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November 01, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-01

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Washington Campaign: A Battle of Names

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a five-part series on the major
statewide races in the Nov..8 elec-
tin. it deals with the office of.
secretary of state.
By The Associated Press
Michigan elections often have
been name games-but there have
been few to match . this year's
secretary of state race.
On the Democratic side, there's
James M. Hare, whose name ha's
been posted over license plate
branch offices and whose signa-
ture has graced millions of driver
licenses for the past dozen years.
He has held office for a'record
six terms.
On the Republican side, there's
George Washington.
The secretary of state registers,
licenses and regulates operation

of motor vehicles and boats; es-
tablishes election rules; keeps the
state seal and all records and
archives of state government, and
registers and regulates a number
of things ranging from trade
marks and lobbyists to city char-
ters and private detectives.
He maintains 250 branch offices
around the state. He is a mem-
ber of the Administrative Board
and the Safety Commission, and
is second in line to succeed the
'Washington is running for the
highest partisan post ever sought
by a Negro in Michigan. Some
cynical Democratic party workers
have called Washington's position
on the Republican ballot "window
dressing." The Republicans, they

say, are using Washington as a
token display of party integra-
Other considerations' a s i d e,
Washington's nomination is an
attempt to show Negroes they are
welcome in the Republican party
and a bid to win more Negro votes,
Republicans say.
Republicans have made gains in
the Michigan Negro community in
the past few elections-most of
them shown by Gov. George Rom-
Hare's staff made a display of
being nervous over the race ear-
lier this year-saying they feared
the combination of the name
Washington, Romney's coat tails
and the refusal of the Legislature
to enact, motor vehicle inspection

and implied consent measures.
But political polls show Hare
far ahead of Washington-a good
bet to win his seventh consecutive
James M. Hare
Hare, who has led the Dem-
ocratic ticket in total votes for
several elections, started out as
one of the least political politi-
cians on the Michigan scene.
He was a Wayne State Univer-
sity humanities professor who
was talked into running in 1954.
He has turned out to be not only
a leading vote-getter but a sig-
nificant fund-raiser.
Hare estimates over the last 10
years, the appointed managers of
his fee branch offices have con-
tributed $600,000 to the Democra-

tic party.
He is a soft-spoken campaigner
with a relaxed manner. But he
started hitting hard this fall when
he felt external. forces were at
work to defeat him.
A case in point was a series of
surveys by the Automobile Club of
Michigan on the Memorial Day,
Independence Day and Labor Day
weekends. The AAA said the sur-
veys showed the traffic violation
point system was not working the
way it should.
Hare challenged the Auto Club's
research methods and said he was
doing everything he was allowed
- to do under the law.
AAA spokesmen assured him
later the surveys were not an at-
tack on him or his administration

-but on the faults of the system
as designed by previous legis-
Hare is a former three-term
manager of the Michigan State
Fair-the first to turn the fair
into a money-making operation.
George Washington
Washington, son of a Texas
foundry worker who came to
Michigan in 1939 to study law,
is the state director of adminin-
He was a state public service
commissioner for three years be-
fore Romney named him one of
she 19 major department heads
last January. He dropped out of
law and went into accounting
when he "saw a lot of lawyers

The 49-year-old graduate of
Morehouse College is campaigning
actively around the state-but
primarily in Negro communities in
the major metropolitan areas 'of
He is campaigning as a mem-
ber of the "Romney team," on the
theme that giving the governor
more support on the Administra-
tive Board will benefit the state.
The state's mounting traffic
death and accident toll also makes
for a built-in campaign issue-al-
though it is one both Washington
and Hare campaign against.
Race is not an issue. Washing-
ton says; "the political parties in
Michigan have isolated that from
debate now."

Viet Cong
Shell Saigon
Mortar Explosions
In Center of City
Disrupt Celebrations
SAIGON-Viet Cong gunners
mounted a bold mortar attack yes-
terday that sent shells screaming
into downtown Saigon as thou-
sands of persons were gathering
for a big parade celebrating Viet
Nam's National Day.
One explosion-believed to have
been caused by a grenade-oc-
curred at the same time in the
Saigon marke~t, and reports said'
six persons were killed there,
Authorities said fiveremortar
shells fell on the city, but it was
believed two were duds. One ex-
plosion occurred at Saigon's Ro-
man Catholic cathedral, adjacent
to the main reviewing stands for
the parade.
The attack in the heart of the
city came as an early morning
prelude to the National Day cele-
bration on the third anniversary
of the overthrow and assassination
of the Catholic president, Ngo
Dinh' Diem, and his powerful
brothers Ngo Dinh Nhu.
Terrorist Mines
It was at first believed that Viet
Cong terrorist had set off a series
of claymore mines in the area of
the cathedral. The church is di-
rectly behind the line of march
for the National Day parade and
adjacent to 'the main reviewing
stands where the leaders of South
Viet Nam and, its allies were
scheduled to gather in less than
one hour.
Thousands of persons, many of
them women and children, were
streaming toward the parade route
when the blasts shook the area.
Limousines were picking up spe-
cial guests at downtown hotels to
view the parade.
Guerillas March
Five hundred former Viet Cong
guerrillas were scheduled to march
with the allied troops in the mas-
sive parade. Crowds lined the
street as early as 4 a.m. to await
the marching.
Government officials had earlier
announced a sharp increase in
Viet Cong desertations to the
South Vietnamese side-2,062 de-
fectors in October, third highest
month this. year after March's
2,236 and February's 2,082. Offi-
cials" reported 15,221 Viet Cong
had rallied to the government side
so far this year, compared to
11,124 for all of 1965.
Extraordinary security meas-
ures were imposed in Saigon
where two days ago police reported
seizing a Viet Cong terror squad
and 1,470 blocks of. TNT. The
police said the 10-man terror ring
had intended to spread havoc be-
fore and during the National Day
Contemplate DMZ Bombings
Meanwhile, high ranking Amer-
ican military officers were said
to be contemplating carpet bomb-
ing of the demilitarized zone to
prevent further Communist infil-
Proponents of the measure en-
vision massive flights of B-52
bombers-capable of near-pin-
point accuracy-blasting the theo-
retically neutral zone into a
wasteland where no North Viet-
namese soldier could move un-
It is uncertain how much such
an effort would cost because cal-

culations have not been completed
on the- number of bombs needed.
But such a project would involve
destruction over an area of at
least 100 square miles, and possi-
bly as much as 300 square miles.
North Vietnamese President Ho
Chi Minh said yesterday he would
not hesitate to accept volunteer
troop reinforcements from Com-
munist China and North Korea
",-av nprpmarv" Tnited Press

Ghana KeepsEnr oe
Imprisoned Johnson Hailed by Koreans;
Diplomats Renews Pledge of U.S. Aid

-Associated Press
VICTIMS OF VIET CONG mortar shelling in the Saigon market place yesterday provided a grim
backdrop for the celebration of South Viet Dam's National Day. The crowds were gathering for
a huge parade and display of Allied arms and local dignitaries were arriving when the firings began.
JErhard Battles Opposition
Amid Calls, for Retirement

By The Associated Press
BONN, Germany - Chancellor
Ludwig Erhard stood firm yester-
day against efforts to oust him,
but he made no apparent progress
in solving West Germany's four-
day-old government crisis.
Former Finance Minister Heinz
Starke charged yesterday two top
officials of Chancellor Ludwig Er-
hard's Christian Democratic Par-
ty engineered the present govern-
ment crisis in hopes of bringing
down his cabinet.
Starke, in an interview with a
newspaper in Hof, identified them
as Rainier Barzel the party's par-
liament leader and possibly .Er-
hard's successor should he fall,
and Franz-Josef Strauss, leader
of the party's Bavarian wing.
The opposition Socialistdparty
of West Berlin Mayor Willy
Brandt made an official bid for
new elections. Last year Erhard's
Christian Democrats won an elec-
tion victory and,.Erhard was wide-
ly credited with its modest gains.
But polls indicate the Socialists
.would win if the nation voted
The Socialist bid was made in a
way that could give Erhard a wea-
pon against his own party. The
Socialists urged him to ask the
Bundestag for a vote of confi-
Since the four Cabinet ministers

of the Free Democratic party re-
signed last Thursday, he would
not get the necessary majority
even if his own , party gave him
all its votes, 245 in the 496-seat
Under the West Ferman con-
stitution Erhard need not resign
if the Bundestag votes no confi-
dence. A majority must get to-
gether and elect a new chancellor
replace him. So far his enemies
have failed to agree on a successor.
Karl-Guenther von Hase, the top'
government spokesman, reiterated'

that Erhard has no intention of
quitting and is trying to put to-
gether a new majority.
How he hopes to do this is un-
clear and his chances ate con-
sidered small.
Erhard may harbor. hopes of
splitting off a few Free Democrats
to support his plans for higher
taxes-the issue they resigned
over. To do this he would have
to hang on to his job until after;
the Nov. 20 state election in Bava-
ria, where the Free Democrats
hope to make a good showing on
this point.

Ask for Exchange; j
Deny U.S. Assistance '
In Delegation Arrests
ACCRA, Ghana ()-Rejecting as
plea by Ethiopian Emperor Haile
Selassie to settle differences witha
Guinea, Ghana told an Ethiopianc
envoy here yesterday it will nott
release 19 Guinean diplomats and
students until Ghanians held in
Guinea are freed. .
The dispute was a top subject1
of discussion at a meeting of the
Council of Ministers of the Or-I
ganization of African Unity in
Addis Ababa, where Selassie madeC
his plea._
Guinea involved the United
States in the dispute but Ghana
cleared it of any part.
Seize Delegate
The dispute between the two'
African nations came to involve
the United States after Ghana
seized Guinea's OAU delegation
from an American plane stop in
Accra while en route to AddisI
Ababa. Guinea then held U.S. Am-
bassador Robinson McIlvaine un-
der house arrest Sunday in Con-f
akry, Guinea's capital.r
In Washington, the State De-I
partment reported McIlvaine wasc
allowed to leave hisresidence yes-
terday without a guard. This was
taken to mean Mclvaine's restric-I
tions were lifted.I
State Department spokesmanr
Carl Bartch said, however, mem-f
bers of the U.S. Embassy ?taff1
were under some sort of "office
arrest." He said militia were post-
ed outside the embassy, the U.S.
Information Service and PeaceI
Corps headquarters. Americans
were allowed to enter the build-
ings but now allowed to leave, hec
Bartch also reported that anti-t
American demonstrators invaded
the grounds of the ambassador's
residence yesterday m o r n i n g,E
broke windows and "committed
general acts of vandalism." He
said furniture was broken.-
A Conakry radio broadcast
heard in Dakar Senegal said 50,000
persons marched in front of the
embassy shouting, "Down with the
Yankees!" and "Yankees get out
of Africa!"
In New York, U.N. Secretary-
General U Thant met with Am-
bassador Marof Achkar of Guinea
and Ambassador F. S. Arkhurst of
Ghana separately. A U.N. spokes-
man reported later that Thant
will use his good offices in the
C.I.A. Not Involved
In Accra, Lt. Gen. J. A. Ankrah
Ghana's government chief, told
newsmen he disagreed with what
'he called a. claim of President
Sekou Toure of Guinea that the
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
tipped Ghanians that Guineans
were aboard the plane. The gen-
eral said Ghanian officials search
every plane that lands in Accra.
The OAU Council of Ministers
decided in Addis Ababa to send
a three-nation mission to Accra
and Conakry to seek the release
of the 19-man delegation arrested
in Ghana and to help improve re-
lations between the two coun

India, a neighbor of Communist
China, declared yesterday that an
effective treaty on banning the
further spread of nuclear weapons
must be binding on all the nuclear
powers, as well as nonnuclear
V. C. Trivedi, the Indian dele-
gate, made the statement in the
U.N. General Assembly's main
political committee, where Com-
munist China's test last week of
a nuclear missile came under
harsh criticism.
Trivedi cited the test as an ex-
ample of mushrooming of nuclear
weapons among the powers now
possessing them, and said it was
in this area that the world faced
"danger of the most titanic con-
Ambassador Yu Chi Hsueh of
Nationalist China said' Peking's
test underscored the urgent need
for a treaty. He charged Peking
with acquiring nuclear weapons
as part of a policy aimed at world
"Those who helped the Peking
regime with technical knowledge
and equipment at the early stage

of its nuclear development may
now regret that they did so," he
said' in words apparently directed
at the Soviet Union.
(A leading nuclear scientist said
recently that Red China is capable
of building as many as 100 nuclear
warheads by the middle of next
year, according to 'wire service
Gil Puyat, the Philippine dele-
gate, told the committee the Com-
munist Chinese test constituted "an
arrogant rebuff to our appeal to
all states to refrain from any ac-
tion which might hamper conclu-
sion of such a treaty."
Trivedi, chief negotiator for In-
dia at the Geneva talks, said that
any treaty must contain an ac-
ceptable balance of obligations of
the nuclear and nonnuclear wea-
pons. powers.
"Similarly, he said, a balanced
provision wil require that no coun-
try will produce nuclear weapons.
The nonnuclear weapons .coun-
tries will not produce them, and
the nuclear weapons countries also
will not produce any more wea-

SEOUL, South Korea ()--Pres-
ident Johnson swept triumphantly
into Seoul yesterday to the ac-
claim of record throngs and stout
official backing for his policy of
stemming Communist expansion
in Asia. He responded by pledging
anew that the United States
would aid South Korea' if it is at-
tacked again.
On this, his first full day in
Korea, the President looked ahead
to a visit with U.S. and South
Korean troops near the demilitar-
ized zone separating Communist
North Korea from South Korea.
The promise of a U.S. defense
of South Korea came in a toast

India Asks Effective
Nuclear Weapons Ban

Johnson raised to his host, Pres-
ident Chung Hee Park, at a state
dinner held last night while gay
crowds filled the streets of this
capital to watch fireworks dis-
plays capping the tumultuous wel-
come for Johnson and his wife.
Police said two million Koreans
turned out to see the President
and Mrs. Johnson. Typical of the
banners and placards waving
about were those hailing him as
"Great Texas Giant" and saying
"We love big shot of free world"
in English.
tour and their enthusiasm in
The outpouring of Koreans was
Johnson's biggest reception of the

greeting him made the reception
the wildest. Crowds broke down
metal fences, many clung to roof-
tops. There wasn't a hint of anti-
American sentiment that marred
otherwise warm and friendly re-
ceptions in New Zealand, Austra-
lia, the Philippines and Malaysia.
Soothes Fears
With a background of recent
incidents on the armistice line be-
tween North and South Korea,
and Korean government fears
that the United States might
weaken its f o r ces here to
strengthen its Viet Nam units,
Johnson vowed:
"Here in Korea, our fighting
men stand with your own along
the demilitarized zone, and we
shall come once more to your de-
fense if aggression-God forbid-
should occur here again."
Stopping here to slosh into a
rice paddy, there to lift a small
boy atop his bubbletop limousine,
and elsewhere to reach out-
stretched hands from surging
spectators, Johnson took 112
hours to motor 14 miles from
Kimpo Airport to a jampacked
reception at the city plaza in the
heart of this capital.
Hefty Onlookers
The massive crowd at times
threatened to break through the
most vigorous security restraints.
It was recorded as the biggest-
ever reception in this city of 3.7
million and the largest for John-
son" on his seven-nation swing
around the Far East. Police said
1.5 million greeted Dwight D.
Eisenhower when he came here as
president-elect in 1960.
The two partnership efforts
against Red aggression and Ko-
rea's remarkable recent economic
progress were main themes of the
"I believe none would dare to
break the comradeship which has
been forged in blood on the
battlefields of Korea and Viet
Nam; nor shall we ever forget the
generous assistance which the
American people have rendered us
to date," Park said at the dinner.,

Westinghous e Strike Begins
As Negotiations Break Down
PITTSBURGH (P) - Contract , across the country to walk 3ut un-
negotiations between Westing- less Westinghouse agreed to 13
house Electric Corp. and the In- stipulations the union said were
ternational Brotherhood of Elec- included in agreements signed
trical Workers broke off yester- earlier this month with the firm's
day. Federal mediators said, "This other three major unions.
apparently means that a strike A union spokesman said tie is-
will occur at midnight tonight.", sues included a union shop, geo-'
"The strike is on at midnight,"' graphic wage differentials, layoff
said a spokesman at the IBEW's benefits and full arbitration.
bargaining headquarters. "We The' union filed an amendment
have no further meetings sched- yesterday to an earlier unfair
The IBEW said it would order labor practices charge of refusal
about 14,0011 workers at 46 plants to bargain in good faith. The

8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-A Queens Crim-
inal Court judge yesterday set bail
totaling $31,000 for 19 men ac-
cused of planning to blow up pri-
vate camps they considered left-
wing training centers in New
York State, New Jersey and Con-
The men and tons of weapons
and ammunition were seized in a
series of pre-dawn raids Sunday
in Queens, Westchester County,
Long. Island and Syracuse, N.Y.
Officials claim the 19 nen are
members of the Minutemen, an
extreme rightwing organization
devoted to training members in
guerrilla warfare.
The men w e r e specifically
charged with conspiracy to com-
mit arson.
* * *
LOS ANGELES-FBI agents ar-
rested a 23-year-old Air Force
sergeant Monday on charges of
conspiring to commit espionage
with a Soviet dipomat. ,

to charges of conspiring with
Aleksey R. Malinin, assistant com-
mercial counselor at the Soviet
Embassy in Washington, to de-
liver to the Soviet Union "infor-
mation relating to the national
defense of the United States." Of-
ficials said Boeckenhaupt has no
prior criminal record.

amendment said Westinghouse
failed to furnish information re-
quested by the union.
The National Labor Relations
Board said the charges were under
The wage and fringe benefit
packages in those agreements were
estimated at four per cent a year
over three years by the company
and 50 cents an hour by the.
Production workers earned an
average of $3 an hour under the
old contract.



men's glee club men's glee club











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