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October 21, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-21

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Senate Sweeps Home Rule Under the Rug

rr tgau Va
Seventy-Sixth Year

here Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This aus t be noted in all reprints.




Education School:
Low Priority?

University's 17 schools. It is not No.
4 or 10 or 14; it is just one of the family.
The education school has problems. Its
faculty is cramped into old quarters,
jostled by students in University School
with no obvious respect for the quiet ser-
enity which scholarly work requires, and
bothered by their own exposure to the
clean world of modern conveniences
known as the aesthetic office facility.
And so the education school wants
space and money and needs the one for
the other to shake 37 years of dust out of
University School, their newest building.
Present conditions hurt morale, teach-
ing, research and the school's reputa-
tion and pride.
THE ADMINISTRATION is certainly not
blind to all this. It is quite willing to
give the education school a sparkling
building wherever they desire-just as
soon as they take care of the graduate li-.
brary, the residential college, the archi-
tecture building, etc.
These ambitious plans are certainly.
understandable, but it's an unfortunate
consequence that the education school-
and perhaps others-are being slighted
and are suffering in consequence.
The education school's problems are
not new, they have been asking for help
for over a decade. Plans once were made

to substantially aid the school, but they
were dropped from the budget, and re-
placed by a temporary measure.
WHY HAS the education school been
allowed to drift, expand into over-
crowded quarters? The school seems to
feel it simply does not rate very highly
with the administration; it is low on
the administration's priority list of
schools and projects.
The facts seem to bear them out. The
ambitious North Campus plans for engi-
neering and the sciences seem to shut
out any education school bid for aid.
But for the most part these plans will
serve to expand areas that are not really
suffering from lack of space. The admin-
istration's first concerns should be with
those areas that are having difficulties
because of space needs-such as the edu-
cation school.
good time to review the University's
building priorities. If the University is ac-
tually strong enough to carry on the
operation of 17 schools and colleges, it
must be able to keep each school strong
and healthy. To allow the deterioration
of some while strengthening others, is to
admit that the University cannot provide
service for all.
The situation must be reviewed.

[OME RULE FOR Washington,
D.C. died again last week,
this time in the Senate.
In the face of October absentee-
ism, and an opposition filibuster,
Sen. Wayne Morse couldn't keep
the bill alive. But it probably
doesn't matter, because each of
the six times the Senate has pass-
ed a home rule bill, the House has
defeated it.
The District once had home rule,
but in 1874 the Congress tempora-
riy withdrew the right and placed
Washington under a Board of
Commissioners government, two
commissioners assigned by the
President and one chosen by the
Chief of Army Engineers. So for
some 90 years, Washington has
been without elected civil govern-
ment. Its Board of Commissioners,
Board of Education, and judges
are appointed.
ton will continue to be its same
old unique and refreshing self, one
of the only American cities witn
real class. There will still be fine
restaurants, international and in-
expensive. The National Symphony
will continue to play often, the
fine film houses aren't going to
shut down, and the fine arts AM
radio station will continue its
Washington D.C. will remain one
of America's most cosmopolitan and
beautiful cities. It is one of the few
American cities in which somebody
apparently took some time to say
we're going to have a circle here,
a park and a fountain over there.

The capitol will not lose its tour-
ists and college students will flock
to the District next summer for
fun and jobs. Washington will still
be one of the best places in the
United States to visit.
SOME OF THE people who
come to work in Washington every
day will complain about the lack
of expressways to Virginia and
Maryland where they live. The
fare charged by the privately
owned D.C. Transit is thought to
be too high, but those who think
of themselves as residents of the
"Washington area" will still take
their out-of-town guests to the
museums on weekends and to the
Bureau of National Engraving for
The people who live in the far
northwest section of the District,
-the 'forties-will continue to
send their kids to the best public
high school in Washington, the
white one. If that isn't good
enough for them, they will send
the kids to private schools.
ington D.C. who don't live in the
northwest forties, particularly
those on the southeast side, will
continue to become alternately en-
raged and downtrodden in some of
the nation's worst slums.
Those people are Negroes and
they make up 63 per cent of the
city's population.
Their children make up about
80 per cent of Washington's school
children. The schools provided for
them are as obsolete and depres-
sing as the man appointed as
superintendent to run them.

There are five colleges in Wash-
ington but only one is for them,
D.C. Teachers College, a dilapi-
dated building in the Negro ;hetto.
The others are Georgetown, a
Catholic school specializing in
training boys who want to become
diplomats; American University,
which is a nice but expensive way
to visit Washington for four years:
George Washington, another paro-
chial institution school, which
has a good medical school; and
Howard University where Negroes
who have made it send their boys,
if they can afford it.
NOT MANY Negroes get to live
in nice houses. Most pay around
twice what the suburbanites pay
for a comparable place in Bethes-
da, which has a few Negroes and
poor people, but which uses anti-
poverty money to build new tennis
courts. Within the city. the north-
west residential section is reserved
for white people.
"I went with my wife to look at
a place the other night," a cab-
driver explains to his fare. "The
man said the place had been rent-
ed. If you would have gone the
answer would have been yes."
Getting a job isn't so much of
a problem. There are plenty of
seventy-dollar a week government
jobs for women who can type. If
you drive out 16th Street to the
suburbs you will see plenty of uni-
formed Negro women waiting for
buses going the other way. Wash-
ington needs Washingtonians for
doormen, chauffeurs, maids and
Most of the other jobs are re-.

served for people who don't live
in the District.
** *
WHEN CONGRESS returns in
January the home rule forces will
again raise their cries. Marion
Barry, the head of the Free-DC
movement will call out his forces
for picketing, demonstrations and
Joseph L. Rauh, the national
chairman of ADA will scurry
around Congress trying to line up
votes for the 1967 voting. President
Johnson will get applause when he
mentions his support for elected
government for the District in his
state-of-the-Union address. The
Washington Board of Trade will
again oppose a free D.C.
Political activity around the is-
sue has been going on in much the
same fashion with much the same
results since the 1940's.
Proponents of self-government
for the District will argue that the
drafters of the Constitution in-
tended Washingtonto have an
elected government; that Congress
should not be concerned with
whether dog licenses should be five
rather than three dollars; that the
citizen's best interest is served by
the citizen; and that the capitol
city of a democratic republic ought
to be democratic also.
THE OPPOSITION will counter
with their belief that the Consti-
tution does not sanction self-gov-
ernment, that Washington is a
city belonging to all of the Amer-
ican people, that home rule will
impair fiscal relations between the
Federal government and the Dis-
trict, and that the District's com-

paratively clean government will
become the focus of grafters and
The Southerners, like Georgia's
Richard Russell and Arkansas' J.
William Fulbright will deny that
the color of an elected government
in Washington has anything to do
with their opposition.
The results will probably be the
same. The November election is
unlikely to bring many sympa-
thizers into the Congress. The
District of Columbia will be ruled
by appointed officials at this same
time next year.
The chairman of the Senate
District of Columbia Committee
Robert C. Byrd <D.--W. Va.). and
his counter part in the House.
John McMillan, (D.-S.C.), will be
able to tuck bills in their pockets
and tell reporters that D.C. is not
quite ready for home rule at this
IN THE MEANTIME, only about
13 per cent of Washington's ele-
mentary schools will participate in
the federal school lunch program.
The 13 per cent is the lowest in
the nation. Byrd's West Virginia
will have about 45 per cent of its
schools participating. McMillan's
South Carolina will have about 55
per cent.
Everything should get progress-
ively worse in Washington until
its citizens can get a voice in their
own affairs. The only means of
getting it are threats, violence or
an act of Congress' good faith.
Their only weapon is direct ac-
tion. They have no representatives
in Congress, and the nation ap-
parently isn't interested.

Letters: The Regents and the Activists

Students and the City

THE CONFLICT over the role of munici-
pal police in campus affairs should
bring to mind a larger question: what is
the role of the student in Ann Arbor
Some recent examples of city-student
cooperation point the way.
The Student Housing Association (SHA)
and several other student groups have ad-
dressed City Council, and councilmen
have been especially generous in work-
ing with students on city-related prob-
Preliminary figures released late last
May showed that students themselves
may at last take credit for Ann Arbor's
quality government. Election work sheets
and the student directory showed that
in the April municipal election:
Fifty-three per cent of the voters in
the second ward,
Forty-three per cent of the voters in
the first ward,
Thirty-two per cent of the voters in
the third ward,
Twenty-eight per cent of the voters in
the fourth ward, and
Twelve per cent of the voters in the
fifth ward were students.
SG THE SPRING municipal election is
over, and there is a virtual crisis over
University-police-student authority.
What students retain from last April
is voting power and the officials they
helped to elect. There are, in particular,
several councilmen who have been espe-

cially responsive to student affairs: Mrs.
Eunice Burns, James Riecker, Prof. Rich-
ard Balzhiser, Prof. Robert Weeks, to
name a few. Mayor Wendell Hulcher and
the city attorney's office also have a dis-
tinguished record of concern for student
ANY STUDENT or student organization
concerned with the police problem or
any other city-related problem can:
" Write or phone any of these offi-
cials, or see them during their office
" Write or phone individual ward
councilmen, or see them during their of-
fice hours.
* Write a letter to the mayor.
" Write a letter to the City Council.
" Prepare remarks to deliver at a
weekly Council meeting.
A problem such as police relations con-
cerns the city as well as the University.
There are people in city government who
can offer opinion, and advice or-perhaps
even official action. They may decide not
to comment, but they will remember a
citizen's opinions.
THE APRIL ELECTION didn't win this
right for students. But the election
affirmed it. And if city government is as
effective as it appears to be, it will be
affirmed by its role in such student-Uni-
versity community affairs as the police

To the Editor:
THE GRANDEUR and eloquence
of verbal execution with
which certain of our Regents dis-
missed the question of social pro-
test on campus' must only have
been commensurate with their re-
search into and understanding of
the issue itself.
I am hopeful that the quotes
contained within the front page
article of October 19 were not
representative of the entire Board
of Regents.
TO THOSE unnamed members
of the board who would so blith-
ely toss, to use their terms. un-
washed, non razor blade owning,
horribly smelling odd-balls into
the Huron River in order to be
done with the problem, I suggest
that a more far-sighted and ra-
tional approach might be found.
To emphasize the importance of
social and political freedom of
expression as determined by law
would, hopefully, be redundant at
this time; to question how one,
who is aware of these freedoms
and their importance within the
University, couldmake such naive
and shallow statements is more
to the point.
I, FOR ONE, feel ill at ease
with the administration of the
University within the sphere of
influence of such stagnant
It is unfortunate that the Daily
did not see fit to attribute these
statements to their makers so
more responsible consideration
more responsible considerationo
from their colleagues, with a per-
spective of knowledge. '
I believe that the majority of
the Regents are in favor of a
policy short of trial by water for
all dissenters and trust that their
policy formulation will reflect this
-Dean Engel, '67

I'll-MS U
To the Editor:
I HAVE JUST had an opportu-
nity to read both The Michi-
gan Daily and the Michigan State
News accounts of the pre-game
activities leading up to the big
Michigan-MSU football game.
The two papers made, I thought,
rather striking comparisons. No-
where in the MSU publication, for
instance, did I find stories that
attacked the other institution, de-
graded its students, or criticized
the personal lives of its players.
I'm sorry I couldn't say the
same for The Daily.
I'LL BE THE FIRST to admit
it: I'm confused. If football is
kept in its power perspective at
Michigan as you repeatedly claim
it is, why this frenzied crusade to
make MSU the villain? Why this
paranoic drive to fan the "Hate
State" campaign on ,every front
-not just on the football field?
Student enthusiasm is one thing
but this once-a-year binge of
bigotry is something else. You only
embarrass the outstanding repu-
tation of the University of Michi-
gan by engaging in these soph-
Why does this happen? I have
an opinion. Take it or leave it.
MICHIGAN followers simply
haven't learned to lose gracefully
when it comes to engaging MSU.
In the last 11 years, the Wolver-
ines have obviously been inferior
when it comes to competing
against State in football.
No one likes to lose, especially
to a rival only 58 miles away, so
the rationalization process goes
into high gear. Ergo: We're in-
ferior to them physically; we must
be superior mentally.
Conviently, this theory held up
fine at first. But a closer look
shows it's getting badly tarnish-
ed now. Entrance requirements

for entering freshmen are now
basically the same at both schools
yet the enrollment' at East Lans-
ing continues to grow at a faster
and started attracting more Na-
tional Merit Scholars and this nu-
cleus is attracting even more and
widening the gap yearly. State
fought for and won a two-year
medical school and a law school
is just over the horizon.
In short, MSU has been mak-
ing the educational breaks and
capitalizing on them during the
past 10 years while Michigan has
been content to sit back and grum-
I can appreciate Michigan's
frustration. But I can't condone
crude, unfounded and tasteless at-
tacks on other schools as I read
in your paper.
-If it takes beating MSU in foot-
ball to stop this insanity, then
let's hope it happensanext Octo-
ber. But in the meantime, give
credit where credit is due as the
traditional Michigan fan has in
the past.
--Larry Miller
Detroit, Mich.
To the Editor:
T HE FOLLOWING is offered as
a manual for those who in-
tend to remain at the University
for some time. and will have oc-
casion to call the Student Locator
in the future.
How To Obtain Information
From the Student Locator
-If you call the Locator and
there seems to be no answer, as-
sume that the operators are play-
ing cards and do not wish to be
disturbed by your call.
-When your call is finally
picked up, give as little informa-
tion as possible. Try to make the

operator guess the name of the
student you are calling ,- she
LOVES such games.
MODULATE YOUR voice in one
of the following ways:
1) If you know the spelling of
the name. SHOUT. All of the op-
erators are either very old. very
deaf, or very stupid; shouting will
assure your being understood.
Note: it is especially advisable to
spell such names as Jones and
2) If you are in doubt about
the name spelling, never, never
enunciate; mumble what you
think the spelling might be, tak-
ing special care to run the letters
together. If the operator asks you,
to repeat the name or spelling.
reply in an exasperated tone, "I
don't know ! Will you PLEASE
look under all the S listings! !"
-While the locator is searching
the name, comment to Your
friends in the background on her
general inefficiency, using the ier-
gest profane vocabulary you pos-
sess. If you are a man asking for
a girl's number defame her char-
acter to anyone who can hear.
This will assure everyone of your
virility. (Locators cannot put a
call on "hold" to exclude such
background conversation since the
call would then be picked up by
another locator.)
-IF POSSIBLE, eat something
while you are on the phone. Any-
thing will do, but potato chips,
caramels, and chewing gum are
best since the electronic equip-
ment will amplify the sound of
mastication. making it closely re-
semble that of porkers at the
-After you have received your
information, give a little grunt-
the operator can interpret that as
"Thank you" or as a comment on

her work. Better, yet, just hang
up without giving any acknow-
ledgement. THAT will show her!
CONTRIBUTE to the ineffici-
ency of the Student Locator: if
you move or change your tele-
phone number, TELL NO ONE.
Everyone should have a little
mystery in his life.
With a few minor changes the
above guide can easily be adapted
for use in dealing with all people
engaged in the "service" profes-
sions: gas station attendants.
store clerks, regular operators.
and the like.
These tactics will always as
sure prompt, willing, courteous
service. But remember: the most
important thing is to ESTAB-
Or as one young lady remarked
when she was incorrectly address-
ed as "Operator" by a locator.
'Oh. but I'm not an operator!
I'm an individual!
--Eugenie Conser '67
A Victim
To the Editor:
r HE FORMS necessary to certi-
fy that an individual isen-
rolled at the University were not
mailed to the appropriate local
boards until Oct. 12-a full six
weeks after registration.
On that same date my local
board classified me 1A as they
were unaware of my present stu-
dent status.
THE QUESTION to be asked is
what is more disconcerting-the
university's failure to process
these forms more rapidly, or its
failure to make this error public
knowledge so that individuals
might take the appropriate ac-
-Paul Rubinfeld, Grad.


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The New Politics

THE DAILY carried an ad yesterday an-
nouncing that Julian Bond will speak
in Ann Arbor this weekend on behalf of
the write-in "peace" candidate, Elise
At the same time, the New York Times
carried an extensive analysis of the No-
vember elections with the lead, "There
is every indication that Viet Nam is the
nation's most burdensome problem, but
there is scant evidence that it will great-
ly affect the November elections . . . few
candidates are attacking the policies of
the Johnson administration, and even
fewer are offering alternatives."
THE IMMEDIATE reaction--that people
like Julian Bond and Elise Boulding
are filling the present "election issue gap"
--is only cursory.
Actually, both of these articles are
symptomatic of a most unfortunate state
in American politics. The two major par-
ties are neither in tune with the changing
American electorate, nor with the issues
that the United States must resolve.
rPHE REASON can be traced back to the

The electorate was divided into liberal
have-nots and conservative haves.
However, our increasing levels of edu-
cation and income are making this cleav-
age horribly outdated.,
Goldwater's overwhelming defeat in
1964 demonstrated that the controver-
sial proposals and philosopsy of the New
Deal are now generally accepted by the
HlOWEVER, our formal political struc-
ture is caught in a perception of is-
sues which is anchored to the 1930's, and
both out of focus and afraid of present
These inconsistencies have been tem-
porarily resolved in a consensus politics
leaving the Republicans in a minority po-
This consensus has been at the expense
of the two foremost issues today: for-
eign policy and a desire for a final equal-
ity and dignity for all Americans.
Thus, the New Politics will amount to
the total reorientation of American poli-
tics; one in which the central campaign
issues are genuine ones.

Third of a Four-Part Series
" IF .. . THERE WERE, instead
of military conscription a con-
scription of the whole youthful
population to form . . . a part of
the army enlisted against nature,
the injustice would tend to be
evened out, and numerous other
goods to the commonwealth would
With these words, the American
psychologist and philosopher Wil-
liam James in 1910 proposed "The
Moral Equivalent of War," an ear-
ly formulation of the concept of
national service.
been proposed as an alternative to
military conscription. Basically,
the idea is that every citizen
would have to serve in either the
armed forces or a branch of civil-
ian service.
Last May, in his now-famous
Montreal speech, Secretary of De-
fense Robert McNamara became
the first high administration of-
ficial to endorse a form of na-
tional service by saying that each
young person should give two
years of service to his country in

any such a plan could be put in
WILL IT BE compulsory?
The advocates of compulsory
national service contend that there
would be an element of certainty
in this system; upon reaching the
age of 18 every citizen would en-
ter either the armed services or
some branch of civilian service.
After two years of duty he would
be able to pursue his career or
education without fear of inter-
THE CONCEPT of compulsory
national service is especially prac-
tical, if in the future we no long-
er need a standing army of three
million. At that time the other
organizations, with renovated or-
ganization and accommodations,
could absorb those who have
reached the age of the draft.
However, as in all considera-
tions of universal training, this
would entail much larger "serv-
ice" appropriations than those now
allotted. The government would
have to support the approximate-
ly 14 million young people between
the ages 18-26; a prospect which
would hardly gather much support
from t he +oa,awTnv-

guidelines would have to be es-
tablished to accommodate larger
present voluntary programs do not
want to see their organizations
filled with "inductees." Jack Hood
Vaughn, director of the Peace
Corps, said after McNamara's
speech that while he welcomed
the idea of national service, the
Peace Corps should remain an ar-
my of volunteers-and added that
conscripted "volunteers" would
ruin the Peace Corps.
Who would control a syster of
national service? At the present
time much of the training in the
Peace Corps is done by return vol-
unteers with little educational
control from Washington.
The army presently runs the
largest educational complex in the
country, according to McNamara.
If they were to control the edu-
cational process of a national
service system it would defeat the
purpose of offering an alternative
to military training.
Army? At the present time the
Army cannot fulfill its obligations

study commission will be closely
watching the returns.
IF SOME FORM of national'
service were adopted as an alter-
native to the draft, the armed
forces, in the interests of na-
tional security, could be given pri-
ority on manpower if a genuine
emergency were to arise.
The Army would have to receive
more funds than are presently
allotted if a system of national
service was established.
The military services would then
be able to raise the pay of their
personnel thereby offering an in-
ducement to the draft-eligible men
and women making the choice be-
tween military and non-military
HOW CAN civilian service pro-
vide an equivalent risk of life now
present for army draftees for its
own draftees? Teaching children
in Kaduna and getting shot at in
Da Nang are simply not equiv-
Although it is true that mili-
tary service poses dangers to life
which simply do not exist in
civilian service, only a rather small
percentage of all men in uni-
form actually see combat. A two

would be subject to military serv-
ice only after military necessities
had exhausted the many earlier,
"first-line" classifications.
THE FINAL question is would
the federal government continue
to draft men only or would wom-
en also be subject to conscription?
McNamara stressed in his Mon-
treal speech that the present in-
equities of the draft could be rem-
edied "by asking every young per-
son to give two years, of service
to his country." Thus therevis
the possibility that women would
be drafted into a national service
If women were to be subject to
the military draft as well (to
serve in a clerical capacity), they
would be faced with the same
choice as men: military or civil-
ian service. Such a move would
represent the culmination of the
long drive for female equality.
If civilian service were merely
present draft structure there would
be little inducement for women
to join. Therefore, women must
provided as an alternative to the
either be included in the military
draft or in a national service
draft to insure their participa-


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