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October 29, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-29

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De Gaulle
U.S. in Asia
State Department Cool
To French President's
Remarks on Viet Nam
PARIS (A')-President Charles
de Gaulle insisted yesterday that
the United States should get out
of Viet Nam. He said the war can-
not be won militarily and can only
lead to heavier expen and moun-
ting criticism.
Meanwhile, State Department
officials reacted i c i1 y to De
Gaulle's advice. Officials said that
De Gaulle's remarks represent "no
substantial change of his previ-
ously expressed position."
Spirit of Friendship
The French president, 75, said
he was giving his advice in the
spirit of friendship. But he said
he found it "absolutely detestable
for a little people to be bombaded
by a very great nation." He de-
clared it is up to the United States
to make the first moves for bring-
ing an end to "this deadly enter-
Further, he declared, the United
4 States must recognize that no
treaty and no settlement can be
valid in Asia without the parti-
cipation of Communist China.
He said the United States must
fully understand this implies
diplomatic recognition of Red
China and her admission to the
United Nations.
End Fighting Quickly
He said it would be to the ad-
vantage of the United. States to
end the fighting as quickly as
possible, even if it did not result
in the political situation they
hoped for.
De Gaulle spoke with supreme
confidence as he addressed about
800 reporters in an ornate recep-
tion room at the Elysee Palace in
his semi-annaual news conference.
He upheld the rightness of
French foreign policy. He lauded
French independence - independ-
ence principally from American
domination-which is the -corner-
stone of his actions.
Opinion Known
What De Gaulle thinks about
the Viet Nam war and what he
thinks the United States should do
there have been known since early
September when the French head
of state, together with Cambodia's
Prince Norodom Sihanouk, sug-
gested that this country proclaim
a "schedule" of its withdrawal
from Viet Nam.
The United States and its allies
feel they complied with this re-
quest at the recent Manila seven-
power conference when they re-
solved that all their troops would
leave Viet Nam within six months
after North Viet Nam stopped ag-
gression. Withdrawing without
that, or complying with De Gaul-
le's advice to let the Vietnamese
"settle their own manner and by
their own means," would be tant-
amount to yielding to Communist
aggression, A m e r i c a n officials
Chides West Germany
In addition, De Gaulle chided
West Germany for being more
friendly to the United States than
to France. He cautioned French
voters they had better give his
supporters a majority in next
spri g's legislative elections or risk
seeing the country slip back into
His chiding of West Germany
on the ground that Bonn put
its Atlantic alliance links above
the German-French cooperation
treaty came at Chancellor Ludwig
Erhard maintained only a shaky

grip on the Bonn government.
Four cabinet ministers of the Free
Democratic party quit Thursday
in a budget row and some mem-
bersof Erhard's Christian Demo-
cratic party are eager to see him
replaced by someone more friendly
to De Gaulle.
Patriarchal Advice
De Gaulle seemed yesterday to
be giving his patriarchal advice7
mainly to Americans. Calling outt
the list of the most prickly dis-I
putes between France and the
United States, he said:t
"It seems that what we are un-
dertaking, and the attitudes that
we are taking, are finally useful
for everyone; and especially our
American friends. What we areI
saying and doing for Viet Nam,
or for NATO, or for the monetary
system, I very sincerely think it
would bet to their advantage to4
want it, and to do it themselves.",
De Gaulle appeared in excellent
health. His hour and a half of al-t
most uninterrupted monologue;
was fully the equal of past per-
formances on these occasions.
Ignores Question
Questions from the floor were
grouped into general subjects for
his discourse. He ignored a ques-t
tion about the possibility of a
meeting with President Johnson.I
He proudly declared that "in
five months, no headquarters, noI
unit, no base of any allied armyf
will remain on our territory."

Thais Give
LBJ Royal

North Viet Leaders Praise
Chinese Missile Achievement

-Associated Press
French President Charles de Gaulle is seen during one of his rare press conferences yesterday at
the Eylesee Palace in Paris. Some main topics of the session revolved around the American com-
mitments in Southeast Asia, and German relations in Europe. In some flag waving, he lauded his
own country's independence, and told Frenchmen they never had it so good.
Blast Rips U.S. Supply Area;
Cabinet Crisis Appears Over

Cool Crowds and Tight, TOKYO (A1-President Ho Chi
Schedule Controls $ inh of North Viet Nam Friday
hailed Red China's succesful test
Mark Bangkok Visit of a guided missile with a nuclear
warhead as "a great contribution
BANGKOK, Thailand (;'-Pres-' to the revolutionary struggle of
ident Johnson got the full royal the people of Viet Nam."
treatment yesterday from the Message to Mao
King of Thailand in a Bangkoks
visit filled with pomp and page- In a congratulatory message to
antry. party chairman Mao Tse-tung
From the early afternoon arri- broadcast by Hanoi Radio, Ho de-
them engaged in the air war clared:
until midnight, an elaborate cere- "China's possession of nuclear
monial protocol governed nearly weapons and her recent successful
every minute of President and test of a missile with nuclear war-
Mrs. Johnson's first day in this head clearly prove the speedy de-
Oriental capital. velopment of China's science and
.Marked Contrast technology and the increasing
This was in marked contrast to might of her national defense
earlier Johnson stops on his forces to safeguard great China.-
31,000-mile Far East tour. In New buthis tsthe revolutionarytcogt-
Zealand and Australian cities, the g t of the people of Viet Nam and
relativelyfree-wheeling President the world against imperialism
would pause in city processions to theaded byUns imperialism n
mingle with surging crowds and headed by U.S. imperialism, and
deliver short off-the-cuff speeches. a great stimulus to the cause of
dutiereot f-he -cllowe c ihly- preserving world peace."
B"t hee he fol"owed aetightly-Echoed Chinese Announcement
controlled schedule and motored Ho's words echoed Red China's
about town with King Bhumibol o'anordseenhofrd a's
Aduyadj fom ne rearanedown announcement of Thursday's
Adulyadej from one prearranged test. Red China said the possession
ceremony to another. of guided missiles and nuclear
Restrained Crowds 'weapons was "a great encourage-
;Crowds lined the streets but ment to the heroic Vietnamese
they were comparatively restrain- people, who are waging a war of
ed. Many were school children resistance against U.S. aggres-
waving small paper American and ,ion"
Thai flags that had been handed Hanoi Radio said China's latest
out. experiment "is a tremendous
Along some routes, the streets moral encouragement to the Viet-
had been cleared altogether and namese people in their sacred
only a few spectators saw the of- fight against U.S. aggression and
ficial procession led by the king for national salvation, as well as
and Johnson in a cream yellow for the revolutionary peoples now
limousine, followed by their wives struggling for self-liberation."
in a second limousine of the same i n

and rockets than was expected,
Tanjug's correspondent said in a
dispatch from Peking.
As people danced in Peking's
streets, Tanjug said, observers in
the capital appraised the test as
having great political significance.
The timing of the experiment!
was seen as important, too. It
-ame right after the Manila con-
ference, the nonaligned summit
meeting in New Delhi of India, the
United Arab Republic and Yugo-
slavia and long after the big Com-
munist meeting in Moscow. These
events were jointly described by
the Chinese as "great intrigues"
against China and Viet Nam, the
report said.
Soviet Worry
The Soyiet Union, with at least
as - much reason to be worried
about Peking's missile as other
countries close to China, withheld

comment. Though the announce-
ment raised new questions about
Soviet defenses against missiles
and Soviet military dispositions
along the 4,150-mile Soviet-Chi-
nese border.
In Hong Kong. one Western
source said the test "goes to prove
China is capable of producing a
delivery system for atom bombs,
and in another year or so China
will have hundreds of missiles
capable of striking any country
in. Asia or beyond."
Western Intelligence
Western intelligence sources
there said the lack of detailed in-
formation on the test made it dif-
ficult to asses China's true mili-
tary strength.
In Tokyo, the Japanese govern-
ment and political parties of all
hues-except the Communist--
publicly deplored the missile test.

Draft IoardBadgers
Carmichael on Status

SAIGON, South Viet Nam (P)-
An earthshaking explosion ripped
up an ammunition dump yester-
day night in a supply area for two
U.S. infantry divisions.
First reports said two American
soldiers were killed and 10 in-
The blast blackened a surround-
ing jungle and broke windows in
Saigon, 12 miles away. U.S. au-
thorities on the scene said they
expected a heavier casualty toll.
,Large numbers of American troops
are stationed in the area, just off
the main highway from Saigon
to Cap St. Jacques. There also is
a large American hospital there.
U.S. troops had just finished a
hunt-and-kill mission against Viet
Cong guerrillas in the area. The
explosion, at 9 p.m., sent a huge
orange ball rolling into the night
sky. In Saigon it looked like sun-
It came after South Vietnamese
officials reported sharp battle ac-
tion between Viet Cong fighters
and government forces in the
Mekong delta, south of the capital.
Viet Cong terror squads also were
active there.
American ground, action cbn-
tinued in a lull. The U.S. Com-
mand reported American planes
flew 95 bombing missions over
North Viet Nam, about 30 or so
below the normal daily average.
B-52 bombers from Guam hit at
Viet Cong troops and camps in
two places.
On the Political Scene
The crisis in Premier Nguyen
Cao Ky's military government ap-
peared resolved.
Informants said the crisis in
Ky's regime seemed over. They
said Ky replaced two dissident
ministers and talked five others'
out of quitting their jobs.
The seven ministers resigned
last week, charging that Ky's gov-
ernment was dominated by offi-l
cials who came from North Viet
Nam when the North and South
were partioned in 1954. They also
complained that Brig. Gen. Ngu-
yen Ngoc Loan, national security
chief, was ruthless in carrying out
his duty.

The informants said Ky named
Thai Ton, to be the economic
minister, replacing Au Truong
his financial adviser, Truong
Thang. He also replaced Youth
Minister Vo Long Trieu by naming
Le Phuoc Sang, .the informants
Supported by U.S. and South
Vietnamese aircraft, 1,200 gov-
ernment soldiers took on between
800 and 1,000 Viet Cong and re-
ported killing 137 of them. The
action took place Thursday. Of-
ficials said supporting aircraft ac-
counted for about 90 of the enemy
In Saigon, a woman was caught
carrying a basket containing a
white phosphorous grenade near
the headquarters of Gen. William

C. Westmoreland, commander of
U.S. forces in Viet Nam.
The B-52s from Guam struck
for the second straight day at
what was described as a Viet Cong
troop concentration 50 miles
northwest of Qui Nhon on the
central coast. The second B-52
raid was against a Viet Cong base
12 miles northwest of Quang Ngai,
also on the central coast.
In the raids on the North
Thursday, U.S. planes concen-
trated on supply routes, hitting
road and coastal traffic.
The U.S. Command said enemy
ground fire brought down one
F105 Thunderchief. It was the
411th American plane reported
lost over the North in the war.
The pilot is listed as missing.

NEW YORK (P)-"Black power"
leader Stokely Carmichael, called
for draft re-examination, said yes-
terday if he is classified 1-A, "I'm
not going to go."
Carmichael, just before leaving
by plane for San Francisco for a
meeting, said when asked on what
grounds he would refuse military
service: "I don't care which it is.
I'll go to Leavenworth."
Carmichael has been undergoing
consultations with draft officials,
which were completed yesterday.
Higher Law
Carmichael, chairman of the
Student Non-Violent Coordinating
Committee and the leading advo-
cate of black power, cited the
Nuremberg war crimes trials after
World War II and said there is
a higher law than the law of the
U.S. government.

Congress Increases Budget,
While Claiming Economy'

WASHINGTON (A)-The 1966'
Congress gave a good demonstra-
tion of how to appear to cut fed-
eral spending while actually in-
creasing it, budget experts said
Many economy speeches were
hearlI in the Senate and House
during the session, and Congress
claimed after adjournment last
Saturday that it had cut President
Johnson's budget request by $883
Technically Correct
This was technically correct, if
only action on the 15 appropria-
tions bills passed during the year
was considered.
But as administration budget
officials point out, and congres-
sional experts agree, the legis-
lators took many other actions
which will have an upward im-
pact on spending this fiscal year.
The Budget Bureau's tentative
estimate so far is that these could
force an increase of $2.5 billion or
more in Johnson's planned spend-
ing program for fiscal 1967 which
began July 1.
Senate Republican leader Ev-

erett M. Dirksen of Illinois, re-
porting to his colleagues on a
White House session early this
month, said: "You 'should have
heard him on the budget. He ful-
minated like Hurricane Inez.
Dirksen on this occasion led a
successful fight to slash $750 mil-
lion which Johnson had not re-
quested from the antipoverty bill.
Many legislators assert that
some cutbacks asked by Johnson
were proposed so that Congress
could be blamed for exceeding his
Sharp Reductions
For example, he recommended
sharp reductions in direct govern-
ment loans for needy college stu-
dents and in funds granted to im-
pacted areas where schools are
crowded because of the children
of federal personnel.
Congress rejected these cutbacks
with the result that this money
bill exceeded the budget by about
$400 million.
It refused also to go along with
reductions Johnson proposed in
such popular programs as school
lunches, school milk and aid to
land grant colleges.

Malaysians Demonstrate
As Thailand welcomed the Pres-
ident, demonstrations erupted in
Malaysia against Johnson's visit
there tomorrow. Students at the
University of Malaya in Kuala
Lumpur, burned an effigy of the
President after putting a big sign
outside the campus saying "Come
and watch the burning of Presi-
dent Johnson."
As night fell in the Malaysian
capital, 50 Chinese marched on a
hotel used by U.S. troops resting
from the war in Viet Nam and
bombarded it with slingshots,
bricks and stones. No Americans
were injured.
As police strove to head off de-
monstrations when Johnson ar-
rives Sunday, the government
radio called on, the people for
"something extra, something spe-
cial in our welcome to show our
appreciation of the sacrifices
which so many young Americans
have made in Asia."
Johnson expressed belief that
some day even Communist China
and North Viet Nam "will join our
Pacific brotherhood-in peace. We
look forward to that day."
Ignores Missile Test
He ignored publicly Peking's
announcemnet of Red China's
first test of a missile withisnu-
clear warhead. Sources with the
presidential party declined com-
ment on the Chinese announce-
ment pending further intelligence
on what happened.
At a glittering banquet with the
king and Queen Sirikit as hosts,
the President spoke of the right
of every people to determine their
own destiny. Thailand and the
United States are allies in helping
South Viet Nam, he declared.
Long Time Ally
Thailand has long been a U.S.
ally and at present is the basefor
about 30,000 U.S. troops, many of
the mengaged in the air war
against the Communists in Viet
Sunday, the presidential couple
flies to Malaysia, the next to last
country on the chief executive's
seven-nation tour. His final stop
is South Korea Monday.

FTC 'To Investigate Effect
Of Chance Games on Prices

eral Trade Commission has start-
ed an investigation of promotional
"games of chance" in the retail
food industry to determine wheth-
er they raise prices and impair
Legality Questioned
The commission, in announcing
this last night, said it is inquir-
ing into the legality and competi-
tive effects of "so-called 'sweep-
stakes' and other games of
The FTC called on retailers to
discontinue voluntarily any pro-
motional practices that are unfair
or increase prices to the house-
The commission said it is par-
ticularly concerned that these
promotional schemes, now exten-
sively used by retailers throughout
the country, may have increased
the retail price of food and have
had the effect of substantially cur-
tailing price competition.
Objectives of the investigation,
which the commission described as
intensive, were described as:
p Todetermine whether these
promotional schemes constitute
unfair and deceptive practices in
violation of laws administered by
the commission.
* To determine their economic
consequences, including increased
costs to food retailers and higher
prices to consumers, and their
impact on competition in food

* To provide a factual basis up-
on which the commission may
take such effective corrective ac-
tion as may be required to enforce
the law.
Guidelines Needed
While the commission's action
was unanimous, one of its five
members, A. Everette Maclntyre,
said he is disappointed that the
commission "has not acted other-
wise to provide the food retailing
industry promptly with guidelines
so that it may be better informed
regarding the commission's views
about what may or may not vio-
late the Federal Trade Commis-
sion Act."

Want "emonstration
A report from Yugoslavia's Tan-
jug news agency in Belgrade said
Peking's millions greeted the an-
nouncement of the nuclear tri-
umph with giant demonstrations,
beating drums, and by displaying
portraits of Mao.
The first Chinese nuclear mis-
sile showed China has advanced
more quickly in nuclear weapons

Asked if he believed his law was
higher, Carmichael replied: "Cer-
tainly it is."
Carmichael said he expects to
hear in about five days whether
he will be reclassified, snd did not
want to make known details of
his plans until his Selective Serv-
ice board issued its statement.
Public Protest
A Selective Service official dis-
closed that the draft exemptions
of both Carmichael and actor
George Hamilton were being re-
assessed by local boards because
of mounting public protest.
Hamilton is due for a physical
examination Nov. 7.
"Yes, this definitely was the re-
sult i of public protests," said a
high official of the New York
headquarters of the Selective
Service. He asked that his name
not be used.
In Washingtin, the Selective
Service said that in recent months
more letters have been received
regarding Hamilton's draft status
than regarding anyone else. After
that, most protests are about
heavyweight boxing champion
Cassius Clay, recently re-classified
as 1-A, and less frequently about
He is currently classified as 1-Y
by his local board because in the
past he has failed to meet current
standards for induction.'
Routine Examination
A spokesman for the New York
Headquarters~ of the Selective
Service said Carmichael has been
called up for re-examination sev-
eral times-a routine practice for
men in his category. The most
recent re-examination, he said
was 9 to 12 months ago.

Er 1






World News Roundup ]

Prof. of Sociology, Florida State Univ.
Monday, Oct. 31, 4 P.M.
West Conference Room, Rackham


By The Associated Press
BONN, Germany - Chancellor
Ludwig Erhard spent an hour yes-
terday at the home of Erich
Mende, who resigned Thursday as
deputy chancellor. Both men said,
their parties could get together
again in the government soon.
It was Mende's 50th birthday'
and he was holding open house.
He and the other three cabinet
ministers of his Free Democrotic
party quit on a popular issue: a
tax increase that Erhard wanted
and the Free Democrats opposed.
One purpose of the increase
would be to pay for the big arms
purchases W e s t Germany is
pledged to make in the United;
ist China's announced test of a
nuclear missile drew an expression

nuclear attack. showed the increase in power over
"Any atomic explosion anywhere Early Bird transmissions," a Com-
is to be regretted in the context of sat spokesman said.
the General Assembly resolutions "They indicate we will get a
on this subject," said Thant in a much better TV picture from the
statement issued by -a spokesman. new satellite than we have from
Early Bird."

Intelsat II "Lani Bird" satellite
transmitted excellent test patterns
for the first time yesterday-in-
creasing sponsors' faith that it
soon will be providing superior
communications across the Paci-
fic Ocean.
The Communications Satellite
Corp.-- Comsat - said the space-
craft, not yet on its mid-Pacific
station, responded well to televi-
sion test patterns in black and
white, senit from a ground station
at Andover, Maine.
"The pictures received back at
Andover from the satellite clearly,

CINCINNATI, Ohio-Vice Pres-
ident Hubert H. Humphrey said
yesterday that "our best esti-
mates" indicate it will take several
years for Red China to turn its
test of a nuclear missile into "an
operational capability."
But Humphrey - the highest
ranking U.S. official now in the
country - stressed that the test
announced Thursday by Peking
was "no false Chinese claim," and
he underscored the need for a
treaty, with Red China included,
to stop the spread of nuclear

with Jennie Fitzpatrick, Frithjof Bergmann, Milton
Cohen, Harold Borkin, Robert Ashley, Mary Ashley,
Ann Borkin, Lee Daly, Betty Manupelli, Billie Ash,
Carolyn Cohen, Taja Bergmann, Mike Sherker, Gor-
don Mumma, Jackie Mumma, Larry Leitch, Aune
Brita Ronkanen. By George Manupelli.
with Andy Warhol
and Gerard Malanga
by Andrew Meyer
by Lawrence Janiak
by Larry Jordan

UAC (Union-League)
Contemporary Discussion & SGC

SUNDAY, Oct. 30

Hill Auditorium


of regret yesterday from Secre-
tary-General U Thant.
In the General Assembly's 121-
nation main political committee,T
Japan said Peking's announce-
ment underscored the necessity
for non-nuclear nations to obtain Ron Jeffers, Director
guarantees for protection against
BACH: Cantata No. 191



David Harris, President of Student Body at Stanford
will speak for abolition of the Selective Service
Ed Schwartz of the National Student Association
will speak for alternative service and ;
university non-cooperation.

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