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October 26, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-26

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General Motors Profits Drop
To Lowest Level in 5 Years

Plan of Troop


DETROIT t/P- General Motors
Corp.. giant of the auto industry,
yesterday reported third quarter
earnings of $99.5 million, lowest
for any three-month period in
five years.

in the opening nine months last tures program, higher selling costs
year. required by today's competitive
GM's Chairman Frederic G.|markets and increases in the cost
Donner and President James M. of labor, materials, engineering
Roche said the decline stemmed and tooling," they said.
from the fact that GM sold fewer While the price tag on each
vehicles, vehicle was higher, the price was
"In addition there were Increas- not so high that it offset the ef-

Allies Issue
'On Peace'
Produce Statement
Of 'Freedom Goals,'
'Progress in Asia'
MANILA. Uv)-In a lAd fo
peace, President Johnson and hi
war allies announced yesterda
they are prepared to withdrawv
forces from South Viet Nam with-
in six months after their condi.
tIions for establishing peace are
The offer of withdrawal bore
down on the central argumeni
4 raised by the Communist side-
that the United States intend
to stay indefinitely and that n
peace is possible without Amer-
ican withdrawal.
The allied bid for settlemeni
was contained in a final com-
munique of the seven-nation Ma-
* nila. summit meeting which als
produced a statement on "the
goals of freedom" and a "declara-
tion on peace and progress ir
Asia and the Pacific."
Concerning the foreign forces in
South Viet Nam, now numbering
370,000, the communique said:
"They shall be' withdrawn, after
close consultation, as the othei
side witdraws its forces to the
north, ceases infiltration and the
level of violence thus subsides.
Those forces will be withdrawn as
soon as possible and not later
M than six months after the above
conditions have been fulfilled."
U.S. sources, calling this a
significant signpost for U.S. policy,
noted it would take at least six
months to withdraw the huge
force, including 330,000 Amer-
South Viet Nam subscribed to
the withdrawal statement, but its
own qualification was embodied
in the communique. It said South
Viet Nam, mindful of past experi-
ence, would "insist that any nego-
tiations leading to the end of
hostilities incorporate effective in-
ternational guarantees."
While offering a road to peace,
South Viet Nam's allies vowed
that the country would not be
conquered by aggressive force.
"We shall continue our military
and all other efforts as firmly and
4 as long as may be necessary, in
close consultation among our-
selves until the aggression is end-
ed," the communique said.
It stressed that "our sole de-
mand on the leaders of North Viet
Nam is that they abandon their
Ap The communique did not show
any willingness to cease the bomb-
ing of North Viet Nam, as has
been demanded at the United Na-
tions. Nor did it mention what
part the Viet Cong might have in
President Johnson and the gov-
ernment chiefs of Australia, New
Zealand, Thailand, South Korea,
South Viet Nam and the Philip-
pines, also:
-Pledged themselves to jointly
seek "goals of freedom" which
would include keeping Asia and
the Pacific free from aggression;
conquering hunger, illiteracy and
disease; building a region of secu-
rity, order and progress; and seek-
ing reconciliation and p e a c e
throughout the whole region.
-Issued a declaration on peace
and progress expressing deter-
mination that "aggression shall
not be rewarded," seeking peace-
ful settlement of the Viet Nam
war and stating that "the peace
and security of Asia and the Paci-
fic, and indeed, of the entire

world, are indivisible."
-Set up machinery for consul-
tation among the nations now al-
t lied in the Vietnamese war effort.
This would work through diplo-
matic channels, including meet-
ings among the ambassadors in


It also was thet
quarter that GM

third strai!1ht
had earnhas

* M ix d lower than those in the same per- es in costs related to the corpora- feet of the decrease in sales an
ic~1Xe iods of 1Jtioi's xworldwide capital (xpendi- the increase in costs, they said.
Theworld'S .auto makrgst ma etuvrfc-
" ~~turing corpuration bccame the f o oito teat ure
ReactionS C fth uomkest aeonvict Subandrio fr ol
public its third quarter and nine



Moscow Distrustful,
Wants Bombing Halt;
Others Approve Plan
munist diplomats shrugged off the
final communique of the Manila
summit conference on Viet Nam
yesterday as a "typical American
tactic," but others praised it as a
step toward peace.
Some reiterated the view that a
halt in the U.S. bombing of North
Viet Nam remains a key element
in the search for an end to the
conflict But they generally wel-
comed the pledge to withdraw all
foreign troops from South Viet
Nam within six months after the

months Inancial statements. Ford
and Chrysler are ex~cedtto re-
veal theiirs laiter in the w~k
GM's third quarter tatmrn ut
Showed net income of $99.5 !nil-
lion, equal to 34 cents a share, well
beloW. the $624 million profit and
91 cents a share chalked up in the
same three months last year.
Sales of $3.3 billion this time
were $400 less than in 1965's third
Dividents on common sickin
the third quarter came to 35 C(3nts
a share, up from 75 cents in the
same 1965 period.
On a nine month basis, net ii-
come of $1.2 billion compared with
$1.5 billion in the opening rite;
months last year. Earnings on
common stock this time were $4:31

In Commlunist Coup Effort
JAKARTA. Indonesia (.'o Dr. 'been shorn by the army o: most
Subandrio, once the second rno , powers.
powerful man in Indonesia, was The court said Subandirio aided
sentenced to death yesterday on a the attempted coup by making
charge of helping the Communist inflamatory speeches urging the
party coup that failed last year. people 'to crush capitalist bureau-
The man, who for nine years crats.'
was Indonesia's foreign rinister After reading the decision to a
and the risht-hand man of Presi- hushed crowd. Lt. Col. Ali, the
dlent Sukarno, listened imp ssively chief judge, asked Subandrio if he
as the special military :ribunal wanted to appeal the sentence.
read the verdict.
h a Subandrio stood in the court
1zc h :amy arrestred ilmin rooni and replied: "No." The court
March on suspicion of heinm M~howere, gave him 30 days to ap-
t he abortive coup. peal to Sukarno for clemL ncy.
While the court also tried. hii Bs k
on charges of corruption, it con- But at last week's final session,
centrated on the charges of treas-'Subandrio, 52, appealed to the
on and subversion in its verdict. military court to base its judg-
ment on "justice and humanity."
The court held that .muband-io le denied involvement in tihe coup
knew of the Coup, and that Comn- that failed Oct. 1, 1965. He said he
mnunist divisions were training Inhad heard the coup rumors but
Central Java, but did not report did not pass them on to Sukarno
to Sukarno, who since March has because he believed that was a job

--Associated Press
President and Mrs. Johnson are greeted on their arrival in Manila. The Manila conference issued
a communique outlining the allied strategy for peace in the Viet Nam war. They proposed a with-
drawal of troops six months after negotiations.
UN Leaders Split OverNe
Nuclear Weapons Resolution

North Vietnamese "abandon their a share compared with $5.36 a
aggression." year earlier, while dividends for
British officials welcomed the this year's opening nine months
outcome of the Manila summit came to $3.05 compared with $31

Lord Chalfont, the chief of Brit-
ish arms negotiator, warned non-
nuclear countries yesterday they
could torpedo a treaty to ban the
spread of nuclear weapons by in-
sisting it contain broad disarma-
ment measures.;
But Ismail Fahmy of the United
Arab Republic, a leading member
of the nonaligned bloc, imme-
diately challenged the British
viewpoint with a request that the
treaty contain basic points that
would speed the general process of:
In speeches to the 121-nation1
U.N. Political Committee, boths
Chalfont and Fahmy welcomedi
progress in U.S.-Soviet negotia-

tions on a treaty, but the latter
insisted that the views of the non-
nuclear power be taken into ac-
Diplomats are hopeful that the
groundwork for agreement will be
laid during the General Assembly,
and that a treaty will emerge
from the 17-nation negotiations to
resume in Geneva after the first
of the year. Both Britain and the
U.A.R. are participants.
The United States and the So-
viet Union have joined in spon-
soring a resolution appealing to all
countries to work diligently for a
treaty and to refrain from any
action would hamper its conclu-
Fahmy asserted that no resolu-

tion should be approved that'
would detract from one adopted
at last year's assembly, which set
forth basic principles for a non-
proliferation treaty.
That resolution, sponsored by
the nonaligned powers taking part
in the Geneva talks, asked that a
treaty be devoid of loopholes that
would permit spread of nuclear
weapons, and that it embody an
acceptable balance of mutual re-
sponsibilities between nuclear and
nonnuclear powers.
Fahmy told the committee it
was essential to put those provi-
sions in a treaty in order noL to
pretend to the world that progreEs
had been achieved.
Chalfont declared that it would

conference for its evidence of al- a year earlier.
lied unity. Worldwide factory sales of
Although not represented at the 4,850,000 vehicles were second only
Manila conference, Britain has a to the record of 5,302,000 v'-hicles
vital interest because it is one of
two governments responsible for
any reconvening of the 1954 Ge-
neva conference to discuss peace, W orld IN e
The Soviet Union is the other co- r
chairman of that conference,s
which set the pattern for transi-
tion from old French Indochina. y h Associated Press
Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T. WASHINGTON - The upward
Fedorenko said he had not studied climb of food prices generally, not
the text of the communique but only milk and bread, has rallied
added that earlier reports showed housewives across the country to
the meeting was "not a confer- band together to picket and pro-
ence of a peace nature, but a con- test clubs to try and force chains
ference for further escalation of to cut prices. The angry house-
the war." wives are trading with the small
The Soviet news agency Tass independents instead.
noted that in the communique Many also call for immediate
"not a word is said about cessa-
tion of American bombings" of abolition of the growing number
North Viet Nam, and it conclud- of games and trading stamps,'
ed the allied positions "In es- which they call a nusiance thats
sence remain the same." increases food bills.
Ambassador Orhan Eralp, Tur-
key's permanent UN representa- WHEELING, W. Va. - Bishop
tive, said the withdrawal pledge James A. Pike of California was
was "a step in the right direction." rebuked yesterday by a committee
"We seem to be moving closer of the Proestant Episcopal Church
to a settlement," he said. "But House of Bishops, but the commit-'
there doesn't seem to be any sign tee recommended against a heresy
from the other side, does there?" trial.
i In Washington, Senate Majori- The ad hoc committtee, ap-F
ty Leader Mike Mansfield of Mon- poin-ted to study the possibility,

s Roundup
of a heresy trial against Bish
Pike, said in a statement deliver
to the bishops that is was "deep
concerned with the irresponsibi
ity revealed in many of h
(Pike's) utterances."
* ' *

The court noted several times
that Subandrio had implied he
was only taking orders from Su-
karno. Many believe the court
wanted to use Subandlr' testi-
p mony to deflate Sukarno, who
ed despite his loss of power still has
l a vast following in Indonesia. But
L" the court said that 3ukarnj knew
is nothing about the would be coul,.
Some informed quarters expressed
doubt that Subandrio would be


for army intelligence.

LONDON ---Prime Minister Han- executed. They said Subandrio is
old Wilson's government was ac- worth more alive as an instrument
cused in Parliament yesterday of against Sukarno than he is dead.
failing to take determined action
against Spanish moves on Gibral- It was Subandrio who was
tamr. One Laborite suggested the credited with forging close diplo-
United States wants Britain to matic links with Rew Chlna and
give up the Rock. this was recalled by the prosecit-
4 .tion. In rebuttal, Subandrio said
CAPE KENNEDY - Technical he alone did not make foreign
troubles yesterday postponed for policy, an obvious reference to
24 hours the launching of a pow- Sukarno.
erful Atlas-Centaur rocket - set- The prosecution eharged he
ting the stage for a twin space summoned D. O. Aidit, the In-
specactular today. donesian Communist party chair-
The double shot will be high- man, from Moscow to help in the
lighted by plans to establish the coup, which was aimed at army
first commercial communications officers opposed to Indonesia's ties
link across the Pacific Ocean. with Communist nations.


Find Powell Guilty;
Avoided Court Order

be wrong for any country to in-
sist that other mreasures of ai ms

NEW YORK (A-The state Ap-
pellate Division found Rep. Adam
Clayton Powell, (D.-N.Y.), guIlty
yesterday of willful failure to com-
ply with a lower court order in
a long-standing libel Judgment
and sentenced him to 30 days in
jail and $250 fine.
The court overruled 4-1 a Sept.
9 decision by state Supreme Court
Justice Sidney Fine. He had found
the Harlem Democratic leader in-
nocent of willful failure to appear
before the court to give an ac-
counting of his finances.
The majority decision of the
court, the state's second highest,
spoke of the "long and ugly rec-
ord in this matter."
"This failure to obey a sub-
poena is consistent with the deb-
tor's cynical refusal to honor his
own promises," it said, "together
with a total disregard of any and
all process that has been served
against him."
The court gave Powell until Nov.
3 to appear before it and submit
to a financial examination to
purge himself of the contempt
This was the third civil con-
tempt finding against Powell in
connection with a $164,000 libel
judgment won by Mrs. Esther
James, a Harlem widow who
Powell three years ago described
on a television program as a "Ibad
woman," or police graft collec-

Two earlier arrest orders are
out against Powell for civil con-
tempt, but they do not specify a
Last Oct. 10, a state Supreme
Court jury convicted Powcll of
criminal contempt. No sentence
has been handed down on that
Yesterday's ruling upheld an
appeal by Mrs. James against the
state Supreme Court finding that
Powell had not willfully failed to
appear for the financial examina-
Original Judgment
The original judgment against
Powell stemmed from a jury find-
ing in 1963 that he had defamed
the 68-year-old widow.

contm'ol or disarmament should be tana said the Manila meeting
should be followed promptly byI
settled either before or simul- another conference of expanded
taneously with a nonproliferation scope and membership to seek a
"The possession of nuclear wea- D. P. Karmarkar, a member of
pons is not a matter for pride," he the Indian Parliament here for
said. "It is not a status symbol, Gr the General Assembly session.
a measure of position and prestige. He welcomed the statement on
It is a ruinously expensive busi- withdrawal of troops but said a
ness and one that no nation bombing halt was the key to a
should lightly undertake." settlement.
ARK coffee house
1421 Hill Street
Who has been heading research projects
on the integration of Alabama schools
will speak on
Wednesday night, Oct. 26, 9 P.M.


The appellate ruling said a
gressman "must respond to
process and is liable for all
sequences of disregarding the


except that he cannot be sub-
jected to arrest during a session of
"Consequently, there is no im-
munity against the serving of at
subpoena," it added. Congress ad-
journed last Saturday.

Days of Protest: Nov. 5-8
G.I. Toll In Vietnam:

Congressional Candidates

Killed: 5,401

"Non-combat" Dead: 644

Woounded: 30,240 Missing, captured:
(From Jan. 1, 1961 to Oct. 1, 1966)



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