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October 11, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-11

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Partly cloudy,

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
EdSchool ust e lassrooms, Borrow


From the janitor's closet office
on the top floor of an old frame
building to the shower-room of-
fices in the basement of Univer-
sity High School, the education
school is faced with growing facul-
ty dissatisfaction caused by lack
of adequate facilities.
"We are hanging on desperate-
ly" says Charles F. Lehmann, as-
sociate dean of the school. "We
can't go on indefinitely" with the
present space shortages.
For more than the last ten years
the. school has planned for and
requested new facilities to accom-
modate its growing needs, but has
been able to take only temporary
One such measure is a two-story'
office addition to the top of Uni-
versity High School, planned for

in the original construction of the
high school in 1929, and requestedI
by the education school planningi
committee in 1961.1
This is now in the capital outlayI
request for 1967-68. "We requested1
it in 1961 because we needed it
then, and we have needed it every
year since then. Now it won't be1
ready until at least 1970.";
Lehmann says that if and when
this addition is completed it
should be sufficient to get the
education school out of the space
it occupies above the Ann Arbor1
Bank at East University and South
The school moved offices above;
the bank as a temporary measure
in 1963. This added about 25001
square feet of much needed space.1
But the move was considered
temporary because the school was;
planing to move into a new edu-

cation school building on North
Campus. This building, planned:
for and in the capital outlay
budget from 1954-55 through 1964-
65, was dropped without any no-
tice or reason given to the school,
says Lehmann.
This building, along with a new
University School (the education
school's laboratory school) build-
ing which was in the ,apital out-
lay budget from 1957-58 through
1962-63, is still listed in the Uni-
versity's "Buildings Under Study"}
Lehmann has a thick file on the
school's communication with the
administration requesting more
facilities and describing Lhe
school's needs. Although adminis-
trators have met often with the
education school's administration
and appear to understand their
problems, the school has been un-

able to get more than just enciuh. the education school could use it.
money to buy partitions and break "We borrow classes from every-'

up a few classrooms.!
Most of the education school is
housed in University High School
and Elementary School on East
University and Monroe, an old
frame house on the corner of East
University and South University,
and an old house at 714 East Uni-
These facilities contain only
seven classrooms, not nearly
enough to provide classes for the
more than 2,000 education school
students plus the approximately
600-800 students from 11 other
schools who take education courses.
"We go begging for classes," says
Lehmann, noting he had just
heard a rumor of an auditorium
going empty during an hour on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
mornings, and planned to see if

one-architecture, business ad-
ministration, engineering and thej
literary college." Lehman says his!
major problem is finding auditoria
for classes of 160 students.
One of the biggest headaches
facing the education school ad-I
ministration is finding offices for
the faculty. Lehmann admits there:
is growing dissatisfaction with the!
types -of offices the education fa-
culty must use.
Professors come to the educationf
school from other universities
where they had modern offices.
When they get here, often attract-'
ed by the University's reputation,
they are shocked to find them-x
selves in offices without windows,}
recounts Lehmann.
A tour of the educational school
reveals some of the causes for I

complaint. Entering University the noise from the courtyard
High School, one sees at the foot where the children play."
of a long staircase, the one and Across from these offices is the{
only depository for education cafeteria where the children eat
school mail-a couple of open j in staggered lunch shifts. "We
benches. - hold faculty meetings here" notes
The area leaves the mail open Lehmann. "It's' depressing."
to anything thrown or spilt from And then downstairs to the fa-'
the top of the staircase, and "of culty offices. Quite a number of
course, lots of things disappear." them are in the basement-and
Down the hall are the science lack windo&vs. The basement is
rooms, dark, crowded, old and un- long, yellow and full of pipes so
inviting. Lehmann inspects one that you must duck your head if
and comments: "the man who you are over five feet tall:
teaches in this room is great, but Also downstairs is the television
it is a pity he has to work under room. In it, television programs
such poor conditions." are made to send to a room up-
On the first floor is a small stairs. The television room gets
group of offices that coordinate very hot, and one can sit there
undergraduates. in the education and watch the lights melt. ,
school. "These used to be the Farther along is the old shower
deans' offices," recalls Lehmann. room, now divided up into several
"They are satisfactory-except for I rooms. Those who use one of the

rooms have painted and covered
the walls, but the others still are
reminiscent of the old days.
"We have two people for every
desk," notes one worker. "And an-
other one on every table" chips in
another. "We work so close to-
gether, you could call this the
Totem Pole Room."
Upstairs on the second floor are
some classrooms the education
school uses. Lehmann inspects a
few. It is the end of a Friday, and
there are cigarette butts and
papers all over the floor.
"They won't clean until Sunday
and we have many classes here
Saturday," comments Lehmann.
"But come back Monday morning
and it will not be much cleaner.
The maintenance around here is

Vivian Calls
For Cut In
Believes War Can
Be Won by Economic
Aid to Vietnamese

--- :-ail

OISe Mirigatn aiyl In Fusion
NEWS WIRE PlanOutlined



Late Wo
By The Ass

"We can't win in Viet Nam TK-NORTH DIET NAP
militarily; we must win ideolog- in ruling, out a pause in the bon
ically" summarized Congressman troop withdrawals and seating t
Weston Vivian (D-Mich) in an in- ence as solutions to the Viet Nam
terview Sunday. (During his visit Like the Chinese, the North
to the University the incumbent troops must pull out of Viet Na
also spoke on such prominent by-point rejection of a peace p
issues as the draft, the 18-year- Secretary George Brown.
old vote, and "Black Power.")
Vivian says that our bombing WASHINGTON-SOVIET F
in North Viet Nam is basically myosi-nIheSaeDpr
fruitless and actually does more myko said-and the State Depar
harm than good. "Although it does United States and Soviet Uniox
stop some of the Viet Cong's sup- on a treaty concerning non-proli
plies from getting into South Viet "It looks like both countries
Nam, the bombing by no means and facilitate conclusion of an
effectively breaks these supply Gromyko after he had met for
lines. What the bombing- does, President Johnson and 21' hou
however, is alienate the villagers Rusk.
who are being bombed and thus,
makes them less likely to accept; ALL TEACHING FELLOWS
any of our ideas."
In regard to the role the United: uium sponsored by Graduate S
States should play in Viet Nam, the Teaching Fellow in the Aca
Vivian says, "Our function is to the Rackham Amphitheatre. Pa
rehabilitate the Vietnamese by include Dean Stephen Spurr of
working with them to build a dent for Academic Affairs Allan
strong economic and social struc- of the literary college.
ture in which a representative'* *
form of government can operate. INTER-HOUSE ASSEMBLY
Of course, our military might must five new members of the exec
be used to insure a minimum pro-, vacancies left earlier in the year.
tection of the South Vietnamese:
people; but that should be its John Savage, '67, will serve
only purpose. If more of our president; Sue Londergan, '69
money was used to aid South Viet treasurer; Art Reed, '69E servic
Nam economically than militarilyI reation chairman.
we would have a much giearer Petitioning will be open fo
chance of winning the war-" man until Monday, Oct. 17.
Viet Nam Elections
The recent Viet Nam elections THE ANNUAL WILLIAM PU
were intended to help the peasants will be held Saturday, Nov. 19
have a greater say in their govern- Kazarinoff, professor of matheme
ment. Vivian feels that the elec- Sponsored by the Mathema'
tions were not as effective as they exam will be administered to t
could have been. "When the pos-; from colleges in the United Stat
sibility of having Viet Nam elec- rU
tions was announced, I along with be given in the morning and six it
several other congressmen went to Practice sesisons for Univers
Thomas Morgan, chairman of the competition are held on alternat
House Foreign Relations Commit- nings Wednesdays at 4 p.m. an
tee, with recommendations on how --
the elections should be held. We MORE SPECIALI
asked for a greater freedom in the
eligibility of national candidates,
as well as an increase in the num-.
ber of local officers up for elec-
tion. Both of our suggestions were ggHa 3va 54
ignored, resulting in the election of
the National Council which neither
represented the Vietnamese prop-
erly nor helped the peasants di-
Vivian also gave his opinions on d S
the suggested alternatives to the
draft, the so-called National Serv-
ice Program. The congressman be- By MICHAEL DOVER
lieveg that "serving in the armed Radical changes in the cur-
forces and serving in organizations riculum and aims of medical
such as the Peace Corps and Vista school education were recommend-
cannot be considered equal." sho dcto eercmed
no eaOnsd teu ed over the weekend by a Harvard
18-Year-Old 'vote Medical School faculty committee.
Although the 18-year-old vote The recommendation call for;
does not concern Vivian as a the medical profession to "broaden;
legislator, he does take a definite its scope of service to society"
stand on the issue. "The vote through a greater specialization of
should definitely be given to 18 occupation which should be start-

rid News
ociated Press
M joined Communist China today
mbing of North Viet Nam, timed
he Viet Cong at a peace confer-
Vietnamese reiterated that U.S.
am. Hanoi said this in a point-
Ian broached by British Foreign
'oreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
tment agreed-last night that the
n are moving toward agreement
feration of nuclear weapons..
are striving to reach agreement
international agreement," said
one hour and 45 minutes with
rs with Secretary of State Dean
are invited to attend a colloq-
tudent Council on "The Role of
demic Setting at 4 p.m. today in
articipants in the discussion will
the graduate school, Vice-Presi-
Smith and Dean William Haber
last night approved and installed
cutive board. The five will fill
as the new administrative vice-
, secretary; Maree Russo, '70,
e chairman; Tim Hass, '70, rec-
r the position of housing chair-
UTNAM Mathematics Competition
this year, according to Nicholas
Lical Association of America, the
eams of three or to individuals
es and Canada. Six problems will
n the afternoon.
sity students participating in the
te Wednesday and Thursday eve-
d Thursdays at 7 p.m.

'U' Professor Attends
Europe Conference, j
Discusses Process
MUNICH, Germany-Prof. Ter-
ry Kammash of the nuclear en-
gineering department yesterday
outlined mathematical refinements,
he has made in developing tech-
niques for obtaining power from
a controlled Hydrogen-Bomb re-
action (fusion).
Kammash reported his results
to members of the European Con.
ference on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics. His primary con-
cern has been with controlling
the temperature gradients in the
gaseous cloud of electrically
charged nuclear particles, known
as plasma.
By raising the temperature of
the cloud through electromagnetic
"squeezing," light-weight atomic
nuclei can be made to form a
heavier nucleus with the release of
energy. Problems have arisen over
the years with instabilities in the
squeezing process.
The eventual goal of the scien-
tists gathered at the Institute forl
Plasma Physics here is to achieve
a sustained fusion reaction which
would extract cheap fuel in abun-
iant amounts from sea water.
Many experts predict such a ma-
chine would effectively solve the
world's energy needs for thou-;
sands of years.
Research on controlled therlio-s
nuclear reactions has reached a
$20 million annual budget in the
U.S. since work began on the pro-
ject after the R-Bomb was ex-
ploded in 1952. Kammash's studies
were one of a key handful spon-'
sored by the U.S. Atomic Energy
Russian support for fusion ma-
chines and theoretical studies have
risen over the years to twice the
U.S. effort. A study last summer
under Wisconsin physicist R. G.
Herb recommended doubling the
U.S. progam over a five year per-
iod to catch-up on the field of in-
stabilities in the fusion process.

during a civic cli
slaying of his d
to explain his r
be born, a time
speak. Now is th

-Associated Press
ERCY, candidate for the U.S. Senate from Illinois, provides this study yesterday
ub luncheon at which he. made his first public appearance following the Sept.18
aughter, Valerie, 21, in their suburban Chicago home. He used a Biblical message
eturn to the campaign against Democrat Sen. Paul H. Douglas: "There is a time to
to die, a time to dance and a time to mourn, a time to keep silent and a time to
e time to speak," he said.
Study Abroad Program
'U' Juniors Announced

Visit CRLT
Discus Possibility
Of Future Michigan
Computer Center
Members of the State House
Subcommittee on Higher Educa-
tion Appropriations visited the
University Center for Research on
Learning and Teaching yesterday
to inspect plans for a proposed
state - wide educational computer
Following the visit, Rep. Jack
Faxon (D-Detroit), chairman of
the subcommittee, said that CRLT
"represents a pioneering effort to,
meet the educational needs of the
future by developing the tools and
techniques for the future. The
computer network will .cost a lot
of money and it will take many
years before a project of this kind
will yield any results, but it is
essential that we take some leader-
ship in Planning for the great
numbers of students that wse an-
ticipate in higher education in the
years to come."
Both Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs Allan F. Smith and
CRLT director Stanford Erickson
expressed satisfaction on the
meeting with the legislators.
At CRLT, the subcommittee was
given an explanation of the inter-
school computer network project.
A demonstration of an educational
computer was planned but, due to
technical difficulties, the demon-
stration had to be cancelled.
Last year, the University re-
quested funds from the legislature
to set up a prototype computer
network but no money was appro-
priated. A request is expected this
year, but the exact form of that
request is not yet certain.
Smith declined comment on the
budget r e q u e s t pending this
month's Regents' meeting Oct. 21.
Normal operations of the Center
are financed from University gen-
eral funds.
The planned intra-state com-
puter network is designed to make
the resources of the University
available to other institutions in
the state.

By DAVID DUBOFF dents in Baroda public schools.
Students participating in the
The education school is begmi- Baroda program will receive a
ning a new 'program of a year's grant in rupees to cover the cost'
study in India for juniors working of tuition and living expenses in
toward a teaching certificate in Baroda. They will, however, have
social studies. to pay the cost of travel to Baroda.
The program will enable i ve The city of -Baroda has a pop-
juniors to study at the University ulation of over 300,000 and is lo-
of Baroda from July 1, 1967 to cated 244 miles north of Bombay
March 15, 1968. In addition to stu- near the west coast of India. The
dying at Baroda, the students will university was founded in 1949.
be able to fulfill part of their Benefit Greatly
teaching requirement by teaching Prof. Claude A. Eggertsea, di-
social studies in English to stu- rector of the education school's
study abroad programs, points out
tha the Baroda program and other
programs at the universities of
Sheffield and Keele in England,
have been instituted in, the belief
that prospective teachers in all
R adicalU areas of study will benfit greatly
from study at a foreign university
and familiarization with another
country's education system.
~i~h niz e Eggertsen. said the Baroda p ro-
g ram will resemble the Sheffield
and Keele programs, which have
been run for seven years.
public misconception of the rolel Eggertsen indicated three other
of the medical school, but feels new developments this year in the.
+10+ Lave rn...- ..ff.education school's study abroad

lated for the addition of exchange
arrangements with three other
British institutions and three in-
stitutions in 'the Middle East and
the Far East, Eggertsen said.
The application deadline for
students wishing to enter Term I
(1967) or terms I and II (1967-
68) of the programs in England is
Dec. 1, 1966. The deadline for
Term II (1968) programs will be
March 1, 1967.
Applications for the program at
the University of Baroda should
be returned to Eggertsen by Feb. 1,


I Report Suggests
cool Curriculum

Chairman Announces
Queen Semifinalists,

Dean Wiliam Hubbard of the'

It also recommeids- more free-


Medical School says, however, that dom inE
available to the common "family dents, i
doctor." election
the recommendations aren't really Hubba
revolutionary. "The Harvard re- six mon
commendation, still subject to fa- Universi
culty approval, is no great novel- elect col
ty," he said. "We have been con- ization o
ducting a study based on the same l
general principle." He p
He pointed out that 85 uer centI School

election of courses by stu-


year olds sor three reasons. ed in the medical school itself. of medical doctors are now spe-
"First, the 18-year-old today is "Greater specialization would cialists (although this includes
just as informed as the 21-year- mean less guess work in relations pediatricians who are some of
old several years ago and thus is with the patient," said Dr. Alex- those which Leaf feels often need
adequately prepared to vote. ander Leaf, chairman of the com- specialists for referral). "I don't
"Second, the saying 'if he's old: mittee "The complexity of med- expect to see much of an increase
enough to fight, he's old enough ical knowledge jeopardizes the in that figure," Hubbard added.
to vote' is certainly true. ability of an individual doctor to: He also remarked that a similar
"Finally, 18 year olds have been provide the best medical care report was made at nuke Uni-
able to vote in several other states I without greater specialization," he versity two years ago.
fnr vra vears with no unfavor- 1'n nnaeRecommendationsI

tion cou
des. "It
they wa
Leaf i
lie imag
being st
ribly ex
ent kind
ed flexil

ncluding completely free that less raicaien anges are nec
in the fourth year. essary. He said that specialists program:
ird said that in the last learn less extraneous information *Whereas in the past the pro-
aths of the fourth year, than is believed. grams at Sheffield and Keele were
ty medical students can The report proposed, in more held for a semester, starting next
urses leading to a special- general terms, that "To survive, year students wil have the option
Dr to general practitioning. medicine must evolve new patterns of spending both terms of their
Election of Honors to deepen its roots in science" junior year in England.
ointed out that Medical The report is intended to bring Students participating in the
students can qualify for the training of doctors in line with program for one term will. receive
of honors and special sec- "the expectation that medicine up to 16 hours of credit in profes-
rses through superior gra- can reduce suffering, conquer dis- sional education, while those par-
depends upon how hard ease and assure to all a better life ticipating for two terms in both
nt to work," he said. free of physical and mental ill- England ard India may earn a full
s concerned with the pub- ness." year's credit in education and
e of the medical school as -It also charged that not enough their major field of study.
uffy and uncreative. attention had been given to Effectiveness
cal school should be ter- "teaching the teachers to teach." *A grant of $9,000 has been re-
citing," said Leaf. "Differ- Older Schools ceived by the School of Education
s of programs and increas- A report in The New York Times to evaluate the effectiveness of
bility within the course of states that "many of the older the programs at Sheffield and

Semifinalists in the first Home-,
coming queen contest were an-,
nounced yesterday by Homecom-
ing Special Events chairman How-
ard Weinblatt.
Fifteen girls have been chosen
from the original nominees. They
are: Helen Matthews, '67; Marti
Schlesinger, -'69; Rusti Hansher,
'69; Linda Jean Sloan, '68N;
Christi Van Volitson, '67; Mar-
garet Asman, '68; Sherry Milli-
ken, '67Ed; Naomi Goldberg, '69;
Patricia Arons, '70; Debbie Chis-
tenson, '69; Julie Emerson, '67;
Christine Anderson, '67; Laurie
Levine, '67; Lynn Goldsmith, '69;
Donna Vozar, '70.
Judging began Sunday and will
continue until Friday night, Oct.
21, when .the queen will be an-
nounced at the dance at the In-
tramural Bldg.
The next phase of the judging
will be done by representatives of

er, musical director of MUSKET;
Duncan Sells, director of student
organizations; Will Geer, member
of the Association for Performing
Artists; and Dr. Thomas Garbaty
of the English department.
Final judging, by the same
judges, will be held at the -free,
warm-up mixer "First of FIRSTO-
FALL" Thursday, Oct. 20, in the
Union Ballroom from 7-11 p.m.
The 'girls will again demonstrate
their talent.
Judging will be on the basis of
poise, personality, beauty, aca-
demics, and activities as well as
talent. The goal of the contest,
according to Weinblatt is to find
the ideal Michigan coed with the
stress on Michigan.
Saturday Evening
Homecoming co-chairmen Walt
Heiser, '68 and Judy Greenberg,
'68 also announced the program
for Saturday evening's concert
and a change in Saturday eve-
ning's dance. Instead of the Ra-

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