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November 11, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-11

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(See Editorial Page}



E3a it

Partly cloudy with
possible snowflurries

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom













Great Britain
Seeks Entry
Into Market
Improved Economy
Better French Attitude
Motivates Decision
From Wire Service Reports
The British government has an-
nounced that it will again seek
entry into the Common Market,
along with its partners from the
European Free Trade Assn.
The move has been interpreted
by experts as one which has been
sanctioned by both Labor and
Conservativep a r t ie s. Previous
moves to join the European Com-
mon Market have been thwarted
by France's opposition and Bri-
tain's weak economic situation.
In his announcement ysterday,
Prime Minister Harold Wilson,
speaking in a clear,- brisk tone,
sald he intends to call all EFTA
members to a London summit
meeting "to discuss problems In-
volved by EFTA countries in join-
ing the Common Market."
Wilson Calm
According to intimates, Wilson
was calm and relaxed, showing no
signs of the intense pressure
which lately has been plaguing
In the major policy statement,
Wilson said his Labor government
has decided that a new high-level
approach must now be made to
see whether conditions exist for
Britain's entry into the Common
French President Charles De
Gaulle vetoed the British bid to
join the Market in 1963 because
he said Britain was not a real
European power and would act as
an Americandupe.
De Gaulle Relaxation
There have been signs lately,
however, that De Gaulle is ending
his opposition to British entrance
to the Market.
After diplomatic soundings, Wil-
son's government is expected to
decide whether there should be
active negotiations for entry and
what the appropriate timing for
such negotiations should be.
One of the major causes for!
Britain's increased economic vital-
ity, and corresponding willingness
by De Gaulle to bring her into the
Market, is the strict austerity pro-
gram imposed by Wilson this
summer. Principally he has em-
ployed wage and profit squeezes
which have made him equally un-
popular with both business and
Since then the pound has been
rising on world markets. British
reserves have been rising, and the
balance of payments position has
been steadily improving.
The United States, much inte-
rested in Britain's proposed entry
into the Market since it would
strengthen the Atlantic Alliance,
is supporting Wilson's move.

has made no decision yet concerning SGC's action Wednesday
night freeing student groups from the requirement of having
either faculty advisors or public membership lists. Cutler -said
yesterday he has not seen final SGC recommendations and will
withhold action until he has done so. He threatened to veto
substantively similar SGC action last month, but was advised
four to three by the Committee on Referral not to do so. He has
one week in which to veto the move.
STUDENT PETITIONS FOR THE four vice-presidential ad-
visory committees created at the last Regents meeting are
available in the SGC offices in the SAB and GSC offices in Rack-
ham. According to GSC President John DeLamater, response has
been good with the entire first batch of 75 petitions having been
picked up. Only two have been returned thus far, however. The
due date is Nov. 23. Plans are to have the first V-P committees
set up by the first week in December, and last five months until
March 1967.
THE FRATERNITIES PRESIDENTS Assembly, at its monthly
meeting last night, passed two amendments to the Interfraternity
Council Constitution. One added representatives from -the Offices
of University Housing and Student Organizations to the council;
the other limited votes on judicial matters to the undergraduate
members of the council.
In other action the assembly donated $500 to the writer-
in-residence program. Also at the meeting, Student Government
Council President Edward Robinson made a plea before the
assembly for a large turnout at the combination SGC election-
draft referendum Nov. 16.
GILBERT F. WHITE, PROFESSOR of geography at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, will discuss "Strategies of American Water
Management" in the final 1966 William W. Cook Lecture Friday
at 8 p.m.in Rackham Aud.
OLIVER J. CALDWELL, former assistant commissioner in
the U.S. Office of Education recommended a national watchdbg
commission that would evaluate all existing programs involving
federal aid to education, suggest curriculum reforms and advise
on textbooks, teaching machines and television. The proposed
commission would be appointed by the President, and would
protect education from big business which has been attracted
by the development of new teaching techniques and federal
Caldwell added that most lectures should be abandoned in
favor of independent study and small group instruction.
ELIZABETH MANNION, mezzo soprano and faculty mem-
ber of the School of Music will appear in Mozart's "Requiem"
at St. George's Cathedral in New York City Nov. 13.I
Miss Mannion, a former Fulbright scholar, has appeared with
the NBC Opera Company, Metropolitan Opera Studio and City
Center Opera Company in New York. She has also been a soloistf
with the Bonn (Germany) Symphony and has performed in the
Bonn Opera House.
Her engagements include appearances at Philharmonic Hall
and Town Hall in New York and a command performance at
the White House in September 1963.
N 8 H
A FOOTBALL DREAM MATCH, one the experts have long
anticipated, takes place today at 4:30 p.m. on Ferry Field as
the Daily Libels put their unbeaten (3-0) record on the line
against a team from the Michigan State News, with the winner
going to the Rose Bowl to play during halftime.

Report on Equal


(The following is the com-
plete text, disclosed yesterday,
of Defense Department recom-
mendations to the University
concerning broadening equal
educational opportunities under
the 1964 Civil Rights Act:)
Recommendations for
Broadening Equal
Opportunities under
Provisions of Title VI,
Civil Rights Bill
(1) Each department andddivi-
sion of the University should es-
tablish a written policy which is
published for all- persons related,
and p e r i o ed i self-surveillance
should be conducted at each level,
to ascertain that discrimination is
not being practiced in fact.
(2) The University should es-
tablish an office of equal oppor-
tunitw with a staff responsible
only to the Presidential level.
Adequate professional technicians
should represent the University
a. Advising the President on
matters pertaining to race and'
equal opportunity.
b. Conducting reviews of de-
partments and agencies in the
University everywhere.
c. Conducting educational pro-
grams pertaining to equal oppor-
d. Receiving complaints of dis-
criminatory practices, investiga-
ting such complaints and recom-
mending resolution to responsible
e. It is suggested that this of-
fice of equal opportunity might
perform also the function of sur-
veillance pertaining to the Uni-j
versity's employment practices.
(3) The system of high school
visitation should be broadened so
that the University ecruitment
team is exposed to all seniors of
every high school, without any
selective involvement by high
school officials. This should be
made a condition of visitation by
the University.
(4) An educational program'
should be established and con-
ducted on a continuing basis to
inform the many minority com-
munities of our major Michigan
cities, of the vocational fields for1
which the University providesI
education and training. We are
convinced that the minority group
people of this state have an ex-
ceptionally meager knowledge of
the great variety of occupations
and professions which exist in
this state.
For example, Negroes are al-
most unaware of the broad oc-
cupational activities covered by
the general field of "Engineering."
The same is true in Electronics,
Physics, Chemistry, Industrial Re-
lations, Research, Research, and
even much of Government. Par-
ents therefore, are not eager to
motivate their children for other
than the five or six traditional

professions which were open to visable to develop interracial re- admission standards
them in the past. cruiting teams for such visitations. applications from mi
.el This recommendation is made students.
It may be advisable for the UnP with the full knowledge that con- (9) High school(
versity to cooperate with the siderable expenditure of funds will' tions for prospecti
(State) Department of Public In- be required for this program. Should be specifically
struction in the implementation of (6) Special attention should be, when they are negat
this program. It is recommended, given to the appointment of Ne- atory in the case of m
however, that the initiative and' roes to the University Senate and students.
ledeshp b ta o teUnve-the Senate committees. (10) There should
sity. (1) A program should be estab- surveillance on a per:
(5) Special recruitment efforts lished to assure that contractors the admission functio
should be made at the accredited and suppliers doing business with by every school andc
Negro college to seek for the grad- the University are those known to University.
uate school, those students who be Equal Opoortunity Employers. (11) Purposeful a
might meet the entrance qualifi- (8) The standards for admission be taken so that Ne
cations and are unaware of finan- for the various schools and col- and faculty members
cial assistance which may be leges should be reviewed carefully in pictures in all offi
available to them. It might be ad- with the view to the manner these I See FULL, Pa

"Offers 25
may deter
nority group Fra
ve students More Negro Faculty,
investigated students Urged Here;
ive or derog-d sUe
inority group Better Image Asked
iodic basis of Editor
ns performed Copyright 1966. The tichigan Daily
college of the Charging that the University is
known as a school "basically for
ction should 'rich white students,'" a Defense
gro students Department document disclosed
are included yesterday makes 25 recommenda-
icial publica- tions for "broadening equal op-
ge 2 portunities" here.
The confidential document-the
result of an intensive Pentagon
study made during July-says the
University should do more to en-
sure equal employment opportun-
ity in Ann Arbor, start special
programs to recruit qualified Ne-
gro students and appoint Negro
faculty members to University
policy-making committees.
It also urges the creation of an
office of equal opportunities with
a professional staff reporting di-
rectly to President Hatcher.
The report itself-described by
a Pentagon spokesman as "rou-
tine"-was undertaken to investi-
gate the University's compliance
with Title VI of the 1964 Civil
Rights Act. It has been sent, along
with the recommendations made
available yesterday, to the Office
of the Secretary of Defense, which
originally requested the study.
First Investigated
The University is believed to be
the first university to be investi-
gated for compliance with the Act.
Studies will be made of other
schools receiving federal aid -
hence the designation of the study
here as "routine"-but there was
no indication as to why the Uni-
cceed" last versity was studied first.
how got a Title VI of the new Act provides
that federal agencies giving assist-
ance to a program or institution
must issue rules and make in-.
vestigations to determine that no
person shall "be excluded from
participation in, be denied the
benefits of or be subjected to dis-
crimination" in the program or in-
stitution because of his race.
There is no judgment in the
recommendations that the Uni-
versity has failed to comply "wth
perties heads Title VI. It is believd that the
iedman, Con- recommendations are not manda-
Deutsch are tory, and informed sources indi-
in the ingen- cate that they were intended 'to
fiency with set forth a comprehensive list of
andled. In a suggestions on "broadening" edu-
a maximum cational opportunity rather than
enery chang- simply evaluate compliance with
ling is a de- Title VI.
Employment Also Studied
ting The Detroit area Contracts
emirsky has Compliance Office of the Defense
n example of Department, which made the
ining musical study, also made an investigation
and enthus- in October of the University's em-
h general de- ployment practices under an Exe-
in the mass cutive Order by President Johnson
ood if overly banning discrimination in employ-
imaginative ment in Federally-supported pro-
agement, and grams. Qualified sources indicate
outstanding no recommendations have yet been
Knack and made in this area, however.
for a fine Both the employment and edu-
long way Off cational opportunity investigations
were conducted by Walter R.
Greene, chief of the Contracts

KATHE KNACK, whose comic flair proved to be one of the highlights of "How to Su
night, is shown rehearsing her role as the sexy Mrs. Malaprop earlier this week. The s
good review and enthusiastic audience reception.
Zesty Soph Show Swin1

"How To Succeed in BL
without Really Trying," th
Soph Show production, is c
off with a great deal of ze
enthusiasm. None of the cas
onstrates the ability to sin
such ability has never been
tial to, or particularly demo
ed in, any musical comedy.'
ness" is a funny vehicle, a]
energy devoted to it by the
communicated admirably t
Mark Peterman does a ver
petent job as J. Pierrepont
the hero whose rise in the I
World is the subject of the
cal. His vigor succeeds in
taining his strivings as th
which binds the productio
Lucy Becker, in the ri
Rosemary, is charming. Miss
er even occasionally shows
of possessing a good voice;
hopeful efforts, however, e:
evitably in death by orch
f-_ Ln- n- .. t. .. IQt.... 2 -

han Actors
Anne Fuchs, Leslie Spitz, Debi producti
Berkson, Steve Swiryn, James Beck Bob Kan
usiness and Bob Rosenberg, in and out nie Zuck
e 1966 of the chorus, provide similar to be cor
carried strong support. ious sets
st and The flash and action, the exub- which ti
t e-erance of the choreography and productic
t dem-t heproduction numbers, all e ofscene
ig, butcontribute to a generally enjoy- es, unob
essen- able evening. cided ass
nstrat- Effective Dancing
"Busi- The choreography was especial- i Direct
nd the ly effective in the "Coffee Break" indeed pi
cast is number. Among the chorus, Caro- an extre
to the lyn Osborne and Chris O'Connell comedy.
even occasionally displayed an iasm, aid
ability to dance. The young ladies gree of
y com- of the chorus use such energy of perfo
Finch, to very good effect, and the audi- intrusive
Wicket ence does not seem to be overly stage des
musi- conscious of what must surely be the pres
main- one of the most motley collection performe
e glue of legs ever displayed on a public Dan Fa
n to- stage. Broadwa
Stage manager Ray Taetle and Broadwa

ons and pro p
ater, Leslie Fr
ker and Bob
)ngratulated o
shand the eff
they were ha
on requiring
shifts and sc
trusive hand
Good Direct
or Susan Di
put together a
mely enterta:
Here action
ided by a high
rmances, a g
sign and man
ence of such
ers as Kathe
irchild make
ay evening aI

Sophomore Women Ask Big Question:
Why Do They Have To Live in Dorm?

ole of
nd in-


Savio Denied Readmittance
A for Campus Activities

"Extra protection or just puri-
This question runs through the
mind of Edward Salowitz, Asst.
Director of University Housing a s
he wonders aloud why the Univer-
U sity requires sophomore women to
live in residence halls.
Lack of a husband, fifty-five
credit hours, or twenty-one years
offer criteria but not justification
for such restrictions. The fact
1375 sophomore girls reside in dor-
intories, twice as many as the
649 iuuior and senior women coin-

past their housemother, lugged her appeal to them as an adult game. she, however, could counterargue, -i.a il eoreesris very gUUU'
off the elevator, dumped her on For many, it even lacks challenge. "But, Mom, I'm already halfway." it is also very loud,
her bunk, snapped off her girdle, Hours are enforced in such a way Oxford, she claims, offers her True Heroes By KATHIE GLEBE
and shoved a waste basket under that a person may take them or structure while she learns how to The true heroes of Soph Show Violation of a University of Cali-
her chin. leave them. Besides, as one girl cope with the disturbing idiosyn- are Kathe Knack and Dan Fair- fornia ruling that non-students
are ath Knck ad Dn Fir-may not pass out literature on
Such exercises would be un- puts it, only immature people look crasies of several room mates at child. Miss Knack, as a sexy Mrs.
neccessary outside the dorm, they at being allowed to move out of once, a common fear of would-be Malaprop, displays a definite flair campus unless seated at a table
say. the dorm as a means of escaping apartment dwellers. for comedy which is not lost on a s ent has resulted in a
say.a te esosblt af h uine.Da arhla refusal of readmittance to -Mario
Sophomores consider themselves moral responsibility The Greek Attitude the audience. .Dan Fairchild, as Savio, leader of Berkeley's 1964
experienced and mature. They ex- Other Half Sorority members hold many of the nephew of the wife of the Free Speech Movement..
pect to assume roles of, duty, But there is another side to the te same opinions as dorm res- boss, is equally adept. His schem- Savio, a non-student, passed out
thesaepiionssdrmrs ing and posing contribute im-
superiority, and leadership in the question. iidents. Btnesylikehri ng ndpmgcni - mheserirth wkata
dorms. They sleep through panty eEven sophomores who plan toit But one says, i ter that because of her dependen o measurably to the sucess of How dmpsri e the a
raids. "And, well, I can't cook," ie- sign apartment leases for next nature, she would always be hap- ese - ministration's plans to move the
. year express reservations. They naeiaewocialwgroupewhich formers stand out in an enjoy- legal area in which rallies may
markldesn'tgiraybut tte rm." -fear limited social contacts. "I've able production by virtue of the be held from Sproul Hall to a
dos d -nyer. come to college to get acquaintedi her more leadership, dire- talent they exhibit. ]sconsnicuous ulace on campus.

_l .


tor of the Daily Californian.
Informed Berkeley sources say
that Savio does intend to apply
for a hearing in order to challenge
the non-student ruling rather than
defend his own actions. He claims
that the ruling is contrary to the
Dec. 8, 1964 Faculty Resolution
which said that the content of
free speech or advocacy should
not be restricted unless it inter-
feres with normal functions of the
New Regulations
Chancellor Roger Heyns has
provided for the continuation of

Compliance Office's D e t r o i t
branch, and his deputy, Joseph
The pair eventually discussed
their recommendations on educa-
tional opportunity with President
Hatcher, Vice President Marvin L.
Niehuss and other prominent Uni-
versity officials in a four-hour-
long meeting on August 4 of this
Administrative Comment
University spokesmen, asked
about the recommendations, said
hat the administrative"inner
circle" was now aware of the rec-
ommendations but that, while ac-
tions might be taken in the future,
nothing yet has been done. Green
is understood to have said his
office is always open to further

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