IMA01" Mn"vblml&
Congressional Notables Face
Stiff Battles for Re-election
LB JVisits
At Cam Ranh
President To Meet
With Thai Premier
In Bangkok Today
CAM RANH BAY, South Viel
Nam (A)-President Johnson, a
commander ii chief of U.S. forces
flew here in wartime secrecy yes-
terday and rubbed elbows with The
Cam Ranh Bay contingent of the
330,000 American fighting men in
Viet Nam.
"We in America depend on you
on the young and on the brave, te
stop aggression before it sweeps
forward for then it must be stop-
ped by larger secrafice and a
heavier cost," he told them.
Fighter planes and armed heli-
copters circled overhead for pro-
tection as Johnson arrived at this
relatively secure seaside base
north of Saigon.
Back Safely
Safely back from Viet Nam,
President Johnson leaves today
for a personal look at Thailand,
the nation many believe is next
o thesCommunist timetable for
conquest in Asia.
He goes first to an airbase in
Thailand and tomorrow will begin
his state visit to Bangkok. Next
week he goes on to Malaysia, and
later South Korea, before return-
ing home.
Yesterday, with the Manila con-
ference concluded Johnson went
first to the historic island of Cor-
regidor, the "Rock" of World War
II. Then, in effect, he disappeared
from public view, and amidst great
secrecy took off across the South
China Sea. He turned up at Cam
Ranh Bay, a huge U.S. military
complex in South Viet Nam north
of Saigon. That was his only stop
in Viet Nam.
On to Viet Nam
He went to Viet Nam, he told
the GIs there, becavse he "could
not come to this part of the world
and not come to see you."
The President spent two hours
and 24 minutes on Vietnamese
soil, and got closer to an actual
U.S. battlefield than any president
since Abraham Lincoln.
He ate with the troops, visited
with the wounded, pinned medals
on heroes, signed dozens of auto-
graphs, shook hundreds of hands
and delivered an emotional speech,
telling the soldiers they were
figthing "a vicious and illegal ag-
gression across this little nation's
"Make no mistake about it," he
told the troops. "The American
people whom you serve are proud
of you. There are some who may
disagree with what we are doing
here, but that is not the way most
of us feel, and act, when freedom
and the nation's security are in
USSR Blasts
Asia Allies'
Say Manila Planned
As Beginning of New
American Aggression
MOSCOW (')-The government
newspaper Izvestia said yesterday
the Manila conference "was plan-
ned as the beginning of a new
stage of American aggression, not
only in Viet Nam but in all of
Asia." It said the peace terms of
the Manila declaration mean
North Viet Nam would have to
Communist Poland and North
Korea also lashed out at the de-
claration signed by the United
States and its allies in Viet Nam
North Korea's claim that the
United States and its allies are
actual planning to escalate thel
Viet Nam conflict and spread war!
to other parts of Asia were the
first comments by an Asian Coin-
munist nation since the seven-
nation summit concluded Tues-
North Viet Nam and Red China
remained silent.
But in Sydney, Australian Prime
Minister Harold Hold said on his
return from Manila that there
could be a possible movement
from Hanoi in response to the of-
fer by President Johnson and his
war allies to withdraw forces from
Viet Nam within six months after
their conditions for establishing
peace are fulfilled.
The essence of the U.S. position
reflected in the Manila communi-
que was described by Izvestia as
"war until the victorious end"
This was in apparent reference
to the offer of the United States
and its allies to withdraw troops
from South Viet Nam within six
months after North Viet Nam
stops fighting.
The newspaper, however, did
not mention this specific point
and did not reject it outrignt, per-
haps because the Communists
never have admitted infiltration
from the North.
Izvestia also accused the seven
nations represented at Manila of
attempting to force their will upon
all the peoples of Asia.
the best known names in Con-
gress, from Harry F. Byrd Jr. to
Charles A. Halleck. are fighting
to keep from the political oblivion
that engulfed three committee
chairmen and a former speaker
of the House in primaries this
One is Rep. Harold D. Cooley
(D.-N.C.) chairman of the House
Agriculture Committee. James C.
Gardner, a Rocky Mount business-
man who is half Cooley's age of
69, same within 5,000 votes of de-
feating the Agriculture chairman
in 1964 and hopes to win this year.
Just to the south, Rep. John
McMillan (D.-S.C.) chairman of
the House District of Columbia
Committee, is in a stiff contest
against Republican Archie Odom,
a county court clerk.
Two other House chairmen are
considered favorites in contests
revolving respectively about their
age and their health. Rep. William
L. Wawson, 80, chairman of the
Government Operations Commit-
tee, has a vigorous young chal-
lenger in former basketball player
David Reed, 25. But Dawson has
beaten all previous challenges in
his overwhelmingly Negro Chi-
cago district.
In South Louisiana, Rep. Edwin
E. Willis, chairman of the House
Committee on un-American Ac-
tivities, is in some difficulty be-
cause of poor health, but is ex-
pected to whip Republican Hall
M. Lyons.
One Senate chairman-to-be,
Alabama Democrat John J. Spark-
man, was considered in serious
trouble some months ago but is
now expected to emerge victorious
against Republican John Grenier.
Sparkman is due to succeed Rob-
ertson as Banking Committee
chairman in January.
The House leader with a fight
on his hands is Rep. Hale Boggs
of Louisiana. No. 3 man among
Nixon Praises Romney;'
#Williams .Blasts Griffin
-Associated Press
PRESIDENT LYNDON JOHNSON presents distinguished service medals to a group of U.S. service-
men during his brief visit to Viet Nam as Gen. William Westmoreland, commander of U.S. forces
there, looks on.
FireDamges U.S. Carrier
Off Coast of, North Viet Namn
By The Associated Press
the Republcan Party's most fre-
quently mentioned presidential
possibilities got together here
Tuesday with a decided imbalance
in kind words.
Former Vice President Richard
M. Nixon heaped praise on Gov.
George Romney of Michigan.-
Nixon got little in return in the
way of praise.
And witnesses at a private
meeting between the two reported
that their conversation appeared
strained and stayed on nonpoliti-
cal subjects.
Romney and Nixon appeared
together on two public platforms
during the day.
Addressing some 2,000 students
and townspeople at. an outdoor
rally at Calvin College in Grand
Rapids, Nixon called Romney,
"One of the top leaders of the
Republican Party in the nation to-
"He e a r n e d this position
through his completely remark-
able political career," Nixon said,
urging Michigan voters to "re-
elect him by the largest margin
in state history."
At his most effusive, Romney
included Nixon among the "great
Republicans" in his talk to the
fund raising dinner.
In Detroit, Mennen Williams
charged Tuesday that if Sen. Rob-
ert P. Griffin had his way, "190,
000 Michigan youngsters from low
income families would be deprived
of an educational opportunity
they now hav.e"
Williams continued to hammer
at what he said were Republican
Griftin's "distortions of his record
on education."
The former six-term governor
said Griffin had voted as a mem-
ber of the House in 1965 against
the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act.
And, Williams said, 190,000
Michigan school children were
helped by this law.
Williams told a rally in the De-
troit suburb of Southfield that
Griffin has voted against seven
"key education and . school aid
bills" in the last six years.
Meanwhile, in Flint, Democratic
gubernatorial candidate Zolton,
Ferency accused Gov. George
Romney of failing to show leader-
ship toward resolving the rash of+
strikes by public employes in+
House Democrats. Boggs is under
fire in his New Orleans district
for supporting Johnson adminis-
tration programs but l expected
to defeat his little-known GOP
opponet, Leonard L. Limes, a
geologist and lawyer making his
political debut.
In the Senate, Byrd is expected
to win a surprisingly spirited
three-way race against Republican
Lawrence M. Traylor and Con-
servative party nominee John W.
Carter for the seat of his late
father which he holds now by
And Sen. Paul H. Douglas (D.-
Ill.) long a leader of the Senate's
liberal bloc, is fighting for his
political life against Republican
Charles Percy in another race
where age is an issue. Douglas is
74, Percy 47.
will not
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SAIGON UP)-A raging fire that
broke out yesterday in a locker
containing n i g h t illumination
flares swept through five decks
of the U.S. aircraft carrier Orisk-
any, killing 43 men and putting
the warship out of action as a
floating base for air strikes
against North Viet Nam.
The fire started about 7:45 a.m.,
shortl'y before President Johnson
visited American troops at the big
U.S. base in, Cam Ranh Bay, 180
miles northeast of Saigon.
Sixteen other men were injured
seriously in the blaze. Two heli-
copters and four A4E Skyhawk
jet fighter-bombers were damaged.
The carrier, a veteran of the Ko-
rean War, was expected to go to
Subic Bay in the Philippines for
Fast Work
Fast action by plane crews and
fire fighters prevented rockets,
bombs and fuses from going off,
and a greater loss of life and
In Washington, Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara, who
had visited the Oriskany two
weeks, ago during a tour of Viet
Nam, extended his "heartfelt sym-
pathies" to the men of the carrier.
Also in Washington, Pentagon
sources said the Oriskany will be
replaced in its station by either
the attack carrier Intrepid or
Coral Sea, both now cruising in
the Western Pacific.
Officials said the Oriskany
could be sent to naval stations
in the Philippines or Japan for re-
pairs requiring at last a few weeks.
They emphasized, however, that
the air war against North Viet
Nam will not suffer because any
slack operations will be be taken
up by the two carriers remaining
on "Yankee Station," in the Gulf
of Tonkin off the coast of North
Viet Nam.
Flames erupted on the hangar
deck, just below the flight deck,
then quickly spi'ead to envelop
five decks, including the forward
officers quarters and the catapult
areas from where planes are
launched, the Navy said.
It was announced in Washing-
ton yesterday that the U.S. may
begin extensive military opera-
tions in the rice-rich Mekong
delta of South Viet Nam by late
Officials Emphasize
Officials emphasized in a series
of interviews, however, that top
military officials have made no
But the sources made it clear
they expect the go-ahead for big-
ger operations there by early next
year. This anticipation is'reflected
by the Army's increased /troop
training in river warfare and the
Navy's increased procurement and
development of river war vessels.
"The delta is the biggest eco-
nomic center* in Viet Nam," one
highly placed officer said. "Until
it is in firm, friendly hands-until
the Viet Cong are denied any of
the resources of the delta-we
haven't won the war."
The southern reaches of the
delta, in the area known as the
4th Corps, has long been a strong-
hold for the Viet Cong.'
Officials estimate there are
more than 80,000 insurgent troops
there who are able to stand off
the South Vietnamese army and
also recruit thousands of soldiers
each month from among the
area's six million residents.
Most importantly, the 11,000
square miles of the delta have
produced 1.5 million metric tons
of surplus rice annually in recent,
years. That surplus no longer is
available and presumably is con-
trolled by the Viet Cong.
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World News Roundup
Guild House
802 Monroe
nation General Assembly by an
r' overwhelming majority vote yes-
terday branded South Africa's pol-
"a menace to international secur-
ity" and asked the Security Coun-
cil to take "all effective measures"
to eradicate it.
The resolution was approved
83-1 with 20 abstentions. -South
Africa cast the single dissenting
* * *
NEW YORK-The stock market-
rallied yesterday buoyed by favor-
able news from the nation's two
largest steel producers.
Bethlehem, the No. 2 steel-
maker, announced record third
quarter profits. And, said Beth-
lehem, the past nine months were
the best the company has had
since 1957.
Bethlehem's announcement came
one day after U.S. Steel, the
largest steel producer, boosted its
dividend but announced lower
profits. Bethlehem held to its 37 2
cents a share quarterly dividend.
PARIS-The Atlantic alliance
decided Wednesday to get its po-
litical headquarters out of France
' and move it to Belgium.
The decision, taken by the,
NATO Council, was unanimous.
Even the French delegate voted
for the transfer to Brussels.
At the same time, France's
NATO allies agreed to a com-
promise plan for discussions on
the alliance role of the 70,000
French troops stationed in Ger-
* * *.
CARBONDALE, Ill. - Gardner
Ackley, chairman of the Presi-
dent's Council of Economic Ad-
visers, disputed last night claims
,hat the administration's wage-
price guideposts "are dead and
should be buried."
"Arithmetic doesn't go away
just because we don't like it or
can't learn it," Ackley said.
"Moreover, I am convinced that
the educational effort involved in
the guideposts has already had
some significant payoff in more
restrained wage and price be-
The administration, on the ad-
vice of the council, has recom-
mended that industry and unions
not raise prices or wages more
than 3.2 per cent. Some labor
unions have sought, and won, pay
increases of a higher percentage,
a few as high as 5 per cent.
* * *
NEW YORK-A multi-billion-dol-
lar "freedom budget," designed by
leading economists to wipe out
poverty in the United States by
1975, was proposed yesterday by
civil rights leader A. Philip Ran-
The program proposes a mini-
mum wage of $2 an hour by 1968
or 1969; guaranteed income for
the jobless, job protection and job
training to achieve full employ-
ment of the employable, 100,000
new public school classrooms and
an equal number of additional
teachers, doubled expenditures for
hospital constructionand a 50 per
cent increase in medical school
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WHO'S v .kh
Y }
v:ri:}{r $S } : r
Is Dead' Theology and Judaism"
1 iUT W U 71
Central Conference of American Rabbis (Reform)
Hillel Director, University of Pittsburgh
Associate Professor of Theology, Jewish Theological Seminary, New York
Oneg Shabbot Will Follow