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Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
StudyLinksAuto Death Rate to Road Lond
t ions
Recent concern over the safety
of automobile designs has stolen
the spotlight from one of the ma-
jor causes of highway deaths: the
highway itself.
However,. much research has
been recently designed to deter-
mine the significance of and the
possible solutions to the highway
For example, a study was con-
ducted by Kenneth A. Stonex of
General Motors who concluded
that approximately 16,000 lives a
year could be saved by safe high-
way designs which prevented sin-
gle car, off-road accidents through
improved highways and adjacent
There are also many faculty
members on campus w*ho are con-
cerned about the condition of our
highways. Two of them: Dr. Don-
ald Huelke, associate professor of
anatomy, and Dr. Paul Gikas,
assistant professor of pathology,
have made a study spanning four
years of traffic fatalities in Wash-
tenaw County. They made detailed
studies of the causes of the acci-
dents and any possible measures
which would have prevented
Close cooperation with the State
Police, the Washtenaw County
Sheriff's Department, and Ann
Arbor police made the study effec-
tive by allowing the two to arrive
at the scene of the accident short-
ly after it happened and plot the
fatal path taken by the car.
In 58 per cent of the cases the
accidents were single car, off-
road collisions with obstacles such
as trees, bridge abutments, and
guard rails; or were rollovers due
to deep drain ditches, steep slopes
next to the highway, or a loss of
control in the roadway.
Stonex has shown that a near
level obstacle-cleared roadside of
approximately 33 feet would pro-
vide safety for at least 80 per cent
of the drivers leaving the road be-
cause in that space a driver would
be able to regain control of his car.
Cross-median accidents on sup-
erhighways are also a major cause
of traffic fatalities. Of 40 deaths
on I-94 between Romulus and Ann
Arbor which Huelke calls "death
valley," 20 were due to cross-med-
ian accidents.
Huelke contends that adequate
guard railings in the median could
have prevented these deaths, while
an obstacle-free roadside area
could have prevented many more.
Nevertheless, permanent im-
provements on that stretch of
highway will not be started until
1969. Guard rails, however, will be
constructed starting in 1967 due
to the special efforts of Marvin
Esch, then a state representative,
who went directly to Gov. George
Romney for action.
Huelke said that "we will always
have the possibility of automobile
accidents when there is a man-
machine combination. However,
better road facilities are needed to
help protect man from himself.
"A few causes of accidents are
driving too fast for existing con-
ditions, falling asleep, drinking,
pan d drive inattentiveness," Huelke
said. "Most of these causes can be
categorized as driver mis-judg-
"If a driver is going to lose con-
trol of his car for no muter what
reason, the roadway must be de-
signed to prevent cross-median
accidents, and obstacles need to
be removed from the roadside so
that serious or fatal injuries will
not occur."
Lowell Doyle of the Traffic
Safety Division of the Department
of Highways in Lansing does not
believe that it is the responsibility
of the state to build roads safe
See IIGHWAY, Page 2
In Dormit
STOKELY CARMICHAEL, chairman of the Student Nonvio-
lent Coordinating Committee, SNCC, will speak at the University
today at 3 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
The program is sponsored by the University's Office of Reli-
gious Affairs, the contemporary discussion committee of the
University Activities Center and the U-M Friends of SNCC.
AT THE MEETING of the Ann Arbor City Council last night,
action on three proposed motorcycle ordinances was postponed
until October 31.
The action was taken at the request of the Student Traffic
Advisory Board. The Board requested the additional time to allow
them to study the ordinances, particularly the third, regarding
the operation of motorcycles. Roy A. Ashmall, vice-chairman of
the board said that their plans presently call for one or two
meetings to study the ordinance, and then that they plan to call
a public hearing for students.
Councilman Robert Hathaway moved that final action on
the three ordinances be postponed to allow the City Council time
to assimilate the "excellent suggestions" offered in the public
hearing at last night's meeting..
A MASS MEETING will be held tonight for students .inter-
ested in- spending the summer *working for a company abroad.
Under the sponsorship of AIESEC, an international student
organization for the exchange of students in economics and
commerce, students are provided with the opportunity of work-
ing in one of 37 foreign countries. Students from those countries
are allowed to work for a similar cooperating company in the
The program allows the student to gain practical insights
into economic problems abroad while holding a regular job for a
period ranging from eight weeks to six months.
Interested students with a background in business or eco-
nomics are invited to attend the meeting to be held at 7:30
p.m. in Rm. 130 of the Business Administration Bldg.
4. 1 '
SELECTIVE SERVICE representatives from Washington and
University student leaders will discuss the draft at 4 p.m. Sun-
day in Aud. A. The program, sponsored by the University Activities
Center, will be followed by a period of open questioning.
applications from undergraduate students to participate in full-
time study of professional education at three foreign universities
during the 1967-68 academic year.r
University students have studied at the University of Shef-
field and the University of Keele in England for the past six years
and will be able to study next year at the University of Baroda
in India.
The School of Education instituted the program in the belief
that prospective teachers will benefit greatly from study at a
foreign university and become, familiar with another country's
educational system. -
Students attending the University of Baroda will not only
pursue their -own education but also will be able to contribute to
the teaching in India. The Baroda program is limited to social
studies teachers.
MRS. IRENE MURPHY (D-Birmingham), a candidate for
re-election in November to the U-M Board of Regents, is turning
down cash campaign contributions, she said yesterday.
"I want to see if a citizen can be elected to one of our higher
education boards without an, expensive advertising campaign,"
she said. "People of moderate means should be able to serve in
public office, especially on the unpaid educational boards."
"Recent winning Regents have spent up to $15,000 on cam-
paigns to win an eight year unpaid job which consumes about
500 hours per year of .their time," she explained. "There is some-
thing unreal about this," she added.
"Maybe these jobs are a new kind of 'yacht' because of their
prestige and honor. But education needs the devoted work of all
kinds of men and womnen of all economic levels."
She explained that she is refusing all cash contributions, and
is using only $1,000 of her own money.
ACLU Files
Lawsuit in
Draft Case
Seeking Restraining
Order on Inductions
Of Studenit Protestors
The American Civil Liberties'
Union will file a suit today in the
Federal District Court in Detroit
to halt the-induction of six Uni-
versity students who sat in at the
Ann Arbor draft board last Oct.
The ACLU will seek a court re-
straining order to prevent the in-
duction of Patrick Murphy, '68;
Robert Sklar; '68; Ronald Miller,
'68; Eric Chester, '66; Ray Lauz-
zana, '66, and David Smokler, '66.
Draft Board Sit-Ini
Originally, 13 students were re-
classified 1-A when they sat-in at
the draft board to protest U.S.
policy in Viet Nam. They were
charged with violating Selective
Service law. Five won back their
student defermentsathrough ap-
peals. Two other cases are still
The six students who were de-
nied 2-S deferments had lost ap-
peals to local and state draft
boards. The presidential draft ap-
peal board voted to uphold the 1-A
classification of the six students
last week.
Vote Against Students
In a 3-0 vote against the stu-
dents, the presidential board
stated that they had "No further
rights of appeal."
Michigan Selective Service Di-
rector Co1. Arthur Holmes said
that while the students have a
right to undertake a suit to halt
their induction he "doesn't know
what the suit would be about.
The federal courts have never or-
dered a draft board to hold up
: ; ;
-Daily-Bernie Baker
SORORITY RUSH was culminated yesterday with the traditional customs of Pledge Night. Neighboring fraternity men helped with the
ritual by carrying the 525 new pledges into their houses, as demonstrated by the couple shown above.
Panhel Reports Rush A Success
i By JANE DREYFUSS tions," Miss Cook reported. Eigh- "Open rush has always been
teen houses listed at the top of permitted once the official rush is
1250 girls who rushed this semes- their preference lists girls who over. But it has become increas-
ter have pledged. reported they would like to prefer- ingly difficult for girls in houses
the but thel o meet dormreintwhmgt
"This represents one of the most ence the house but regretted the eetdn resden who might
" eitrsedi ldig
successful rushes in five years,
ninety-three percent of all spaces]
available were filled," reported
Martha Cook, '67, president of
Panhellenic Association.
Last spring only 83 percent of
the places were filled and in the
fall of last year, only 77 percent
of the quota was met.
Also, as of last spring more
than half the houses did not make
their quota, Miss Cook reported.
housefor final desserts.'
Panhellenic rules stipulate that'
those girls who come back for fi-
nal desserts" must be preferenced
above those who regret the house.
"This is the only Panhellenic rule
that favors the rushee rather than
the sorority," Miss Cook reported.
"But we do not consider these
actions serious violations," she
It is felt that a structured sys
tem may help not only to remove
the stigma of open rush but will
also make a list of names avail-
able for those houses that are in-
This is the first semester in
in the fall. Last year, a small scale
fall rush program for sophomores
only was conducted, but freshmen
were permitted to rush only during
the winter term.
The switch to the fall rush sys-
tem was made last spring after an
extensive re-evaluation by Panhel.
At that time, Panhel President
Martha Cook, '67, said, "Many dif-
ferent and varied resources were
used to study the rush system, and
I am convinced the fall rush will
To Approva
Of Regents
Program To Include
Uniform Room Cost;
Upperclass Priority
Room and board rates will be
increased $50 next year, John
Feldkamp, director of University
Housing said yesterday.. The in-
crease will be absorbed, however,
in a newly proposed program of
room assessment _designed to en-
tice upperclassmen back to resi-
dence hall living.
The move is subject to approval
by the Regents.
Under the proposed plan, all
dormitory rooms, regardless of
type, will cost the same amount
of money. At the present time a
single room costs $1010, a double
room costs $950 per person, and a
triple room costs $895 per perso.
Uniform Cost
Under the new plan, all the.
rooms will cost $1000 per person.
This figure represents the mid-
point between the rates of a single
and a triple room, or $950, with the
$50 increased included.
This rate of assessment would
apply to all residence halls ex-
cept Baits should this plan go into
Senior Priority
The uniform assessment rate
necessitates room priority on a
seniority basis. "Under the new
plan seniors will have a more
meaningful choice of room," Feld-
kamp said. "I feel more seniors
and juniors would move back into
the residence hall system if they
knew they could be assured of sin-
gle or double rooms. Eventually
we would try to have some upper-
class buildings with privileges and
policies appropriate to senior
Room changes. would be made
easier because changing rooms
would not necessitate changing
rates of pay. For example, a, per-
son moving from a converted triple
to a double would not have to pay
any more money for his new room.
What would happen to students
who live in triples because they
are more economical than double
Not a Hardship
"We don't feel the new rate of
pay would be that much more as
to present a hardship," Feldkamp
said. "At the present time the dif-
ference between a single and a
double is only $55. However, we
would have much lower cost hous-
ing avllable, such as Oxfo'd, and
we do have financial aid available
to take care of this problem."
Actually, the difference between
the cost of a triple room now and
the proposed new rate is $105. This
means that the fee hike will ;be
$105 for students now Paying trple
room rates, while it will be only
$50 for students now paying dou-
ble room rates. For students now
paying single room rates', ext
year's room and board fee will
actually be a decrease of $10,
Decision Final This fall that figure was less than said. "We will look into the situa-
"Besides the law says that the a fifth. tion but the maximum of a $100
decision of the presidential board."eaepesd n xrml
is final." The three man appeal "We are pleased and extremely fine or the loss of rushing privi-
board is appointed by President encouraged by the obvious success leges will not be imposed."
Johnson. of fall rush," she said.;
Col. Hlmessays. "these stu- "Numbers alone, however," Miss If the sources involved, and these
recent years that Panhel has al- I benefit the system, the individual
lowed freshman women to rush houses, and the rushees."
Researcher Links Disease
To Brain Gamma Gloui
Y).. naU~Tn irUnwf~r
rnnfonf of tha flint? nmmnn.rPtl fn'
V~l. AWAAALw0 OfJ0, V1G01U 0VU y DAVID KtAKEtb coneti otne num a mau
dents have been given all their Cook said, "do not demonstrate constitute a majority of the soror- the gamma globulin content of the
rights and benefits. Somebody has the merit of a rush program. All ities, feel that this ruling is one A University Hospital research- plaque from the MS victims' dis-
got to go into the service. I don't facets which influence the mdi- that should be dismissed then a er has come to the tentative con- sected brains.
feel that these individuals are any vidual involved must be considered vote may easily do that. "But,," clusion that the key to the direct
different from anybody else." before a final conclusion can be Miss Cook added, "I'm sure that cause of the crippling disease mul- In nine of the MS victims, the
Some critics of the reclassifica- reached." once the houses involved realize tiple sclerosis-MS-lies in the amount of gamma globulin pres-
tion move feel that if the stu- Extensive evaluation will be con- the reason for the rule this action synthesis of gamma globulin by ent in the plaque and white mat-
dents violated the law they should ducted throughout the semester will not be taken." the brain. ter ofthebrn gr .3tietht
be taken to court rather than by Panhellenic Association. At Action will be taken to help Dr. Wallace W. Tourtellotte of level of albumin-a proteinmole-
But National Selective Service present statisticians are compilingI those houses that failed to meet the neurology department, who cule found in the blood-was the
Diretor LtGn. Lewi B.Hershe figures on the present pledge their quotas. carried on the research with his same fn In the blood-as the
classes, associate Julius A. Parker for the Ibameind t the plaquits eeand the
says that, "The answer is quite s."Though there are no plans for last three years, is currently inblood, the scientists rejected the
simple. Congress passed a draft Rush Violations a winter semester rush," Miss Europe getting feedback on his notion that the larger gamma
law to get these boys into the "There will also be an evalua- Cook reported, "Panhel is plan- theories from specialists in Ger- globulin molecule had broken the
armed forces, not into jail." tion of the reported rush viola- ning a structured open rush." many, Holland and England. brain-blood barrier and accumu-
lated in the plaques.
"Results Released Alternate Explanation
The results of experiments by
Tourtellotte and Parker on pa- Th alentexaaio fr
tents with MS and on University the high level of gamma globulin
d in the diseased brain was that
Vry * 8 1 %'C u a li y f r medical students who acted as a the chemical is formed on the
A 2 S control group were released in spot within the nerve tissues. Dr,
ts Vary; 81% Qualify for 2S MS s a dseaseofethscen.al I
August. Tourtellotte speculates that living
MS is a disease of the central MS patients "have many foci ,of
of The tests were initially used director, warned that the draft not preserve students from induc- nervous system, marked by the synthesis of gamma globulin in
s- during the Korean war to help might soon affect the 1.8 million tion much longer.) growth of scars ,or plaques, which their brains."
a- Iestablish impartial criteria for stu- deferred students. Student Pressure destroy the brain's myelin, a fat-
ed dent deferments hut were fter Offet Criticism A renrt innaring in the Wa11 like substance. The disease pro-, While theoretical explanations
Draft Test Result
From Wire Service Reports class ranking in the top quarter o
WASHINGTON-Selective Serv- the student's senior class is neces
ice headquarters have announced sary. Only 22 per cent of the stu
+hne+ hlm. sentsn+ senr.d dents who tookr the test scores