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October 01, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-01

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UN Debates
Viet Nam
Peaee Plans
Pope Paul Pledges
Complete Cooperation
To Achieve Peace
-The war in Viet Nam dominated
general policy debate in the U.N.
General Assembly yesterday with
the latest UiS. peace proposals
again getting affirmations of sup-
J.M.A.H. Luns, the Netherlands
foreign minister, criticized appeals
directed only to the United States,
4 and expressed hope the U.S. pro-
posals "will yet be seriously stu-
died by the other side."
Meanwhile, the Vatican disclos-
ed that Archbishop Sergio Pigne-
doli, chief of'a mission that landed
here Tuesday, carried a 1,500 word
letter- from Pope Paul VI to Viet
Nam's Roman Catholic Bishops
promising to cooperate "without
limits" to help restore peace.
The Pope said he would "use
every opportunity, no matter how
small, to achieve a just and paci-
fic solution."
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold
berg, who made the proposals in
the assembly last week, told re-
porters in Washington, "The door
is open and we see no evidence it
has been closed."
He spoke with newsmen after
conferring privately with President
Johnson on Viet Nam.
Goldberg indicated he was not
discouraged by the initial rejec-
tion of the proposals by Hanoi and
Peking. He said every statement
from the other side is being stu-
died to see if a move toward a
settlement can be made.
Adam Malik, the Indonesian
foreign minister, told U.N. corres-
pondents his government was ex-
ploring possibilities of settlement.
"We have good relations with
both North and South Viet Nam,"
he said in response to a question,
"but with the recent escalation of
the war we are trying our best to
find some settlement. But I can-
not say anything concrete at this
The United States proposed an
end to the bombing of North Viet
Nam and offered to agree on a
timetable for supervised military
withdrawals if there are corres-
ponding measures for de-escala-
tion taken by the Communist side.
Luns, like other speakers in the
continuing general policy debate,
stressed Viet Nam as the foremost
international issue, although it is
not formally on the assembly's
He said that other countries be-
sides the United States had made
peace proposals, but that he found
that most of them fell short in at
least two respects.
"First," he said, "these exhorta-
tions are usually openly or impli-
citly addressed to the United
States only, and ignore the fact
that for more than a year now the
United States has made several
seriouspeace proposals."
He said they had all been turn-
ed down "with contempt by the
other side," and added: "My sec-
ond objectiorr is that these propos-
als as]< primarily de-escalation on
the American side, and not, or
only in a second phase, from
North Viet Nam.
"Such one-sided proposals fail
to impress us. It is a well-estab-
lished practice of totalitarian re-
gimes that they declare themselves
prepared for negotiations, provid-
ed the other side concedes in ad-
vance the main point at stake."

Ky Vetoes
Viet Cong
Peace Role

Question Jolhnson's Strategy
In CongressionAl Campaign

U.S. Troop Totals
Surpass Number of
South Viet Regulars
CAN THO, South Viet Nam (;'P)
-Premier Nguyen Cao Ky said
yesterday he would never agree to
have the Communist Viet Cong
represented at peace negotiations
on Viet Nam.
Ky indicated there were differ-
ences of opinion between Saigon
and Washington on phases of the'
peace proposals made by Ambassa-
dor Arthur Goldberg before the
United Nations last week.
Asked by newsmen if he would

WASHINGTON (('))-President
Johnson's unexpected absence
from the campaign trail for near-
ly a month is prompting questions
about his strategy for defending
top-heavy Democratic majorities
in Congress.
Press Secretary Bill D. Moyers

this time, and I don't think the
President knows at this time.
There is no event on his schedule
as of now."
Moyers said the President has
received many invitations. But,'
what he does about them, Moyers
added, will depend on develop-I

campaign appearance since Labor
Day, Sept. 5. Before that, he had
been speechmaking - from Port-
land, Maine, to Pryor. Okla. -
almost every weekend in August.
As Moyers took pains to point
out, Johnson entertained four for-
eign leaders this month. All that
took time, not only for the actual
meetings but for preparations.
The question now is: What will
Johnson do in the weeks remain-

was asked Friday if Johnson plans ments, including the amount of
any additional campaigning before time allotted for Johnson's plan-
the Nov. 8 election. ned Pacific trip next month.
He replied: "I don't know at The President has not made a

-Associated Press
Nazi war criminals Balder von Schirach and Albert Speer were released from West Berlin's Span-
dau Prison last night, leaving only onetime Deputy Fuehrer Rudolf Hess as the only prisoner in the
huge jail.
Education Head Denies Plans
Requiring Busing of Students

be willing to have the Viet Cong
represented at such talks, Ky re-
plied "never."
The premier said he was not
consulted before the U.S. were
consulted before the U.S. proposals

ing until the election?
e. All Moyers would do was repeat
t7G-Iif laGiioP lans that the President has many invi-
tations, no plans.
Perhaps-and this can only be
guesswork-Johnson believes he
App ov d by House can do his'most effective cam-
paigning by staying close to home
WASHINGTON (6P)) - The privilege of using, for tax purposes, in the final, crucial weeks of the
House yesterday gave President two especially favorable deprecia- congressional session-and by tra-
Johnson's anti-inflation program tion methods credited with spark- veling to the Far Pacific.
boost. voting'221-118 o suspnina avsurgeinheihuid fin- When Johnson flies to the Phil-
* os " ng 21-11 ~ltpl ASur e' the bui.dinAAJA

WASHINGTON ((P)) -Commis-
sioner of Education Harold Howe
II denied yesterday there is any1
intention by the U.S. government
to require busing of students tot
achieve racial balance.
He added, however, that the
federal government has a respon-
sibility to try to help cities solvef
the educational problems created
by the existence of segregatedC
Howe, appearing before the
House Rules Committee, was ques-
tioned sharply about the Office of
Education's guidelines for achiev-
ing school desegregation under the,
1964 Civil Rights Act.
Meanwhile, Rep. L. Mendel Riv-I
ers, (D-South Carolina), in aC
speech on the House floor, at-
tacked Howe as "talking like a
On the floor, River called Howet
an "idiot," a "misfit," and assert-6
ed: 'This man talks like a Com-
munist. That's why some of us
who know call him the commissart
of education, . . the Presidentc
should fire him."
Rivers' 10minute attack
brought Rep. William Fitts Ryan,
(D-New York), to the floor visi-
bly enraged. He expressed shock
that a House leader would pin at
Communist label on a public of-
ficial who said he was only carry-
ing out the mandate of Congress.
"I had thought that the days of{
McChrthy and McCarthyism were]
gone," Ryan said. "It makes me
Rules Committee1
Chairman Howard W. Smith,
(D-Va.),said the agency has gone
beyond the intent of the law by<
trying to overcome racial imbal-
ance through busing of students
and requiring desegregation ofI
Your field agents are harrassingf
and hammering school officials,c
telling them to get some Negro
children in white schools," said
Smith, who has served 36 yearsc
in the House, was defeated in his

Democratic primary last August. "I am concerned about the loss
Howe said he has found a few of neighborhood schools," said
instances of improper handling of Howe. "They should be preserved.
a case, but added that claims of But I would be more concerned
harrassment are "vastly exagger- about schools that lose their
ated." neighborhoods."

He denied repeatedly there is
any intention by, his office to en-
force programs to correct racial
imbalance. What his agents are
doing, he said, is trying to make
sure the "freedom of choice" de-
segregation plans followed by
many southern school, districts are
actually effective in ending segre-
gation. Under the plans, students
are supposed to be able to go to
any school they choose.
"Freedom of choice was neverj
meant to be a system wherebyI
school systems could continue
without regard for the law," heI
Howe was equally insistent that
the Office of Education is not en-
gaged in any school busing pro-

Howe said he feels the govern-
ment has a responsibility to help
cities "solve the perplexing prob-
lems that are handicapping the
education of children."
Howe was asked to return for
more .questioning by the commit-
tee Tuesday, despite the complaint
of one me'mber, Rep. Ray J. Mad-
den, (D-Ind.), that thet hearings
are in violation of House rules.
The Judiciary Committee, which
has authority over civil rights leg-
iloim1 oeodP~l o hnr h a -

were made at the U.N.
Mreawhieatla.N2 two provisions for tax incentives dustrial, commercial and rental
Meanwhile a landing of 2,500 to business spending. residential buildings.
GIs dropped South Viet Nam's re-
gular armed forces to second place The measure, which now goes to Johnson has tied these suspen-!
numerically behind committed the Senate, had some Republican sions, along with the promised $3-
American units yesterday. support. But it was opposed by billion spending cut and other'
The United States, which once others who called it economic poi- moves, into a package designed to
limited its military activity here son and accused Johnson of avoid- ease inflationary pressures. He has
to advice and support for the Sai- ing the issue of cutting govern- kept open the possibility of a la-'
gon war effort, now has 317,500 ment spending. ter tax increase, if Viet Nam ex-
uniformed men directly involved. Voting for the suspension were penditures a n d congressional
The buildup continues as Hanoi 190 Democrats and 31 Republi- boosts in the budget threaten to
spurns all efforts to promote ne- cans; against it 37 Democrats and produce a big deficit.
gotiations. 81 Republicans. Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, (D-
Though Premier Nguyen Cao The bill would suspend, from Ark.), of the Ways and . Means
Ky's government lists 705,000 Vi- last Sept. 9 through Dec. 31, 1967, Committee, told the House he is
: etnamese under arms, they are the investment credit that has confident Johnson means what he
mostly militiamen, national police helped power a boom in machinery says about a spending cut.
and irregulars. The American roll and equipment buying, one of the But the senior Republican mem-
topped by 500 the 317,000 Vietna- major sources of demand for ber of the committee, Rep. John
mese regiulars in the fight against goods, labor and credit. hW. Byrnes of Wisconsin, said he
the Communists. Also suspended would be the supported the suspension only re-
In spite of warnings, Byrnes
said, "the President has insisted
and still expand domestic spend-
ing programs."
By The Associated Press take her far from the United The investment credit, enacted
SAN FRANCISCO ((P)) - The States. l in 1962, allows a taxpayer to sub-
N nd ht* * * tract from his tax bill seven per-
National Guard withdrew half its LAGOS Nigeria ((P)) - Bloody cent, in most cases, of his spending
riot control forces from San Fran- rioting has erupted in widespread on productive equipment. There
cisco yesterday with order hope- areas of northern Nigeria on the are limits on how much credit he
fully restored in two violence- eve of the country's sixth indepen- may take in one year, but he has
shaken Negro districts. dence anniversary, reliable sources five years in which to carry for-
*s* in the north reported yesterday. ward his credit.
MIAMI, Fla. ((IP))-Mighty Hur- Unconfirmed reports said 25 Business plant spending has in-
ricane Inez whirled across Cuba persons were killed in Bauchi, the creased steadily since enactment
with screaming winds and huge burial place of Prime Minister Sir of the credit. Government agen-
flood tides yesterday and aimed Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, who cies estimated this year's spending
her fury at the Bahamas on a was assassinated in a coup last plans at $60.8 billion, up 17 per-
northwestern course that would January. cent from last year.
~ -~ - --- ---

ippines about Oct. 20, he will be
meeting there with leaders of six
Asian and Pacific countries invol-
ved in the Viet Nam war.
Prospects for reaping political
benefits on the home front by re-
mote control from the Philippines
seems promising.
As the conference host, Presi-
dent Ferdinand E. Marcos of the
Philippines, put it yesterday in
Tokyo, the prime purpose of the
meeting is to "concentrate on a
determination as to what step
should . be aken to bring about
peace in Viet Nam."
A barrage of pre-election news
about Johnson meeting with As-
ians halfway around the world in
quest of peace can hardly be ex-
pected to injure his cause, politi-
cally, at home.
Some observers-again resorting
to guesswork, wonder if Johnson's
slump in public opinion polls, pub-
lished soon after Labor Day, fig-
ured in the tapering off of his
The President began his August
tours-some labeled. non-political
- hopeful that personal appear-
ances would help boost his popu-
larity. Instead, the post-Labor Day
polls registered a decline.
There always is the question
too, of how heavily a president
should commit his personal pres-
tige in an off-year election. The
odds in such balloting heavily fa-
vor the party out of power-the
Republicans in this case.
In the Pacific, Johnson's pres-
tige will be committed, but not
on a directly political basis.

isiation, has agreed tonoiadnear-
ings on the guidelines, Madden
said, and the Rules Committee is
infringing on the Judiciary Com-
mittee by proceeding on its own.
This is just a propaganda meet-
ing," a Roman holiday," said Mad-
den. "It's inexcusable."

Some communities, through
their own decisions, he said, are,
using federal grants to experiment
with busing programs, but in no
case is the federal government
imposing such a plan on a dis-
Approximately 2,000 school dis-
tricts which formerly were segre-
gated, he said, have complied with
the law and are receiving funds,
while only 37 districts have been
cut off. Funds have been tempor-
arily deferred in 73 others, he said.
Howe acknowledged his office is
calling for desegregating faculties,
but said the policy is in accord
with court rulings that segrega-
tion of faculties amounts to dis-
crimination against their students.
Rep. John B. Anderson, (R-Ill.),
sought to determine Howe's future
policies in the light of his speech-
es and the preliminary draft of a
proposed bill that would lead to
development of schools drawing
students from all over the city.
"You seem to be getting to the
point where you are going to wipe
out the neighborhood school,"E
said Anderson.

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(Continued from Page 2)
California Packing Sales Co., Chicago,
I1.-Majors in Bus .Ad., Lib. Arts, or
rel. fields- far careers starting with
Mktg. Trng. of Sales leading to direct
sales mgmt. positions and staff ad-
min. Distribution of "Del Monte" brand
fruits. veg., fish and dried fruits.
University of Wisconsin Medical Cen-
ter, Madison, Wis.-Psychiatry, one part
time grad student, one full time wom-'
an MS in psych. pref. Surgery, one
male, H.S. grad, some exper. in animal
work. Onocology, woman BS with 1 yr.
in Chem., bacteriol. plus exper. in
sterile tech. Man or woman with 2 yrs.
of chem.. Medicine, woman BS in Med.
Tech. or biol. plus 2 yrs. chem. Man
or woman, BS in chem. plus some
grad work. Cardiovascular Med., wom-
an, BS plus lab .exper. Vet. Admin.
Hospital, woman BS basic hematology.
Plant Pathology, three BS for 1. nema-
todes paracitic on plants, 2) chem. or
biol., and 3) organic synthesis. Path-
ology, BS plus inter. in electron micro-
scope, and woman, some in Chem, or
med. tech. Food Res., BS in Bacteriol.
Pediatrics, BS Chem. plus lab exper.
Entomology man BS in chem.
Seery & Co., Chicago, IIIL-Devel. and
super. o farchitectural product lit-
Open House

erature and advertising, drawings, edit-
ing, graphics and copy, and field in-
vestigation of mktg. and design needs.
25-35 yrs. old.
Riverside Paper Corp., Appleton, Wis.
-Industrial Engineer, respon, for time
standards, work flow, layout, utiliza-
tion, etc. Chief Accountant. Min. 5
yrs. exper. in paper industry. Familiar-
ity with standard cost tech.
Associated Migrant Opportunity Serv-
ices, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind.-Two pro-
fessional vacancies: Educational Co-
ordinator and Vocational-Housing Co-
ordinator. Men and women for inter-
faith War on Poverty agency. Prior-
ity given to applicants with Spanish
and Latin American cultural orienta-
tion. Former needs bkgd. in Adult Ed.
Latter in vocational trng., guid .and
health or housing, skills in job dev.,
plan't., sanitationg
plam't., sanitation and assistance flow.
Atlantic Research Corp., Alexandria,
Va.-Senior analyst on corp. planning
staff. Several yrs. application exper.
and knowl. of foreign bus. techniques
plus ES/BA in Tech. field, Bus. Ad.,
Econ., Finance, or Bus, Syst.
ates and seniors make appointments by
4 p.m. of the day preceding the visits

by the following companies. All em-
ployers expect to see your file before
the interview. Please return forms and
update your files as soon as possible.
No Interviews schedulel in the Gen-
eral Division.
TUES., OCT. 4-
Aetna Life & Casualty, Detroit, Mich.
-All Day. BA, Econ., Educ., Engl.,
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Law, Libr. Sci., Math, Philos., Poll.
Sci., Public Health, Speech, Sociol., and
Social oWrk fo rterritorial sales ,home
office and claims, and field reps,
Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich.-
All Day. BA in Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts,
Math and Chem. for Advertising, Mkt.
Res., Public Rel., Territorial Sales and
Transport. Midland and throughout the
WED., OCT. 5-
Mead Johnson & Co., Evansville, Ind.
-Afternoon only. BA's and adv. de-
grees in Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, Bio-
chem., Chem., Microbiol., and Pharm.
For Adv., Biol., Zoo., Mgmt. Trng., Mkt.
Res., Merchan., Personnel, Public Rel.,
and Research.
For " further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau ofI
Appointments, 3200 SAB.




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