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November 08, 1966 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-08

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USTFF To Submit Final

Ultimatum at


Sinlk MSU
H St
Michigan showed what it could
do with a gold medal winner last
Saturday, as the Michigan
woman's swim team outdistanced
Michigan State 85-42 in a dual
Michigan had three triple win-
ners, including Ginny Dunkle, a
" gold medalist in Tokyo. Her win
came as a shock to MSU, who had
planned an upset for Ann Sachs,
who had been working out with
the men's team. Ginny beat her in
the 200-yard freestyle, which
wasn't her main event, and took
the 100-yard backstroke and 200-
yard individual medley besides.
The other triple winners were
Marilyn Sayre and Alice Sigler.
Marilyn's victories are somewhat
amazing, considering that this is
her first season in competition.
She hooked two breaststroke
events and the medley relay. Alice
took a backstroke, breaststroke
and the medley relay.
Nancy Peoples won the diving
event; Patti Kelly, Lynn Allison,
and Kathy Van, Buskirk took
other individual firsts.
Michigan drubbed State in 9 out
of 11 events, but speed was not
the object of the last three events.
They were stolen by Michifish, the
g i r l s synchronized swimming
team. They not only outstunted
their competition in individual
subaquatic maneuvers, but kicked
their way past State in the "High-
land Fling" (a duet), and recov-
ered last spring's lost trio honors.
Barb Hebbard won the stunt com-
petition; Roz Juve and Sue Ward
took the duet with Lynn Boet
joining them to win the trio.
The Top Ten
By The Associated Press
The Top Ten, with first place
votes in parentheses; season rec-
ords and total points on a 10-9-8-
L7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis:
1. Notre Dame (32) 7-0 418
2.Michigan State (10) 8-0 393
3. Alabama 7-0 333I
4. Nebraska 8-0 271
5.,Georgia Tech 8-0 230
6. Arkansas (1) 7-1 188
7. Southern Cal 7-1 144
8. UCLA 1-1 142
9. Georgia 7-1 71
10. Tennessee 5-2 68

(Copyright, 1966:
The Michigan Daily)
In what promises to be one of
the most significant battles ever
fought during the five-year-old
track war between the NCAA and'
AAU, the giants of amateur ath-
letics will meet in New York Nov.
15-16 on what has recently been
just a hide-and-seek battlefield.
On the line at this meeting,
however, will be an ultimatum
which could trigger a crushing cli-
max to the vendetta which has
grown stagnant from too much
politicking and not enough clear-
cut fighting. 4
In a series of recent interviews,
The Daily learned that the
USTFF (United States Track and
Field Federation)-backed up by
the NCAA-is prepared to give up
arbitration attempts and go its
own way in track and field unless
the key issue of "freedom of
choice" is resolved at the meeting.
Arbitrator Kheel
Refereeing the meeting will be
t h e SAB (Sports Arbitration
Board), headed by noted labor
arbitrator Ted Kheel, who was ap-
pointed last December by Vice
President Hubert Humphrey to
negotiate a peace pact after the
smoldering feud again flared into
open warfare during the summer
track season.
After ten months of arbitrating,
the SAB has had less success with
ending the hand-to-hand struggle
than Leo Durocher had with
managing the Cubs.-
Despite monthly meetings with
the SAB, the two track and field
powers-the AAU and the USTFF
-have continued to wrestle in the
close - door parlaying of Park
Avenue and the open-air discus-
sions of major college tracks.
The AAU (Amateur Athletic
Union) is the old and crotchity
but not yet senile king which has
reigned over amateur athletics, in-
cluding track and field, since the
turn of the century.
1961 Rebellion of USTFF
The USTFF, on the other hand,
was established during the 1961
rebellion of NCAA track coaches
against the AAU and represents a
near-unanimous percentage of the
collegiate t r a c k teams. The
USTFF, along with such closely-
affiliated organizations as the Na-
tional High School Association and
the National Junior College Asso-
ciation, is an autonomous body
under the auspices of the NCAA.
The NCAA (National Collegiate
Athletic Association), which gov-
erns all college sports, has long
feuded with the AAU over who
has the right to control America's
national and international compe-
In the face of the AAU's stub-
born effrontery on this musical-
chair issue, the USTFF has be-
come increasingly frustrated at
the futile bartering and has be-
come sick and tired of the bicker-
So, with a mandate from the
colleges it represents and the
blessing of the NCAA, the USTFF
is primed to present its ultimatum

to the SAB at the upcoming meet- NCAA and the USTFF want, too.
ing. "Let the people in track and field
As Wilfred Crowley, S.J.-presi- have free choice as to the people
dent of the USTFF-explains it, with whom they want to associ-
there are two main points to the ate. . . . Freedom of choice must
USTFF's stand: be the minimum ingredient of any
1) Free competition in the lasting solution."
country on holding track meets. "This nation was built on free-
2) The right of American ath- dom of choice - the coaches are
letes to choose the organization committed to it or the USTFF
they wish to represent them would not exist today," argues
after graduating from school. Canham.
"The AAU has continued to The refusal of the AAU to rec-
autocratically oppose this position ognize this inherent right of the
(freedom of choice) . . . and has athlete was the original reason
categorically rejected the only beneath the 1961 uprising and
workable solution offered by the now appears likely to cause a
SAB during the past ten months," discontinuation of the arbitration
charges Crowley. meetings.
Epitome of Exasperation One of the secondary objec-
He then levels his question of tions to the SAB by the USTFF
exasperation: "What can future was Kheel's failure to include it
meetings accomplish if they (the in the October meeting. Only the
AAU) will not face the real issue NCAA and AAU were represented,
or try to compromise or reject the while the USTFF had to stay at
principle of freedom to organize, home.
to affiliate and to compete? Voluntary Affiliation
"The comprehensive report . . "This was another mistake of
on the recent meetings with Kheel the SAB . . assuming that if it
serves, in my opinion, to highlight tied down the NCAA, it would also
the futility of the proceedings. ...
We can hardly be encouraged by
indications that after ten months,
one member of the board is be-
ginning to discern the fallacies in
AAU arguments." sn
Should the AAU refuse to sub-
mit to Crowley's demands at the

which would have "emphasized meets in which television receipts
the role of the USTFF, maintained and sanction fees are involved. Al-
its present jurisdiction, establish- though most of the competitors
ed dual sanctioning and promoted are as-a-rule USTFF members,
freedom of choice for the athlete." the USTFF receives nothing. The
Minor Concessions USTFF consequently argues that
But, in what has become a part of the money should go to
rhetorical procedure, the AAU the sport and the schools which
killed the proposal by presenting sponsor the sport.
its own overture which made only 0 NATIONAL CHAMPION-
minor and meaningless conces- SHIPS - Using its IAAF mem-
sions. bership as a lever. the AAU has
And the exasperation continued. maintained that the winners in
Before the meeting, Canham its national championship meet
pointed out the stumbling-blocks, would represent America in in-
"Nothing can be accomplished un- ternational meets. However, since
til it is understood where author- the AAU meet is seldom compre-
ity begins and ends and that both hensive, the USTFF argues that
the USTFF and the AAU must{ an all-embracing meet-including
share a voice in sanctioning and the AAU, USTFF and Armed
finances." Forces winners-should be held.
In a capsule analysis Canham INTERNATIONAL COMPE-
has categorized the fight into five TITION - Both the AAU and the
basic issues: USTFF agree that the position as

able facilities in the AAU-spon-
sored meets.
Al Oerter, Olympic discus chamd-
pion, was one of many athletes
who said: 'I don't want any trips
where the AAU is concerned. They
give you the run-around and the
accommodations for the athlete
are terrible."
The War Begins
When the USTFF began setting
up its own meets, draining the
AAU of its athletes, old AAU foes
joyously presumed that the New
York gang was dead or was, at DON CANHAM
least, dying.
But the AAU rose to the chal- The NCAA and USTFF said, in
lenge. refused to give up the ghost effect, bosh.
or even to roll over and play dead. "The AAU has cried 'wolf' too
The battlelines were drawn. many times," said Canham. "We
Robert Kennedy, then the At- just told them to go to hell." Four
torney General, and Gen. Douglas days after the meet, the AAU re-
MacArthur achieved only short- instated Ryun.
term impasses in their mediation Then, ten months ago, the gov-
efforts. The agreements promptly ernment intervened and appointed
collapsed when the AMAU decided the SAB.
that what it thought it had agreed Money Is Key
upon was the same as what the "Frankly, the USTFF no longer
NCAA and USTFF thought it had wants any part of the AAU. The
agreed upon and vice versa, big reason that the AAU refuses
In the MacArthur pact, ephe- to back down is money. . . money
meral though it was, the two fad- that we'd have to pay for mem-
ing groups did agree to let a coal- bership cards in the AAU, money
tion assortment of athletes repre- from television, etc." says Can-
sent America in the 1964 Olympics. ham.
AAU Renews Fight "Money is, of course, a factor to
Immediately after the Olym- the USTFF also. But the issues of
pics, however, the AAU energeti- jurisdiction and sanctioning, in
cally brought its artillery back to our opinion, are more important.
the front and began taking pot "On two sepaarte polls . . . over
shots at the NCAA and the 93 per cent of the nation's track
USTFF. coaches approved and supported
When Kansan miler Jim Ryun the USTFF. Until we have an act
ran in an USTFF-sanctioned meet of Congress against it, the coaches
without an AAU card, the AAU are going to continue to run
yelled "Foul." thousands of track meets across
"Ryun is now ineligible for all this land and continue to give the
international competition," it vi- athlete the freedom of choice in
tuperated. his affiliation," he concludes.


meeting the USTFF will walk out
and set up its own nationwide
track and field program-on the
college and graduate level-com-
pletely independent of the AAU.
International Franchise
"Unless a fair settlement is
drawn, the course the USTFF will
take is clear. It will simply con-
tinue to run its meets and then
petition the IAAF (the interna-
tional governing body) for an in-
ternational franchise," predicts
Michigan track coach Don Can-
"We feel that this may be the
only real possibility for settling
this dispute."
Canham was one of the leading
generals in the revolution five
yearsaago andhhas been a high.
ranking ruler in the USTFF ever
From the beginning, "freedom
of choice for the athlete" has been
the battlecry .of both the USTFF
and the NCAA.I
Walter Byers, president of the
NCAA, seized upon it after the
haughty remark of AAU president
Clifford Buck ("We have a right
to choose with whom we do busi-
Minimum Ingredient
Byers, in a quick retort, pointed
out that that's exactly what the

" JURISDICTION - Although head coach of America's interna-
the AAU has always been the only tional teams is a political award.
American track and field organi- The AAU claims that it is an
zation with a membership in the award to the best "politician and
IAAF, it offers only a crippled coach," while the USTFF claims
program of competition to gradu- that it is a "reward" expected to
ated thinclads and none at all to align that coach with the AAU.
student athletes. At the same time, The SAB, now confronted with
it has stoutly maintained that it apparent failure, has suggested
has sole domestic jurisdiction over that the two warring parties first
any and all thinclads who want decide specific questions as a
to compete on an international path to ultimate agreement.
level. Canham, along with the However, Crowley has voiced his
USTFF, disagrees: "For us to run utter disillusionment at such a
meets by the thousands in colleges plan.
--where the AAU doesn't put on "The suggestion of anyone to
any-and then to tell a boy who attempt to work out specific prob-
has just graduated that he is no lems through a committee seems
longer welcome in our competition like trying to cure a broken leg
is beyond the comprehension of with aspirin," says a disheartened
the coaches and the boys." Crowley.
* SANCTIONING - Since the Instead, the USTFF intends to
AAU is largely a business group stick to its guns and demand that
with little or no direct contact the SAB consider the "freedom of
with the sport and the athletes, choice" issue.
track coaches have been reluctant Canham points to the fact that
to enter their teams in a meet the AAU displayed a flagrant dis-
that has a sanction only from the regard of the athlete for a long
AAU. As Canham explains, "There time.
can be no peace until the USTFF Autocratic AAU
has the right to sanction the type In the fierce indictment of 1961,
of competition in which its ath- the coaches charged that the AAU
letes appear. This is done in every was no more than a group of New
sport except track and field and York and New Jersey autocrats
there is no logical argument that "who seemed more concerned with
can be put forth by anyone why perpetuating their own power
it shouldn't be done in track and than with developing track or,
field." The USTFF argues that if field or any other sport,"
it doesn't o b t a i n sanctioning They called upon all track
rights, it will not enter its athletes coaches, athletes in track and field
in AAU meets. The AAU, while and friends of track and field to
it admits that it couldn't run its stand up against the AAU. And, in
meets without USTFF athletes, an overwhelming response, the
refuses to budge. athletes and coaches flocked to
0 FINANCING - U n d e r the join the USTFF.
present system, the AAU pockets Both the coaches and the ath-
two-thirds of the money (the letes had been disenchanted with
other one-third goes to the meet the political maneuvering, the
promoter) from all big-income egregious scheduling, the miser-


tie down the USTFF," explains
"The USTFF's affiliation with
the NCAA is completely voluntary.
I think Kheel has been confusing
the NCAA and the USTFF with
labor unions where a Hoffa or
Quill tells everyone what to do
and they do it."
Canham's complaint, however,
has been heeded by the SAB; and
the USTFF-along with the close-
ly-affiliated high school and jun-
ior college associations-will at-
tend the upcoming meeting. The
ultimatum will be presented at the
At the October meeting, the
NCAA (while objecting strenuous-
ly to the absence of the UJSTFF)
tried to salvage Humphrey's plan
of mediation with a proposal

The IFC Academic Affairs Committee
Proudly Presents
with: Captain Wm. Pascoe, U.S. Selective Service
& Colonel Wm. Meyers, Michigan Selective Service
Nov. 10--7:30 P.M.

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