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November 06, 1966 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-06

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Minnesota . . 28 Purdue . . . 23 Michigan St.
Northwestern . 13 Wisconsin . . . 0 Iowa. .

. 56 Ohio State. . . 7 Washington
7 Indiana . . . 01UCLA . .

. 16 Notre Dame
..3 Pitt . . .

. 40 Alabama. . . 21 Lock Haven . 22
. 0 LSU . . . . . 0 Slippery Rock. 6


See Editorial Page

Sir i~taut


Increasing cloudiness tonight

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Associate Sports Editor
A 60-yard punt return and at
98-yard interception return for1
two fourth quarter touchdowns
gave Coach Peter Elliott's Illini]
a 28-21 victory over Michigan yes-
terday, marking the first time
Pete has been able to defeat his4
brother's Wolverines in the seven
meetings between the brothers'i
Big Ten teams.






Illini line held Michigan inches And it was Bob Naponic who
short of the first down. was the Wolverine nemesis all
Illinois couldn't move the ball, through the game. Naponic was
and Vidmer started another drive fast and deceptive on his back-
from his own 49. Two passes for field maneuvers.
49 yards to Jack Clancy gave A number of times he was tack-
Michigan a first down on the [ive, led in the backfield-while a half-
but two runs netted a loss of one back was busy gaining six or eight
yard. On third down Vidmer pass- yards off tackle. Other times the
ed the fatal aerial which halfback halfbacks were being stopped at
Bruce Sullivan picked off at the scrimmage while Naponic was roll-
two-yard line. He very nearly had ing out on an option. Only once
a clear field ahead of him. did Michigan nail him for any

Early in the last period Stan Vidmer was the only Wolverine I meaningful loss in the 17 tones
Kemp punted 38 yeards to the Il- with a chance at him. Sullivan I he carried the pigskin.
linois 40 where halfback Mick had one blocker going downfield Fumble-it's
Smith caught the ball and raced with him, and Vidmer managed Naponic was responsible fo:- the
60 yards down the right sideline to get between Sullivan and the first two Illini scores. Michigan
for the score. Smith ran through blocker around midfield. had the ball on the Illinois 11
every Blue defender in front of In a desperation attempt, Vid- late in the first quarter when
him, breaking out of what looked mer dove for Sullivan's legs, but ;Vidmer pitched one that went over

like a sure tackle near midfield. just missed, landing in the side-
Tline mud while Sullivan finished
The touchdown brougth Illinoishis 98-yard romp.
to within one point of Mihigan, A Winning Gamble
21-20, and the try for the extra At this point Pete Ellliott opted
point was just inches wide to the for the two-point conversion (de-
right. signed to force Michigan to go for
Intrenched. Illini two points should it score ikgain.)
Quarterback Dick Vidmer then Sophomore quarterback Bob Na-
led the Wolverines on a 57-yard ponic connected with Bill Huston
drive to the Illinois six-yard line in the right corner for the double
in just eight plays, but on a fourth extra point, and Illinois nad its
and one-to-go play, the stubborn winning margin.

Dave Fisher's head.
Illinois. recovered on the :39, and
Naponic led a 61-yard drive cul-
mninating with a two-yard s leak
for the score. Illinois led 7-0 early
in the scored period.
Michigan came right back on a
69-yard march in which Vidmer
hit Clancy twice for 25 yards. Carl {
Ward carried three times for 39
yards. On a fourth and six-to-go
situation on the six. Michigan

-Daily-Don Horwitz
JON KRAMER, Michigan defensive end, blocks a Bob Naponic
pass in yesterday's Illinois game. Kramer played in place of
Tom Stincie, who was injured early in the game.

-Daily-Lanny Austin
MICHIGAN HALFBACK CARL WARD spills to the ground after a short gain against the Illinois
defense. Ward topped all rushers with 131 yards in 20 tries for a 6.5 average.

In Decisions
New York Students
Threaten to Sit-In
If Request Denied
Students at City College in New
Work (CCNY) voted this week to
stage a sit-in at 'the college's ad-
ministration building next Thurs-
day unless the president, Buell G.
Gallagher meets their demands for
a greater voice in campus deci-j
This action follows the forma-
tion of a "shadow cabinet" last
week to present student viewpoint,
on administrative matters. The
"cabinet" is made up of seven
delegates from the daytime Stu-
dent Government executive com-
mittee, seven delegates from the
evening session executive commit-
tee and three delegates-at-large
to be picked by the Student Coun-
cil, a branch.of the Student Gov-'
The students participating in
next week's sit-in have three basic
* They demand that a forth-
hcomingreferendum on Nove:nb ?r
15, which will ask students
whether they approve of university
compilation of class rank for re-
lease to draft boards, be binding
on the administration.
* A committee composed of six!
students, four faculty members
and two representatives of the ad-
ministration be formed to inves-
tigate alternate proposals for an!
institutionalized structure that
would guarant&e combined stu-;
dent-faculty-administration doi-
sion making:
* President Gallagher h o 1 d
open student-faculty meetings to,
discuss all plans of college of ex-


SiMcNamara Predicts Sharp
NEWS WIRE aTWT " .lTT U. . . 1

- ---"'


. _ _ ,ii
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Late World News
By The Associated Press

dent Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and another worker
for the civil rights organization were arrested in Selma yesterday.
Mayor Joseph T. Smitherman said Carmichael was charged
with inciting a riot and was held under $300 bond.
He said the men arrived yesterday afternoon with a sound
truck which blocked traffic in a predominantly Negro area of
The mayor said Carmichael later led a group of about 40
singing and chanting demonstrators on a march around Selma's
City Hall.
TOKYO-NORTH KOREA has declared that charges by the
U.N. Command (UNC) that six American soldiers were slain by
the Communists last Wednesday was an incident "concocted"
by the United States to intensify tension along the armistice line.
"The U.S. imperialists are maliciously scheming 'to mislead
world opinion by representing the 'incident' in a distorted man-
ner as though our side was responsible for the criminal act per-
petrated by them," said a Foreign Ministry statement.
The denial of the incident which the UNC said took place
south of the armistice line Nov. 2 was broadcast by the North
Korean news agency.
It was the first Communist reaction since the UNC protested
the slaying of the Americans at the Mixed Armistice Commis-
sion meeting in Panmunjom on Friday.
DETROIT-DESPITE A THREE per cent shift to Democrat
Zolton Ferency in the past month, the Detroit News reported yes-
terday its final pre-election poll showed Republican Gov. George
Romney still leading by landslide proportions in his third-term
The latest poll indicated that if the election had been held
last week and all Michigan voters had cast ballots, Romney would
has got 61 per cent of the total and Ferency 36 per cent.
DICK GREGORY GAVE HIS support and endorsement to
Mrs. Elise Boulding's write-in candidacy for Congress in the
Second District last night. Gregory said that he feels there is a
need for an independent third party in the U.S. today, and noted
that there is a new sweep in this direction throughout the coun-
try. He spoke after his performance at Hill Aud. last night.

Allotments PR~
To EdueAtn~ campus queen
To Education :.. :....


K 1am [Prafttails

- - Stabilation
( PROFILE Of Situation

........................ . .................... : r: .;

Raise Operating Funds;
Of State Universities,
Land-Grant Colleges
legislatures have increased their
support of higher education by
more than $1 billion, or 44 perr
cent, in the past two years, ac-
cording to a report prepared by
Prof. M. M. Chambers of Indiana
The report was published this
week by the Office of Institutional
Research (OIR) of the National
Association of State Universitiesj
and Land-Grant Colleges..
Chambers' report lists appropri-'
ations of more than $3.5 billion in
state tax funds for operating ex-
penses of higher education this
year. This represents a 151 per
cent increase over the $1,4 billionf
appropriated in 1962-63 .
Despite the unprecedented sup-
port these figures represent forI
higher 'education, Chambers cau-
tions against complacency.
"These splendid gains are not,
of course, as phenomenal as they
may seem at first when measured
alongside the increase in total
population, the bulge in the popu-
lation of those who have reached
college age, the upward movement
of the proportion of high school
graduates going on to college
the growing length of time spent
in college, . . and many other
i relevant factors," he said.
In his report, Chambers singled
out Pennsylvania's "tuition sup-
plement appropriations," which
have enabled public institutions in
that state to lower tuition fees.
This is "a welcome change from

EDITOR'S NOTE: Ever won-
der who makes news? We
thought people might like to
know, so The Daily's planned a
twice-weekly series on the peo-
ple who do.
Two weeks ago Michigan
crowned its first Homecoming
Queen in history, but it did it
only half-heartedly and with-
out much hoopla.
Chris Anderson watched the
Minnesota game from her reg-
ular seat. She had been named
Queen the previous night, but
nobody told her what ceremon-
ies were scheduled for the game.
None were, although her name
was announced over the; loud-
speaker and "I sorta sat there
wondering what to do."
Campus queens at a campus
like this aren't instantly fam-
ous. But this doesn't seem to
have bothered the 5'3" (no, not
6'3"!) Bloomfield Hills senior
too much.
"No, people don't come up and
start staring or anything. No-
body's asked for my autograph
yet. I'm glad this is the way it
has worked out. Of course being
Queen hasn't changed my life
any. I think most people don't
even know I was Queen."
"It was kind of uncomfort-
able, riding in the parade and
being on display. Fun when we

went through the town, but as
soon as we got to where college
kids were watching I started
feeling the whole thing was
queer and didn't enjoy it much.
"And then you could see the
way boys were looking at us
and imagine them thinking we
weren't as we were supposed to
"University students are in-
tent on-looking for a purpose to
all their traditions. While the
Homecoming Queen is a fun
thing, it is not much more than
that-just fun."
Chris isn't the long-haired;
blonde with striking looks that
beauty queens are thought to
And when she starts talking
it is immediately evident that
she doesn't fit the scatter-
brained stereotype either. A
quick smile flashes on and off as
her remarks shift from the witty
to the serious. Poised and un-
pretentiously sophisticated, she
describes herself as a "realistic
idealist" and the label may just
Chris is majoring in English
and considers herself a serious
student "although grades have
never been the most important
thing in my life. The Russian
writers are pretty much my fav-
orite, it's hard to classify fav-
orite writers. I like the atttitude
they express in their writing.
"I've been thinking a lot
about going to graduate school,


next year, not sure where. Don't
think my average is high enough
to get in here. I'd like to con-
centrate on just learning, but it
seems now that there are other
things which keep you from
studying all you can."
One is boyfriend Carl Robie,
the Olympic swimmer.
Another is her being president
of Kappa Kappa Gamma - "I
enjoy being able to get things
done"-and serving as Panhel-
lenic rush chairman
"Sorority is pretty much a
good idea, especially on a cam-
pus this big. It gives you a,
stable kind of set-up and still
isn't constrictive, or at least I
don't think so.

U.S. to Slow Build-Up
Cut Bomb Production,
Hold Raids Steady
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara told President John-
son yesterday fewer Americans
would be sent to fight in Viet Nam
next year and draft calls might
be cut in half.
McNamara based his optimistic
report on a military situation he
said had been stabilized-and dra-
matically improved.
McNamara said the United
States would slow its troop build-
up, curtail bomb production at
home and-barring the unfore-
seen-undertake no sharp increas-
es in air raids on Communist
North Viet Nam.
His hopeful assessment-with its
possible bearing on the unanswer-
ed question of a wartime tax in-
Screase-was -delivered at John-
son's LBJ Ranch.
And it came in the waning days
of state and congressional election
campaigns-some of them shaped
by issues of war and the economy.
McNamara tempered his op-
timistic words with this note of
caution: "I want. to emp'hasize
that we continue to face a stub-
born enemy."
However, some Pentagon exoerts
now believe the Viet Nam war may
be nearing 'a significant turning
point: The Viet Cong and North
Vietnamese have not increased the
See McNAMARA, Page 2
veloping group norms regarding
l privacy would be prejudiced.
t However, he said that groups
e usually have begun to develop such
g standards by the time the problem
d appears.
, The T in T-Group stands for
e "sensitivity training," a term de-
veloped for a national training
y program. Before sensitivity train-
1 ing programs became part of aca-
r demic descipline, they were pri-
e marily used to heighten the
s awareness of group dynamics for

Predict Referendum Will Pass
Despite Public Fears, Apathy

T-Groups 'Experiment in

The referendum on the 18-year-
old vote'will pass Tuesday, accord-
ing to Michael Wood, coordinator
of the Michigan Citizens Commit-
tee for the Vote at 18.
Although there has been no or-
ganized opposition, Wood fears
that the vote will be close.
The major reason behind his

lot, there tends to be a large fall water, have endorsed it, the meas- the scene which has been all too
between votes for candidates and ure does not seem to have gained familiar in some states, Chambers
referendums. Workingmen who much acceptance at the grass roots said, where legislatures have per-
tend to support the issue more level. The Republican candidates iodically exerted pressure on in-
than those in other socio eco- have failed to make any mention , stitutional governing boards and
nomic groups, tend to spend less of the referendum in their cam- presidents to increase student
time at the polls. paign literature. fees.
Wood said poor weather will The Democrats have not been "We are already past the thres-
have an adverse affect on the suc- much better. Some of the candi- hold of universal education beyond,
cess of the referendum. In poor dates supported the 18-year-old high school .How we are to achieve
weather conditions factory work-|vote in their literature, and the equitable opportunity for the mil-
ers and housewives who might 17th district Democrat canvassers lions of able children of ow-n-,
favor the referendum will tend to also distributed the Citizen Com- come and middle-income families'
stay away from the polls. mittee's material, but outside of if we bar the campus gates of

Lacking scheduled goals, as-
signments, exams, and an agenda,J
T-Groups are unusual academic
experiences for the undergradu-I
ates who attend them as a part' of
the Project Outreach Program ofI
elementary psychology.I
T-Groups are not laboratoriesI
in social psychology; the observ-1
ers enter without experimental
plans and can only make observa-
tions on themselves.
At two one and a half hour ses-

ships in the introductory psy- to provide individual therapy. Ac-
chology course"-is a substitute cording to Mann, "the intellectua
for one general lecture. work of the project should not
Students in participating sec- refer to the self, but rather to the
tions visit mental hospitals, study group. Students should be looking
disturbed children, take part in T- at group psychology. They should
Groups, or participate in one of a ask, 'Do you know what happened
number of other activities under what went on in the minds of the
the guidance of instructors from people in the group?'
the department. "They use both intuitive study
"In life," Mann said, "one does and the growing i n t e 11 e c t u al
not ordinarily get a chance to talk framework they derive from their
in a group about what he feels. regular class sessions to make
In T-Groups, some of the con- sense out of it, to find why things

fears that the measure will be de-;
feated is what he calls "public
paranoia." The tense situation in;

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