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October 26, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-26

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CJ r

r F
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freed om


Light variable winds,
little chance of rain






for 6-Year

Architecture Program


.__._. .










Has More
Liberal Arts Courses
Added, Program To
Begin Next Fall
Curriculum changes which will
expand the University's five year'
architecture program into six
years were presented yesterday by
Prof. Joseph Wehrer, chairman of
the Curriculum Committee, at an
open meeting of the architecture
school's Student-Faculty Commit-
While some elements of the!
longer program have already been
incorporated into the current cur-
riculum, the entire proposal awaits
final administrative approval and,
approval of ,the Regents. Wehrer
said that partial implementation!
of the new six year program
would hopefully begin next fall.
Wehrer explained that the cur-
riculum change has been evolu-
tionary rather than revolution-
ary, with movement toward the
extended program gaining momen-
tum during the past two years. He
pointed out that the faculty has
been long concerned with offer-
ing students an adequate prepara-
tion for an architectural career.
The University's present pro-'
gram in architecture, Wehrer not-
ed, is one of "highly fixed in-
struction" in which virtually every
course is specified. The six-year
program has been developed to-
ward providing students with suf-
ficient flexibility and opportunity
for gaining a variety of skills and
interests. Primary among the
changes to be instituted in the
six year curriculum will be a two
year pre-architectural study pro-
gram with loose specifications in
the area of liberal arts.
During these so-called pre-pro-
fessional years, students will take
courses they are most interested
in and which they feel will relate
most directly to future architec-
tural specialization.
The four years of professional
study will also be open to a wide
range of elective courses with a
basic core program. The student
will be able to expand upon his
strengths as he discovers them and
choose electives, in both profes-
sional and general areas. Ar-
rangements are being made now,
Wehrer said, with, other schools
in the University so that archi-
tecture students will have access to
courses in landscape architecture,!
engineering, or liberal arts accord-
ing to his interests.
One option currently being plan-
ned may enable students to re-
ceive a degree from the literary
college while pursuing the profes-
sional degree in architecture.
Wehrer outlined the three ma-
jor aspects of the architectural;
curriculum which the student will
integrate in his studies under the
headings of :man and environ-
ment, building technology, and de-
sign theory and method.
Man and environment will deal
with human problems in an en-
vironmental context, while build-.
ing, technology will stress struc-
ture and the translation of tech-
} nology into society in physical
terms. Design theory and method,
Wehrer continued, will help the
student organize his approaches
to the solving of architectural;


NEWS WIRE Cutler's


Letter R

% w w m- w - a -j


Late World News
By the Associated Press
FEDERAL COURT JUDGE Charles T. Thorton of Detroit
has asked the Selective Service to turn in the draft files of six
University students who had been reclassified as 1-A for sitting
in at the Ann Arbor draft board last year. Thorton warned
draft officials not to draft the six students, pending hearing of
their current suit against the Selective Service. Thorton recessed
the court precedings so that he can study the draft files.
Vivian, and Marvin Esch will participate in a Student Govern-
ment Council sponsored open discussion tonight in Auditorium A
of Angell Hall at 7:30 p.m.
DEAN JAMES H. ROBERTSON of the literary college has
been elected president of the National Collegiate Honors Council.
The council was formed to exchange ideas on how to, select
students and faculty for honors programs.
* * * *
YOUNGSTERS UNDER 16 should not be allowed to drive
motorcycles on Michigan highways, Attorney-General Frank
Kelley said yesterday. Kelley called for licensing a motorcyclist
the same way an automobile driver is licensed and for courses in
driver education that include motorcycle instruction.
Kelley said that he will propose legislation that would re-
quire licensing, road tests, driver education courses, dual brakes,
and mufflers "in good working order and in constant operation to
prevent excessive or unusual noise and annoying smoke for
all motorcycles."
A STUDY RELEASED by the University Highway Safety
Research Institute revealed that 40 per cent of all highway fatal-
ities could be prevented by wearing seat belts. The study's direc-
tor, Dr. Donald F. Huelke of the anatomy department, reporting
the results of the four and one-half year study to a meeting
of the National Safety Council, said, "it is imperative that much
more emphasis must be placed on educating the American public
as to the value of seat belts."
EDWIN G. BURROWS of the University Broadcasting Serv-
ice has been named board chairman of the National Association
of Education Broadcasters. Burrows is manager of WUOM, Ann
Arbor, and WVGR, Grand Rapids.
MORE THAN 1,000 WOMEN have received assistance from
the University Center for Continuing Education of Women in
the two years since its establishment, according to a report re-
leased yesterday.
The help offered by the center, according to Mrs. Jean Camp-
bell, director, is primarily one of counseling and information
about university and college programs available to the returning
woman student. The center also gives advice on educational and
vocational planning within the framework of the individual's
home responsibility.
THE UNIVERSITY is purchasing the Observatory Lodge,
a 34-unit aparment building on Washington Heights St., as part
of its, plan for the expansion of the public health school.
An addition to the public health school is to be built in
1967-68 on property east of Observatory Lodge, according to plans
announced last July. A grant of $2 million has been received
from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation for expansion purposes and
federal grants are expected to provide the major balance of the
total of $6,650,000 needed. The Observatory Lodge site will
provide space for further development of public health facilties.
formed group having offices on 70 campuses throughout the
country, was organized to inform American students of the reali-
ties of Red China and to mobolize student action against any
appeasement of the Peking regime.
The group hopes to have representatives on a minimum of
400 college and university campuses within the next two months.
The Student Committee is a project of the American Secre-
tariat of the World Youth Crusade for Freedom, an organization
founded last year to stimulate and coordinate the activities of
anti-Communist youth groups throughout the world.

'Tells Deans
Of Planned
OSA Review


Court Gets
Wagner Serves 28
With 'Give Cause'
Order, Fines

VOICE Criticizes
Charges, as Faculty
Dissidents Organize


Associate Editorial Director
The dispute between landlord,
Martin Wagner and the ad hoc
group charging him with racial
discrimination moved from the
picket line into Circuit Court yes-
Through his attorney. Arthur
Carpenter, Wagner served 28 of
the 65 picketers present at his at.
2640 Gloucester at 4 p.m. yester-
day with a"give cause" order.
The order demanded that they
report to court at 4:30. At that
time Judge James R. Breakey set
a hearing on the charges for 10:30,
this morning. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS are shown.h
Twenty-five of the 2 are Uni- the hearing for this morning at 10:30
verCsity students. ed landlord Martin Wagner with racial
Charges --------
Wagner charges that the pick-1
eters were harrassing him and his WITHDRAWAL NOW:
family, that he has a heart con-_
dition and that the picketers were,
invading the privacy of himself,'
his daughter and his wife.I
He asks that: Bo i ingw
-The pickets be . fined $300
apiece in damages,
-Carol Sue Oakes and Sharon
~Johnstone, the occupants of the~
apartment who have charged For New
Wagner with discrimination, bew
found guilty of harassment and
pay $5000 in damages to the Wag- By PHILIP BLOCK to Mr
ners, the p
-In the event Martin suffers Elise Boulding, peace candidate to off
another heart attack the defend- for the Second Congressional dis- Nam
ants pay $100,000 in damages, trict, in a recent interview defined Demo
both to Martin and his daughter her candidacy as "a response to public
and the public's desire for a new U-.S
-An injunction be issued to en- policy in Viet Nam." Mrs. Bould- be con
join the ad hoc group, Action for ing's platform asks for an immed- may t
Human Rights, from further pick- iate and complete withdrawal of eral V
eting. American troops from Viet Nam.

-Daily-Bernie Baker
ere leaving Circuit Court yesterday after Judge Breakey set
0. The students are members of an ad hoc group which ,charg-

Strategy: Plea
/ietNam Policy

s. Boulding. The purpose of
eace movement, she says, is
er an alternative to the Viet
policies of her opponents,
crat Weston Vivian and Re-
an Marvin Esch. This pur-
says Mrs. Boulding, cannot
mpromised just because she
ake away votes from the lib-
Vivian, thereby causing the
n of the conservative Esch,.
5 Boulding said that her de-
to promote her ideas from
e of the two major parties
r than from within came
working for the Democratic
for several years.

The order followed

an an-

nouncement yesterday morning by
David Cowley, chairman of the
Ann Arbor Human Relations Com-
mission, that a hearing will be
called sometime next week to ex-.
amine the discriminatoryraspects
of the eviction notice served by
Wagner to Misses Oakes and
Johnstone for Dec. 1.
Last Sunday, the Wagners re-
quested that the HRC arbitrate
lease negotiations between the
girls and themselves, but con-
tended the basic issue was not
race but money.
The girls also approached HRC
on Oct. 3, claiming that the evic-
tion notice served them was based
on racial considerations.
Included in yesterday's order
was the sequence of the case's
events as interpreted by Wagner
See LANDLORD, Page 2 t

"We must no longer think of
ourselves as being helpless pawns
in terms of American politics,"
said Mrs. Boulding. "Through the
promotion of peace candidates, we
can form a movement which will
be able to alter the political direc-
tion of this country."

after -

A N511 !T i- fA"k~

Mrs. Boulding said that in addi- .A1, 111 yI3
tion to the "moral necessity" of ,J
having a peace candidate,th
camign serves as an educationalN e .J b S(
h a c a hidNew Job Spei
stimulus to people who are unable
to associate with either of the two -
major parties. By making avail- Wire Service Reports!
able a campaign to which these The Army announced yesterday
people can readily associate them- a delayed recruitment plan under
selves, Mrs. Boulding hopes to which enlistment candidates may
bring about an increase in politi- delay induction for up to 120 days,
cal thought and expression. in order to obtain their preferred
The effect which her campaign.specialty.
has on the outcome of the elec- The delayed induction plan, still
tion is not particularly important waiting Secretary of Defense Rob-

"Frustration played the major
role in my choosing to break away
from the party. I simply wasn't
able to have things go the way I'
wanted them to' go."
Asked whether this frustration
might come to the peace campaign
supporters after a dismal showing
at the polls, Mrs. Boulding replied
to the contrary:
"The people who get discour-
aged are not real peace workers.
They must realize that no matter
how many votes I get, the cam-
paign will be a.success because the
peace. issue will have been
cialty Choice
ert S. McNamara's approval, en-
ables the Army to predict its man-
power more accurately, by neither
undersupplying nor oversupplying
any of the Army's 12 basic train-
ing centers.
The new option will be availa-
ble starting Nov. 1 to an individual
who tries to join the Army in a
month when its enlistment quotas
already have been met.
Specifically, the young man will
be enlisted with a definite future
reporting date for a regular three-
year period of active duty and a
total six-year obligation counting
Reserve service which follows his
active assignment.
During the waiting period he
will be assigned to a holding pool
and classified by the selective
service as 1D, as Reservists are
The Army said, however, such
individuals will not receivepay,
nor will they participate in Re-
serve training. Such enlistments
will not be counted in the Re-
serve strength.
If, however, something fails to
open up during the four months,
the young man will be required to
proceed on a three-year active
duty tour.
The Army said the 120 days
4-l-,a n mnn mary wzait wiyll hPdo...

Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler said yes-
terday that he does not view his
newly won disciplinary powers as
"a charge to me to exercise sum-
mary or arbitrary authority over
any student or student group."
In a letter to all University
deans Cutler offers his interpreta-
tion of the Regents' decision last
Friday to give him all non-aca-
demic disciplinary powers former-
ly spread out among other admin-
istrators, academic deans, and the
Cutler says he plans to:
-"Not involve himself" in dis--
ciplining students or In reViewing
disciplinary decisions "except in
unusual cases;"
-Continue to recognize "the
role of academic authority in
cases of non-academic discipline
where expulsion of a student is
involved;" and
-Require the planned new cen-
tral judiciary unit "to consult with
appropriate academic authorities&"
Broad Segment
Cutler says in his letter he plans
"to involve as broad a segment
of the community as possible in
the development of an effective
and workable system."
In an interview he explained
that he will seek -assistance from
students and faculty in drawing
up the new disciplinary system
asked for by the Regents.
However, he has not determined
what structural role the student
and faculty advisors will assume.
Meanwhile student activists and
members of the faculty senate in-
dicated yesterday expressed op-
position to Cutler's stand.
In a resolution passed last night
VOICE voted to recognize "Stu-
dent Government Council as the
only body which can legitimately
deal with non-academic student
matters. Any attempt by any other
body, such as the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, to deal with such
matters and attempt by another
body to be a' final arbitrator of
decisions made by SGC is a dis-
tortion of democracy...,
Halt Power
Meanwhile disgruntled faculty
senate members indicate they plan
to try to halt the power realign-
The faculty move could take
several forms, but a likely possi-
bility is that the Senate will con-
sider asking the academic deans
not to recognize the Regents' move
by continuing to assert jurisdic-
tion in s t u d e n t disciplinary
"We want to demonstrate that
the governance of students resides
with the faculty and not with
some administrative official," says
one leader of the faculty opposi-
'The faculty dissidents are con-
cerned that under the new ar-
rangement a student can be ex-
pelled without the explicit ap-
proval of his college. Until Friday
academic consent was always re-
quired in such cases.
But Cutler claims that he will
not usurp such faculty rights. In
his letter to the deans he noted a
"need to provide continuity of
handling of cases of non-aca-
demic conduct within the proced-
ures of the system which now
Conduct Standard
He also points out the right of
"certain academic units" to es-
tablish "a standard of conduct
more stringent than that generally



Student Advisory Boards To Work with 'U' Officials
By SUSAN SCHNEPP I The advisory boards will give fairs might discuss reforms in the He observed further that when appointed by SGC and GSC and ness administration students to
A major precedent in the realm students a particular brand of grading system and the "publish the, student body sees the boards be responsible to these bodies work with the business office or
A stu t particiatina the reopna power. In the process of advismng or perish" dilemma. as a meaningful channel of par- through regular reports. In this architecture students to work on
of student participation at the top the executive officers, students Freedman pointed out that the ticipation where they can really way, Freedman and Hollenshead University development
levels of the University was -ct will be able to present their opin- committee to the Vice-President accomplish something, qualified agree, the advisory boards will be Hollenshead said that the mem-
proved student advisory board ions and infuence University po1- for Student Affairs might have a students who in the past have an extension, not a replacement, bership requirements in the plan
the University's President and icy before decisions are made, ac- great degree of influence at this thought of SGC as powerless and of SGC and GSC. have been designed to overcome
Vice-Presidents. cording to Marvin Freedman, '67, time in light of the Regent's move non-influential may "crawl out of Freedman said that the strac- the possible trouble spot of con-
The Advisory Board System will an originator of the proposals. 'giving that vice-president power the woodwork." j ture will enhance "the image and tinuity from one year to the next.
for the first time establish regular He added that students can do to review and possibly reorganize In turn, said Hollenshead, "The authority of SGC," and that the Specifically, the plan calls for
contact with University officials nothing to bind the administra- SGC. student voice will be related to the "worst thing that could happen committees of from five to eight
and allow students to work on: tion, and emphasized the need for The board will be an excellent contributions made by qualified would be to split SGC's power be-1 people, each board not to include
problems in early stages, rather a "give and take" relationship, way, Freedman continued, for ad- people. If they are good workers tween competing groups." more than two SGC or GSC mem-
than simply having them react to with neither administrators nor ministrators to hear student points and make sound recommenda- The next step in the imple- bers. Appointments will be made
crisis situations, explained Neill students expecting to have their of view and to test various pro- tions, they will be listened to." mentation of the plan is to staff I by March for yearly terms begin-
Hollenshead, '67, Student Gov- views accepted every time. posals before they are presented The caliber and quality of the the committees. SGC President Ed ning on April 1. Not more than
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