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October 12, 1966 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-12

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of .Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business Workshop-Michigan Union,
8:30 a.m.
Interdepartmental Seminar in Fluid
Mechanics-J B. Witham, professor, Cal-
ifornia Institute of Technology, "Non-
linear Dispersive Waves": 325 West En-
gineering, 4 p.m.
Dept. of Anatomy Seminar-Brice M.
Carlson, Department of Anatomy, "An
Exchange Scientist's View of U.S.S.R.":
2501 East Medical Bldg., 4:15 p.m.
College of Engineering Computer Lec-
ture Series-Brice Carnahan, professor
of chemical engineering and biostatis-
tics, "An Introduction to Digital Com-
puters and the MAD Language": Nat-
ural Science Aud, 7:30 p.m.

Dept. of Speech University Players
Performance - William Shakespeare's
"Coriolanus": Trueblood Aud., 8 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program Per-
formance-APA Repertory Company in
Pirandello's "Right You Are": Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m.
University Musical Society Concert-
Guiomar Novaes, pianist: Hill Aud.,
8:30 p.m.
Dept. of Physical Education for Wom-
en-Open House for women interested
in information about the major pro-
gram in Dance and Physical Education:
Women's Athletic Bldg. Lounge, 4:30-
5:45 p.m.
Ermine Cowles Case Memorial Lecture
-Sponsored by Museum of Paleontol-
ogy. Geology and Mineralogy Depart-
ment, and Sigma Xi. Prof. William El-
gin Swinton, director of Royal Ontario
Museum and centennial professor in
University of Toronto, "Environment of
the Dinosaurs," Oct. 12, 8 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
General Notices
Directed Teaching in Elementary
Education-Winter Term, 1967: Elemen-
tary directed teaching assignments for
Winter Term, 1967 will be made in in-
terviews October 31 through November
30. Each student who has applied
for and expects to elect Education D 305
should make an appointment for an
interview in Room 1408 UES. Office

hours are 1-5 p.m., Monday through
Friday. Winter Term assignments will
be based upon the names which ap-
pear in the appointment list as of
October 26.
Students electing directed teaching
in special education for Winter Term,
1967 will receive instruction from Mr.
Colloquium: The Program in Com-
parative Studies in History announces
a colloquium entitled "The Western
Hemisphere as a Factor in Compara-
tive history" to be conducted by Prof
Louis Hartz of the Department of Gov-
ernment of Harvard University.
Time: Mon., Oct. 17, introductory
lecture, 8 p.m. in the Michigan Room
Michigan League; Tues., Oct. 18,. dis-
cussion, 8 p.m. in the Kalamazoo Room
Michigan League.
AAUP Meeting: Thurs., Oct. 13 at 8
p.m., West Conference .Room, Rackhar
Bldg. Program: An evening with the
candidates for the State Board o:
Education. Speakers: Leon Fill, Don-
ald Thurber, a representative of James
O'Neill. Moderator is Prof. Wilfred Kap-
lan. Leroy Augenstein is unable t
attend, but a statement by him wil
be available at the meeting.
Statistics Seminar: Prof. C. C. Craig
will begin a series of talks, Initially
his topic will be "An Application of
Thiele's Semi-Invariants to the Sam
pling Problem," given at 4 p.m., Thurs.
Oct. 13, in Room 3201 Angell Hall.
National Security Administration -
Applications for the examination fo
National Security Administration are
due today. There are applications avail
able at the Bureau, if postmarked to
day they will be accepted.
Foreign Service-Final filing date fo
exam for Foreign Service Exam, unde
U.S. Dept. of State and U.S. Informa
tion Agency is Oct. 22, application
available at Bureau
Harvard Grad School Scholarships-

Application date for scholarships for students about the many career op- -BA in Econ. and Gen. Lib. Arts. For
Harvard Grad School of Arts and Sci, portunities under the FSEE. Make ap- Mgmnt. Trng, and Merchandising.
has been advanced to Dec. 1. The pointment with recruiter in your area Women's Army Corps, Detroit, Mich,
form itself must be received by Dec. of interest: Soc. Secur. Admin., Soc. -All majors, all degree levels. Officer
1 and supporting documents may- be Secur. Payment Ctr., Great Lakes Nav-! Candidate School for eventual posi-
received as late as Feb. 1, 1967, al Trng. Ctr., U.S. Civil Service Coin- tions in Ad. & art design, Biol., Lang.,
mission and Railroad Retirement Board Mgmt. Trng., Personnel, Public Rela-
PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Gradu- and General Civil Service recruiter. tions, Recreation, Stat., Transport.,
ates and seniors make appointments by Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, Mo. Writing and others. In U.S. and over-
4 p.m. of the day preceding the visits Afternoon only. Any level, any major seas.
by the following companies. All em- for Mgmt. Trng., Product., Sales & PE
ployers expect to see your file before TransPOSITION OPENINGS:
the interview, Please return forms and C.I A.-Continues interviewing. Local Scientific Institute-Assistant
update your files as soon as possible. . Head of Tech. Documents Service. Pre-
Call 764-7460,General Division Desk. THURS.,OCT.20-- fer male MALS with coursework in
MON., OCT. 17- Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp., Pits- sciences, 2 or more yrs. exper. with
AmericanHospital Supply Corp., Ev- burgh, Pa.-BA in Econ., Eng., Fineome admis duties. Subject catalog-
anston,III -BA in Econ., Engl., Gen. Arts, For. Lang., Gen. Lib. Arts, Geog., ingreference and bibliographic services
Lib, Arts, Math, Psych,, Pharm. and Hist., Journ., Poli. Sci., Psych., Speech to -assist res. personnel and super-
all fields of Chem. for Mgmt Trng., & Soc. for Sales vises 5-6 member staff.
Hkt, Res., Personnel, Purchasing and Scott Paper Co., Phila., Pa.-Morn- Allied Chemical Corp., Semet Solvay
Sales. ing only. Degrees in Econ., Engl., Fine Division, Detroit, Mich.-Safety Engi-
Arts, For. Lang., Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., neer. Recent grad, any lib. arts. Per-
TUES., OCT. 18- Poli. Sci., Psych, and Soc. for Qual. sonnel work including workmen's com-
Marathon Oil Co., Detroit, Mich. - Cont., Personnel, Production and Con- pensation. ins. claims, labor rel. and
Afternoon only. BA in Econ, and Gen, sumer Rep. admin. of accident and fire program.
Lib. Arts for Mgmt. Trng., Territorial Continental National American Group, Domililary Home, New York-Admin-
Sales and Sales Rep. Chicago, Ill,-Bach. and adv. degrees in istration position, BA in Hosp. Ad-
Central Intelligence Agency, Wash., Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts and aMth. Insur- mmin., Engrg., or Bus. Ad. with 5-10
D.C.-Career Trng. Program - BA or ance, Mgmt. Trng, Sales, Stat., Actu- yrs. 4n the field, Will administer ac-
Grad work, good grades, good health. aries' tivities program planning, personnel
Positions in intelligence-BA & adv. C.IA.-Continues interviewing (see building and budget
degrees in Math, Programming, Geog., Tues. listing for further information)*


Econ., Chinese Area Stud., Lib. Sci., w. . MerreA "Co.,ABVnton Ilabo
., Wm. S. Merrell Co., Benton Harbor,
Russian Area Stud., Poli Sci., Hist., Mich.-Any degree all majors. For Ter-
Psych. (PhD only). Secretarial/Clerical ritorial Sales.
-for young women interested in for- Inland Steel Co., Chicago, Ill.-Any
eign assign. Econ. Res.-all levels de- degree, all majors for Mgmt. Trng.,
grees, Econ., Hist., Geog., Area Stud., Sales and Finance.
International Trade. Military-Econ Res. Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc., Chica-I
-Econ., Hist., Military Hist. and Poll. go, Ill.-BA in Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts,
Sci., Russ. & Chinese Area Stud., Oper. Math and Physics. For Advertising, Elec.
Anal., Math Stat, and Bus. Ad, All Computing, Mkt. Res., Merchan., Pro-
level degrees. Engineers and Scientists duction and Sales,
-Analystsor Project Officers for for- Hon l Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.
eignywlsciIc.andnnetech., ine..
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, -BA andad. herealls ields.or Sath
Mich.-BA & adv. degrees in Bus. Ad., and Data Processing Trainees.
Chem. (analy., organ.) and Microbiol. FRI., OCT. 21-
for Biol., Zool., Mgmt. Trng, and Sec- Scott Paper Co., Phila., Pa. - Con-
retarial. tinues interviewing (see Thums. list-
Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Ill.- ing).l
BA in Econ., Eng.,. Journ., & Math Cheri hmclCoSnFacso
for Advertising, For. Trade, Mgmt. Chron Chemica deges in Genr cisb.
Trng., Mkt. Res., Merchan., Prod., Pub- Arts, Lib. Sde., Biol., Biochem. and
lic Relations, Sales, Gen. & Tech. Chemr. For Sales.
Writing and Data Process. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago, Ill.
WED., OCT. 19- --
Detroit Edison Co., Detroit, Mich.-
BA & adv. degrees in Econ., Psych.. &
Soc. for Personnel,,P r o t
Conn.-Any degree in all fields, inter-
"e. +-4in~Ilmeth1 bJTiU- riiirniT-TaJufice),

For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign schedule posted at 128-H West
Engrg. Bldg. Phone 764-8483.
OCT. 18-
Babcock & Wilcox Co.
Do0w Chemical Co.
Firestone Tire & Rubber-PhD visit.
Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp.
S Kimberly Clark Co.
Procter & Gamble Co.
Procter & Gamble Co.-Charmin Pa-
per Products Co.
" Radiation, Inc.
Radio Corp. of America-BS-MS only.
Standard Oil of Calif. & Chevron
jRes. Co.
Standard Oil of Ohio.
Union Electric Co.
Westinghouse Electric Co.

This week, explore
as big astdyS
brand new ocean
Talk with on-campus Career Consultant from Newport News
-world's largest shipbuilding company--involved with
nuclear propulsion, aircraft carrier design, submarine build-
ing, oceanographic development, marine automation, all
the challenging advances on today's brand new ocean. The
New York TIMES calls this "the last earthbound frontier"
with "profit possibilities as big as the sea."
Learn what our half-a-billion-dollar order backlog means to
you in terms of high starting salary and years of career
security with no lid on your future. With orders up
$80,000,000 in five months, our need is urgent for imagina-
tive men in all the disciplines listed here. Men who like
tough challenges and individual responsibility.
Ask about opportunities for advanced degrees and research.
We're next door to Virginia Associated Research Center wth
one of the world's largest synchrocyclotrons, where grad-
uate engineers study high energy physics. We're across the
harbor from Old Dominion College, offering graduate
courses in Microwave Theory, Solid State Electronics, Nu-
clear Engineering. Nearby, too, is the Extension Division
of the University of Virginia offering courses toward credits
for masters degrees. And within easy driving is The Vir-
ginia Institute for Scientific Research, a world leader in
solid state physics. Linked up with these opportunities,
Newport News offers scholarships, tuition grants, advanced
study and research leaves. Ask about them.
Get the facts on pleasant living and lower livingcosts here
in the heart of Virginia's seaside vacationland with its su-
perb beaches,,golf, fishing, boating, hunting.



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w A TssCampus


4:15 p.m.-Bruce Carlson of the
anatomy dept. will speak on "An
Exchange Scientist's View of the
USSR," Rm. 2501, East Med.
7:30 p.m.-Prof. Brice Carnahan
will speak on "An Introduction to
Digital Computers and the MAD
Language" in the Natural Science
8:30 m.-Guiomar Novaes, pi-
anist, wul perform in the Musical
Society Concert in Hill Aud.
8:00 p.m.The University Play-
ers will present Shakespeare's
"Coriolanus" in the Trueblood
8:00 p.m.-The APA Repertory
Company will present Pirandelio's
"Right You Are" in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
3:45 p.m.-Richard Helb of. the
MIT psychology dept. will give the
Mental Health Research Institute
lecture on "Plasticity in Sensori-
motor Coordination" in 1057
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild
will present Elmund Goulding's
"Grand Hotel" in the Architecture
8:00 p.m.-The University Play-
ers will present Shakespeare's
"Coriolanus" in the Trueblood

8:00 p.m.-The APA Repertory
Company will perform in Piran-
dello's "Right You Are" in the
Mendelssohn Theatre.
8:00 p.m.-Gilbert F. White will
give the second Cook lecture on
"Strategies in American Water
Management" in the Rackham
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild
will present Edmund Goulding's
"Grand Hotel" in True Architec-
ture Aud.
7:30 p.m.-Capt. Robert Frietag,
director of manned space flight
field center development for the
National Aaronautics and Space
Administration, will speak on "Ad-
vanced Manned Space Vehicles
and Problems of Environmental
Control" in Rm. 1042 of the East
Engineering Bldg. Capt. Frietag
was responsible for development
of the Marshall Space Fligt Cen-
ter in Huntsville, Ala., the Ken-
nedy Space Center in Cape Kenne-
dy, Fla., and the Manned Space-
craft Center in Houston, Tex.
8:00 p.m.-The University Play-
ers will perform in Shakespeare's
"Coriolanus" in the Trueblooc
8:30 p.m.-The University Band-
orama will take place in Hill Aud.

ested in math. Insurance (Home O)ffice),
Mgmt. Trng., Personnel, Sales and Ac-
tuary Trng.
Civil Service Commission, Detroit,'
Mich.-Primarily to inform interested


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FtIRtS THURSDAY, October 20

. . "FirstofAll"

. 0 0

Mixer in League Ballroom .

.. The Vanguards .

8 Homecoming queen finalists perform their talents.. .
Fire-up for the Big Weekend ! !

FRIDAY, October 21



... 27 floats

. . .

Famous personalities . . . Miss Michigan . .. Surprise FIRSTS for U of M! !
PEP RALLY ... 7:45 ... Ferry Field . T.. Doc Losh -.. .The Friars... Fireworks.. .
Spirit. . . Dance.. .9:00 ... IM Building ...
THE McCOYS ! ! Crowning of THE QUEEN!


SATURDAY, October 22... Tug of War ...9:00... Island Park...
Mud Bowl ... 10:00... SAE House... FOOTBALL... Michigan vs. Minnesota . .
Little Le Mans. . .4:30.. Phi Kappa Psi House ...
CONCERT.. .7:00 and 9:30 ... Hill Auditorium. . .
THE BEACHBOYS and the Greenwood Singers!!
HOMECOMING DANCE... League Ballroom ... The Blue Window
(Formerly the Marksmen)

1' ;Tumlpkv - - - S'nirh

- - Wtindprfiinp~ . - I

t i

t - Q1 T1

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