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November 04, 1966 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-04

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Michigan Marchers Band Together

By DOUG HELLER Michigan marching band is best
The University of .Michigan at marching in the country. Well
bands are the best in the country, you're wrong, wrong, wrong. I

this week that, "what makes our schools who send their bandsmen
marching band different from here and want to be shown some
some college bands is that we em- respect. "Passing up" this year al-

right? saw Florida A&M or Tennessee phasize the performance end, the
Right. A&I or some band like that on musical score."
The Michigan marching band T.V. and they quickstep all the But why are the marching for-
has the best musicians in the time and how are you going to mations so obviously limited com-
country and sounds best too, beat that anyway? pared to certain other bands? Per-
right? But what do they sound like, haps the answer is partially in
Right. man? the fact that, as Dr. Reveilli says,,
The Michigan marching band... Emphasize Performance "any band that marches faster
Now hold on there. I know what Dr. William B. Revelli, director than it can play is marching too
you're going to say next. The of bands at the University, said fast." In recognition of this fact,
although Michigan invented the
quickstep, it never plays while us-
ing it, but reserves it almost ex-
clusively for it's pre-game en-

most permanently ended Band.

We cail the Karmann Ghia a Pussycat for a very
good reason: it's half Volkswagen.
It sits on a Volkswagen chassis. And runs on a
Volkswagen engine.
So it's not exactly a tiger.
But it's not exactly a Volkswagen either.
You see, the Karmann Ghia bodyishand-shaped,
hand-welded, hand-padded, hand-fitted, hand-
stitched, hand-painted and hand-sanded.
It's so handmade, in fact, it takes two men one
day just to make two convertible tops.
The same care goes into the hand-fitted seats.
The hand-welded, hand-smoothed doors.
And the four coats of hand-painted paint.
When we tell people what a well-built Pussycat
we have, they wonder if they can afford it.
Well, the topless model goes for $2445
Or you can get something less daring for: $2250
The Coupe.
*P.O.E. East Coast plus local tax and license

Total Sound Important
Another reason why the forma-I
tions are sometimes limited is, as1
the band director mentioned, that
certain instruments have to be in
certain parts of the field at all
times, or the total sound is in-
ferior. The result is the fantastic
sound that the Michigan band has
even over television, where goodl
sound is normally so rare that
television has been forced too de-S
velop its halftime statistic and
news shows.
Michigan also invented Band
Day, which appears to be the mostf
successful of all athletic promo-
tions. Just figure how much
money is made on a relatively
unimportant game, when all the
relatives and other curious people4
who don't care at all about foot-
ball, come to see the annual
musical orgy.t
Objects to 'Passing Up'
This is why Dr. Revelli objectsl
so much to "passing up" (accord-
ing to the band director, Michigan
is the only school in the countryI
to have students "passed up"), be-
cause it offends all the high

Dr. Revelli said, "If the students
want it this way, it's up to them."
Obviously, since "passing up" was
two, three, or four fold above nor-
mal this Band Day, the students
are exercising their option.
The band master also noted that
the object of the marching band
is, in addition to providing enter-
tainment, to instill character, dis-
cipline, and physical fitness in
the bandsmen. Physical fitness
ties into why there are no girls
in the band, not to mention fe-
male twirlers, because unless they
are like Stan Musial's daughter
(40 push-ups), they just aren't
able to take it.
Band Beneficial
Dr. Revelli, in connection with
his belief that the band is highly
beneficial to the members, says he
is sorry that what he estimates as
1,000 musicians give up their in-
struments and with them at least
a four year investment upon en-
tering Michigan. He is against the
University p a1i c y of advising
agairist extra-curricular activities
for freshmen. He remarked that,
"any student who is in this Uni-
versity should be able to afford
an hour and a half or an hour
and 15 minutes away from his
books. If he can't do that, I don't
think he can do very well in school
to begin with."
He even offers to conduct a
band made up entirely of non-
music students if there is a de-
mand for it, just for the students
own personal development. Such a
band could practice as little as
once a week if that was the best
accommodation for the students.
Methods Questioned
Dr. Revelli's goals and methods
do not coincide exactly with that
of all of the bandsmen. In par-
ticular, one anonymous sophomore
says, "Revelli is a dictator. He
drives us into the ground on the
field and won't leave us alone off
it." Just how much of this is sour
grapes of some type is open to
The band director does say that
he does drive the band hard and
has received thanks by some for
keeping them in good physical
condition. He also noted that he
does take an interest in his men's
studies which helps develop their
"esprit de corps."
In any event, the Michigan
marching band does have a repu-
tation that is unparalleled which
must be credited to Dr. Revelli,
who has been synonymous with it
for 32 years.


DR. WILLIAM B. REVELLI, director of bands, has been leading
the "180 marching men of Michigan," often called the best in
the nation, for 32 years. He has improved football halftimes with
such innovations as Band Day and the quickstep march.

Howard Cooper
Ann Arbor


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If you don't know, read on-
because it's a name that could
loom large in your future career
as scientist and engineer.
The man for whom these Labora-
tories were named-Harry Diamond,
a senior member of the staff of the
National Bureau of Standards-was
instrumental in developing for WW 11
use what has been described as
"second in importance only to the
atomic bomb": the proximity fuze.
Here's a 1944 patent drawing:
In recognition of this extraordinary
breakthrough, the portion of the
National Bureau of Standards which
had been researching and develop-
ing the proximity fuze under his
direction was, after Harry Diamond's
death ini 1948, re-named the Diamond
Ordnance Fuze Laboratory. Trans-
ferred to the Department of the
Armny in 1953, the installation in 1962
was designated Harry Diamond Lab-
oratories to reflect its greatly broad-
ened scope of activities under the
newly c reate d A rmy Materiel
Today, the progrars at the Harry
Diamond Laboratories-in addition
to fuzing-are many and varied'.
in medical engmieering, for ex-
ample, Harry Diamond Laboratories,'
in cooperation with Walter Reed
Army Institute of Research, is per-
forming research on and developing
a family of life support devices. These
mnclude an e xtracorporeal blood
pump, autonmatic mechanical respi-
rators, an external cardiac compres-
sor, an electronic cardiac monitor,
and a membrane oxygenator. Re-
search on an implantable artificial
heart is being conducted with the
supportof the National HeartvInstitute.
Much of the life support work uses
and a b ncem to xgerform it

niques of using fluids were con-
ceived and evolved here. Both ap-
plied and basic research in this
important new technology are con-
We are actively engaged in re-
search on a variety of solid state
phenomena. These include micro-
electronics, from single component
through integrated circuits; semi-
conductors as electronic, optical, or
other type of transducers; micro-
wave components; radiation damage
to semiconductor and other elec-
tronic components;. and optically
pumped solids for lasers.
. We design and develop radar-
from special components through
complete systems.
We also design and develop other
special electronic and electro-
mechanical devices and systems
such as precision timers, telemetry
to work in high-g or other difficult
environmental conditions, electrical
and mechanical simulation devices
to reproduce field conditions in the
laboratory, and transducers to per-
form special functions-such as the
Lunar Penetrometer to make meas-
urements from which the load-bear-
ing characteristics of the moon
surface can be determined.
On many of our unique product
developments we perform the pro-
duction engineering necessary to
convert the item or system from its
developed phase to one in which it
is produced reliablyand economically.
These examples only scratch the
Within the operating structure of
Harry Diamond Laboratories are an
Advanced Research Laboratory, two
Systems Research Laboratories,
three Research and Development
Laboratories, an Engineering Divi-
sion, a Technical Services Division,
and a Components Research Lab-
Core programs at these labora-
tories form a solid foundation for a
steady, long-range funded system of
continuing research and develop-
ment projects, evolving new applica-
..... AUhDI IQ

tions and capabilities from a
diversity of disciplines ... And since
the operating spectrum of Harry
Diamond Labs is a very wide-ranged
one, the percentage of our activity
devoted to core programs-un-
hampered by a need to show a
"quick profit"-is larger than that of
most other laboratories,
In the very nature of the work at
HDL, a critical need-or discovery-
ill ignite the combined efforts and
know-how of our professional people
... to whom the word "crash" means
a program, not an accident. At HDL
we are fortunate to have both the
material facilities and the energetic
Here, then, is challenge, oppor-
tunity, scope and recognition.
Harry Diamond Laboratories is
located in Washington, D.C. on
campus-like grounds formerly oc-
cupied by the National Bureau of
Standards, We have about 1,400
employees (one-third engineers and
scientists)-big enough to have both
necessary and desirable facilities
and small enough so you, as an
individual, won't get lost.
if you wish to pursue an advanced
degree, there is a liberal fellowship
program in operation at Harry
Diamond Laboratories with the co-
operation of six universities in the
immediate area. Matter of fact, you
quite possibly could complete an
acceptable thesis problem as an
assignment at the Laboratories.
We have positions for Electronic
Engineers, Physicists, Mechanical
Engineers, Mathematicians, and
Chemists and advancement is de-
pendent only on your own demon-
strated capabilities. As professional
disciplines, these embody all the
direct and fringe benefits of federal
employment. (We also employ about
100 student trainees each summer.)
Now you've heard from Harry
Diamond Laboratories,
We'd like to hear from you.
Sign up with your Placement Di-
rector for an interview with the
representative of the Army Materiel
Command who will be accompanied




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