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Rose ma
By BOB McFARLAND an intelligence test, has more fe- Rapids Central graduating class. pects of Rosema's life don't fol- had a :50.7 quarter-mile to his
From the time that the first!male admirers than Richard Bur- He was named to the Scholastic low the stereotype. "I really don't credit in high school. Although he
iautographed team football at Ala- ton, is more crude than an Ozark All-America grid teams both his go out very often," he said. I played tackle his junior year at
outhouse, and attends more par- GrandrRandsh can't see going out every Friday Grand Rapids Central the All-
abama was covered with X's in- ties than a debutante from Scars- junior and seniors years o high a e on u vr rdySaeacldsi i ia er
stead of d tiesuralsnYh. tmyfhcr-school, in addition to being picked and Saturday night solely for the State accolades in his final year
the typical jock has reigned su- daletN.Y. ato the All-State squad both years. sake of going out, like a lot of in high school were earned from
preme ~But Not at Michigan gy do" his play at halfback.
prem Somewhere along the line, this Ranking the major reasons why guy o." etat halfbac.r
And players like Joe Namath athletic iodel got phased out at he decided on Michigan, Rosema Rosema leaves the myth in muchDuring his freshman year at
haven't exactly contradicted the Michigan, or so the story goes listed the coaching staff and the the same shape as some of the Michigan, he was employed at the
ideal construct when their SAT's Take a player like Wolverine de- academic quality. "I was very im- field generals he caught looking halfback spot in the fall, and found
l1total 740-math and verbal com- fensive end Rocky Rosema, for in- pressed with Bump Elliott and downfield a little too long. They himself in the split-end slot dur-
bined. stance Hank Fonde when I met them at realize that his presence on the ing spring practice. This was still
The legend has it that the typ- With a name like that, you say, football banquets," he remarked gridiron is much more than aca- the B.C. (Before Clancy) era, how-
Ical college athlete would have he would be welcomed with open this week. "Another consideration demic, although his only major ever, and as Elliott explained, "The
trouble beating Cassius Clay on arms by the Arkansas Razorbacks. was academics. Neither of my par- connection with the legend is his move to split-end was largely a
But Rosema didn't acquire the ents went to college, and they playing ability. matter of necessity for us."
nickname "Rocky" by surviving a wanted be to get a good educa- Speaking of his junior defend- But Rosema eventually found
headon cllison wth aMacktion.'
, . ' head-on collision with a Mack er's football talents, Wolverine himself at defensive end, defend-
trucl or refusing to wear a hel- The rotund Irishman, Duffy Coach Bump Elliott noted yester- ing against the pass instead of
met during his senior year in high Daugherty, has a reputation for day, "Rocky's been outstanding catching it. The move didn't both-
school. No, it seems that the term hitting it off big with high school throughout the whole season for er him. "I had always liked to
has an earlier origin than that. athletes. Rosema can't even be fit- us. He's a big, strong boy and hit people and mix it up.
The Rock Is Named ted into this category. "Yes, I met experience has been a great help Defense's Satisfaction
"I've been called Rocky ever Duffy once and talked to him, but to his play. Rocky is the type of "Public recognition isn't that
since I can remember," the jun- I didn't like him," he stated. player who gets better every important on defense," he contin-
ior standout recalls. "When I was Consistency.. , game," Elliott added. ued. "The biggest thing fora de-
' w<about two years old, my aunt was Consistency, then, has to be one - . . And Versatility fensive player s self-prie and
babysitting me, and I was giving of the characteristics of the 6'2" Speed isn't found frequently in self-satisfaction in your work.
her quite a bit of trouble. My un- 215-pounder. Even the social as- a player of Rosema's size, but he When you do play a bad game,
cle happened to remark that I had the casual spectator doesn't even
rocks in my head, so my aunt 4'notice." p
started calling me Rocky. The,
nickname stuck." Rosenas favorite type of de-
Thkae sth doen't holk up too fensive alignment is the "fire de-
well, there. Rosema doesn't fit the fense" which has made it awfully
intelligence mold any easier, eith hot for enemy quarterbacks. Both
er. First of all, he isn't major-*&o Rekssjtramithse-
ing in physical education, but erup.R e ulrsabandon would best
biology. "I've got to take 39 hours describe our actions, as we rush
in botany and zoology with all the the ball carrier and attempt to
pre-ed sudens wich sn'ttoobring him down," he, pointed out.
rpre-med students which isn't too Ti sdfeetfo h e
easy Its te oly tingI lke,"This is different from the de-
.: reasy. It's the only thing I like,,~ . esv n' omlasgmn
though," he explains. With a B- fensive end's normal assignment
average Rosema's grades don't ap- which is containment," henoted.
-------------------pear to be suffering from the 'e supposed to keep the play
competition ,though. inside of us and turn it to the
No Campus Hopping middle." The pass coverage du-
Hopping from one campus to ties have been taken from the
ROCKY ROSEMA another can fill a large part of end's responsibility, except in in
" : :: an outstanding high school ath- bythe case of screen passes.
?,lete's senior year, and it's the rare . 'Citing one instane where he
" individual who passes up the steak " 4f3 failed to contain a play, Rosema
DIIIboard dinners and sightseeing oportuni- w:- mentioned the Purdue game. "That
ties.Rosema was one of the few, ,
.. w.however. n.. - -. - - - - - - _
Michigan was the only campus
The undefeated M i c h i g a n I visited, although I was contact-
Daily Libers will be out to shred ed by several places,"- he says. oin
their fourth football opponent "Since I had already made up my
of the year tomorrow. The Lib- mind that I wanted to go to -ail-
els will host the Hay Makers of Michigan, my high school coaches " '°". x TheD aily
the Michigan State Newsi n an discouraged me from traveling to
encounter commencing at 4:30 a lot of campuses. My grades were -Daily-Robert Sheffield
on Ferry Field. A private press" pretty good, and I decided that I Rosema Rushes Passer... por S ta
conference will be held after the might as well start really booking
festivities. it."4
* * * Scholastic All-American
The Tang Soo Do Karate stu- The hard work evidently paid _
dents are to meet today at the off for Rosema, who ranked in the r
Women's Athletic Building. upper 10 per cent of his Grand w x
4p We w II enrich you for letting us
GRID SELECTIONS Weilerihteach you what the world will be
ike in 1979. (It's an experiment
Every week, some big old blank- about Morningside and St. Cloud on computer- aided decision-mak-
blank senior thinks up some ut- State, skipping two bluebooks, and
terly obscure football game (or I can't find a thing. Requirements and Salary
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Grid Picks, ya see, so nobody can ible, I would accuse you of trying 2 Must be available from 7- I
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And every week some freshman Michigan Theatre to see "The Blue
or sophomore or maybe even a Max" with Ursula Andress by
junior has to make up somethin' bringing in a winning Grid Picks Pay -$5
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that the two teams exist. Well, I has already figured the winner. So week far the next two weeks
just spent 37 hours researching there. $ and from 1 to 2 hours a week
THIS WEEK'S GAMES during the winter semester.
Illinois at MICHIGAN (score) YPI at Wake Forest p
Purdue at Wisconsin Miami (Fla.) at Tulane .
Minnesota at Northwestern Florida at Georgia Call Barbara Goodman, 764-0319
Iowa at Michigan State Utah at Arizona State 12-5 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday
Indiana at Ohio Stateay- ya Call Meg Thrall, 764-9442
Colorado at Missouri Harvard at Princeton 2-aipym.nWydDailysAndy SdcksC,
California at USC George Washington at Army But Rusher Doesn't Pass Rosemaday, Friday
second touchdown that Leroy
Keyes scored was around my side.
The wingback 'hooked' me, and
they were able to get outside."
Psyching Out
Switching from the topic of
playing techniques, Rosema spoke
briefly about the psychological side
of football. "I find that I play
my best when I get mad," he
stated. "Before a game, I try to
think about a time when some-
body clipped me, or some other
little thing, and blow them up. I
really can't get psyched up like
some guys can, though."
The awards for the best offen-
sive and defensive players of the
week, instituted this year by the
Michigan coaching staff, along
with the setting of offensive and
defensive objectives before each
game, have helped provide team
incentives, according to Rosema.
"It's kind of a game between the
offense and defense to see who can
accomplish the most," he added.
There's an old ditty popular in
Ann Arbor that goes, "If your
feet are big and your head is
small, you can go to State just
to play football." Another mani-
festation of the old theme, with
perhaps just a smattering of truth?
A few more guys like Rosema,
holding nothing in common with
the myth but athletic ability, could
obliterate it for good.
Thursday Nigh
ituents Time
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by Marshall Windmiller,
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on the some program
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Rice at Arkansas
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