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November 08, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-08

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TUESAY, OVEBER ,196 13A fl' I??13~"1

£ Ak.XL4 A lnbr


'Right' Party
Wins Seats
In Germany
Alleged Neo-Nazi
Group Takes 8 Seats
In Hesse Parliament

Court Awards
New Trial to
Baker Aid

Reagan, Brown Sift State in
Last-Minute Battle for Votes

FRANKFURT, Germany ('P)-AY
rightist German political party
which won its first legislative seats
in the state; election Sunday In
Hesse, spread concern and mis-
giving in West Germany.F
The NFD placed only eight
deputies in the 96-member state
legislature but many politicians.
saw the'7.9 per cent vote captured
by the party as a warning that
nationalism could be on the march
again in Germany.
Interior Minister Paul Luecke
said that the United States and *
Britain were partly to blame for
the gains in the election. SAN MARCO SQUARE in Veni
No Problem nrhr tl ti ekn.T
The small National Democratic northern Italy this weekend T
representation in the Hesse Par- air. The floods caused damage tc
liament at Wiesbaden offered no reach 1000.
immediate problem in itself.
The Socialists have an absolute ED S UTARE-
majority and can easily over-ride EU
any rightist obstruction. There
was concern, however, that a par-!
ty harboring former Nazis and Dein
proposing a nationalistic policy P ek in g
should find even that much sup-
port. The National Democratic
party denies it is a neo-Nazi R ussian
The language employed by the
rightists was such as "I remem- MOSCOW ()-Red Chinese di-
ber only from the Hitler period," plomats walked out on a 49th an-
Luecke said. ni6ersary celebration of the Bol-
Versailles Treaty shevik Revolution in Red Square
The Versailles treaty at the end here Monday. The move under-
of World War I required Germany scored the widening Sino-Soviet
to pay high reparation costs to rift.
the victors. Hitler railed against In Red Square, Marshal Rodion
the treaty in whipping up German Y. Malinovsky, the Soviet defense
nationalistic feelings. minister, charged that China wasl
Luecko also proposed that West interfering with Communist aid
Germany's electoral laws be efforts to North Viet Nam, there-
amended to exclude such as the by encouraging what he called
National Democratic from gaining "new crimes" by American im-
seats in the federal or state parlia- perialists.
ments. The senior Chinese diplomat
The interior minister's remarks here, the charge d'affaires, Chang
in an interview by the West Ger- Teh chun, stalked, out. Two Chi-
man government-sponsored short- nese military attaches followed,
wave radio, Deutsche Welle of crossing in front of Lenin's tomb
Cologne, was the first criticism of where Malinovsky spoke.
Bonn's allies since Chancellor Lud- Grim Faces
wig Erhard's government was be- The grim faced marshal, flanked
set by a crisis two weeks ago. by top Soviet leaders, talked about
Crisis Erupts the United States in relatively
The crisis was sparked when mild terms.
the Free Democrats pulled out of Last May Day, at a similar mili-
a coalition with Erhard's Chris- tary parade, Malinovsky accused
tian Democrats. They opposed his the United States of conducting "a
plans to raise taxes to balance the foul bandit war against the heroic
1967 budget and to help fulfill Vietnamese people." This time he
West Germany's obligation to buy took the sting out of his remarks
arms from the United States. The and made no specific mention of
arms purchases are meant to off- U.S. bombings of North Viet Nam.
set the foreign exchange costs of Malinovsky used standard Soviet
stationing U.S. troops in Germany. phrases denouncing the United

riugn Lotrt Ubjects LOS ANGELES P)-Republican Istate's 8.:
To FBI Bugging of Ronald Reagan and Democratic was predi
Gov. Edmund G. Brown flew Cali- tion.
Baker Associate Phone fornia Monday enlisting uncom- Democri
mitted voters in the furious wind- the regist
Black Jr., onetime Bobby Baker up of their long campaign for the nians are
asociate whose hotel suite was ad- governorship. lines.
mittedly bugged by FBI agents, Brown, a two-term incumbent, If Brow
won a new trial on income tax and Reagan, an actor in his first and wins.
evasion charges from the Supreme run for political office, scheduled Democrat
Court Monday. , visits to big cities and suburbs of three tim
The vote was 5 to 2, with Just- the nation's most populous state. Warren,f
ices Byron R. White, a former dep- An 80 per cent turnout of the U.S. chie
uty attorney general; and Abe/
Fortas, whose former Washington N.Y. CAiMPAIGNS:
law firm once represented Black
and Baker, taking themselves out " ~,

340.868 registered voters
Acted for Tuesday's elec-
ats claim 58.5 per cent of
tered voters but Califor-
fond of crossing party
.n surprises the pollsters
he will become the first
ic governor to be elected
mes in California. Earl
a Republican and now
f justice, was the only


-Associated Press
ce, Italy is seen yesterday in the background after torrential rains hit
he city looked like a floating island, with a heavy stench filling the
o many priceless works of art, and it is feared the death toll will

of the case.
"Justice requires that a new
trial be held to as to afford the
petitioner an opportunity to pro-
tect himself from the use of evi-
dence that might be otherwise in-
admissible," the court said in an
unsigned opinion expressing the
view of Chief Justice Earl Warren
and Associates Justices Hugo L.
Black, William O. Douglas, Tom
C. Clark and William J. Brennan

Rockefeller, UO'Connor
Finish New York Race

governor to accomplish the feat."
A Brown victory also would help
the state's 24 Democratic congres-
sional candidates and cheer Pres-
ident Johnson. Brown is a loyal
advocate of Johnson policies.
The Republican choice for pres-
ident in 1968 could be affected by
a Reagan victory. Reagan has
pledged to serve all four years of
his term.
Beating Brown would be a
major accomplishment for the
handsome Reagan, 55, who was
starring in the television series
"Death Valley Days" less than a
year ago.
Once a Democrat and always In-
terested in politics, he was boomed
for governor after making a fund-
raising television appeal for GOP
presidential nominee Barry Gold-
water in 1964.
Brown, 61, appearing spry after
a campaign that began in Janu-
ary, aimed for a lastminute noon-
hour appeal in his native city of
Sarn Franacisco for "one final ef-
fort to secure a victory in Cali-
Brown portrayed himself as a
moderate and charged that his op-
ponent "stands shoulder to shoul-
der with the extremists who want
to halt our progess in its tracks."

NEW YORK V P)-RepublicanI
incumbent Nelson A. Rockefeller
and Democrat Frank D. O'Connor,
both claming victory, made final
flying campaign swings through
the state Monday in their hard-
fought race for Lyvernor_

iplomats Walk Out on
Revolution Festivities

New Yorkers also will elect 41
congressmen, with the GOP con-
centrating on a half dozen fresh-
men Democrats who were carried
in by the 1964 landslide for Pres-
ident Johnson.
The Democrats hold a 24-17
majority, including Rep. Adam
Clayton Powell of Harlem, who is
certain to be elected handily to a
12th term, despite a sea of trou-

States as the leader of what he
called the imperialist camp "whose
criminal actions in Viet Nam and
other parts of Asia have increased
the threat of a new world war."
Kohler Absent
U.S. Ambassador Foy D. Kohler
skipped the Red Square rally to
avoid having to walk out him self
when American policy came under
fire, but he attended a Kremlin
reception for 1,000 persons Monday
night when neither Red China nor

the United States was assailed.
Thousands of Russians filed
through Red Square after the
military parade, carrying banners
and slogans with nothing stronger
than "Shame on American aggres-
sion" and "Get out of Viet Nam."
Marchers in the May Day parade
had carried signs calling the
Americans murderers in Viet Nam
and similar strong phrases. The
signs are officially approved in ad-

Slash in Reserve Backlog
Seen by Pentagon Officials
WASHINGTON VP) - Pentagon those who otherwise would be

sources predicted Monday that the
huge backlog of Reservists waiting
to be trained will be slashed in
half-to 60,000-by next June be-
cause of the administration's de-
cision to cut back draft calls for
the next four months.
Four months ago, the backlog
of untrained Reservists totaled
133,100. This brought congression-
al criticism that the Reserve pro-
gram amounted to a haven for

U.S. Forces Lose Contact With
Viet Cong After FourDay Battle

SAIGON ()-American infan-
trymen lost contact almost com-
pletely Monday with a tough Viet
Cong jungle force they fought four
days in one of the sharpest clashes
of the war. A U.S. commander said
the outmanned enemy apparently
was dashing across Tay Ninh
Province toward the Cambodian
border, leaving behind more than
400 dead.
But other U.S. units reported
clashes with North Vietnamese
army regulars in two separate
operations near the central coast
and reported killing 51 of them.
In another coastal area, 400 to
500 Communists attacked a 200
man South Vietnamese militia
force but were beaten off by ar-
tillery fire. Officials reported 30
Communist bodies were left be-

hind by the retreating enemy'
units. The government force suf-
fered two wounded.
Air Strikes
In the air war, U.S. planes flew
127 strike missions Sunday against
N o r t h Vietnamese waterways,
bridges, antiaircraft sites, truck
convoys and petroleum dumps.
Red guns brought down a U.S.
Air Force F105 but the pilot was
rescued. It was the 419th U.S.
plane lost in the north.
B-52 bombers from Guam car-
ried out their ninth straight day
of saturation bombing attacks on
suspected North Vietnamese posi-
tions in Kontum Province in the
central highlands in support of
troops of the U.S. 4th Division.
Results of the bombing raids were
not made known in Saigon.

With the Viet Cong disappear-
ance from Tay Ninh, U.S. officials
totaled up the score of the battle:
433 Communist bodies counted;
over all U.S. casualties light, but
heavy in some infantry companies.
The allies do not list their casual-
ties by number for specific battles.
Major Battle
The battle pitted 10,000 Amer-
icans against about 2,000 Viet
Cong. Only scattered sniper ac-
tion was reported Monday.
U.S. officials expressed belief
the American forces-units of the
1st and 25th Infantry divisions
and the relatively green 196th
Light Infantry Brigade-had been
fighting troops of the Viet Cong's
9th Division, long the holder of
the thickly jungled Tay Ninh ter-
rain bordering Cambodia and
about 50 miles northwest of Sai-
"That's our old friend out there,
the 9th," said Brig. Gen. James
Hollingsworth, deputy commander
of the 1st Division at Dau Tieng.
"It looks like he doesn't want
to fight. Since there are so many
of us here, they're probably head-
ing for the Cambodian border.
We'll try to stop them, but you
have to have a rifleman every two
yards. They can move a whole
battalion through a 10 yard gap
if they don't want to fight."
The Cambodian border is about
25 miles west of the battle zone.

drafted to fight in Viet Nam.
And last month, Congress ap-
proved legislation that gave Pres-
ident Johnson unrequested au-
thority to call up the untrained
reservists for active duty without
declaring a national emergency.
McNamara Announcement
Secretary, of Defense Robert S.
McNamara announced Saturday
that draft calls t hrough April
would total under 25,000 monthly,
about half the current levels.
Sources indicated this would
enable the Army to more than
double the amount of Reserve
training now being scheduled. The
Army is scheduled to train only
7,000 Reservists a month under
current programs because its
training facilities are strained to
meet the heavy demands of the
Viet Nam war.
Officials said that with the ease
indraft requirements, as many as
20,000 Reservists could be trained
each month. The Army now has
the capacity to train about 55,000
men a month-both for regular
service and Reserve status.
Reduce Gap
Sources added that the speedup
in training of Reservists would re-
sult in a reduction in their time
gap between enlistment and basic
Before the weekend announce-
ment, some Reserve officials were
known to be concerned over the
prospect of even higher backlogs
by the end of the fiscal year, as
Reserve units to continue to in-
duct more men than could be
Record Show
Despite this, it had been wide-
ly reported before last weekend
that the Army is considering a
cutback in Reserve enlistments.
And although no offical announce-
ment was made, the Army did in
fact sharply reduce Reserve en-
listments in the first three months
of this fiscal year.
Officials said the reduced draft
calls will have no effect on the
150,000-man selected R e s e r v e
force-the high priority units of
the Reserve-because the training
of their enlistees is a priority item
and backlogs have been kept to a

Two DissentI
Justice John M. Harlan, dis- Both were looking over their
senting with Justice Potter Stew- shoulders at Franklin D. Roose-
art, said the court should have velt Jr., running on the Liberal
ordered a hearing in the District party ticket. Roosevelt also claim-
Court here without up setting ed he will finish ahead in Tues-
Black's conviction. This was the day's election, expected to bring
course suggested by U.S. Solicitor out a record off-year vote of six
General Thurgood Marshall. million.
Justice Department spokesmen Democrats have a 3-2 edge in
said Black will be prosecuted at a registration, with 900,000 more
date not yet determined. IDemocrats than Republicans.
Other Action Polls
In other significant actions the The polls show Rockefeller and
court: O'Connor fighting it out with!
-Refused to rule whether the about 40 per cent of the vote each,
Constitution bars police from and Roosevelt getting about 12
posing as homosexuals in order to per cent. The rest go to Conserv-
rposin asomosexual sinor ative Paul L. Adams and two So-
trap sexual deviates. ,cialist candidates.
-Said it would decide whether The gubernatorial race was al-
the 1952 immigration law consti- most overshadowed in New York
tutionally permits deportation of City by an emotional battle with
hooexuals alien. 4racial overtones over a referendum
-Refused to review a $265,047 to abolish a civilian-dominated
damage judgment to the American board to review charges of police
Broadcasting Co., over cancella- misconduct.
tion of 22 telecasts by Kemper Al the candidates for governor
Insurance Companies. Kemper except Adams supported the re-
canceled its sponsorship of "Eve- iebor.SdiMarJhnV
ning Report" after an announce- view board. So did Mayor John V.
ment on the show of a subsequent Lindsay, Sens. Jacob K. Javits, ,
broadcast involving Alger Hiss. And Robert F. Keinnedy, D, who
are not candidates this time, and
-Upheld a ruling by the U.S. civil rights groups.
District Court in San Francisco Referendum
that the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., Yet most observers expected the'
violated antitrust law by acquiring rfenu osesTepce-h
interests in two other breweries, referendum to pass. The police-
men's union said it spent $500,000
-Refused a hearing to a con- on the campaign for the referen-
victed Georgia rapist who ques- dum.
tioned whether the death penalty
for rape violates the constitutional
ban on cruel and unusual punish- Wrap Up Ca
-Stepped into a major private
public fight by agreeing to review at A
a private combine's license to con- F Gn Lppe
struct a giant dam on the Snake
River in the Pacific Northwest. By The Associated Press
The Federal Power Commission The 1966 political campaign1
granted the license in 1964 over drew toward a close yesterday as
the opposition of the Interior De- virtually all the candidates made
partment, which wants to build last-minute statements and voter
the dam. appeals.
No Declaration Republican Gov. George Rom-
The court issued no sweeping ney held a morning news confer-
declaration on eavesdropping in ence at his Lansing office. In it
ordering a new trial for Black, a he blasted so-called "labor bosses"
Washington public relations man. and promised to seek federal aid
But it said all doubt must be re- for the Upper Peninsula-includ-
moved in the district court as to ing elimination of Mackinac
whether Black got a fair trial. Bridge tolls.

By The Associated Press
A possible 1968 presidential bid
by George Romney may be on the
line today when voters choose be-
tween the Michigan governor and
his Democratic challenger, Zolton
Ferency. Romney, 59, has been
given a 2-1 margin in most polls
to win a third term as a governor.
Ferency, 42, Democratic state
chairman, has said Romney is
'considering a bid for the 1968
Republican presidential nomina-
tion. Romney has turned aside
questions on whether he has White
House ambitions.
Romney, former president of
American Motors Corp., ended his
campaign Saturday except for a
news conference,'yesterday.
But Ferency continued yester-
day the active campaign he has
been pressing among the normally
1 Democratic labor movement in
metropolitan Detroit.
Romney's potential to win in a
mpagn wulh
its to Voters
nor candidate John Bruff.
In a Detroit speech, Bruff said
pollsters and pundits are going to
have a big surprise the day after
the election.
The Detroit News. reported yes-
terday its final pre-election poll
gave Sen. Robert P. Griffin (R-
Mich) 53 per cent of the vote com-
pared with 44 per cent for his
Democratic challenger, f o r m e r
Gov. G. Mennen Williams.
The percentage was a two-point,
gain for Griffin compared with a
News poll published Oct. 10. Three
per cent of the sampling failed
to mark ballots in both polls.
The October percentage was
Griffin 51, Williams 46..
The News said basic field work
on its poll, conducted by Market-
Opinion Research Co., was com-
pleted a week ago, just prior to a
campaign swing by Senator Rob-
ert F. Kennedy (D-NY) in behalf
of Williams and other Democratic

landslide is deemed a factor in the
election bid by Robert P. Griffin,
named by the governor last spring
to fill a vacancy created by the
death of Sen. Patrick V. McNa-
mara (D-Mich).
Observers and polls have cited
a close contest for the Senate be-
tween Griffin, 42, a former five-
term congressman, and G. Men-
nen Williams, former governor
and one of the state'smost popu-
lar politicians in decades. Chief
difference between the two has
been Williams' support of the
Johnson administration and Grif-
fin's votes against many Demo-
cratic programs.
Most state election officials ex-
pect 2.7 million voters to turn out
today-aboutthe same numberas
in 1962 when Romney, gave . the
Republicans their first Michigan
governorship in 14 years.
Republican Lt. Gov. William G.
Millilken has, been favored for re-
election over a Democratic un-
known, John B. Bruff, a lawyer.
But James M. Hare, Democratic
secretary of state, and Atty. Gen.
Frank Kelley are favored over
their GOP challengers, George
Washington and Lawrence Linde-
mere. Washington is the first Ne-
gro to occupy a place as high on
the ballot as secretary of state in
Nip-and-tuck races by Republi-
cans against Democratic incum-
bents have been staged in five of
the state's congressional districts.
Democrats hold a 12-7 edge on the
House seats now.
A full State House of Repre-
sentatives also will be elected. Re-
publicans are outnumbered 73-37
in the state House.
Voters also will decide whether
to grant the right to ballot-cur-
rently limited to those 21 or older
-to 18-year-olds.
On the ballot in Dearborn, a
Detroit suburb, will be a proposal
asking: "Are you in favor of an
immediate cease-fire and with-
drawal of United States troops
from Viet Nam so Vietnamese peo-
ple can settle their own prob-

Presidential Prospects May
Follow Big Romney Victory

world News Roundup
By The Associated Press than continuing on the present
WASHINGTON-Chief federal basis of plant-by-plant contracts.
mediator William E. Simkin said * * *
yesterday the Westinghouse Elec- MOSCOW -- The Soviet Union
tric Corp. strike is affecting the put on a restrained celebra-
nation's defense effort and called tion yesterday of the 49th anni-
for stalled negotiations to move versary of the Bolshevik Revolu-
here tomorrow. tion with no new rockets in the
Simkin, director of the Federal traditional military parade and
Mediation and Conciliation Serv- none of the usually harsh attacks
ice, said officials of the corporation of past years on U.S. policy in
and the striking AFL-CIO Inter- Viet Nam
national Brotherhood of ElectricalVitNm
Workers have agreed to his request But there was a walkout by Red
to move -the talks to Washington Chinese diplomats from a Red
from Pittsburgh. Square rally, underscoring wors-
There have been no formal ne- ening relations with Peking. North
gotiations since the strike began Viet Nam and North Korea issued
Oct. 31. warm praises of it.
The union contends the offer * * *
amounts to a few cents per hour CAPE KENNEDY - The two
less because the workers affected astronauts picked to write the fin-
are now earning a lower rate of al chapter in the nation's Gemini
base pay. series by jockeying Gemini 12
Sources in the case say the main through four days of intricate
issue is the union's demand for a spaceflight got the word yester-
company - wide contract, rather day: "We're go for Wednesday."

Black was associated with Baker
in some business deals when -the
latter was secretary to the Dem-
ocratic Senate majority.
Criticizing the new-trial order,
Harlon wrote in his dissent:
"The only basis I can think for
justifying this decision is that any
governmental activity of the kind
here in question automatically
vitiates so as at least to require a
new trial any conviction occuring
during the span of such activity.
OF THE YEAR, 1962)
"Exhilarating.. . a
cinematic miracle!"
-Crowther, N.Y. Times
7 and 9 P.M.
Aud. A, Angell Hall

Then the governor went to De-
troit for a brief stint of hand-
shaking in the downtown busi-
ness area.'
Republican Senator Robert Grif-
fin campaigned in the Detroit
area yesterday morning-then left
for his home in Traverse City,
where he spent the night.
Romney's Democratic opponent,
Zolton Ferency, campaigned in
Detroit yesterday, and so did his
running mate-lietutenant gover-


Goetane Donizetti's Opera
Nov. 17, 18, & 21, 22 8:00 P.M.

Nov. 14 & 15
8:30 P.M.

Hill Auditorium
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?Y?$$1%.. :": 2:3 ._,..._____ _v'"K .



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