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October 12, 1966 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-12

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Injury-Riddled Purdue Looks to Griese

"If you can stop Griese you stop
Purdue" has been a nice, pat
phrase uttered by every coach,
sportswriter, and fan during the
illustrious quarterback's three-year
career. And when Wolverine in-
terior defensive line coach Denny
Fitzgerald says it this year, it has
a lot more meaning then ever be-'
"I scouted Purdue last week and
they are relying on Griese more
than ever. They have to," stated
Fitzgerald. What makes this year
different than any other of
Griese's tenure as quarterback for
Purdue is that in the second game
of the season, the Boilermakers
lost both their second-string signal
caller and also their best running
Fateful Game
Coach Jack Mollenkopf related
the story of the fateful Notre
Dame game. "In the first quarter
Lou Sims ran two times for 11
yards. On his third carry he got
hit so hard he broke his leg just
above the knee on his thigh bone-
In one play our fastest running
back was knocked completely out
for the season."
And so crumbled Purdue's out-
side running attack, which served

to keep opposing defenses off ;
Griese's back. Purdue still runs,
those end sweeps, but as Mollen-
kopf says himself, "We're still us-
ing the same plays as we did whens
we had Sims, but as for running
them as well as we did before, I
can't say."
Sims' loss was not the only one
in that bloodbath of a football
game which Notre Dame won 26-
15. Jim Klutcharch, Purdue's jun-
ior reserve quarterback, came out
of the carnage with a racked up
knee requiring surgery-an opera-
tion costing the Boilermakers his
services for the season.
Changes Made
The signficance of the two in-
juries has been demonstrated in
Mollenkopf's handling of the team
in the two games succeeding the
Notre Dame game. Griese is run-
ning the option play trying to
keep the defensive ends honest, a'
play never used much before in
the Boilermaker attack. Leroy
Keyes, third string kick-off spe-
cialist at the beginning of the
1966 campaign, is now sole owner
of kicking duties. Number one
kicker on the kick-off team was
the injured Klucharch. Number
two was Griese but Mollenkopf
dares not put his 184-pound super-

star at the mercy of opposing sui- Sims' loss has not left to Griese poor pun refers to returning re-
cide squads. the entire burden of the Boiler- ceivers split end junior Jim
The Notre Dame game wasn't maker offense. Sophomore fullback Beirne and senior flanker Jim
the first time the injury bug has Perry Williams won his backfield Finley. Wolverine fans shudder
struck Purdue this year. In the starting spot even before the sea- when they remember Finley's 11
Boilermakers very first game of son started. After seeing him in catches for 159 yards in last year's
the season against Ohio Univer- action in the Iowa game last week, 17-15 loss to the Boilermakers.
sity, veteran linebacker Bob Yun- Fitzgerald terms him "a thrash- Those 159 yards set a new Purdue
aska suffered a ruptured knee lig- ing type of runner who has the record for yards gained by pass'
ament which forced him out of the power to explode for gains even receiving in one game.
game and the entire season. up the middle." Williams, Beirne, and Finley
"Purdue uses an Oklahoma 5-4 Good Old Hands should provide Purdue with an
defense very similar to the one we
employ," indicated Coach Fitz- Michigan defenders will also adequate threat to Michigan's de-
empld."Lingcatedoachitz- have to contend with a couple of fenses.
linebacker in this set-upeie Purdue's "Old Hands" who each And then there's that boy named
linebacker i hsstu will hurt
Purdue ust as it would hurt us if have a pair of good hands. The Griese.
we lost someone like Nunley-"
That Strained Feeling
And indeed, the Boilermaker
defense has felt the strain. "Our G;RID SELECTIONS
defense was supposed to be a realr
strong factor this' year," stated UAC Ground Wizard (fullback
Mollenkopf. "I was pretty well and coach) Jay Zulauf, in an
satisfied with it for the Ohio game image - changing maneuver, has
which we won 42-3. But ag magenschaging aneuvreha
gainst announced that the Muggers have
Notre Dame, our secondary col- officially changed their name to
lapsed under those bombs from the Short Circuits. The new appel-
Hanratty to Seymour." Mollenkopf ation is to remind the student body
then added, "Even Iow~ a moved the of UAC's public service sacrifice of
ball well against us last week al- losing $3000 to broadcast a closed
though it didn't show on the score- circuit version of the Michigan-
board." It surely didn't. as the Michigan State game last week.
Boilermakers shutout the Hawk- Although The Daily-UAC con-
eyes 35-0. test will be played Friday after-
noon, the regular midnight Friday
deadline for selections will be oh-
s erved. Those entries not picking.4
S C o lleg esDaily will be disqualified any-
way. Two tickets to the Michigan
meet again before the end of h Theatre, now featuring Daily prac
year. Our feeling is that given the ti session movies, will await the
opportunity to exploit the talent vinner.
that comes to college, n.7Faniz d Purdue at MICHIGAN (snore)
baseball can greatly profit. Record Illinois at Indiana
itself indicates that the Big Ten Iowa at Minnesota JAY ZULAUF
can produce. All you have to do is Michigan State at Ohio StateAA
look at Frank Howard, Rick Northwestern at Wisconsin Colorado at Iowa State
Reichardt, Bill Freehan, Bill Davis, Oregon at Air Force Army at Rutgers
and many more." Arkansas at Texas Cornell at Harvard
Asked if the colleges fail to get Alabama at Tennessee North Texas State at Tulsa
the four-year rule from the ma jars Rice at SMU Washington at Cal
would they go to Congress, Con. Navy at Pitt West Virginia at Maryland
missioner Reed answered: "No. LSU at Kentucky New Mexico at Wyoming
You have to look at the nature of Oregon State at Idaho DAILY vs. UAC (Friday)
the legislative action. onnnress .
cannot put the restriction of
granting the colleges protecton
onto the major leagues exemption
to anti-trust legislation. We can 1967
only make recommendations and
hope the major leagues accept

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OCTOBER 26 & 27

Pro Snatchings Anno

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(Continued from Page 6}
cause a boy can barter with justj
one club but also because That boy
will be hounded for six months to
sign with the team that has nego-
tiating rights. You know that after
six months a boy's name goes into
a special pool where he can be
drafted by another club."
Coach Benedict added: "Well,
what can you tell a boy when he
is approached by a major league
team? When they are offered a big
bonus, like Bill Freehan or Bobby
Reed, you have to tell them that
it's their decision. You can't ad-
vise them. Can you tell a kid not
to sign when he's offered $35,000."
The biggest debate between the
colleges and the pros seems to
generate around the signing of the
"marginal" college ballplayer, the
boy who looks like he might have
talent even though his college and
sandlot record doesn't show it.
"I'm not opposed to the large
bonus," Simmons argues, "but to
the small one. The first time the
major leagues drafted, in June of
1965, they drafted over 800 boys,
and signed 500 of them. This past
June they drafted over 900. This
indicates that they might be draft-
ing only numbers. This ;s clearly
depriving the boys who don't make
it of a college education."
The major leagues contend that
they indeed have room for tnese
boys and look for more than just
a hefty batting average. According
to Lund: "We look at pasic things
first, such as physical att ibutes.
SCan he field, has he. a good arm,
and does his hitting-show promise?
We start with the basic things. We
don't draft boys who we feel can't
make it."
Definite Obligation
Another basic argument against
the major leagues signing college
ballplayers is that they're forcing
them to violate a moral obligation
to the school they're playing for.
Dick Schryer surprisingly agrees.
"Really, I think there should by
something morally binding. A col-
lege scout should know that most
of his boys should have the po-
tential to get to the major leagues.
They shouldn't draft him just be-
cause there's a little possibility he
might make it."
Benedict concurs: "Definitely he

has a little obligation especially
when he's on scholarship ... . This
is the rub when a major league,
team takes a boy away like this.
After all, you gave the boy ap-
proximately $2,000 for his educa-
tion. And a $2,000 scholarship toa
me as a baseball coach is like a
$30,000 bonus to the Clevelani In-
dians. We took a gamble on him.
I'd love to see a boy play four
years at Michigan and get his edu-
Don Lund insists that people
tend to apply the same principles
on this point to college baseball
as they apply to college football.
"The circumstances aren't the
same at all. It takes a lot more
basic skill to play baseball than
football. And pro football has set
up its own farm system in the col-
leges. Notice the pros shy away
from playing on Friday nights or
Saturday afternoons because they
would be in direct conflict with
their farm system.
Different Standard
"Most schools are governed by
football and basketball rules.
Where people get most upset over
a baseball prospect signing before
his eligibility is up when the boy
is also an outstanding prospect in
football or in basketball." Proof is
Mttax Alvis, a starting halfback in
the Texas backfield until he sign-
ed, and Michigan's own Bill Free-
han, who many thought was an
All-American linebacker.
Even though the problem is not
evident to many unless a Max Al-
vis or Bill Freehan signs, the prob-
lem is very real to the colleges and
major leagues. So much so that
recently representatives from the
major college conferences in the
country met with various repre-
sentatives of major league teams
in order to come to some conclu-
Bill Reed, Commissioner of the
Western Conference (Big Ten), at-
tended and reported that the ma-
jor leagues "were receptive but
"We, of course, discussed the
possibility of extending a boy's
protection to four years instead
of the present two," Commissioner
Reed went on, ''but they made no
decision there. All in all, the meet-
ing was amicable and we hope to


"The Way It Is"
Theronly alternatives open right
now are a four-year rule and in-
creased aid from the majors to
the summer leagues, or a continu-
ation of the viciouscircle which
now exists where the majo, lea-
gues will continue to sign college
players as long as the college sys-
tem remains inadequate to equip
the major leagues and the col-
leges complain that they can-
not- carry on an effective program
as long as the majors raid their
The problem seems to be doom-j
ed to longevity and perhaps Dick
Schryer put it best when he said,
"I don't think the present situa-
tion is the way it should be, but
that's the way it is."

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