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October 29, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-29

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344 rictgatt Batty
Seventy-Sixth Year



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ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth WIll Prevail,

NEWs PHONE: 764-0552


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


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California Governorship:
The Changeable Mr. Reagan

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AS THE NATION moves ever closer to
November's Election Day, major daily
newspapers and national newsmagazines
are becoming more assertive and more
definite in the tone of their near-unani-
mous predictions of a California victory
for candidate Ronald Reagan. His at-
tempt to unseat Democratic two-term
Governor Pat Brown has perhaps the
greatest significance of any of this off-
year's races for the various state huses.
REAGAN, who has pointed his right-
leaning arrow at the generally slow-
moving and lackluster administration of
the colorless Brown, has followed the path
of all candidates for four-year terms up
for grabs between presidential campaign
years. He periodically asserts that he has
no designs on higher office, no intention
of leaving the governor's chair once firm-
ly placed in that spot.
While the tone of Reagan's statements
des not differ from those of Michigan's
George Romney this year, or those of
loser Richard M. Nixon four years ago in
his attempt to unseat Brown, a closer
ear should be extended toward Mr. Rea-
gan-one of the most querrilous of na-
tionally-known politicians in this year's
vote derby.
Reagan's statements denying personal
ambition to public office beyond the gov-
ernorship, when one considers the incon-
sistencies of his political career, cast a
shadow over his fitness to lead Califor-
nia. Too often Reagan has shown himself
to be impetuous, impulsive and rash in
following various political philosophies.
His wildly vacillating political views of
the past could very well be a forewarn-
ing of his politcal futurei-"poltical" this
time expressed in terms of action, rather
than theory.
FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, actor-politician
Reagan was a political horse of an en-
tirely different stripe. From 1947 through
1952, he. was president of the decidedly
liberal Screen Actors Guild, the same
body that stood up for the "Blacklisted
Ten" of the McCarthy Era.
In 1950, he was a leading, highly-vo-
cal opponent of Nixon's first-and suc-
cessful-bid for the Senate, just as he

had, but two years earlier, been a close
confidante and partisan of then-Senator
Helen Gahagan Douglas, whom Nixon
himself had blasted as a Communist sym-
pathizer in the heat of the late forties-
early fifties witch hunts.
Today, the remarkable gravitation Mr.
Reagan has made to the opposite side of
the political pole is evident.
ALL THIS POINTS to, not what Reagan
calls a previous misguidement and
misconception, but a general personality
self-indictment. It is one thing for a
politician to slowly move from one side of
the fence to the other (to wit: Sen.
Wayne Morse started out as a Republican
in his first Senate term, was re-elected
as an independent, and proceeded to
eventually lodge himself firmly within
Democratic ranks. Even so, Morse's poli-
teal viewpoint did not change nearly so
much as did his political alignment.
However, it is an entirely different
matter for one to not only shft from
assertively left to defiantly rght, but to
be vocal, forward and definite in both-
perhaps dangerously.
Such flagrant bouncing from one side
to the other indicates far too many
holes in the model of a solid politician, a
would-be governor. While Reagan decid-
ed what he wants, it is all too possible
his actions may be determined before his
He may be too similar to what is dis-
paragingly known as the "professional ac-
tivist," that breed of the individual "so-
cial conscience" that will pick up any
cause and fight for it before weighing
the relative merits of both sides of the
PERHAPS MORE seriously, Reagan may
leave himself open to other's deci-
sions and judgments, and follow them
out of prior obligation, surface attractive-
ness, or both. Such traits are deplorable
enough in many American voters, but
they would be disastrous in the governor
of our largest state.
It is hoped that the voters of Califor-
nia are not in the mold of the Republican
party's candidate.




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Indonesia 's Chinese: A Purge Threatens


NO MATTER what Chairman
Mao may say about capitalism
and private ownership, through-
out Southeast Asia it is the Chi-
nese who are the most successful
entrepreneurs. Most are despised
in their adopted lands as schem-
ing, unpatriotic and profit-moti-
vated, but they are allowed tocon-
duct business on a restricted bas-
But in the case of the nation of
Indonesia, an anti-Chinese feel-
ing threatens to violently erupt in-
to a bloody purge which could
easily take the lives of three
million Chinese inhabitants of this
nation of islands.
senting over half of the Indones-
ian population, feel they must
completely rid the country of 4hi-
nese. Their deep-seated hatred has
simmered for centuries and stems
from the fact that Chinese busi-
nessmen hold a virtual monopoly
on trade in Indonesia.
Chinese domination of private
industry has been hated since it
began in the 17th century during
the period of Dutch rule. Chinese
were allegedly given preferred
rights to import by the Dutch and
allowed to sell at high prices to
the Indonesians who were then
known as the Javanese). The Jay-
anese were less ambitious and did
not have enough influence. A large
gap developed between their in-
come and that of the Chinese.
This is still the case today and
one of the major causes of resent-
ment in the rural villages. The

average Indonesian earns only
about five per cent of the income
earned by the average Chinese.
donesian front-men, however, the
Chinese have managed to maintain
ownership of 80 per cent of the
private business of the country.
They are protected in policy, but
not in fact by legislation which
is not enforced by the present gov-
In fact, the government is se-
verely restricting their rights and
Chinese may no longer become
Indonesian citizens. Many Chi-
nese firms have been nationalized,
currency exchange rates have been
made high to limit profits and
laws now forbid foreign concerns
from doing business in rural areas
where Chinese trading used to ex-
BUT THIS DOES not appease
the Moslems, whose cry remains
"drive them out, those who stay
will be killed." And they are not
kidding. The pattern for Moslem
terror becamecestablishedafter
an attempted coup on October 1
of last year failed to put the Com-
munists in control. Militant Is-
lamic organizations hate the Com-
munists as much as they do the
Chinese, and supported the army.
The Moslem 'leaders then discov-
ered that weapons were being
smuggled into the country to wipe
out anti-Communist leaders prior
to another coup attempt.
The official government, being
led by Sukarno, rejected any mass
retaliation against Communist

conspirators, to keep on diplo-
matic terms with China. Moslem
organizations, however, began
grouping support, including many
youths. A few weeks later, they
went on a rampage, combing the
countryside by night, rounding up
"known Communists." They drove
their captives into isolated jun-
gle locations where they were
beaten to death. Most of the
nation's Communist sympathizers
were then either imprisoned or re-
fused any employment.
ESTIMATES of the massacre
give figures as high as 400,000
to 600,000 active Communists kill-
ed in a few weeks. Precise figures
will never be available, though,
as many of the bodies were- left
in remote areas or buried in mass.
Some of the leaders of the coup
who were within the government,
including Dr. Subandrio, Sukar-
no's right hand man at the time,
escaped death in the purge. Sub-
andrio was recently sentenced to
death by a military court for his
part in aiding the Communist at-
tempts. The military still main-
tains wide support in the Moslem
community. Other alleged conspir-
ators are believed to have been re-
cently executed without trial.
Now the focus of this terror
has become the Chinese popula-
IN DECEMBER, major violence
began erupting when a group of
Moslems demonstrated in front
of the Chinese consulate in the
city of Medan. When police fired
a few shots into the crowd, the

Moslems began attacking nearby
Chinese with sticks and knives,
ransacking stalls in the markets
and beating pedestrians.
In all, more than 200 Chinese
were killed in these few minutes
of violence.
Shortly before, more than 10,-
000 homes and shops owned by
Chinese and Celebes, the largest
of the Indonesian islands had
been burned and looted by Moslem
terrorists. Smaller outbreaks of
violence have been reported on
most of the major islands in the
Indonesian chain.
These incidents show that the
anti-Chinese feeling is a potent
force in the country which will
again become vicious if agitated.
The tactics have already been es-
tablished, and a purge effort could
quickly result in the murder of
every one of the three million
Chinese in the country.
organized attempts to rid the
country of Chinese have been lo-
cal. Many campaigns have cen-
tered on accusing influential Chi-
nese of being Communists, insist-
ing that they return to their Com-
munist homeland.Forced evacua-
tions of thousands of "the oppor-
tunists" and their families from
some districts into larger cities for
deportation have recently been re-
While official statements insist
they are not being forced to
leave, many of the deportees are
full Indonesian citizens who have
never lived in China and don't
know what they will do when they
get there. Those interviewed re-

cently by the New York Times
say that they are being moved by
Moslem groups and were allowed
only three days notice.
VERY LITTLE public concern
for this situation has been ex-
pressed as yet. The United States
is concerned, but officials indicate
that we do not want to get "in-
volved" in such a "factional dis-
pute." A representative of the U.S.
Information Agency said recently
that, if anything, the administra-
tion is pleased with the Moslem
defiance of the Communist take-
over and Indonesia's turn toward
neutralism. It does, however, "de-
plore" the tactics employed to
achieve this end.
At least our government real-
izes it has no right to directly in-
terfere. Unfortunately, three mil-
lion people are now seriously
threatened for purely ethnic rea-
sons, and there seems no control
agency to protect them.
America is, however, in a posi-
tion to apply diplomatic pressure,
but even here, there is a great
difficulty in that Indonesia is in
desperate need of aid. To keep
thousands from starving to death
in some rural areas, we have al-
ready agreed to begin a massive
aid program. A restriction of these
programs, then may initiate even
greater difficulties, and will not
immediately quell the Moslems.
IT MAY BE hoped, however,
that our government will investi-
gate means to apply pressure upon
the Indonesian government to pro-
tect these Chinese and enforce
existing legislation which protects
their rights.


Keeping the Files Confidential

THE CREATION of an integrated stu-
dent data file at the University is con-
ceived as an efficiency measure. As such,
it may be regarded as a boon to Univer-
sity administrative offices; for, when im-
plemented, it will eliminate a great deal
of pnnecessary paperwork and much of
the duplication of information which ex-
ists now.
University staff will be spared the task
of creating paper files on every student,
and students' records will be at the fing-
ertips of those who need them legitimate-
ly. The repetitious, time-consuming task
of information gathering will be elimi-
nated, so that those who are supposed to
work with students will be able to direct
more attention to that major task.
HOWEVER, there are considerations
other than efficiency involved in the
implementation of the file, and these
must be considered carefully by the Uni-
versity Systems Committee before the file
goes into actual operation. When infor-
mation is consolidated, so that it becomes
easily accesible to a large number of peo-
ple, stringent safeguards must be impos-
ed in order that the confidentiality of
certain information be maintained.
The present file system contains cer-
tain annoying inefficiencies, but these
nefficiencies can act to protect confiden-
tiality simply because accessibility to in-
formation is not easy.
Ernest Zimmerman* of the Office of
Academic Affairs feels that computeriza-
tion and centralization of information
will not affect its confidential nature, be-
cause technical safeguards will be built
into the machine in order to lock infor-
mation to unauthorized persons. But
technical safeguards are of no conse-
quence unless those who use the file un-
derstand exactly which information is
public and which is not.
THE INTERIM Committee on Student
Records and Their Use, operating un-
A- +I,. - A-W A s-A . A ..,n ,,- n "

tion last May. The report recommends
that information be divided into "pub-
lic" and "private" categories, and speci-
fies which types of information fall un-
der these categories. This document is a
step toward the clarification of disclos-
ure policy. However, it is far from any
finalized stage, and is not expected to be
completed until the end of the academic
year, at least.
Since the compilation of the student
records committee report, some incidents
have occurred which indicate the need
for even further clarifications regarding
private information. The committee re-
port assumed that the University would
submit private information in response to
a subpoena, but the Senate Assembly
disclosure report concerning the relation
between the University and the House
Committee on Un-American Activities
has questioned this assumption.
Before the computerized file is imple-
mented, the University will have to estab-
lish a carefully considered and unambig-
uous policy regarding the release of in-
formation to such groups as HUAC.
THE INTEGRATED student data file
does not have to be a danger to the
privacy and freedom of University stu-
dents. If it is put into operation only
after the lines separating public and pri-
vate information, and authorized and un-
authorized persons, have been clearly de-
fined, then it will serve as a work-saving
efficiency measure, as intended by the
University Systems Committee.
But it should not be put into even par-
tial operation until these clarifications
have been made.
No Comment
~~Department -I

Letters:* Pershing Rifles March Again

To the Editor:
I'M WRITING this letter to dis-
pel possible misinterpretation
of ' the spectacle of the Pershing
Rifles' Friday noon performance
on the Diag. The performance,
for the benefit of those who could
not attend,consisted of the ritual
harassment of new pledges.
SEVERAL malcontents in the
crowd witnessing the ceremony
contended that the asinine em-
barrassment and debasement of
the initiates reflected unfavorably,
upon the integrity of the Persh-
ing Rifles. Nothing could be fur-
ther from the truth!
Since time immemorial, Persh-
ing Rifles pledges have worn dir-
ty clothes, cardboard signs, shiny
blue helmets and blackface to
classes and around campus. Why,

those pledges, they're PROUD of
the uniform of their outfit! What
other bunch of guys on campus
has such a unique and colorful
AND AS FOR the initiation pro-
cedure, I challenge you to come
up with a better way of develop-
ing team spirit! Those cadets, they
LIKE all the stuff and nonsense:
It gives them the feeling of be-
longing to a heads up, A-1 red-
blooded American team. And be-
sides, it teaches them iron disci-
I mean, if you will unhesitating-
ly fire imaginary rifles at imag-
inary airplanes to protect your
buddies from imaginary air raids
while they're scrubbing the M on
the Diag, just think of the way
they'll someday be able to fire
REAL rifles at REAL airplanes to

"WTait ! Don't Hang That One - That's The
'% i e a

protect their buddies from REAL
air raids while they're scrubbing
the M on the Diag!
Anyway, as the leader of the
Beret-sporting tormenters assert-
ed confidently, "Just wait until you
get into the Army. They'll make
you do a lot stupider stuff than
this!" I can hardly wait.
THE MORAL of the story is ob-
vious. Next time you see the Persh-
ing Rifles marching mechanical-
ly by, eyes caged, chins tucked
in, booted feet striking the ground
in miraculous synchrony, remem-
ber how the troops acquired their
fierce pride in the worthy outfit.
Maybe a little self-debasement,
indignity, public embarrassment,
and unquestioning obedience could
cure your hubris too.
-Sanford Fidell, Grad
The Fund
To the Editor:
I WISH to express my sincere
thanks for the kind words you
said about me in the editorial
column of Sunday's Daily.
In all conscience, however, I
must point out that they were mis-
directed. Any successes the Resi-
dential College program may have
achieved are owing almost entire-
ly to two committees which, to
my great good fortune, have been
composed of enthusiastic, dedicat-
ed and hard-working faculty and
students. Truly, all I did was to
hang on to their coattails and
-B. D. Thuma
Residential College
To the Editor:
doesn't the University change
the name of the Residential Col-
lege to the Institute for Training
Undergraduates for Automotive
Two goals would be accomplish-
ed: 1. money would pour in from
"interested industries" (GM's low-

perfect empathy with all whom
they interview, I was disappoint-
ed that the recent account in The
Daily of my interview with its
editorial staff presented my can-
didacy as a conventional "Peace
Movement" effort undertaken out
of pique with the Democratic par-
ty because things didn't "go my
way" in that party.
The critique of current trends
on the American political scene
which my candidacy represents
goes far beyond the program of
peace organizations as such, and
those engaged in my campaign
cannot be adequately described by
the old-fashioned term "peace
NO POLITICALLY mature adult
with strong social concerns ever
enters any organization simply to
have things go his way, but rath-
er to contribute to a creative proc-
ess of dialogue, new thinking and
positive social change.
For myself, I have concluded
that I could contribute to this
dialogue more effectively as an in-
dependent than within the Demo-
cratic party.
--Ehse Boulding
Write-in Candidate for the
Second Congressional Dist.
Voice Statement
To the Editor:
cent statement to SGC, con-
cerning student organizations,
misrepresents several things. The
most blatant is the. reason of any
organization for not turning in
membership lists to the adminis-
Cutler stated that the proposed
SGC regulations encouraged secret
and clandestine organizations and
worked against the "open society"
of the University. Cutler's part in
the recent aministrati ioneisionn

committee members were pub-
lished in The Daily early in Sep-
tember, and Voice had no objec-
tion to submitting membership
lists until the administration used
the lists illegitimately and with-
out consulting the students in-
Voice's position in this matter is
expressed in, this statement pre-
sented to SGC Thursday night,
October 27:
affected by the recent adminis-
tration decision to give HUAC a
confidential membership list,
Voice asks SGC to consider the
following points as it takes its
final stand concerning student or-
ganizations and the question of
membership listss:
1) For the purpose of estatb-
lishing organizational responsi-
bility within the University
community, there are some pos-
sible legitimate reasons for re-
quiring one or more members'
names from any organization -
but until the University com-
mits itself to using the names
for these purposes and no oth-
ers, there is only a difference of
quantity between submitting the
names of all members and sub-
mitting two names.
2) The administration has not
affirmed the rights of students
to a say in the use of member-
ship lists.
3) The administration has not
shown any intentions of using
such lists with adequate care for
the political freedom of students.
4) Vice-President Cutler has
recently been empowered to
overrule any legitimate student
government. Until students'
right to decide matters affect-
ing them is firmly established,
there is no reason to believe in
the good intentions of the ad-
ministration in any of these
matters. Cooperation with them
in this situatinn is unnnation



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