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October 12, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-12

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Continue Arms Buildup NearDemilitarize


DONG HA, South Vietnam (W)-
Navy supply ships unload on the
Cam Lo River. Air Force C130s
land in the swirling dust of Dong
Ha airfield. Marine tanks grind
along narrow roads.
All these reflect the allied mili-
tary buildup near the demilitarized
zone between the two Vietnams.
"The stage is set for a good
fight if the North Vietnamese
want one," a Marine spokesman
said yesterday.
Three months ago, there was a
lone Marine battalion at Phu Bai,
40 miles south of the zone. Some


Vietnamese army units the north, large stocks of supplies

probed the eastern lowlands. The
North Vietnamese army, mainly
its 324B and 341st divisions, walk-
ed almost unopposed through the
zone to get into South Vietnam.

and a mazes of bunkers and tun-
nels, some of them 25 years old.
In July, Operating Hastings
marked the movement of Marines
in force into the central valleys

In June, Marine intelligence de- antuntins arounaUthe coH
termined the North Vietnamese manding pinnacle known as the
were massing for assaults toward "Rock pile" just south of the zone.
the towns of Dong Ha, Cam Lo The fighting badly maimed the
and Quang Tri in Quang Tri Prov- 10,000-man 324B division. Nearly
ince northernmost in South Viet- 800 North Vietnamese were found
nam dead.
nmOperation Prairie began August
The enemy had the advantage 3. Marine battalions that had re-
of short communications lines to Imained in the area began meet-

ing the North Vietnamese in sharp
battles. The Marines now claim a
total of 1,021 enemy dead and say
perhaps a second massing of
northern troops has been fore-
In support of Prairie, Dong Ha
has become a city in itself, a major
supply and staging center fed by
the Navy along the Cam Lo, con-
voys over Highway 9 and air-
planes shuttling to the airstrip.
Dong Ha is about 20 miles south
of the zone and 80 miles north of
the main Marine base at Da Nang.

An Army battalion from the
173rd Airborne Brigade has been
added to the six Marine battalions
in the area. More Marines have
been staged at Da Nang and Phu
Bai for quick positioning. Phu -Bai
is 30 miles north of Da Nang.
Three Marine battalions can be
landed in amphibious assault in
the eastern coastal lowlands, just
south of the zone. The 3rd Marine
Division has established an ad-
vanced command post at Dong Ha.
Elements of the Communist
army have been found slipping

into the province's northwest cor-T
ner. To combat this, anotheri
Marine battalion has reinforcedi
the remote Army Special Forces
camp at Khe Sang.
As for the South Vietnamese,
six ranger, marine and airbornet
battalions have been added to thef
divisional unit on hand in the low- 1
On the central plateau, the Ma-
rines have positioned every size of
gun in the U.S. artillery family.i
Gunners say they can cover every-t
thing to well into Laos, to 15 miles f

north of the zone, to two miles out Vietnamese to swallow 500 Ma-
in the Gulf of Tonkin. In the Gulf rines.
itself sail U.S. warships. Marines feel the enemy will
The artillerymen. on an average likely move, if he intends to, only
day, fire 1,800 rounds either in with days of bad weather for
support of infantry or to harrass cover. But the weather breaks and
the enemy. The Communists get permits air support often enough,
almost nightly pounding from B52 the Marines say, and the artillery
bombers. does not stop for rain.
The Marines do not deny a mass
Some Marines believe the North attack might give the North Viet-
Vietnamese would be satisfied with namese a hold on the province.
wiping out a Marine battalion. A But the U.S. Command feels it has
regimental commander estimates enough forces immediately on
that with superior U.S. supporting hand and enough reserves to carry
fire it would take 3,000 dead North the day.

Request UN
Support For
Peace Plan
Pressure on Soviets
To Reconvene 1954
Geneva Conference
British Foreign Secretary George
Brown appealed to the United
Nations yesterday to support his
detailed plan for a Vietnam peace
settlement. He also challenged the
Soviet Union to join in a first step
toward opening negotiations.
"There cannot be, nor should
there be, a military solution to this
conflict," Brown said in a major
policy speech to the 119-nation
U.N. General Assembly. "We be-
lieve that the only feasible solu-
tion is a political settlement reach-
ed through negotiations."
Brown put new pressure on the'
Soviet Union by again inviting
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
myko to join insa call to reconvene
the 1954 Geneva conference.
Brown and Gromyko are the co-
Peace Bids
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J.
Goldberg welcomed the bid to re-
convene the Geneva conference
and said that at the negotiations
the United States was prepared to
consider all peace proposals for
Hanoi and Peking have turned
down both British and U.S. pro-
posals. But Goldberg, reflecting
determination of both the United
States and Britain to press them,
said: "We persevere in the hope
that after due reflection the reac-
tion in other capitals will be as
affirmative as our own."
Peking also rejected proposals
put forward by Secretary-General
U Thant, saying their purpose was
to induce the Vietnamese to end
the war and accept peace talks in
which the United States would
gain the right to stay in South
Gromyko Absent
Gromyko was not present to
hear Brown, but Brown arranged
a late afternoon private meeting
with Gromyko-the second since
Brown arrived in New York last
The United States has offered to
halt the bombing of North Viet-
nam and agree on a timetable for
supervised joint military with-
drawals' if there are signs of de-
escalation by North Vietnam.
Six-Point Plan
Brown formally presented to the
assembly the six-point plan he
disclosed at the Labor party meet-
It called for a peace conference
as soon as possible to be followed
by a halt in the U.S. bombing of
& North Vietnam and military pull-
backs by both sides. The Viet Cong
would take part in negotiations
with the first aim a cease-fire, and
then a settlement based on the
1954 Geneva accords.
All measures for de-escalation
would be under international su-
pervision. The present Interna-
tional Control Commission would
be given a peacekeeping force
similar to that of the United Na-
tions in Cyprus.

Stock Rally HEATH'S
Viewed With British Co
Pessimism Urged To
Dow Jones Average BLACKPOOL, England (A)-'
Closes Up 4.12 in Edward Heath faces mounting
pressures from his own conserva-
Second Day of Gains tive party followers for stronger
leadership and sharper policies in
NEW YORK (')-The stock a bid to force Prime Minister
market rally stretched into a sec- Harold Wilson's Labor govern-
ond day yesterday, though the ad- ment out of office.
vance was clipped sharply late in These demands yesterday on
the trading session. the eve of the opposition party's
The Dow Jones average of 30 in- annual convention coincide with
dustrial stocks closed up 4.12 new public opinion surveys show-
points at 758. 63 after being up ing that Heath's popularity rating
12.62 early in the afternoon. The as party chief still continues low.
New York Stock Exchange average Nevertheless, the 50-year-old
of all common stocks closed up 21 carpenter's son resolved to hit

nservative Leader
Strengthen Policies

back at the
50 critical
greater vigor
fight against

sponsors of nearly to take such action if current
resolutions urging compromise efforts fail. The in-
and force in the tervention of Salisbury, once a
Wilson's brand of king-maker in British politics,
threatened to upset the frail unity

Three Demands
Three chief demands built upI
on Heath from different groups
in the party. .
On Rhodesia. right wingers led
by Lord Salisbury are insisting
Heath must fiercely resist any
move by Wilson to impose com-
pulsory sanctions on Prime Min-
ister Ian Simth's rebel white mi-
nority regime. Wilson is bound

-Associated Press
BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY GEORGE BROWN, left, and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gro-
myko are seen after the two met privately for 50 minutes yesterday at the Ignited Nations. Both
are co-chairmen of the 1954 Geneva Conference.
Talks With Gromyko Display

3 '

One broker said it's too early
after the two-day rise "to conclude
that we're experiencing anything
other than a technical rally."
Another Wall Streeter said.
"We're not at the bottom yet."
"White Sale"
"We're having a white sale in
the stock market and it seems toI
be scaring everybody," said one
analyst who contended there were
good investment stocks to be ac-
quired cheaply.
Some high-flying glamor stocks
surged ahead at the market's
opening but losses soon set in.
Sperry-Rand, the day's most active
stock, closed down $1.50 at $22.62.
Polaroid was off $5.75 at $123.75.

Johnson Seeks Raise
In Social Security Aid,

binding the left. right and center
factions of the Conservatives on
the issue.
Party Leadership
On the matter of leadership and
tactics, Heath is under fire for
failing to display more vigor in
fighting W i s o n. Some party
groups are pressing for the injec-
tion of new men and methods in
the inner circle of advisers.
On national problems, Heath is
being urged by all sections of the
party to expose what they see as
the Wilson government's failures
and mismanagement, especially in
handling the economic and finan-
cial crisis. Heath intends to argue
that a lack of confidence in Wil-
son at home and abroad is a ma-
jor cause of Britain's troubles.
He cannot easily attack Wilson's
remedial program of deflation and
wage control because deflation was
long used as a remedy by Con-
servative administrations and be-
cause they themselves wanted to,
but shrank from curbing the power
of the labor Aunions.

WASHINGTON P)--In a dis-
play of cautious optimism, the
State Department reported yester-
day that the talks with Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A Gro-
myko here cleared 1iway "some
misiinderstandings" over the long-
stealemate.d proposal for a treaty
to ban the spread of nuclear
But on Viet Nam "the question
was discussed and nothing was
changed as a result of that dis-
cussion," the department said.
The Soviet Union accuses Amer-

for Nuclei
ica of aggression in Vietnam. It
supports Hanoi and has rebuffed l
repeated efforts to get peace talks
Press officer Robert J. McClos-
key gave the U.S. report on the
talks with Gromyko, which in-
cluded some two hours with Pres-
ident Johnson late Monday and an
evening dinner session with Secre-
tary Dean Rusk at the State De-

The Soviet foreign minister
turned to the United Nations.


World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI - Sporadic firing
along the India-Pakistan border in
disputed Kashmir State stopped
yesterday after army chiefs of
both countries conferred on a
newly installed "hot line" tele-
phone, it was reported in New
The firing stopped after four
days when sector commanders of
both armies met at a border site
and tried to iron out problems
which resulted in the first serious
shooting since India and Pakistan
signed a peace agreement at Tash-
kent in the Soviet Union last Jan-
*' * *
TOKYO-Thirty of the Chinese
Red Guards, in a meeting with
correspondents, yesterday confirm-
ed what has long been evident in
the West: That Defense Minister
Lin Piao, described by party
Chairman Mao Tse-tung as "close
comrade in arms," is heir appar-
ent to Mao.
They said Liu Shao-chi, presi-
dent of Communist China, is un-
suitable for leading the cultural
revolution or purge against those
opposing Mao's thought.

WASHINGTON - Congress on
Tuesday voted to give PresidentN
Johnson authority to call up either
individual or organized military
Reserves for duty in the Viet Nam
The unasked presidential au-
thority, to be effective through
June 30, 1968, was attached to an
annual defense appropriation bill
carrying $158,067,472,000 needed to
finance most defense outlays,
* * *}
NEW YORK - Prince Souvanna
Phouma of Laos arrived yester-
day from Paris, and said he ex-'
pected to meet with President
Johnson today in Washington. He
declined to say what will be dis-
However, Johnson is scheduled
to speak in Baltimore at noon, and
had tentative plans to fly from
Baltimore to New York for a six-
hour visit.

ir Treaty
is expected to leave for Moscow
in a couple of days.
The State Department account
seemed designed to give some hope
for a breakthrough in the long-
deadlocked effort for a nonprolife-
ration treaty, while cautioning
against expecting this to happen
"Important issues remain," Mc-
Closkey said without defining
Other authoritative U.S. sources
said still remaining is the main
stumbling block: Soviet objections
to any form of nonproliferation
treaty which would allow Wash-
ington's proposed nuclear sharing
among the Atlantic allies. The
United States denies its plans
would give independent atomic
weapons control to any new coun-
The State Department spokes-
man endorsed Gromyko's state-
ment that both the Soviet Union
and the United States are striving
for an accord on the nonprolifera-
tion issue, which both countries
place high on their foreign policy
The U.S. government hastened
to assure its allies-particularly
West Germany-that it is not ar-
ranging a deal with the Soviet
Union behind their backs.
McCloskey denied to newsmen
that there was any "sellout" of
West Germany. He said the ques-
tion of what kind of atomic
sharing project would be created
for the Atlantic allies "remains
to be settled."
Bonn is anxious not to be barred
from a nuclear sharing role by
a nonproliferation treaty, even
though the allies have yet to agree
on a specific nuclear sharing plan.

Some blue chips posted gains.R
American Telephone was up 75 , the majors
cents at $52.37. General Motors Here are the major recom-
cents at 2.37n Geal Motorsdmendations, still to be worked out
Chrysler wascoff 25 cents at $33.62. in detail, that Johnson will send
Du Pont was up 50 cents at $156. to Congress in January:
! _ I 1Tune- t~ diL LJnIit YL 'lAI1 t

WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson will ask Congress next
year to raise Social Security bene-
fits by at least $2.2 billion. and
give everyone increases averaging
10 per cent.
Administration sources said last
night Johnson will outline a four-
point program for expanding So-
cial Security when he addresses
employes at Social Security head-
quarter in Baltimore today.

Americans now receiving disability
pensions under Social Security.
None of the proposed increases
would take effect before Jan. 1,
Average Social Security benefits
now are $85 a month for an in-
dividual. A 10 per cent increase
would boost the monthly payment
to $93.50.

Trading Heavy
Trading volume for the day was
8.44 million shares compaed with
9.63 million Monday.
The Associated Press average of
60 stocks advanced 1.0 points to
The average price per share of
all stocks listed on the New York
Stock Exchange was up 37 cents
at 3 p.m. It had been up 61 cents
at 1 p.m.I
Many Gains
In the over-all stock list, gain-
ers outnumbered losers by almost
two to one. Of 1,424 issues traded
on the New York Stock Exchange,
792 rose and 399 fell. There were
76 new lows for the year and two
new highs-Sterling Drug pre-
ferred and Proctor & Gamble.

" Increase all Dene iL paym2en s
by an average of at least 10 per
cent, with proportionally larger in-
creases for those receiving the
smallest payments.
! Guarantee that every worker
who has participated in the pro-
gram for at least 25 years receive
a minimum monthly benefit of
$100. The present minimum is
* Provide a significant increase,
not yet fixed, in the maximum in-
'come a retired person can earn
and stil receive Social Security
benefits. The maximum now is
0 Offer. hospitalization insur-
ance and medicare benefits not
only to those 65 and older but to
more than one million younger

Newt Stammer
was broad-minded enough
to try somebody else's beer.
Then he went back to this one.
isn't everything.)

Appearing at Eastern Michigan University
in the Green & White Series
Thursday, Oct. 13

8 P.M.
Price: $1.50

Pease Aud.
Tickets at McKenny
Union and at the door


r ii

WEDNESDAY, 8:00 p.m.

Auditoruim , Angell Hall

p g



Petitions available at SGC office, SAB
Petitions must be returned by Oct. 17, 5 P.M.
Interviewing through Oct. 17
For information, call Joint Judiciary Council, 764-7420
Deadline Oct. 17 Deadline Oct. 17

Franz J.T. Lee, founder of the Alexander Defense Committee, was born in Cape Province
near the Transkei "peasant reserve." Attending Anglican and Roman Catholic mission
schools he completed university entrance requirements and continued his education in
law and philosophy by correspondence at the University of South Africa supported by
contributions from members of the Unity Movement of South Africa. In 1962 Mr. Lee
received a scholarship to study philosophy and political science at the University of
A member of the African Peoples Democratic Union of Southern Africa, his departure to
Germany saved him from sharing the fate of the Alexander Eleven, Dr. Neville Alex-
ander and ten young men and women sentenced to prison for their opposition to apar-
theid. In Germany he organized the Alexander Defense Committee and while continuing
his studies (currently at the University of Frankfurt) has lectured extensively on South
Franz J.T. Lee African affairs.

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