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October 28, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-28

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* **rc i r5AW4*

China Claims
Missile Gains
U.S. Officials Say
No Nuclear Threat
Implied by Tests
China's claim to a successful test-
firing of a missile-launche
atomic device failed yesterday t
change the official U.S. stand tha
a number of years will elapse be-
fore a direct Chinese nuclear at-
tack can be launched against thi
* The Chinese communist regime
without giving details, reported
yesterday a guided missile ha
carried a r nuclear device to its
target within Red China, and suc-
cessfully detonated the warhead
U.S. officials, without confir-
ming the report ' from the Ne,
4t China News Agency, referred tC
statements by Secretary of De-
fense Robert S. McNamara in
Paris last December saying Chi-
nese ability to attack is years
Intensive Effort
At that time, the Pehtagon chief
said the Chinese were making an
intensive effort to develop a me-
diun-range ballistic missile which
possibly could become operationa)
as early as 1967.
McNamara also estimated pub-
licly the Chinese might be able t
deploy intercontinental ballistic
" missiles as early as 1975.
U.S. officials said there will be
no immediate step-up in American
efforts to establish an antiballistic
missile defense against the type
of attack China might be able to
mount in the mid 1970s.
$2 Billion
The United States has spent
about $2 billion in developing an
antiballistic missile defense sys-
tem known as Nike X.
U.S. officials said Thursday that
the Chinese report, which seems
to indicate they now have the
means to deliver an atomic war-
head for some unspecified dis-
tance, still does not necessitate
spending money on preproduction
of the controversial Nike X sys-
Buththese officials indicated
that the Chinese test, if it oc-
curred, will lead to complete as-
sessment of the antimissile de-
fense budget for fiscal 1968.
Decade Delay
While Communist China has
been working on ICBM's, officials
said it is doubtful their warhead-
equipped missiles could be deploy-
ed in less than a decade.'
McNamara is said to believe this
provides the United States with
adequate time for determining ex-
actly what the Nike X system
should consist of.
Nike X Saved
Development work on the Nike
G, however, will continue.
Some members of Congress have
differed with McNamara on just
how fast the United States should
move toward defending against
the Chinese atomic threat, and
what components should go into
the Nike X system.
Sen. Richard B. Russell, D-Ga.,
chairman of the Senate Armed
Services Committee, said recently,
"We have too much to lose to rely
complacently on an assumption
that the Chinese Communists will'
not have a ballistic missile capa-
bility before he can deploy a bal-
4 listic missile defense."

Army Power
A -. 1 IT1

Erhard Faces National Test
As Minority Party Candidate

sserts Peace W in BONN, Germany .'-Chancel- they now agree on 'one: They of Erhard and replace him with
Follow Awareness ; or Ludwig Erhard decided yester- want to get rid of Erhard." someone friendlier to President
Oday to run West Germany with a For the immediate future,Weh- Charles de Gaulle of France.
Of Combat Strength Iminority government after the ner said, there is no chance of the A newspaper headline olayed an
Bfour ministers of the Free Demo- Socialists joining in the govern- important part in the ministers'
BANGKOK, Thailand U )- In cratic party resigned in a budget ment. decision to quit. Wednesday night,
a challenge to North Viet Nam, dispute. Close Ties a compromise between 0hc two
President Johnson says the United It was te first time in the his- The other 17 Cabinet 'nembers parties was reached at a Cabinet
Sat and it a inSth iet tory of the 17-year-old Federal are closely tied to Erhard's Chris- meeting: An attempt would be
"sarohavenbuiltta militarytheld Republic that this has been tried, tian Democratic party. But a made to balance the budget by
gressor from succeeding" ,, Erhard's . Christian Democratic strong group within the party, led cutting expenditures and tax ex-
party has only 245 of the 496 votes by ex-Chancellor Konrad Ade- emptions, with new taxes to be
Until North Viet Nam with- in the Bundestag. But he can only nauer, has long sought to get lid considered if this failed.
draws its forces, "We must con- be overthrown if the opposition
tinue to resist the aggression that gets together and elects a newr JGy
threatens South Viet Nam," hej man. This has never been tied l d J i s GC r le
said in a report Thursday t the either.Fo
American people.
The crisis arose over the 1967.T
"We do so because we believe budget, heavily burdened by prom- D eclaring Profits D rop
that the Communists will unbolt ises to buy arms in the United
the door to peace only when they States. Erhard saw no way to bal-
are convinced their- military cam- ance it except by raising taxes. DETROIT (M-Ford Motor Co. Chrysler s a i d third-quarter
paign cannot succeed," he de- The Free Democrats, with im- Thursday became the third mem- earnings were $6.5 million, or 14
Taared.hportant locl electons coming up, ber of the automotive big three cents a share, down from $18 mil-
Taped Speech resigned rather than approve.
The speech was taped in Manila Replacements to 'announce that its profits de- lion, or 40 cents a share, for the
The peechd as t n Mnil th R eplacemnthe clined in the third quarter of this same three months of 1965.
and released as Johnson spent the Erhard replaced them with year in comparison with those.of
day relaxing at the resort village Christian Democrats who will take a year ago. For the year to date, net profits
of Ban' Saen after 10 ctrn1.,-
un unei joos n aad tion tatiie

-Associated Press
PRESIDENT JOHNSON stressed American military determination yesterday in a taped speech
which marked the end of the Manila Conference and the tenth day of his Asian trip. He is shown
leaving for Thailand with his wife.
Soviet Nations Pledge Billion
To Supply North Vietnamese


V1 ~aigTact l~l U ~te1UOUS on their jobs in addition to their
days on his Far East tour. present portfolios.
He goes by helicopter today 68 Johann B. Gradl, already 7ef-
I miles northwest to Bangkok where ugee minister, will replace Deputy
he is to be welcomed by King Chancellor Erich -Mende as min-
Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit. ister of all-German affairs.
In his two-day visit to Bangkok Werner Dollinger, minister of
he will have an opportunity to dis- federal property, will take overj
cuss with Premier Thanom Kit- the Ministry of Economic Coop-r
tikachron the growing Communist eration from Walter Scheel.
guerrilla menace in Thailand's im- Kurt Schmuecker, minister for1
poverished northeast. economic affairs, will also be fi-
nance minister, instead of Rolft
, Conference ReportI

Ford Chairman Henry Ford II
said the company's net income for
the first nine months of this year
was $492.9 million, the second
highest in Ford history.
The record of $540.2 million was
set in the opening nine months
of last year.
However, Ford's third quarter
net income of $65.8 million was
the lowest third quarter since
1960 when it was $51.4 million. A

WARSAW, Poland (A')-The So-
viet Union and its allies have
pledged approximately a billion
dollars in goods and cash to Com-
munist North Viet Nam, informed
Polish sources said yesterday.
They reported the war chest
was collected at the recent Soviet
bloc summit conference in Mos-
cow and written pledges have been
given to a representative of, Ho
Chi Min's Hanoi government. Of-
ficial confirmation could not be
obtained -here.
State Medics
Organ Tran
DETROIT (A)-A Michigan re-
search team reported yesterday
it has had some success in de-
veloping a serum that may help
enhance the body's acceptance
of transplanted organs.
Dr. Paul Wolf of Wayne State
University said the method in-
volved p r o d u c i n g antibodies
against the kind of white cells
that are part of the body's mech-
anism for rejecting foreign tissue.
So far, the medical team has
worked only with dogs, Wolf re-
ported in a paper presented to a
meeting of the American Associa-
tion of Blood Banks in Los An-
More Work Needed
He told a reporter in Detroit
that much more animal work
would have to be done before any
groundwork is laid for tests on
The approach is only one of
several in laboratories around the
nation aimed at the body's rejec-
tion mechanism that have thwart-

The idea of sending volunteers
to North Viet Nam has been
abandoned, the sources said, be-3
cause "the Vietnamese don't want;
a foreign legion. European trocps
would .be worthless. They wantl
goods and cash" for munitions,
medicine and other supplies.
Moscow's pledge was stated as!
$800 million and the total of the
other East European Communist
contributions as about $200 mil-
Asked if this is for an entire

year or some other period of time,
a Polish source replied, "This is
for right now. God knows what

were $123.4 million, or $2.72 a
share, compared with $136.4 mil-
lion, or $3.24 a share, for the first
nine months of 1965.
General Motors
Chryler's report came two days
after General Motors, the nation's
largest auto maker, announced its
third-quarter earnings had drop-
ped to $99.5 million, or 34 cents a
share, from $263.8 million, or 91
cents a share, in 1965.
Chryles said its sales, however,
have set a record for the nine
months so far this year, totaling
$4.10 billion, compared with a
previous high of $3.68 billion for
the first nine months of 1965.
Chrysler spokesmen attributed
the higher sales lower earnings
disparity to generally higher cost
for labor, materials, tooling and
engineering and the cost of added
safety features on 1967 cars.


will be needed four months from Johnson's speech was in the AP year ago, Ford made $102.1 million
now." form of a report on the Manila r miin the third quarter. -
Poland agreed to give $30 mil- summit conference and his flying Bruno Heck, minister of fam- Chrysler
lion. The pledges of Czechoslo- visit to the big U.S. coastal base ily affairs, will also run the hous In New York yesterday Chrysler
vakia, Romania and East Ger- of Cam Ranh Bay in South Viet ing ministry instead of twald Corp. announced that its profits
many were described as higher or Nam. Buce. had dropped in the third quarter
in the same range. Contributions "We agreed at Manila." he said, How long the present arrange- and for the year to date com-
of Cuba and Mongolia, non-Euro- "that our own forces will be with- et can last is questionab i pared with 1965 levels.
pean nations at the Moscow sum- drawn from South Viet Nam as Herbert Wehner, deputy chzair-
mit, were thought to be only token the forces sent down from the man of the opposition 3ocialist But directors of the third larg-
am t. north are also withdrawn and as party, told a party caucus: "The est auto maker in the country de-
amounts. mnoi-thae aso Atdrw ada Christian Democrats are hardly clared the regular quarterly divi-
Economic Drain violence disappears. And we made A.Ppr navnh, fSnnnaao~r


" e "You can imagine what a drain it clear that this could be accom-
CUy O l1g this will be on our economies, but plished from our side in not more
Sit has to be done," a Polish in- than six months after the condi-
formant said. tions are met-and perhaps even
pS lan S erum thrys The view expressed here is that sooners
J G li the Eui'opean Communist states "This was, I think, an impor-j
naturally would prefer to pour tant step forward. Our intentions
ed permanent transplantation of such resources into building their are in writing now for all the
organs own economies, but are deter- world to see. For we mean what
Transplants mined not to let North Viet Nam we say: When the aggression from
To date the greatest success has go down to defeat or let the Chi- the North has ceased, we do not
been with the transplantation of nese Communists seize the initi- want, and we do not intend, to
gans betw eeniantialtins ative. remain in South Viet Nam."
and close relatives, whose tissues Polish informants conceded that Concur on Goals
are genetically similar. the Soviet bloc is weary of the Johnson said the leaders of
Vietnamese war and its growing South Viet Nam, South Korea, the j
Strong drugs are used now in cost and generally feels it would Philippines. Thailand, . Australia
most transplant operations to sup- be desirable to persuade. Hanoi to and New Zealand agreed at Ma-
press the rejection mechansm- come to the conference table. nila that the goals in Viet Nam
but these are akin to poisoning Influence Ho and for all Asia were to be free
the body, and the body's ability There is hope here that massive from aggiession, todconquer hun-
to fight off infection also is i'e- aid from the Moscow-aligned na- ger, illiteracy and disease, and to
duced by the drugs. tins might in time persuade Ho seek peace throughout the area.
Wolf's report said the trans- to listen to advice while assuring "For us," he continued, "they
plantation studies will be extend- him that he would not have to are not mere rhetoric to be stored
ed to inhibition of diseases, such negotiate from weakness. in the dust bins of diplomatic
as rheumatoid arthritis and kid- "In my opinion, the time must history. We will see all of them.
ney ailments, in which excessive come when Hanoi must negoti- We hope we will achieve all of
gamma globulin plays a role. ate," one responsible official said. them."
- ----- ----- - - - - -
. "A Ti-rimph-They Shouted, Stantped N Whistled"

I agreu U on any oULi it hb KuLt cinctI of S centsa snare.

{ 5

Presented by

World News Roundup,
By The Associated Press held the verdict of a Manhattan
CAPE KENNEDY, Fla.-A series Supreme Court jury finding Pow-
of technical problems has wiped ell guilty on five counts of delib-
out America's hopes of launching erately violating orders to appear
a three-man Apollo moonship into for financial examination.
earth orbit this year. * * *
The National Aeronautics and RANGOON, Burma-Ex-Prime
Spce Administration had hoped Minister U Nu was released from
to achieve a December launching more than four years of protective
of Apollo 1, moving the date up custody yesterday, apparently with
from the originally planned "first the understanding that he would
quarter of 1967." leave the country.
However, sources reported yes- In a talk with reporters, Nu said
terday there is no chance of only that he had met with Bur-
launching the astronauts before ma's leader, Gen. Ne Win. He said
January because of the problems. Ne Win assured him he could go
* Mabroad on a pilgrimage or. be al-
NEW YORK-A judge upheld lowed to go to any country for
yesterday a criminal contempt medical treatment.
conviction against Rep. Adam Ne Win overthrew Nu in March
Clayton Powell, D.-N.Y., stem- 1962. Nu wasoplaced in protective
ning from his long battle over a custody in a military rest camp
$164,000 libel judgment. 25 miles from Rangoon.
The criminal contempt case is * * *
one of several proceedings growing NEW YORK-The stock market
out of the defamation judgment advanced yesterday in fairly ac-
against the Harlem congressman, tive trading for the fourth straight
won four years ago by a Harlem session.
widow whom he called a "bad- Volume was 6.68 million shares,
woman" or graft collector. down slightly from Wednesday's
Justice Matthew M. Levy up- 6.76 million.
Ron Jeffers, Director .
BACH: Cantata No. 191

Nov. 5,


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