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September 23, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-23

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Seventy-Sixth Year

here Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MiCH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Hatcher's Speech:
A Costly Mistake

terday to the California Bar Associa-
tion is a mistake and a shame.
Rarely has there been such an out-
standing example of public relations in-
eptitude as President Hatcher's speech.
He said yesterday that "the old and weary
bitterness of labor-management strife
and warfare should not be carried into
the public service or into a modern uni-
versity environment."
Today, the Michigan AFL-CIO execu-
tive council votes on a resolution calling
for an AFL-CIO boycott of all University
educational functions as punishment for
University opposition to PA 379, which
prohibits strikes but requires public em-
ployers to bargain with unions represent-
ing their employes.
THE BOARD of the University's Insti-
tute for Labor and Industrial Rela-
tions, which would be crippled by any
such boycott, has sent the AFL-CIO a
letter urging against "precepitate" action
and hinting that the University may com-
ply with all the terms of PA 379 even
while continuing its attempt to over-
turn the law in courts as an unconstitu-
tional invasion of its autonomy.
Since key administrators, including
Vice-President for Academic Affairs Al-
lan F. Smith, are on the ILIR's board, the
letter certainly has authority. But, as
one source close to the ILIR commented
yesterday, "Hatcher's speech makes our
letter look awfully silly."
It also makes the University look silly.
In denouncing the concept of collective
bargaining a day before the AFL-CIO
votes on the proposed boycott, President
Hatcher has virtually ensured that the
boycott will be approved.
thus not only politically inept; it is
also dubious labor relations. He claimed
in California that collective bargaining
is inapplicable to a public service or uni-
versity context. But this comment ig-
nores the Executive Order President Ken-
nedy signed four years ago which estab-
lished what is now a successful collective
bargaining program in the federal gov-

Moreover, the University's truck drivers
and maintenance workers may be un-
convinced by Hatcher's implication that
they are somehow different from their
colleagues in private enterprise-or that
they should be denied the right of collec-
tive bargaining.
True, labor relations in a public serv-
ice or university context are going to be
somewhat different from labor relations
in private enterprise. Hence the Univer-
sity itself should seek adjustments which
would apply collective bargaining to its
own particular context. But there is no
sign that this is going to happen.
Brablec asked last February that the
University set up collective bargaining
procedures of its own while continuing
to oppose the particular terms of PA 379
as an unconstitutional violation of Uni-
versity autonomy.
This is, in fact, the unanimous recom-
mendation which the University's collec-
tive bargaining experts-in the ILIR, the
economics department, the business ad-
ministration school and the Law School
-have been making for a year.
But the University administration, most
notably President Hatcher, has ignored
these recommendations, and have all but
shunned the advice of their own experts
have offered. There is thus a distinct
irony-some would call it hypocrisy-in
the University's announcement of Hatch-
er's speech: "Lawyers and law professors
were asked for fresh perspectives and
new approaches to employe relations in
the public sector in an address by Uni-
versity of Michigan President Harlan
Hatcher today...
THE FACT is that President Hatcher's
speech is inept in its approach to poli-
tical realities, shaky in its knowledge of
labor relations, and ungrateful in its
studied disregard for the suggestions
which the University's labor relations ex-
perts have already offered.
If all the University suffers as a result
is an AFL-CIO boycott which would
cripple its labor education programs, it
will be fortunate indeed.

SOUND and FURY B to oge
by Clarence Fantto Tehe Bo s G t mgFoggier
FOR THE FIRST time, the This three-point program paral- IT IS RUSK who is the princi- son could ever make would be to search centers who made the early
United States has made a els the U.S. offer announced yes- pal source of opposition within the appoint Robert Kennedy as Sec- 1960's so intellectually invigorat-
clear, public declaration that it terday on at least two points. Johnson Administration to any retary of State. He would thus ing in Washington.
. Thant called for a cessation of eliminate the principal source of
is seeking to de-fuse the rapidly U.S. bombing over North Viet Nam flexibility in our position on Chi- his domestic political opposition by UNFORTUNATELY, all this is
escalating Viet Nam war. and a phased withdrawal of nese admission to the UN. Fur- broadening the policy foundation probably no more than a pipe
United Nations Ambassador Ar- troops. He also asked that all thermore, the State Department of his administration. dream. Returning to the bitter
thur Goldberg's speech yesterday parties-including the Viet Cong is in such disarray and suffers It may sound fanciful, but world of reality, the horizon looks
contained a number of hopeful -be included in negotiations. from such low morale that Presi-ghappened crimson with more violence and
signs that the rigidity of U.S. Goldberg said nothing on thisdent Johdsnddto call ina t Not only would it be a sharp po- continued war because one man in
policy in recent months-and the point-and it is to be hoped that ented individual from outside the litol move but the effect upon Johnson's cabinet has become in-
growiyin sistence on a military this point will not become a deter- department, Attorney - General Uii. oe but the ctupn fected with a violent obsession
soltio ofth coflit-ay ave ret twar pacetals.Katzenbach, to fill the number- U.S. foreign policy would certain-
two position in the department, ly be galvanizing, to say the least. ch has infed the President
been reversed. UNFORTUNATELY, there are soon to be vacated by Undersecre- An TeEaFniEaiT - cials.
The American offer to halt R ATh etary of State George Ball. AS THE FOREMOST practi-
several factors which cause con- tioner of opportunism in politics, Perhaps a more pragmatic
bombings of North Viet Nam and tinued pessimism about the U.S. This is another example of an Johnson should have no trouble choice to succeed Rusk would be
begin a phased withdrawal of position on negotiations. The most acute lack of talent at the middl seeing thea tge e would Seretary o seene Mcaaa
U..troops from South Vtiet Nam important of these is the contin- levels of State. not to mention gaeingbt anti geneyohiSewhoehasyofDeonsaedMfromatime
if Hanoi takes corresponding ac- ued presence of Dean Rusk as the upper level. Much of the re- team. Not only would his renomi- to time a philosophical bent and
tion on its side to reduce the Secretary of State. sponsibility for this situation must nation in 1968 be safe but his willingness to compromise which
scope of the conflict must be rest with Rusk, who has failed to administration's image would im- would serve him well as the na-
viewed as a constructive effort to Rusk, now in his sixth year on provide any sort of leadership or poeimaual nteee fto' o ilmt
halt the rapidly spiraling hostili- the job, is a tired, disillusioned prove immeasurably in the eyes of flan's top diplomat.
ties. diplomat with an uncompromis- guidance to the rest of the de- the nation's academic and intel- But because it is almost always
ingly rigid view of the war. He to the fact that, as many Wash- lectual leadership community. futile to be optimistic in this
FORTUNATELY, the timing of views it as a decisive struggle ington correspondents have writ- Seriously, however, the most im- world, I don't expect the war to
our peace proposal was highly against "world Communism" and ten recently, Rusk is a man obses- portant reason for appointing end in the immediate future. In
propitious. Diplomatic reports have continually links it with the Allied sed with what he sees as a holy Kennedy as a new secretary of spite of Goldberg's speech yester-
cited signs of Hanoi's growing He seemingly looks upon any war in Viet Nam. state is that he is the most quali- day, the U.S. position still ex-
gravitation toward the less mili- attempt to negotiate a solution fled on the American scene for cludes the Communists from any
tant Soviet Union and suspicion to the conflict as a sell-out com- THE U.S. is thus in a position to the post. His Senate speeches on legitimate role in South Viet
of Communist China as proof that parable to the Allied surrender to see its attempts to reach at least foreign affairs have revealed orig- Nam's political life. This is what
North Viet Nam may now be Hitler of Czechoslovakia's inde- a preliminary understanding with inal, creative thinking, flexibili- they have been fighting for the
more receptive to the idea of a pendence at Munich. Rusk is a Hanoi to start reducing the level ty and a willingness to explore past 20 years, and who is to say
negotiated settlement of the war man devoid of -fresh ideas, wary of of hostilities in the war under- new avenues to peace which are they won't keep fighting to reach
than in the past. any new diplomatic initiatives, mined and even sabotaged by its indispensable for the nation's top their goal?
More specifically, there have and dedicated to the perpetration own Secretary of State. Rusk diplomatic position. Meanwhile, we are draining the
been reports that Hanoi is willing of political cliches about Commu- should be replaced as soon as pos- Furthermore, Kennedy's appoint- life blood of our own nation and
to accept a three-point peace plan nism originally espoused by Sec- sible. ment would help attract back to its democratic values. Does anyone
proposed by UN Secretary-General retary of State John Foster Dulles By whom? Perhaps the shrewd- Washington the talented individ- in a position of power ever con-
U Thant if the U.S. does likewise. in the 1950's. est political move Lyndon John- uals from, universities and re- sider this any more?
Pblic Odds andEnds and Grp
Occutrrences by Bruce Wasserstein

NO 'COMMENT department.
In September 20th's Ann Arbor
News the following letter ran
"Editor, the News.
My husband and I heartily
endorse the position taken by
President Hatcher defending the
University's action complying
with the subpoena issued by the
House Committee on Un-Amer-
ican Activities--particularly his
statement, "The University must
obey the law. It cannot sort
out those portions of the law
which it is willing to accept and
discard the others."
Also as alumni of the Ohio
State University, we feel it is a
compliment to the University of
Michigan to be compared with
Ohio State. Ohio State's speak-
er's rule, which I assume the

writer was referring to, is mere-
ly designed to prevent the spread
of Communist subversion on
United States campuses. There
is nothing to stop someone who
is a reliable authority on com-
munism, such as J. Edgar
Hoover, from coming to campus
to give a true perspective of
communism to the students.
Linda Sue Siebert"
* * *
THE NATURE of the Universi-
ty's counselling and classification
system will never cease to amaze
Although the chicken wire at
Waterman gym makes students
feel they are rats running a maze,
that part of the system is at least
relatively efficient. The really irk-
ing aspects of the system are those
which are not only inhuman but
also inefficient.
For example, why must the line

in front of Window A always wind
halfway around the lobby of the
administration building during the
first few weeks of school.
IT WOULD SEEM that if the
University can afford to hire all
those sweet young things who
check three times to see whether
your IBM card is having an iden-
tity crisis, it can hire some more
temporary help to assist with win-
dow A.
This semester the administra-
tion has thought of another bril-
liant way of maintaining agony
in the multiversity. Now one has
to get the instructor's permission
in addition to your counsellor's to
drop a course.
Although the rationale for mak-
ing an instructor give his permis-
sion before a student can add a
course is pretty obvious - the
course might be overcrowded -

there seems to be little rhyme or
reason for making a professor
give you permission to drop. In
fact, the procedure not only wastes
the time of students and faculty
but also can produce some em-
barrassing situations.
FOR EXAMPLE what happens
in the case when a student is
classified for a small class in which
the teacher can actually get to
know the student's name. And
then after two lectures the stu-
dent decides to drop for whatever
reasons. The student ; under the
present system must go to the
teacher and ask permission to
The negative perceptions .in-
volved in a drop procedure are
apparent, and the present system
makes the whole affair painfully
personalrather than quick, clean
and anonymous.

A more efficient system would
allow the student to make the drop
completely through the depart-
ment office. The procedure would
be less painful, but would still
get the drop notice to the profes-
sor as quickly as possible.
IT CAN BE argued that instruc-
tors should know when their stu-
dents decide in the tenth week of
classes that the course is not for
them. This argument can be re-
plied to, however, by either requir-
ing permission of instructors on
drop slips only when drops are
made after the first four weeks of
school or trying to see that a gen-
erally a student's counsellor had
talked to the instructor before al-
lowing late drops.
In any case requiring permission
of instructor for dropping during
the first few weeks of school should
be dropped itself.


Faculty View of HUAC Case

Sororities: A Reaction from


THE UNIVERSITY faces serious prob-
lems of maintaining mutual trust
among students, faculty and administra-
Someone has finally said it. It was the
ad hoc committee of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs investi-
gating the administration's decision to
submit membership lists to the House
Un-American Activities Committee in its
interim report to the Faculty Assembly
THESE STATEMENTS by faculty com-
mittees indicate that the question of
trust within the University community
can no longer be ignored or pushed into
the background. The HUAC affair is not
the only example of this failure to con-
sult. The administration, in its accept-
ance of the Highway Safety Institute
failed to consult a single member of the
SACUA advisory committee on research.
SACUA members protested this neglect
because it had been understood that they
would be consulted on matters of this na-
Students and faculty lose confidence
when the University fails to consult them
on issues of major importance; issues
which may affect them directly.
What can be done to alleviate the prob-
lem of no-confidence?
THE FINAL REPORT of the ad hoc com-
mittee which is investigating the
HUAC decision presumably will recom-
mend future policy for decisions of this
nature. This report should contain a spe-
cific outline for administration-faculty
For example, on academic matters the
appropriate ad hoc committee of SACUA
should be consulted; decisions affecting
the faculty such as library and parking
privileges and budget allocations for sal-
ary should be aired for faculty advice and
questions which affect the student should

j or questions of policy should require stu-
dent and faculty consultation.
the Student in the University" calls
for greater student participation in the
decision-making process at all levels of
the University. Hopefully the ad hoc com-
mittee's final report will call for this
same type of participation and the ad-
ministration will listen.
Bucket Drive
THE CHILDREN'S Community School is
sponsoring a bucket drive today on the
University campus.
Their first bucket drive last year was
well supported by students. Enough mon-
ey was donated to see the experimental
school through the remainder of the
We hope it will receive. the same sup-
port today.
THE SCHOOL continues this year to im-
plement its philosophy of unstructur-
ed education, permitting its pupils from
varied racial, cultural and economic back-
grounds to interact and express them-
selves naturally.
This fall the school has expanded to
include a nursery, kindergarten and first
grade, and rising ambitions mean rising
expenses. It has a great need for more
trained teaching personnel and equip-
ment for the classroom. Additional mon-
ey will also make more field trips possi-
ALONG WITH THESE normal needs of
any healthy growing school, the Com-
munity School is trying to find a perma-
nent home.
The group would like to rent a place
which would be used solely for the school

To The Editor:
"YOU ARE NOW going through
going through the last hellish
days of rush" opened Miss O'-
Donohue's editorial. Needless to
say this statement is false: it
should have read, "You are now
going the last hellish day of rush."
How very convenient that this
slight factor was overlooked-that
one day of formal rush remained.
Obviously, ignorance cannot be
used to explain this evident er-
ror, for the article was written by
one who is well-acquainted with
the rush calendar. It must be de-
duced that the editorial was in-
tentionally printed on the last day
of rush-the day of preferencing.
This unethical journalistic tech-
nique made it literally impossible
for any intelligent debate to have
been published prior to the rush-
ees' decision.
IS IT THE objective of an edi-
torial to close debate on an issue
or is it to stimulate thinking and
intelligent response within the
University community? There is
no need to respond to Miss O'-
Donohue's comments. The timing
of the editorial speaks for itself.
How very convenient that one fac-
tor was overlooked!
-Martha Cook. '67
President, Panhellenic
--Mary Wetzel, '67
Panhellenic Rush
. Hazy
To the Editor:
PAT O'DONOHUE'S 'View from
Within' her sorority house
(Sept. 22) seems a bit hazy. Per-
haps it is because she is too "spir-
itually and mentally" taxed to
look beyond the rush weeks. She
seems to feel that feeding a soror-
ity preference card to an IBM
machine is tantamount to selling
one's independence to a time-de-

sound to pledge" in "most cases."
The general sorority scholastic
average equals that of independ-
ents. Of course a sorority will 'not
help get you to graduate school."
No one promises that it will. But
the point is that it need not harm
you either.
complaint concerns the sorority
system's confiscation of "individ-
ual freedom." We admit that many
sorority girls may seem to fall into
a preset pattern. Anyone who feels
categorized by a pin and charac-
terized by her sorority sisters does
not have either the initiative or
the ability to make her own way.
One point we will concede to
her. She has every right to hate
rush; most sorority girls dislike
it. But we have reconciled our-
selves to it until a better system

of getting new members is .invent-
In short we have found that
sorority life is what one makes it.
If a girl wishes to preserve her
own independence, no sorority is
going to stop her.
-Esther Goodstein, LSA, '67
-Sandra Eakins, LSA, '67
One Opinion
To the Editor:
THE EDITORIAL 'Sororities: A
View from Within,' presented
an opinion of sorority life. It suc-
ceeded, however, in coming across
more as doctrine than opinion,
and as such, made accusations
which were flimsy because they
were not supported by more than
the rantings of a disillusioned
member of the "sisterhood."
I don't intend to provide that


support, but neither do I want to
wave the sorority flag. There are
certain points, though, that should
be clarified if only for the sake
of this year's rushees:
As you girls go through each
house, you find yourself on display
in the midst of what appear to be
sophisticated epitomies of the
sophisticated epitomes_ of the
more and more like Franny Farm-
girl alone in a world that knows
how to deal with your kind. You
are so sensitive to the feeling that
you are being judged, that you
elevate your judges to the status
of Goddesses of Poise.
IN THIS self-conscious atmos-
phere in which you travel, you
fail to notice that your active
tripped up the stairs, that she has
to squint to read your nametag
because she's not wearing her
glasses, or that she's worn the
skirt to cotton suit too many times
without the top, and it has faded.
In short, you get a picture that is
devoid of many of the true aspects
of the girls.
We don't always smile like Ches-
shires, we swear when we get mad,
and we worry about the impres-
sion we're making on you. You
are not the only ones who are
trying to impress. We get just as
nervous about your, dropping us
as you do about getting dropped.
We have our favorites, too, and
are disappointed as individuals,
not as a house, when they drop
us. In that sense, we are rushees
BUT MOST of that is over now.
You have two important decisions
to make. First, is sorority life, in
general, for you. And secondly, if
it is, which house will you be hap-
piest in. For some girls, the "sis-
terhood," the sense of belonging,
the social in, and the living condi-
tions are the best way of life on
campus. These girls are happy be-
cause the sorority is the kind of
situation which supplements their

are most suited to your particular
individuality-not just girls you
like, but girls who are like you.
For some girls, there is no such
house. These are the girls who
must chose between maintaining
individuality outside of the Greek
system, or compromising it within.
Now is the time to decide, your
own answer, to both questions.
-Barb Elliott, '69
To the Editor:
[N HER Sept. 21 editorial, "Sor-
orities: A View From Within,
Miss Pat O'Donohue implies that
sorority life is not for everyone;
this assumption is correct. Sorori-
ty life doesn't, however, seem to
have stifled Miss O'Donohue's in-
dividual growth.
Perhaps a mistake was made in
assuming that sorority.life is all
parties, fun and candlelight. It is
not. As in any other worthwhile
way of life, sorority living has its
problems and pressures.
THERE IS one point, however,
that Miss O'Donohue fails to men-
tion; there is no pressure on the
dissatisfied sorority woman to re-
main in the system.
-Joy Burrouoghs, '67
To the Editor
WE ARE in the United States
Navy writing you for the pur-
pose of exchanging correspond-
ence with your students. As Weap-
ons Fire Control Technicians
aboard the U.S.S. Arcadia (AD-23)
we work with the latest defense
mechanisms of the Navy. In the
near future we are scheduled for
a tour of duty overseas.
Seeing that some of us were
former college students we would
appreciate hearing from the kids
to find out how college life is now-
adays. Our decision to write you
was based on the fact that you

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