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October 05, 1966 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-05

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TOKYO 0P) - A Manchurian
y cable worker scowls fiercely. Chil-
dren in Kwangtung Province tum-
ble from cliffs. Mongolian misses
charge on horseback. Shanghai
girls in pigtails squint.
Widely separated in age, sex;
occupation and distance, these
Chinese have one thing in com-
4 mon: They are members of Com-
munist China's militia, the re-
serves-behind-the-reserves created
by China's new strong man, Lin
Lin organized the militia in 1958
as Mao Tse-tung's answer to those

who said fighting was for soldiers
only, not for amateurs. Its forma-
tion touched off opposition from
the professional soldiers, led by
Marshal Peng Teh-huai. In the
purge that followed, Lin succeeded
to Peng's job as defense minister.
In recent months, the militia
has come under renewed fire. And
Mao, with Lin behind him, seems
to have won again.
Mao and Lin may just possibly
have believed in 1958 that the mi-
litia would serve as the Communist
party's counterweight to the army.
It was originally scheduled-on

paper at least-to total 200 million
men and women, and be placed
under party control.
During the lean years following
collapse of the industrial "great
leap forward," the militia de-
clined. Today it is less a military
force than a psychological weapon
to keep the Chinese on their toes.
It does this by giving military
training to peasants, factory work-
ers, clerks, government employes,
school children. The Kwangtung
boys and girls who fell down the
cliffs were on a militia mountain-
climbing expedition. The Man-

churian cable worker scowled be-
cause he was making a bayonet
charge. The Mongolian girls were
doing what comes naturally in
the land of Genghis Khan and
the Shanghai girls were looking
down the barrel of a Soviet rifle
as part of their drill in a spinning
No one knows how many of the
originally planned 200 million
Chinese are part of the militia.
Travelers report, however, that
the militia are everywhere.
That they add up to very little
as a military force seems to be the

logical deduction from the fact
that many of them use wooden
rifles, broomsticks, or antiquated
Soviet models to drill with. Though
they go through the motions, they
seldom if ever fire live ammuni-
Lin Piao's Liberation Army
Daily says these are the basic
duties of the militia:
-To take an active part in
building the country and in indus-
trial and agricultural production;
-To help the army in coastal,
frontier and air defense, ferreting
out spies and maintaining order;

-To prepare for army service
in wartime.
Their first requirement is to
obey the party leadership. A vol-
untary group which elects its own
leaders, the militias has little or
nothing to do with the army. Some
regular offices and men serve as
instructors. The professional sol-
diers probably regard it as un-
wieldy and likely to be a liability
rather than help in wartime.
Men like Peng and the now
purged army's chief of staff, Lo
Jui-ching, undoubtedly disagreed

with the Peking People's Daily
description of the militia as "the
best means of arming the people,
the best way to turn everyone into
a soldier, and the basis on which
to wage people's war."
The fact that it continues in ex-
istence suggests that it is serving
Mao's unstated purpose: to keep
alive the fear of Nationalist in-
vasion and the threat of war with
the United States.
Favorite targets of militia bay-
onets: dummies of Lyndon B.
Johnson and Chiang Kai-shek.

Reveal atom
#In Viet Nam
Official Claims No
Nuclear Warheads
Sent to Battle Area
United States has two nuclear-
capable ground weapons in South
Viet Nam, but no atomic warheads
have been sent to that country,
military officials said yesterday.
They ruled out the likelihood of
any tactical nuclear weapons being
used in the current military situ-
ation. They said the grave political
implications would far outweigh
military gains.
In the jungle war of Southeast,
Asia, Pentagon officers added, it
is difficult to envision targets suit-
A able for nuclear hits.
But if by some unforeseen cir-
cumstance the United States felt
desperate enough to draw upon its
nuclear arsenal, officials said, ato-
mic warheads could be fired from
155 mm and 8-inch howitzers now
in operation against the Commu-
4 mists.
The warheads are not in Viet
Nam but they could be in the
Army's hands in short time, of-
ficers said in interviews. The same
applies for air and naval forces.
The Pentagon position is that
4 no. military requirement exists
which would call for use of nu-
clear arms under present circum-
stances in North or South Viet
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara told a House appropri-
ations subcommittee last spring
he didn't want to state categori-
cally such weapons would never
be employed in the Vie$ Nams,
"but I cannot conceive of a situ-
ation which would require their
use in either of these countries."
The administration fears that
such a radical turn of the military
effort might draw Red China, or
Russia into the war.
Meanwhile U.S. air cavalrymen,
killed 35 more Communists yester-
day in the allied drive that is
closing in on main-line enemy
units in a coastal area north of
Qui Nhon.
Hanoi regulars and hard-core
Viet Cong were squeezed by land
and menaced from the sea as the
roll of their fellow dead and cap-
tured over three days of battle
against American, South Korean
and South Vietnamese troops
soared to 513.
LONDON-Peking has barred
Soviet aircraft from flying over
Communist territory, thus block-
ing an airlift of Soviet aid to
North Viet Nam, Moscow sources
said yesterday.
The move was said to stem from
Peking's refusal to cooperate with
Russia and its East European al-
lies in a coordinated aid program
to Hanoi.
Growing Red Chinese hostility
toward Russia, moreover, has led
to the elimination of all coopera-
tion with the Russians who are
now also suspected of spying, the
sources added.
Chinese technical troops in North
Viet Nam are under orders to
keep away from Russian techni-
cians and advisers there.
Peking, moreover, has advised
Hanoi it would not allow its citi-
zens to fight side by side with Rus-
The sources said this has virtu-
ally blocked any idea for the time
being of the use of Russian volun-
teer fighters in North Viet Nam.

Bill Voted Labor Party Supports Wilson
$1.75 Billion On Harsh Economic Policies


-Associated Press
Hurricane Inez slashed and clawed the length of the Florida Keys with winds up to 110 miles an
hour yesterday, then burst into the Gulf of Mexico, the end of her murderous rampage still no-
where in sight. Whipsawing first one side, then the other, Inez battered the Keys with screaming
winds and shattering surf for hours, capping a daylong sweep down the southeast Florida coast from
the heart of the Bahamas.

McNamara Claims GE Strike
Could, Hinder War Progress

Dirksen Motion Cuts
Funds to Original
Johnson Requests
passed a $1.75 billion bill yester-
day to extend the antipoverty
program a third year after revolt-
ing against an attempt to increase
it $750 million beyond President
Johnson's budget.
The vote was 49-20.
As it reached the Senate floor
from the Labor Committee, the
bill authorized $2.5 billion for, the
program instead of the $1.75 bil-
lion Johnson had asked.
But, on a motion by Republican
Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Il-
linois, the Labor Committee's ver-
sion was cut back to the Presi-
dent's total by a 45-27 vote.
Voting for the motion were 23
Democrats and 22 Republicans. It
was opposed by 25 Democrats and
2 Republicans.
Much of the extra money had
been added in the labor panel by
Sens. Robert F. Kennedy (D-
N.Y.), and Edward M. Kennedy,
Robert Kennedy had told the
Senate during debate Monday that
even the $2.5 billion would fall
short of meeting the needs of the
nation's poverty-stricken families.
Dirksen Urges Reduction
But Dirksen said he was in ef-
fect speaking for Johnson in urg-
ing the reduction to the budget
He explained he and Democratic
Leader Mike Mansfield of Mon-
tana conferred with the President
at the White House Monday on
this very problem.
"You should have heard him on
the budget," Dirksen said.
"He fulminated like Hurricane
Inez because he realizes what
we're doing to his budget."
The Senate passage sent the
bill to conference with the House,
which also had voted for a $1.75
billion total.
The House, however, had"dis-
tributed the funds among the
antipoverty programs in a way
quite different from Johnson's
The Senate version, on the oth-
er hand, has enough flexibility in
its allocation provisions to allow
the conferees to accept the admin-
istration's proposals.

The Cabinet approved an order
in council on the freeze, which re-
quires the signature of Queen
Elizabeth II. It takes effect to-
The government had hoped the
wage-price freeze that went into
effect 11 weeks ago would be
worked out voluntarily by employ-
ers and labor unions. But Wilson
acknowledged in a speech to the
convention that the voluntary op-I

eral court gave the green light
yesterday to merger of the New
York Central and the Pennsyl-
vania Railroads into one massive
$6 billion rail network stretching
half way across the continent.
The court voted 2-1 against fur-
ther delay. A group of smaller
lines led by the Erie-Lackawanna
Railroad had asked for more time
and a deeper look into the finan-
cial effect upon them of the merg-

three-man special court deferred
it on a temporary basis.
The merger would link Pennsy
and Central trackage along a
20,000-mile stretch, from the East
Coast to St. Louis. It would make
the line the biggest in the nation,
and the new Penn Central firm the
13th largest corporation in the
country. More than 100,000 em-
ployes .are involved.

BRIGHTON. England (A'--Prime cism from Laborites who maintain wage-price freeze.
Minister Harold Wilson's Labor the wage-price clamp-down bene- In addressing the convenion,
party convention gave him a vote fits employers more than workers Wilson declared his program will
of confidence yesterday on his and infringes on union rights of set the stage for more socialism in
austere economic policy. Then he collective bargaining. Britain. He said the state soon will
and his Cabinet decided to use the The convention opens debate to- take over parts of the steel indus-
full power of the law to enforce a day on the Wilson government's try and urban building land. Docks
freeze on wages and prices. handling of Britain's economic will be reorganized under state
An official statement issued aft- crisis, one key measure being the ow9nership, he said.
er Wilson presided over a special ~ ~
cabinet meeting in his hotel suite
said: '"The government are con-
ceneodh aepiesadtl L etRalodMerger'
cerned to maintain the effective-
ness of the wage-price standstill
and to ensure that the actions of
rovd byFeeaCor
the few do not jeopardize the in-
terests of the rest of the commu-
nity." NEW YORK (IP)-A special fed- scheduled for Sept. 30, but the


eration had broken down. |er.
While Wilson got the vote he Barring further court interven-
wanted from the Labor party con- tion the merger could take place
vention, he still faces sharp criti- as early as Nov. 1. It had been



WASHINGTON ()') - The. De-
fense Department insisted yester-
day that a strike against the giant
General Electric Corp. would pro-
duce a serious affect on U.S.
fighting men in °Viet Nam.
"I am prepared to certify under
oath that any interruption of crit-
ical production involving the three
services would seriously affect the
status of our men in South Viet
Nam and our war effort," said
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
Flanked by his Army, Navy and
Air Force Secretaries and two oth-
er Cabinet members, McNamara
spoke at a briefing for officials of
General Electric. Corp. and the
AFL-CIO International Union of
Electrical Workers.
The union agreed to President
Johnson's request to delay for two

weeks a threatened strike that had
been scheduled at 12:01 a.m. Mon-
day to give McNamara, Secretary
of Labor Willard Wirtz and Sec-
retary of Commerce John T. Con-
nor a chance to try to help reach
a new contract agreement.
At a news conference later, de-
fense officials said a strike would
set back severely stepped up pro-
duction schedules of engines for
jet fighter planes and helicopters,
radar and other electronic equip-
ment, bomb sights, aircraft navi-
gational systems, 20mm aircraft
cannon and the new lightweight
7.62mm "magic dragon" machine
guns fired from helicopters to
support ground troops.
Chief Federal Mediator William
E. Simkin announced that negoti-
ations would resume immediately
in an effort to avert a strike

against General Electric by some
120,000 workers and 10 other
The company has offered wage
increases it estimates at about 4
per cent a year for three years
plus 6 cents in cost-of-living pay
hikes and other benefits.
While both union president Paul
Jennings and company negotiator
Philip D. Moore hedged on wheth-
er they believed a strike would
threaten the war effort, both said
they were impressed by the case
made by McNamara.
Jennings accused the company
of charging that the union had
brought on a "fake emergency,"
and Moore accused the union of
bringing about the situation that
led to White House intervention.
Both promised to do their best to
reach an agreement without a


9 A.M.-5


World News Roundup

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By The Associated Press
PARIS-France set off the fifth
atomic blast in its series of South
Pacific tests yesterday over Muru-
rea Lagoon near Tahiti, the De-
fense Ministry announced.
The ministry said the blast was
the last in the series.
* * *
U.S. ambassador to Russia, said
yesterday that he had tried in vain
to get Soviet leaders to take a
peacemaker role in the Viet Nam
They have told him repeatedly,
he said, they have no authoriza-
tion from Hanoi to try to mediate
the war.
"Until they see a change in
Hanoi, I think this will be their
position," he said.
* * *
CHICAGO-The 1964 convic-
tion of James R. Hoffa, president'
of the Teamsters Union, was up-

held Tuesday by the Seventh Cir-
cuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
The court also sustained the
convictions of six codefendants
who, with Hoffa. were found guil-
ty of federal charges of mail and
wire fraud and conspiracy in aid
of an alleged plot to siphon more
than $1 million from the Team-
sters' pension fund.

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