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September 27, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-27

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s_ n .a c, a n iy c, is




Presidential Anti-Poverty Bill
Reaches House for Debate




To Be Drawn
By Assembly
Members Hoping
To Keep Influence
As Congressmen
SAIGON (R)-South Viet Nam'
new and untried assembly con-
vened today to lay the ground-
work for writing a new constitu-
tion to set this war-torn natior
on its way toward civilian rule.
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky opene
the assembly early today.
* The 116 men and one womar
elected Sept. 11 in a heavy out-
pouring of voters throughout the
country had some preliminar
tasksto get out of the way befor
actually getting down to drafting
a constitution.
One certainty is that real pow-
er in this war-torn land will re-
main with the military into th
foreseeable future.
Diplomatic sources see a 50-5
chance that the Constituent As-
sembly will turn itself into a Leg-
islative Assembly. This is possible
they say, if a new constitution i
produced harmoniously and if th
military approves.
Legislative Hopes
Several members of the assem-
bly clearly hope to stay on as leg-
islators after the assembly's six-
month life span. Others feel such
a switch would break faith with
the voters who picked them only
to draft a new national charter.
Western observers in the capi-
tal foresee little difficulty in fram-
ing a constitution unless the as-
sembly allows itself to get side-
1h tracked on fringe issues.
"Every politician in town has a
draft constitution on his, desk,"
said one Vietnamese.
Presidential System
Speculation about the cnstitu-
tion is focused on a presidential
system with a strong executive
branch rather than parliamentary
government. "
The recent experiences of South
Korea and Turkey in welding mil-
itary and civilian rule have re-
ceived special attention. A two-
man South Vietnamese delegation
visited Seoul recently for a closer
The Constituent Assembly will
be about as representative as Viet
Nam could hope for under present
Every significant group in Viet
Nam except the Viet Cong is in-
cluded. Average age is just under
40. The assembly includes teach-
ers, professional people, civil ser-
vants, local political figures and
one woman, Mrs. Tran Thi Xa,
mother of eight.
Candidates Checked
The original list of 530 candi-
dates was carefully laundered to
wash out Communists or those
suspected of Communist or neu-
tralist leanings.
With the possible exception of
,20 army men, none of the assem-
bly members are expected to par-
rot the regime's views at all times.
They seem more likely to debate
and criticize than find meek
agreement. I
On religious lines, there will be
30 Roman Catholics, 34 Biddhists,
a Protestant and an assortment
of Confucianists, Hoa Hao Bud-
dhists,, MontagnArds and Cao Dai.
Assembly Blocs
Saigon newspapers nave specu-
lated on the possible formation of
blocs in the assembly as well as
the candidates for assembly pres-

It appears likely that blocs may
be formed on regional lines rath-
er than for religious,. ethnic or
military considerations.
It will take the assembly as
long as two weeks to get down to
start writing the constitution.
First order of business will be ver-
ification of election results. Sev-
eral election challenges must be
settled. Next comes election of as-
sembly officers and establishment
of by-laws.
The militant Buddhist leader-
ship which opposed the election
now appears rueful at being out-
side the assembly. Their leader-
time being, outmaneuvered by
ship is fragmented and, for the
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky.
; r .:; ? .'} {.".v


Peace Effort
{Asked at UN
Resolve Conflict
With Conference,
Malaysian Appeals

WASHINGTON AP)-The House did not actually deliver in an ef-
launched a week-long debate on fort to expedite the debate.
the administration's $1.75 billion Critics quickly jumped on the
anti-poverty bill yesterday with program and served notice they
supporters lauding it and oppo- will try to force changes in it.
nents charging it is wasteful, in- Rep. William M. Colmer (D-
flationary and needs a complete Miss.) called the program infla-
overhaul. tionary and said it "does not fit
An overwhelming voice vote into the President's desire to curb
brought the controversial bill be- inflation."
fore the House after months of "The program is operating poor-
delay and in-fighting involving ly," said Rep. Albert H. Quie of
both friends and foes of the two- Minnesota, a Republican member
year-old program. of the Education and Labor Con-
Led by Chairman Adam Clayton mittee.
Powell of New York, Democrats And Rep. Charles E. Goodell,
from the Education and Labor (R-New York) also a committee
Committee displayed a united member, said House Republicans
front in defending the measure plan to introduce a flock, of
from Republican-led efforts to amendments to "try to correct this
chop it. GOP changes will be con- program."

UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. W) sidered later this week. Timing
Abdul Razak, deputy prime minis- 'Human Renewal' General debate on the bill will
ter of Malaysia, appealed to allI "The war on poverty is the fin- consume at least two full days,
UN members yesterday to helo the est human renewal program Am- which means voting on amend-
countries of Asia arrange a peace erica has," Powell said in his op- ments will not come before Wed-
conference on Viet Nam. a ening statement, most of which he nesday at the earliest. Some 114
He spoke in the 113-nation
General Assembly as high-level" ""
Western diplomats continued to
pobe iiv o sh l Bri1tain Investigates
the Cpparetl oieecttiuc ea esbTey
the Communists of the latest U S. N
peace proposals on Viet Nam.
"I take this solemn occasion J
standing at this rostrum to invite LONDON, AP) - Britain is re- ground nuclear shots. Thus they
all states, large and small, repre- ported to be leading a discreet contend several onsite inspections
sented in this assembly, to give us new attempt for a U.S.-Soviet are essential each year to check
their help in bringing the immedi- compromise on a treaty banning suspicious events.
ate parties to the - conference all nuclear weapon tests. -TherSoviets insist modern
table," Razak said. Official sources said yesterday gadgets are so far advanced as to
"An end must be brought, and night Prime Minister Harold Wil- make such spot checks needless.
brought early, to this most unfor- son's government is awaiting the They contend the Americans really
tunate of conflicts so that the outcome of hush-hush talks in want to use international inspec-
people of all Viet Nam-north and Moscow between top British and tions for spying.
south-may be relieved from the Soviet scientists. For years, the British have
cruel realities of war from which The two teams-led by Sir Solly backed the American position. But

amendments have already been
introduced, and the debate may
even run over into next week.
Democrats say they have the
votes to pass the bill, possibly in
revised form.
House GOP leader Gerald R.
Ford of Michigan said in Grand
Rapids Saturday the GOP would
push a program costing also about
$1.75 billion but providing that
$750 million be paid by local and
state government and by private
Democrats Pressure
After the House had adopted the
resolution formally bringing the
bill before the House, Powell rose
to announce that Democrats would
do everything possible to move the
debate along expeditiously.
"Despite any personal difference
that might have existed," Powell
said in reference to a dispute
among committee Democrats, "we
are in complete unanimity."
He then showed his desire to
speed the debate by speaking for
only six minutes before yielding
the floor to Rep. Sam Gibbons, D-
Fla. It was Gibbons who led the
drive that resulted in the commit-
tee's 27-1 vote last week to restrict
some of Powell's power in running
the committee.
Gibbons highly praised two of
the anti-poverty programs, the
'Job Corps and the Neightborhood
Youth Corps. He also said the bill
represents only a small increase
'over last year and is within the
"President's budget.
"The expense is more than I an-
ticipated," Gibbons said, "because
the job is tougher than any of us
ever imagined."
"Just because the problem is
tough doesn't mean Americans
ought to back away from it," Gib-
bons said.

--Associated Press
WEST GERMAN CHANCELLOR Ludwig Erhard met with Secretary of State Dean Rusk yesterday
before discussing military affairs with President Johnson. (See story on this page.)
U.S. Jets Attack Hanoi Area;
Officials Affirm o

SAIGON, (P) - U.S. Air Force
jets tore up 500 feet of track and
knocked out a string of 10 anti-
aircraft guns on a main rail line
from Hanoi to Communist China
while other planes blasted boats,
barges and missile sites southward
from Hanoi to South Viet Nam's
border, the U.S. Command report-
ed yesterday. One U.S. plane was
Air attacks on the North took
the spotlight from dwindling
ground action in the south after
a weekend of sharp fighting near
the demilitarized zone and in the
Mekong River delta.
Delayed reports of. a Matine
clash with North Vietnamese for-

ces south of the zone told of the
accidental loss of a U.S. Marine
rescue helicopter that flew into a
Leatherneck artillery shell as the
craft swooped down to pick up
wounded Sunday night. The heli-
copter burst into an orange ball of
flame and its four Marine crew-
men and a Navy medical corps-
man were killed.
The White House and the De-
partments of State and Defense
each issued denials of reports
published in New York and Lon-
don that the United States plan-
ned to suspend the bombing to
give Hanoi more time to consider
America's latest peace bid, made
in the United Nations last week.

Senators Fear Possible Use
Of Bombers in Thailand

Pentagon officials also said
they knew of no reduction of plan-
ned troop commitments to Viet
Nam. The reports said new orders
have held up the arrival of fresh
U.S. troops.
White House press secretary Bill
D. Moyers said there is "no truth
whatsoever" to the bombing sus-
pension reports.
"There is no change in United
States policy in respect to bomb-
ing or in our position on recipro-
city," Moyers said. "The report
raised this morning is totally un-
State Department spokesman
Robert J. McCloskey said: "I know
of no basis for that report."
The reports were published in
the New York Daily News and in
the Evening Standard of London.
On the battlefront, floods are
beginning to trouble troops in the
Mekong Delta.
U.S. experts in Saigon said four
waves 13%/ feet high are expected
to sweep into the delta before No-
vember. They added that flooding
in the Mekong and Bassac rivers
was likely to crest in mid-October.
Emergency relief has been pour-
ing into the area about 120 miles
south of Saigon during the past
Two U.S. Air Force helicopters
delivered more than 10,000 pounds
of food for civilians and U.S. mili-
tary personnel near a flooded Spe-
cial Forces camp at Thuong Thoy,
125 miles southwest of Saigon.

they have continually suffered for
more than two decades."
Thailand, the Philippines and
Malaysia have proposed .n all-
Asian peace conference on Viet
Nam. Razak did not refer to the
"immediate parties" by name. Ma-
laysian sources said this .ouid be
a subject for negotiation-an ap-
parent reference to a role for the
Viet Cong and possibly Peking.
On the diplomatic level, Cana-
dian Foreign Secretary Paul Mar-
tin held a private talk with Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
myko on Viet Nam. Gromyko and
U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk
met twice last week, but there was
no report of a change in the So-
viet position.
After their Saturday night meet-
ing, Rusk challenged Hanoi and
Peking to test the sincerity of
U.S. peace proposals by coming
to the conference table. The Unit-
ed States has offered to end the
bombing of North Viet Nam and
agree to a timetable for a military
withdrawal if there are moves to-
ward de-escalation by North Viet
Vaclav David, the Czechoslovak
foreign minister, rejected "with
indignation" the U.S. proposal.
David told the assembly the pro-
posals are "aimed at relieving the
United States of heavy responsi-
bility for the aggression in Viet
Nam and even at presenting this
aggression as an implementation
of the principles of the United Na-
tions charter and resolution of the
General Assembly."

Zuckerman for Britain and Mik-
hail Millionshchikov for the So-
viet Union-are investigating new
methods of detecting underground
nuclear tests. These techniques in-
volve the use of highly complica-
ted seismological instruments,
electronically operated sometimes
thousands of miles away from the
blast site.
Underground Tests
Underground shots were the on-
ly ones not outlawed under the
partial test ban treaty signed in
1963 in Moscow. East and West
could not agree on a policing or
checking system to stop cheating
on underground tests.
As a followup to Zuckerman's
mission, British Disarmament
Minister Lord Chalfont intends to
fly next month to United Nations
headquarters to takepart in Gen-
eral Assembly debate on disarma-
ment. Chalfont also will confer
with American, Soviet and other
international authorities on the
possibilities of extending the par-
tial treaty of 1963.
Essential difference between the
American and Soviet positions
about a ban on underground tests
-The Americans claim nuclear
explosions give out the same seis-
mic signals as earth tremors ,or
quakes. Even possessing the most
sensitive seismic system in the
world, the United States still can-
not identify whether about 45
events inside the Soviet Union
each year are tremors or under-

European Military Strategy
Faced by Erhard, Johnson

WASHINGTON (RP) - President
Johnson and Chancellor Ludwig
Erhard of West Germany tackled
yesterday the problem of how to
reconcile the number of troops ne-
cessary to defend Europe with the
staggering cost of maintaining
There was no indication that
the two leaders got anywhere near
a solution of the issue which has
beclouded U.S.-German relations
for some time.
Diplomatic sources who attend-
ed the almost two-hour long White
House meeting repeatedly stressed
that the task Johnson and his
guest face is "enormously diffi-
cult." They expressed hope, how-
ever, that the working level meet-
ings by various groups of U.S. and
German experts will enable the
President and the chancellor to
find a compromise solution when
they meet again today.
Johnson and Erhard met alone
for one hour and 30 minutes and
then joined their aides, including
three German and two American
cabinet members, "for a joint re-

port on their private consulta-
tions," White House press sec-e-
tary Bill D. Moyers -told newsmen
Before going to the Executive
Mansion, Erhard met with Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk at the
State Department.
No NATO Disclosure
Neither Mayers nor his German
opposite number, State Secretary
Karl-Guenther von Hase, would
disclose anything beyond listing
the topics which came up. They
were "NATO arrangements" in
general-and specifically the con-
troversial issue of how much the
Germans should contribute to the
costs of keeping the 7th Army in
Germany-trade matters; and the
planned joint probes into outer
While Moyers and Von Hase
remained closemouthed, there were
strong indications from other
sources that the two leaders did
not come closer to a solution of
the combined issue of troop level-
offset agreement. But-as one dip-
lomatic observer put it-at least
they both had a chance to explain
their positions in detail.

some scientists here consider most
high-yield underground shots can
be distinguished from quakes.

WASHINGTON OP) -- The pos-
sibility that President Johnson
might decide to base long-range
B52 bombers capable of carrying
nuclear weapons on a new airfield
in Thailand is disturbing some
Asst. Secretary of State William
P. Bundy was reported to have
told the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee in a recent closed ses-
sion that the administration has
not yet decided how to employ an
11,500-foot airstrip in the air-sea
complex being built at Sattship.
Bundy was quoted as saying that
any decision on the use of B52s
there would have to take into con-
sideration the tremendous psy-
chological impact it would have on
the area. He insisted no decision
had beei made.
Fears of U.S.
Committee members critical of
any expansion of °the Viet Nam
war generally: translated this into
terms of the impact any such ac-
tion would have on Red China.
Chairman J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark.,
insists Communist China's leaders
already fear that the United
States may be getting ready to
attack their nuclear installations.
And he thinks placing bombers in
Thailand would deepen these
Sen. Stuart Symington, D-Mo.,
a former Air Force secretary, was
reported to have questioned the
necessity for such a long runway,
contending that 10,000 feet would
accommodate any current military
Economic Concern
Members .disagree o n t h e
phrasing of Bundy's reply, except
that he noted that the United
States is trying to take into ac-
count the postwar economy of
Thailand, which will own the bases
being constructed there with U.S.
funds. Presumably, the airstrip
would take care of large commer-
cial planes of the future.
Aside from the political factors,
committee members said the Pres-
ident might have cogent military
and economic reasons for shifting
:r"":yYr.g.Y a.{.r.

the B52s, which are bombing Com-
munist troop concentrations and
supply dumps in Viet Nam from
It costs about $1,000 an hour to
fly the bomb-laden B52s and it is
a 16-hour round trip from Guam.
The number of planes participat-
ing is a security secret, but the
considerably shorter trip from
Thailand obviously would offer
some substantial economies, plus
increasing the turn-around strike
capacity and reducing wear.


world News Roundup

TO DAY, 3:00 1
Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee


Hill Auditorium

Sept. 27

By The Associated Press
Houston, Tex. - Astronaut Rich-
ard F. Gordon, Jr., predicted Mon-
day that man one day will work
effectively in orbit despite prob-
lems which have curtailed his and
other space walks.
Gordon disclosed that he was
tired even before he started the
walk and reported "the biggest
surprise of my life" when it took
him 30 minutes to do a task which
he had done in 30 seconds in sim-
ulated weightlessness on the
unions engaged in "coordinated"
bargaining with the General Com-
pany have voted in local meetings
to reject terms offered them for
new work contracts, a key union
spokesman said Monday.
The announcement came during
a luncheon recess in the negotia-
tions between GE and the Interna-
tional Union of Electrical Workers.
* * *
CAPE TOWN, South Africa -
South Africa's all-white minority
government backed away yester-
day from one of the most sweep-
ing pieces of apartheid-race seg-

regation-legislation proposed by
the ruling white nationalists since
they won power in 1948.
The government, through Inter-
ior Minister S. P. LeRoux, told
Parliament it is not going ahead
with a bill which would in effect
have prevented all political dis-
cussion and contact across the
color line.
The measure had raised a na-
tionwide storm of protest on the
ground that its sweeping provi-
sions were aimed at abolition of
all multiracial parties or groups
whose activities impinged in any
way on multiracial politics.
P r e s i d e n tHumberto Castello
Brancho announced Monday he
has fired the mayor of a northeast
Brazilian town because he used
$14,000 in U.S. Alliance for Pro-
gress funds and supplies to re-
model his house and buy cattle for
his farm.
* * *
MIAMI - Hurricane Inez howl-
ed toward the Leeward Islands
yesterday, sending,storm flags fly-
ing from the French island of
Mario Galante northward to Bri-
tish Antigua.

"One of the tragedies of the struggle against racism is that up to now there has been no
national organization which could speak to the growing militancy of young black people
in the urban ghetto. There has been only a civil rights movement, whose tone of voice
was adapted to an audience of liberal whites. It served as a sort of buffer zone between
them and angry young blacks. None of its so-called leaders could go into a rioting
community and be listened to. In a sense, I blame ourselves together with the mass
media-for what has happened in Watts, Harlem, Chicago, Cleveland, Omaha. Each
time the people in those cities saw Martin Luther King get slapped, they became angry;
when they saw four little black girls bombed to death, they were angrier; and when
nothing happened, they were steaming. We had nothing to offer that they could see,
except to go out and be beaten again. We helped to build their frustration."
"An organization which claims to speak for the needs of a community-as does the
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee-must speak in the tone of that community,
not as somebody elses buffer zone. This is the significance of black power as a slogan.
For once, black people are going to use the words they want to use-not just the words
whites want to hear. And they will do this no matter how often the press tries to stop
the use of the slogan by equating it with racism or separatism."


7:30 p.m.


Room, Undergraduate Library


"The Church and New Power Structures in the Urban Ghetto"
Stephen Spottswood, Commission on Race and Cultural Relations,
Metropolitan Detroit Council of Churches




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