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October 11, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-11

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Gromyko at
White House
President Johnson,
Soviet Minister Talk
In Closed Discussion
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson and Soviet Foreign Min-
ister Andrei A. Gromyko had yes-
terday what the White House de-
scribed as a "frank and wide-
ranging discussion in a business-
like atmosphere."
The two, meeting at the White
House for an hour and 45 minutes,
discussed a number of subjects of
*R mutual concern, White House aide
George Christian told reporters.
Gromyko came and went from
the White House through a back
door so that the crowd of waiting
reporters were not able to see him.
Improve Relations
The meeting was expected to in-
Selude discussion of Johnson's pro-
posals for improving elations .be-
tween the United States and the
Soviet Union and to get Moscow's
reactions to the proposals John-
son made Friday in a New York
Christian said he could not list
the subjects the two men discuss
Before Gromyko left, Johnson
invited Democratic congressional
leaders to meet brietly with the
foreign minister, Christian said.
Shook Hands Only
Christian said, in response to
questions, that the legislators real-
ly only shook hands with the for-
eign minister without engaging in
discussions with him.
They were waiting for a sched-
uled meeting with the President.
Gromyko left the White House
R for the State Department.
Gromyko carefully avoided ma-
king a side trip to Washington last
year when he attended the United
Nations General Assembly in New
York, as if underlining differences
between the two countries over
Vietnam. He is reported to have
-agreed immediately to come and
see the President this year.
Meets Rusks
In addition to the President and
the Soviet foreign minister, Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk, Ambas-
sador-at-Large Llewelyn Thomp-
son, presidential advisor Walt W.
Rostow, and Soviet Ambassador
Anatole Y. Dobrynin participated
in the conference.
Thompson, the administration's
No. 1 Soviet expert, was recently
appointed the new U.S. ambassa-
dor to Moscow.
Although A m e r i c a n officials
cautioned against attaching too
much importance to Gromyko's
change of attitude, they appeared
to agree that some guarded op-
timism concerning Moscow's in-
terest in the Johnson proposals
was justified.
*I Proliferation Issue
Moreover, some officials pre-
dicted that Monday's meeting
could bring two specific issues
closer to an agreement: one is a
treaty to prevent the spread of
nuclear weapons, the other an
agreement guaranteeing that the
moon and other celestial bodies be
used for peaceful purposes only.
There was, on the other hand,
little hope that the meeting would
change the Soviet position on
Yet Vietnam obviously 'was a
big issue Johnson wanted to dis-
cuss, urging Gromyko that his
country stop watching the war
from the sidelines and exert its
undeniable influence on Hanoi to
sit down and negotiate.

There was, American officials
believe, a slight change in the
Soviet position in this regret. Ear-
lier, Moscow insisted that the
United States must get out from
Vietnam as a precondition of a
negotiated settlement.
Recent comments in Moscow's
government-controlled press indi-
cated that the Soviets would be
satisfied if the United States
stopped the bombing.
Beyond the Vietnam issue there
were signs of renewed Soviet in-
terest in talking about other prob-

Meets With
Lod e K
Meetings To Influence
Future U.S. Policy I
In Viet Nam War

Senate Defeats Cloture Move;
D.C. Home Rule Dead for Year


WASHINGTON ((P)) - An ad-
journment-minded Senate refused
yesterday to block a filibuster that
never began, then quickly and
quietly dropped a proposal to
grant self-government to the Dis-
trict of Columbia.1

SAIGON, (4)-United States De- For the fifth time in the 89th'
fense Secretary Robert S. McNa- Congress, the Senate refused to in-
mara had a round of top-level voke its debate-stopping cloture
meetings with American officials rule-a procedure which requires
yesterday on the part the U.S. is a two-thirds majority vote:
playing in the Vietnam war. A 41-37 roll call-11 votes short
Within an hour of his arrival at -rejected Senate Democratic Lea-
Saigon's airport, McNamara met der Mike Mansfield's attempt to
with Gen. William C. Westmore- block in advance a filibuster he
land, the U.S. commander in Viet- said loomed over the home rule
nam. measure proposed by Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore.),
Much of the rest of the day
was spent in secret intelligence Not Party Split
briefings. McNamara's findings on Thirty-one Democrats and 10#
over-all capabilities, concepts and Republicans voted to limit debate;
goals of the allies during his four- 22 Democrats and 15 Republicans
day visit-his eighth to Vietnam- opposed the move.
are expected to weigh heavily on Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga.),
future U.S. commitments in man, led foes of the cloture move, de-

self made the parliamentary move sisted that Southern opposition
which dropped his proposal. He does not stem from Washington's
had offered it as an amendment racial makeup-63 percent Negro.
to a $4.4-billion college aid bill.
Morse said there was no need r "It was an issue here when there
for another Senate vote. He asked were two whites for every Negro,"
unanimous Senate consent to table the Georgia senator said. And he
the home rule amendment. The said he opposed home rule then,
Senate agreed through its silence, too.-
and the bill was dropped. Russell said the racial question
Russell said the men who found- was advanced by advocates of the
ed the capital city intended it to home rule bill to intimidate its
remain under federal rule. He in- foes.
Rep. Powell found Guilty
'In Contempt of Court Tra

money and material.
Lodge Host

claring it would make a travesty
of the legislature process and set

-Associated Press


Young members of China's Red Guard movement line up .at a Peking railroad station after return-,
ing from a celebration of the Chinese National Day, Oct. 1. The Red Guards are reported to be
reassembling in the capital city. Other reports from China indicate that some of the Guards have
been criticizing their leader, Defense Minister Lin Piao.
Civil Rights Moderates Meet
To Exorcise Black Poluwer

NEW YORK ((P)) - Negro
leaders in the moderate wing of
the civil rights movement say they
may issue soon a manifesto dis-
owning proponents of "black pow-
Confirming that talks with this
aim are going on, A. Philip Ran-
dolph, president of the AFL-CIO
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car -Por-
ters, said yesterday
"Black power is a menace to
racial peace and- prosperity. No
Negro who is fighting for civil
rights can support black power,
which is opposed to civil rights
and integration."
Others taking part in the dis-
cussions include Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., president of the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference;
Roy Wilkins, executive secretary
of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People;
Whitney M. Young, Jr., executive
director of the National Urban
Leagues and Dorothy Height, pre-
sident of the National Council of
Negro Women.
"What we have in mind," said
Dr. John Morsell, assistant nation-
al director of the NAACP, "is a
statement which will clarify the
civil rights movement-what its
goals are -and what .they are not.
"The NAACP will work with oth-
er groups to the extent they are
able to operate on these principles.
If they can't, it's their business."
The proposed manifesto would
be aimed primarily at the Congress
of Racial Equality and the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Commit-
Floyd McKissick, national di-
rector of CORE, and Stokely Car-
michael, executive secretary of the
student committee are "black pow-
er advocates."
In Philadelphia, King said he
would hold a-conference "retreat"
Thursday, Friday and Saturday in
Atlanta, Ga., to determine whether
his group and the black power or-
ganizations are so diametrically

opposite that they can't work to- power, as we've said many times,
gether. we are talking about the search
Whitney Young, director of the for economic power, political pow-
National Urban League, said the er.
league "has had a series of dis- "All along there have been ide-
cussions with other civil rights ological differences. But King's
agencies recently on a reaffirma- work, we believe also seeks to ac-
tion of racial integration as a ma- cmplish theetig.
jor general goal of the civil rights
movement. A Louis Harris poll on civil
A CORE spokesman described rights developments reported Mon-
the proposed manifesto as "a mat- day that 77 per cent of white peo-
ter of speculation" and added: ple now feel that the black power
"When CORE talks about black slogan has hurt the Negro cause.
Sworld News Roundup
By The Associated Press tan border in the disputed Hima-
WASHINGTON - The Supreme layan state of Kashmir for he
Court cleared the way yesterday first time since the two countries
for pay television in California signed a peace agreement last
and continued tax exemption for January, it was reported Monday.
church-owned property.p o -
The court turned down an ap- The incident took place oppo-
peal by Madalyn E. Murray O'Hair site Pakistan's Sialkot sector
and others that it look into the where India and Pakistan tanks
nationwide practice of worship colided last September in some of
and church-owned properties from the fiercest fighting during the
real estate taxes. undeclared war.
The pay television ruling let
stand a finding by the California GETTYSBURG, Pa.- Former

Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge a precedent which would "destroy
was host at a private luncheon for the Senate.
McNamara and Nicholas Katzen- Mansfield said the outcome
bach, the newly appointed tinder- showed it would be futile to press
secretary of state who made the for another home rule vote this
trip with McNamara. year. But the Montana Democrat
The defense secretary is to meet said that did not alter the Sen-
Tuesday with Premier Nguyen Cao hos majority commitment to
Ky and the chief of state, Nguyenh WaithextaY.a
Van Thieu. Wait Til Next Year
After two days in Saigon, Mc- Mansfield and Morse agreed
Namara is to visit U.S. forces near that the fight will be renewed next
the embattled demilitarized zone year.
between North and South Viet- The time has come to pull down
nam. the curtain and go home," said Se-
His schedule calls fo: tour cn nate Republican Leader Everett
Marine units near Da Nang and a M. Dirksen of Illinois, who sup-
flight to a Navy 'arrier off North ported the debate-halting peti-
Vietnam before he returns to 1tion. "There will be another Con-
Washington Thursday night. gress in January."
Mekon Delta With cloture denied, Morse him-
The question of moving U.S. aol-
diers in force into the Mekong
exclusively'by Vietnamese units, ria of
" did not come up these sources said.
are in Vietnam now and more are~oe3150 ..mltayWe T est of u l
on the way. When McNamara was
1here last November, the roll was
about 170,000. The total is expect- By T. JEFF WILLIAMS
ed to be between 350,000 and 400, News Analyst
000 by the end of the year, JAKARTA Indoneisa WP))-The
McNamara told newsnn on ai' treason trial of Indonesia's former
rival that the United States and Foreign Minister Subandrio is in-
South Vietnam are anxious to as- creasingly becoming the trial of
sure conditions in the demilitar- President Sukarno.
ized zone in which the 'Interna- Many Indonesians relate the
tional Control Commission can in- slow involvement of Sukarno in
spect the area and document in- the Communist coup attempt here
fringements by the North Viet- a year ago to the shadow plays so
namese" of the 1954 Geneva treaty popular in Java.
barring armed activity there. "It is very hard to see the re-
ality at first. Only shadow figures,
UNITED NATIONS (/P)-Com- are on the screen, with great num-
munist and neutral nations press- bers of actors. But as the story
ed yesterday for an end to U.S. progresses, the meaning becomes
bombing of North Vietnam as a clear" said an Indonesian profes-
means of breaking the deadlock sor.
on peace talks. A British peace Sukarno on Trial
plan got a promise of careful U.S. The man actually on trial is

NEW YORK ((D))-Rep. Adam
Clayton Powell's three-year legal
battle to avoid paying a $160,000
libel judgment led to his convic-
tion yesterday of willful contempt
of court.
An all-white jury found the Ne-
gro congressman from Harlem
guilty of illegally evading five se-
parate court orders in the pro-
tracted libel action.
Powell, a Democrat, laid the
groundwork for an appeal of the
verdict in advance when he and
his lawyers boycotted the trial,
claiming the State Supreme
Court lacked jurisdiction in the
The maximum penalty under
the jury's verdict is 30 days in
jail and a $250 fine on each of
the five counts. State Supreme
Court Justice Mathew M. Levy
withheld sentencing until the mat-
ter of jurisdiction is threshed out.
Powell owes $160,000 in libel
damages to a Harlem widow, Es-
ther James, 68, as a result of a
jury's 1963 decision that he libeled
her. In a 1960 television broadcast,

he called, her a bag woman, or
graft collector, for the police de-
Since the original libel verdict,
the case has been in eight differ-
ent courts, and more than 70 judg-
es have taken part in it at vari-
ous times.
During the legal proceedings,
Powell five times ignored court
subpoenas for his appearance to
undergo financial examination -
once in 1963, twice in 1964 and
twice last year. Powell claimed
that as a congressman he was im-
mune to the subpoena.
Last Aug. 12, State Supreme
Court Justice Ilrving Saypol cited
Powell for criminal contempt. He
directed that a jury trial be held
to determine the extent of Pow-
ell's "willfulness" in ignoring the
A jury of nine men and three
women was selected for the trial
last Wednesday. However, Powell
never appeared in court and his
four defense lawyers walked out
after Levy deferred the matter of
jurisdiction until after the trial.

bandrio Becomes
karno s Strength

a Cabinet which he said woud
combine nationalism, religion and
communism - nasakom. He was
angry with the generals for op-
posing it, and told them so pub-
Denies Knowledge
Sukarno, in a statement read
Saturday night during Subandrio's
trial, denied any knowledge of the
Communist coup plans.
Buy evidence, supported by Su-
bandrio, has already been made
public which appears to implicate
The prosecution read a letter
sent to Sukarno on or about the
day of the coup from the Com-
munist party.chairman, D. N. Ai-
dit. In the letter, Aidit told Su-
karno not to condemn the Com-
munists, informed him all poli-
tical parties would remain calm,
and that the national police would

larity. Specific points are never
pressed or followed up.
But Indonesians note that in
Java there is never direct con-
frontation between two opposing
It must be done slowly and in-
directly, they said.
Thus, slowly and indirectly, the'
trial touches only lightly on Su-
karno's name and image chipping
away at his status.
The anti-Sukarno students of
Jakarta want him thrown out, But
army leaders, including strong
man Gen. Suharto, fear that too
fast a move could trigger massive
resistance in central and east
Java, where Sukarno remains a
highly popular figure.,
Diplomats believe the trials in-
volving in the Communist party
and the coup attempt are exercises
in undermining Sukarno's image.
The army is counting on this:

Supreme Court that householders
cannot be deprived of the right to
buy TV programs.
BROWNSVILLE, Tex. - Hurri-
cane Inez, erratic to the end,
veered away from Texas and laced
into the northeast coast of Mex-
ico Monday,rdamaging at least six
small villages and threatening
Mexico's sugar center.
Damage to farming and live-
stock were high. The hurricane
posed a threat to $24 million
and sugar crops. Heavy rains and
and sugar crops. Heary rains and
flash flooding were expected.
* * *
NEW DELHI - Shooting has
broken out along the India-Pakis-

President Dwight D. Eisenhower
cautioned f e 11 o w Republicans
against concentration on admin-
istration foreign policy as an elec-
tion issue. The former 'President
feels strongly that in time of war
Americans ought to stand squarely
behind a president, Johnson in
this case. Eisenhower has no doubt
that Johnson - with whom he
sharply disagrees on domestic is-
sues-is dedicated to the best in-
terest of the United States in ef-
forts towin an honorable peace
in Vietnam.
Eisenhower believes that the
Johnson administration is vulner-
able in the Nov. 8 congressional
elections on such domestic issues
as spending and inflation danger.

Poland and Sweden were among
the nations suggesting in the U N,
General Assembly that a stop to
the bombing might open a door to
negotiations. U.S. Ambassador
Arthur J. Goldberg conferred pri-
vately with British Foreign Sec-
retary George Brown on Britain's
six-point plan which Brown is
expected to present .formally to
the assembly Tuesday.

Subandrio, the slender onetime
medical doctor who was second
only to Sukarno for nine years.
Subandrio, who steered Indo-
nesia .into a tight alliance with
Red China, is accused of helping
the Communist party attempt a
coup. The power play, which fail-
ed Oct. 1, 1965, was aimed at elim-
inating the top army generals who
opposed communism.
Sukarno himself had argued for


I ---- , : - -- r s.. ,.. .., ..,

handle thme government temporar- 'But the leaders know it takes time
ily. to break down more than 20 years
Subrandio said he saw a copy of of idolatry shown Sukarno by
the letter. millions of Indonesians.
Positively Unreal Thus the shadow play of Indo-
Like the unreality of Javanese nesian politics is expected to be
shadow plays, the questioning in dragged out into a long, long
the trial flies onto, then away dram, which Indonesians equally
from, Sukarno with jolting irregu- love.

TODAY-TUESDAY, 4:10 and 7:30 P.M.

Multipurpose Room, UGLI


:r The Reverend Richard Luecke, Director of Studies at the Urban Train-
-:IX -Xing Center, Chicago.
A graduate of the University of Michigan, Richard Luecke has studied
at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (B.D.) ; Wayne State University
(M.A., English and Philosophy)'; and the University of Chicago (Ph.D
in Philosophy). He has taught at River Forest and Valparaiso Univer-
sity, has served as Pastor dt Our Saviour Church, Chicago and as
Chaplain at Princeton University while Pastor at Church of the Mes-
siah, Princeton.


Rabbi Robert Marx, Director, Chicago Federation, Great Lakes Council,
Union of American Hebrew Congregations, is also founder and director,
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs, an organization dedicated to bringing
the commitment of Judaism to the' problems of the inner city.
Rabbi Marx has studied at Western Reserve University; University of Cin-
cinnati (B.A.); Hebrew Union College (M.H.L.); and Yale University
(Ph.D.). He has served congregations in Buffalo, N.Y. and Stamford,
Conn., and was first Regional Director of the UAHC Ohio Valley Council
before assuming his present position with the Great Lakes Council in 1962. a v


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