent had b t President for Student. Affairs comment," that "rule-making is a beneficial to the University's and determining compliance Un-
wolhe rosider of endng the dratBerkeley where they interned in'Richard Cutler regarding the con- poor substitute for relationships. emerging Highway Safety Re- der provisions of Title VI of the
lHarris Wofford, associate di demonstration tactics and that centration of all non-academic Rules beget more rules. Good re- search Institute. 1964 act."
Harector of the Peace Corps, said he they would do their best to pro- disciplinary poers within the lationships beget good relation- During Norman's 'report, repre- Executive Vice-President Marvin
d voksomedsort ofincident"pri-Office of Student Affairs. ships." sentatives from Voice and SGC L. Niehuss said in a statement
realized the conference had been Sheldon Sachs president of Stu- The Regents delegated these Highway Research held up hand-lettered signs say- yesterday that the recommenda-
Sevice system but added: dent Government, stated that the powers to Cutler at their last In other action, Vice-President ing "Let Us Speak, "Students tions were "a set of confidential
I hope we are here not to praise sit-in was a legitimate tactic which monthly meeting. for Research A. Geoffrey Norman Demand a Binding Referendum," suggestions made to the Univer-
it but to buryrit.ad succeeded in uniting the cam- Cutler reported further that he proposed and the Regents ap- and "We Want to Talk About the sity at its request in order to
"We need anewsyytem.f asubehedddtheurefngenhum e- had sent a letter to the deans and proved the University's becoming Rank." They were not recognized expand and broaden its existing
"We need a new system of na- pus behind the referendum de- presidents of SGC, SC, and an institutional member of the during the meeting equal opportunity programs" and
tional service because the presenti mands. He asserted that PresidentteprsdnsoSGSCadanittuoalm brofhedrnghe etn.
sytem encourages a cynical avoid- Gallagher could not repudiate the Joint Judiciary Council in which Highway Research Board of the Regent-Elect Robert Brown ob- "were sought by the University
ystem ouldtrepdics h he stated that he did not regard National Academy of Science-Na- served, yesterday's meeting. Re- in advance of any formal report
ance of service, discourages real ahr's mtho aic ,his new power as "a changed ex- tional Research Council. Norman gent-Elect Trudy Huebner is cur- in an effort to boraden programs
volunteer service, turns college or Galagher s method, said Sachs, ercise of authority, but as an op- explained that this board has rently in Tokyo for three weeks. already underway."
graduate school into a refuge, cor- is similar to the red-baiting tac- uniyt dyh-gutry--- -~~Release Unauthorized
rupts American higher education, tics of the McCarthy era, and that portunity to study the regulatory - Niehuss added that the rec-
turns upside down the sensible students of 1966 will not accept pus.' A text of this letter was Alu ommendations are "not a report
order of calling young men first, Ired-baiting tactics as legitimate printed in The Daily on Oct. 28. UstotheDefenseDeparment and its
throws a shadow of uncertainty or moral. 'Continuity . release was not authorized by that
over most men until they are 26, Students hope eventually to set <"I found it obviously necessary," department nor by the University."
and leaves unmet so many na- up an institutionalized structure Cutler continued, "to provide for On Aug. 4, Greene discussed the
tional 'needs for service." of student-faculty-administration continuity in the disciplinary sys- dertmentnor byth Univer
Wofisoeoutagintln cotiuiy N lek on g P ro j e el frecommendations with topUnvr
Wofford spoke out against any decision-making that will remove tem" He said that he has taken sity officers. "At some subsequent
kind of universal service draft and the need to sit-in on every issue. seps to re-establish the judiciary ' . date we will discuss with the Uni-
advocated a system to encourage j "We're sick of sitting-in," said ystem as it was before the power By NAN BYAM 'to Edward L. Cushman, vice presi- versity what they've done with
volunteering without requiring it. Sachs. concentration change, He said, . dent of Wayne State University; the recommendations,"he added.
too, that he does not seek to the biggest United Nations' de- Stanley M. Swinton, director Of "We already sent the recom-
G MO tha e e sn se th world services for the Associated mendations to Washington to let
rather to reaffirm that the exist- velopment program in the world. Press, and William Taft Patrick our office know what recommen-
in tem o ulfprovide forso- The U.N. has set up this project Jr., Detroit Negro leader and as- dations the University has been
ing systems would provide for or- to benefit the people in the lower sistant general attorney of the given for consideration," Greene
"hereis a n chang inthe Mekong Valley, Cambodia, Laos, Michigan Bell Telephone Com- said.
TeeiachneithlieThailand and Viet Nam," accord: ay-eomnain
austs toutereplind.Probaglecmmndtin


Peace Corps Adj

Called by some, "the last re-
maining outpost of the New Fron-
tier," the Peace Corps, like all
New Frontier programs, has been
changing as it meets up with un-
expected problems.
The University has always had
a close relationship with the corps.
It was on the steps of the Union
that President John F. Kennedy;

structure when they joined the
Yet, the training consisted many
lectures given by scholarly acade-
micians who proved out of touch
with the realities of life in foreign
countries, and had diffculty un-
derstanding the situations young
Americans in the corps would be
But training and recruitment
are slowly changing. Recruiting

One of the biggest problems the was assistant secretary of State
corps faces is in the area of com- for Latin American affairs for a
munity development (CD). This is government that was quelling the
the most challenging aspect of the type of revolution and break with
corp's work and requires the most the past that is necessary to give
input on the part of the volunteer. people a total change in attitude
. d riU +n ,7n1- " zi o1 Ch ir "Iona

"Appeals now go from Joint Ju-
diciary Council to my office to
the Regents." Cutler said that
with this exception he has estab-
lished no new regulations since he
acquired the new powers.
Regent Irene Murphy comment-
ed that she was "happy that re-

ing to C. Hart Schaaf, director of
the U.N. Committtee on the Lower
Mekong Basin.
Schaaf is one of four Univer-
sity alumni who will receive the
University Outstanding Achieve-
ment Award tonight.
Other awards will be presented

According to John Bishop, a I
University graduate student in
economics who served in Nigeria
from January 1963 to August,I
1964, a volunteer in community
development has the choice of not
going out to see someone; CD re-

toward t hemaught- and ther place ! /
in the economy." WC
The 'caught-in-the-middle' po-p
sition of the Peace Corps becomes /
more serious with actions like that
taken in Guinea last week. TheJ[ 1Fo ./-.RHigher Dorm Fees
64 Guinean volunteers were order-

first defined the Peace C
On Oct. 14, 1960 Kenne
on the spot now marke
medallion and "was cheer
large and enthusiastic
audience for the hope and.
his idea gave the world."
Kennedy Speech
Since Kennedy's spee
former University studer
cluding 144 now oversea
served in the over 50 coun
frica, Asia and LatinI
which have hosted volunte
1niversity ranks as the
Bird largest contributer
>rps, after the University
Brni . and the TTniversity

orps. teams now go to Negro colleges in
dv stnod +' n+ ~4+ n 1in

I nirna morn i"Ainirlilal inifiafivn 1 _ . ___s. _s ii__ - I

y the South and to ianor unions quires more inaiviauai iniidatie e u ftecutywti
'd byawer hywilf tec[ icald oei ed out o te country witnn a, By BECKY KLOCK light, as well as the salaries of a
d by a where they will find technical and 'go-gettingness.' week. United States-Guinean rela- tdnsmyepc nices ulcusln tfwtotte
"ed by a skills needed in the corps. Community Development tio nemeStraied frGuinea'a-i Students may expect an increase, full counseling staff, without the
student skining in the Mn eps.aCommunity mions became strained after Guinea in dormitory fees next year, based aid of state financial allotments
se Training is changing too. In the Many experts call commuty blamed the United States for the on rising food and service costs, to the University.
promise first days of the corps, volunteers development a 'dubious effort.'Its1 detention in G h a n a of the and a hike in staff salaries, ac- Costs of dormitory operation
trained from 6 a.m. to midnight, basic goal is to foster the ideas Guinean Foreign Minister and cording to John Feldkamp, direc- for the '66-'67 school year rose
six days each week. They sat in and technology of selfhelp, co- other Guineans. tor of University Housing. $400,000. The housing. offices were
ch, 375 lectures for up to 15 hours a day operative work and community "In the past, we have been a able to forecast this rise and meet
its, in-' andl underwent grueling physical organization. As Frank Mankie- If the Peace Corps does move "ntepsw aebe bet oeatti ieadme
s, hnav fitnerwactiviien g weic poysten wricztfon heak ofthekcop in the direction of becoming an little too prone to low cost at any $300,000 of it through elimination
s, have fitness activities which often wicz, the former head of the corp s agency "for revolution in the cost," Feldkamp said. of certain services, without chang-
itries of wound up with the mnfamous four- Latin American program, explains, tidwr'"tecrs l al "No tablecloths and having res- ing the basic dormitory fees.
Amer'ica day Puei'to Rican trek. "The ultimate aim of community, 'third world' " the corps will call "Ntalcohanhvigrsintebscdrmoyfe.
Ai's. The yow raiin programk. are develmt i nog lmtn aincreasingly on the 'new-left types' idents bus their own dishes Feldkamp speculates that costs
ers. The Now training programs are development is nothing less than a hose civil rights and community changes the tone of dormitory will continue to rise. Rather than
nation's'being conducted increasingly by'complete change, reversal-or awoseaivilnsighsad codmu-yliving." eliminate such things as linen and
to the returned Peace Corps Volunteers revolution if you wish-in the s organization skills have had suc-lin."
cessin obilzin th peole hey Since the costs of running the maid services, the Housing Office
of Cali- (RPCV) who have first-hand ex- cial and economic patterns of the cess in moizing e peop hey ousing units are higher every may have to increase room and
of Wis- i nerience. countries., try to help. A year ago 11corps of- ' ng nitre igerer a h ae tnese rmiand
coutris. vPar. anincrease in room andi board fesunless the Legislature

Schaaf further commenting on
the project said, "The progress of
the war in Viet Nam seems to be
retarding the efforts of the con-
struction projects which the U.N.
coordinators have planned. The
largest projects in Viet Nam are
in fighting zones, so the Mekong
project is going more slowly
Schaaf cited the Plaine des
Joncs, a marshland in Cambodia
and Vietnam,'as an example of
this retardation. He pointed out
that the engineers want to drain
and reclaim the land, but they
can't get in because it is a Viet
Cong stronghold. There have been
few terrorist attacks on project
workers because the engineers
cannot penetrate the war zone
where the work needs to be done,"
Schaaf added.
Twenty-one Asian and European
countries are cooperating in the
project. The largest source of cap-
ital comes from the four Mekong
Delta countries themselves. These
four countries have raised one-
third of the $115,000,000 pledged
to the project. The United States
n", r- - - n ncyOroQk cr +-+Anta

In addition to the recommenda-
tions already in Washington,
Greene is now preparing a re-
port on his visit to Ann Arbor
which will be sent to his super-
fors in the Contracts Compliance
Office in Washington, who had
requested the study.
The report will "present our
conversation and observations here
along with factual data," Greene
(The Daily previously reported
that "the report ... has been sent,
along with the recommendations
made available yesterday, to the
office of the secretary of defense,
which originally requested the
Niehuss indicated yesterday that
the University is generally in
agreement with the Defense De-
partment's recommenadtions. "I
think they did a good job of list-
ing the specific goals that we
have been working toward for a
long time," he said.
Negro Faculty
Among other things, the report
urged the appointment of Negro
faculty members to University pol-
icy-making committees, creation of
an office of equal opportunity re-
porting to President Hatcher, in-

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