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November 11, 1966 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-11

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should be in keeping with rules estab-
lished by Inter-House Assembly, In-
'AILY IFI.CXAL terfraternity Council, and Penhellenic
BULLETIN Handbills or other printed material
may be distributed by any recognized
student organization.
(Continued from Page 6) The City Council must approve signs
(uthenssthmove to e s y o that are to be posted in public areas
turns them over to the secretary of of Ann Arbor. Printed matter may
the Calendaring Committee to reserve a not be scattered anywhere in the city.
date. Because of the nature of Class
II activities, student organizations may Special Activities:
submit petitions for sponsorship and In addition to the requirements for
requests to calendar at any time dur- open activities adn projects sponsored
ing the year. This petition which can by student organizations, the follow-
be obtained from the administrative ing special activities are . associated
secretary of Student Government Coun- with certain additional responsibili-
cil or from the Office of Student Or- ties.'
ganizations should include the nature 1) Lectures: A separate petition
of the event, the signature of the should be submitted to the Office of
auditor for student organizations and Student Organizations :when :the speak-
the signature of the 'organization's ers are not currently members of the
president. Class II activities in the or- student population, faculty, or admin-
der of their priority include: istrative staff of the University. Stu-
1) Events of one day on the week- dent organizations are required to in-
end involving evening activities not in form guest speakers of University rules.
Hill Auditorium. Solicitations in Residences :To soli-
2) Events of more than one day of cit funds, clothing, books, subscrip-
the weekend involving scheduling of tions, sales of tags, tokens, or litera-
only day activities (conferences). ture in residences on campus, permis-
3) Events of one day or more in- sion must be obtained from the Ann
volving scheduling of day and/or eve- Arbor Chamber of Commerce, the di-
nings activities during the week. rectory of University housing, and Stu-
Limitations: dent Government Council. In addition,
Even within the framework of the permission must be obtained for the
rules described above, student orga- relative organization, Panhellenic As-
nizations should be aware of the fol- sociation, Interfraternity Council, In-
lowing limitations: ter-House Assembly, or Inter-Cooper-
1) Activities must be planned and ative Council.
calendared to take place before the 3) Any individual or group of stu-
week preceding final examinations, dents who wish to print any publica-
2) Events must not end later than tion with the University's name or stat-
one-half hour before woman's closing. ing affiliation with the University must
The President of Student Government receive approval from the Board in Con-
Council may extend the closing hour trol of Student Publications.
for activities, or he may delegate this 4) The University Committee on
authority, An extension of an ac- Broadcasting or its authorized repre-
tivity's closing time does not excuse sentative must approve all radio or
women from observing their regular television broadcasts originating in
closing hours, University buildings or on University
3) Tickets shall be sold in accord- grounds, and all programs presented
ance with the regulations described by staff or students at the University
in Supplicant established by Student broadcast by any radio or television
" Government Council. station which are identified as being
Publicity: . presented under the auspices of the
Student organizations may publicize University.
an activity as soon as the activity has 5) In accordance with the procedures
been approved by Student Govern- established or approving Class II ac-
ment Council. Printed matter may be tivities Student Government Council
posted on the bulletin boards in Uni- must approve all solicitations of- funds,
versity buildings and on the Diag in clothing, books, subscriptions, sales of
accordance with the rules established tags, tokens, or literature. Solicitations
by the Office of Student Organiza- of subscriptions for publications ap-
tions, Alpha Phi Omega and Student proved by the Board in Control of Stu-
Government Council. Publicity in resi- dent Publications does not require ap-
dence halls and other living units proval.
USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- will discuss "Post-Election Reflections,"
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially Nov. 11, 1:15 p.m., 1429 Hill.
recognized and registered organizations B'nai B'rith Hillel, Balfour concert -
only. Forms are available in Room 1011 Danile Barenboim and Itzhak Perlman
SAB. soloists with Detroit Symphony Orches-
tra, concert free to members with trans-
** portation 'available, Dec. 4, 8:30 p.m.,
Newman Student Association, Commu- Ford Aud., Detroit. Call 663-4129.
nity mass and supper with speaker at * * *
supper on draft referendum, Nov. 11, B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Pres-
5:10 p.m., Newman Center, 331 Thomp- entation of Jewish pacifist positions and
son. discussion of conscientious obpection,
* * * Mon., Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m., 1429 Hill.
Newman Student Association, Art film . * * *
and discussion: "The Young and the Cinema II, "Sundays and Cybele"
Damned" (grand prize winner at Cannes (best foreign picture-in cinemascope).
Festival), Nov. 12, 8 p.m., Newman Nov. 11, 12 and 13, 7 *and 9:15 p.m.,
Center, 331 Thompson. Aud. A, Anell Hall.
Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia-Span- Guild House, Friday evening dinner,
ish conversation in an Hispanic atmos- Nov. 11, 6 p.m., Guild House, 802 Mon-
"phere. Mon., Nov. 14, 3-5 p.m., 3050' roe. . *

6) The mayor of Ann Arbor must Eligibility: the organization itself. The committee shall cease to function as a group for
approve solicitation within the city. Any regularly enrolled student is will publicly state the reason for its a stated period.
7) At public meetings in University eligible to participate in non-athletic decisions. Withdrawal: Wherein the organiza-
auditoriums and lecture halls, taking extra-curricular activities. Participa- D) A quorum will consist of all four tion shall have its recognition with-
collections or soliciting pledges, is il- tion is restricted if a student is on members. drawn,
legal. If a University organization academic discipline as determined by E) Members shall be appointed by Other penalties may be enacted at
wishes to solicit from University alum- the faculty of the college in which the the second regular Council meeting, for the discretion of the disciplinary body
ni, it must obtain approval from the student is enrolled. Part-time students a term of one semester. (Regents Bylaws 8.14 and 8.15).
Regents. Applications for approval are are not considered "regularly enrolled." II. Appeal of the decisions of the Com- Executive Committee Letter:
in the office of the vice-president for They may participate in student orga- mittee on Rules and Regulations may Move: That this letter be passed as a
student affairs and should be accom- nizations but may not hold office. The be carried to Student Government resolution and then distributed with
panied by a full description of the Office of Student Organizations in con- Council at its next regular meeting our regulations
intended campaign and its purpose. Junction with the dean of the college (unless that meeting be the day fol When changing University Regula-
8) Each honorary and recognition so-in which the student is enrolled may lowing the decision in which case the tions concerning student organizations,
c)ety should notify the Office of Stu- grant or deny permission to an in- appeal will be heard the following it became necessary for Student Gov-
det Oganti foe taing and dividual to participate in an activity week). emiment Council to temper individual
dent Organisations before tapping and rn gniao.A Mmrsfth Cmmte n r etCunltoepr dvdu
initiation ceremonies take place. An of- or an organization. A) Members of the Committee ons n rights with procedural requirements in
ficer of the group should notify the Judicial Proceedings: Rules and Regulations shall not vote order to pass rules that would enable
head of the residence in which the I. All violations of Student Organiza- during the appeal proceedings with Stu- all organizations at all times to con-
students to be tapped reside, The Ann tions will be heard by the Student dent Government Council. form with the broad educational goals
Arbor police should also be notified. Government Council Committee on III. An appeal of the decision of Stu- of the University. In the two areas of
During the activities of tapping and Rules and Regulations which: denthGovernment Council may be made membership lists and faculty adviserj
initiation, the group should conduct A) Shall be composed of the execu- sw to the vice-president for student af- the balance was not easy to achieve
the ceremonies in a responsible manner tive vice-president as chairman, two fairs within 96 hours after the Stu- and hopefully this letter will explain
and insure that the participants are elected members-at-large of Student Adent Government Council decision, the the reasons that lay behind our deci-
adeqdately clothed and health precau- Government Council, who shall be ap- M Conprsidertionusfte apmpld bythe- sioins,
tions are taken, pointed by Student Government Coun- vice-president must be completed with- For a time, Student Government
Closd SoialEvens:oil upon the recommendation of the in two weeks of the appeal and in- I Council considered allowing organiza-
Closed Social Events: ecve c-e mdaotht clude consultation with the Committee Cuct un n esi 1
executive vice-president, and the co- Luecnutto it h omte ions to turn in no membership lists
Social events sponsored by organmz- ordinating vice-president of Student on Referral, at all. For two reasons this was de-
ed house groups or recognized campus Government Council who will be a non- Possible Disciplinary Actions: cided against. First it would lead to
j organizations which are restricted to voting member. Disciplinary action shall be defined insurmountable procedural problems for
members and invited guests are de- B) Shall be charged with familiarizing as follows: the Office of Student Organizations
fined as closed social events. These organizations with existing rules and Fines: Monetary fines to be paid with whom we have been in continual
events should be registered with the regulations, with evaluating existing to the Cashier's Office to be used as contact. Second, it would come quite
Office of Student Organizations. Reg- rules and regulations and submitting part of Student Goodwill Aid Fund. close to creating secret organizations
istration forms should be filed in the any recommendations for change to Probation: Wherein the organization with no accountability to individual
Office of Student Organizations the Student Government Council, and with shall be permitted to function under students or the University community.
Wednesday noon preceding the event, hearing complaints of violations (which limitations imposed by the disciplin- Since we believed a University should
Football game open houses which are may originate within the committee) ary body., never condone such organizations we ,
open to the public should be approved and determining penalties to be im- Suspension: Wherein the organization (Continued on Page 10)
as an open activity. posed,
Student organizations through their C) At least one week previous to
officers are responsible for the conduct the hearing of any possible violation,
of members and guests. The officers the committee will inform the orga-
are expected to take reasonable meas- nization by letter of the charges brought
ures to promote standards in compl- against it. The organization shall have
ance with civil and University regula- access 'to any statements made against Decree C ndidates a;
tions. The responsibilities expected of it, and shall have the right to testify
students at the University are con- in its own behalf. The hearing will be Engineering (ChE, EE, IE, ME,
tamed in Standards for Students. open unless requested to be closed by j

This is your chance
Student #7026 941.
Drink Sprite and be
somnebody. MR. BIG

Take heart. Take a dime.
Then take a bottle of Sprite
from the nearest pop
Suddenly it's in
your hand. Cold.
Biting. Tart and
tingling. You
cackle fiendishly
and rub your hands
together. (You
should; they're
probably chilled to
the bone by now.)
You tear off to a
corner, alone, but
within earshot of
your fellows.


And then? And then? And then you unleash it.
SPRITE! It fizzes! It roars! It bubbles with
good cheer!
Heads turn. Whisperings. "Who's that strange
fascinating student with the arch smile.And wha
in that curious green bottle that's making such
a racket?"

3 -j

CE, MatlsE, MetE)


100% Lambswool

Meet the Man.
from Monsanto
Nov. 16 & 18
Sign up for an interview at your placement office.
This year'Monsanto will have many openings
for graduates at all degree levels. Fine positions
are open all over the country with America's
3rd largest chemical company. And we're still
growing. Sales have quadrupled in the last 10
years . . . in everything from plasticizers to
farm chemicals; from nuclear sources and
chemical fibers to electronic instruments. Meet
the Man from Monsanto-he has the facts
about a fine future.


LEVI'S, Galore for Gals. and Guys

122 E. Washington

Open Monday & Friday Nightsl

* * * . .
Baha'i Student Group, Informal dis-
cussion, Fri. Nov. 11, 8 p.m., 335 East
Huron, Apt. 5. All welcome.
* w * *
U. of M. Chess Club, Meeting,. Nov.
11, 7:30 p.m., Room 3C ,Michigan Un-
*.* *
Baptist Student Union, Lecture, Rev.'
Richard Rogers: "The Contemporary
Christ," Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m., 1131 Church
Folk Dance (WAA), Folk dance with
instruction open to everyone, Fri., NOv.
*13, 8-11 p.m., Barbour {Gym.
* * *
B'nai Brith- H1ie1, Dr. Jack Walker,
assistant professor of politiCal science.

Guild House, The Roost (a k n?Or-cof-
fee-house), refreshments, Nov. :11. 9
p.m.-i :30 a.m., Guild House, 802 Mon-
The South Bound Freeway f
The Hitch-Hikers
The Avant Rock MC5
Grand River at Beverly
1 Block S. Joy Rd.
8:00-1 :00 Fri. & Sat. j

An Equal Opportunity Employer


And you've arrived! The distinctive taste and
ebullient character of Sprite has set you apart.
You're somebody, uh.. .uh, whoever-you-are.
Subscribe To
(By the author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boals",
"Dobe Gilli," etc.)
Nobody will dispute-surely notI-that raising children
is a task which requires full time and awesome skills.
Nonetheless, a recent nationwide survey has revealed a
startling fact: mothers who go back to work after their
children are safely through the early years are notably
happier, better adjusted, and more fulfilled than mothers
who simply remain housewives. Moreover-and mark this
well-the children of such working mothers are themselves
happier, better adjusted, and more fulfilled!
All very well, you say, but what'd it got to do with you?
Isn't it obvious? If you are underachieving at college, get
your mother a job.
What kind of job? Well sir, your mother is probably
between 35 and 50 years of age, so certain occupations
must immediately be ruled out. Logging, for Example. Or
whaling. Or carhopping.
But don't despair. There are other kinds of jobs-not
many, to be sure, but som. However, you must not stick
Mom in just any old job. You must remember that after
the excitement of raising you, she would be bored to tears
as a file clerk, for instance, or as a dolman. (A dolman, as
we all know, is someone who brings handfuls of water to
track layers. With the recent invention of the pail, dolmen
are gradually falling into technological unemployment.)
But I digress. I was saying, find Mom a job worthy of
her talents, something challenging that uses her vast wis-
dom and experience but, at the same time, is not too hard
on her obsolescing tissues. That's what Walter Sigafoos
did, and the results were brilliantly successful.
Walter, a sophomore at the Upper Maryland College of
Wickerwork and Belles Lettres, majoring in raffia, ap-
proached the problem scientifically. First he asked himself
what his mother did best. Well sir, what she did best was
to keep hollering, "Dress warm, Walter!"
At first glance this seemed a skill not widely in demand,
but Walter was not discouraged. He sent out hundreds of
inquiries and today, I am pleased to report, his mother is
happily employed as wardrobe mistress for the Montreal
Another fortunate venture was that of Frank C. Grans-
mire, a junior at the Oregon State Conservatory of Music
and Optometry, majoring in sties. Frank, like Walter, did
a survey in depth of his mother's talents. Chief among
them, he found, was her ability to make a roast of beef
feed the whole family for three days. So, naturally, Frank
got her a job at the Museum of Natural History.
What has one to do with the other, you ask? Isn't it
obvious? Anyone who can stretch ribs like that belongs in



I im.



It may be less grand than most station wagons.
But its also about a grand less.

If you're looking for a miniature moving van;
our Squareback Sedan isn't it. Even with its back
seat folded down it only holds half as much as the
average station wagon.
Which means you can't lug 30 pieces of lug-
gage. Or a full-sized double bed.
But maybe you just need a car that can carry 15
valises. Or a full-sized single bed. Then you can
save a lot of money with a Squareback Sedan.
It costs only $2295*
And it not only goes for less than most conven-
ventional wagons to begin with, it keeps on going
for less.
A Squareback travels about 27 miles on a gal-
Ion of gas. It takes 5 pints of oil instead of 5
quarts. It never needs an ounce of anti-freeze, be-
cause it's cooled by air. It should get a good 35,000
miles on a set of tires. And it avoids repair bills
like a ... well, like a Volkswagen.
So before- you go out and buy some station
wagon that has twice as much space as you really
need, ask yourself this question:
Will all that extra grandness be worth on extra

The ltest hing n stde ct csois tome1t9shafyuptrelr
sPCt e is
Th. ae tothing instudent aCeor es.Itrcmepalwa p o eulr
Jet Coach fare, but it covers you all the way home.To qualify, you must
be young-under 22.You must be ale t l out a simple orm.hen
Male ' , X~a ,sRv
you have $3, you're halfway home at half fare. You're a member of
TWA's 50/50 Club... eligible for Mini-fare everywhere we go in the
TT 0 0 4 % .% .w, %+ i ,ar,,$nrarf' A f~t!A lt n "i1++1-t

I cannot conclude this column without saying a few
words about Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades. The
reason I cannot is that this column is sponsored by the
makers of Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades, and
they are inclined to get peckish if I omit to mention their
Not, mind you, that it is a chore for me to plug
Personna. Or, for the matter of that, to shave with
Personna. No sir: no chore. Personna takes the pain out
of shaving, scraps the scrape, negates the nick, repudiates
the rasp, peels the pull, boycotts the burn, blackballs the
bite, ousts the ouch. Furthermore, Personna endures and
abides, gives you luxury shave after luxury shave, day

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