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September 23, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-23

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See Editorial Page



EI a4

Chance of afternoon

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
State Campuses Hold Future for Perform in4

gA rts

North Campus Bureau
"The future of the performing
arts lies on state university cam-
puses," declared Music School
Dean James B. Wallace in a re-
cent interview.
Speaking on the growing ten-
dency for the teaching of the per-
forming arts in this country to
move onto the campuses of large
state universities, Wallace also
discussed the music school's re-
lationship as a "professional
school" within the Universty
Wallace, who has been music
school dean since 1960, sees
"conservatories as a thing of the

past," and cited the growth of the
teaching of such arts as music,
opera, voice, and ballet on state
campuses throughout.the Midwest,
the South, and more recently the
He explained that up until re-
cently there existed a somewhat
artificial dichotomy between the
"academician," who taught the
arts and the "professional" whose
career was geared to performances
before the public. However, this
dictotomy has largely been diluted
and, according to Dean Wallace,
"by looking longer, working hard-
er, and paying more," it is now
possible to secure as teachers in-
dividuals who have outstanding
reputations as public performers.

Wallace named as examples,
among others, Marilyn Mason,
John McCollum, and Ralph Her-
bert, all of whom are professors
in the music school and all of
whom entered the field of music
as performers r a t h e r than
One reason for this development
is, of course, financial. Wallace
cited as an example the fact that
most of the members of the Phila-
delphia Orchestra, which is con-
sidered among the best in the
country, supplement their incomes
by outside employment. It is only
the rare Van Cliburn and those
like him whose income from pub-
lic performances is sufficient to
live on.

The University's music school
is the second largest school of its
kind on a university campus, In-
diana being the largest. However,
Wallace, who was the driving force
behind. the construction of the
new music building on North Cam-
pus, claimed that in quality it was
second to none, with the exception
of schools like Curtis, a conser-
vatory in Philadelphia, which aim
solely at musical training. This
distinction is necessary since at
the University the goal is to
"train the total man as well as
the total musician."
Hence, there is a requirement
that an undergraduate student in
the music school must take, in
order to graduate, a minimum of

30 credit hours in such fields as
literature, foreign language, or the
social sciences.
The music school is a "profes-
sional school" offering degrees on
the bachelors, masters, and doc-
toral levels. However, its aim is
not only to train professional mu-
sicians, but, said Wallace, to "pro-
vide service courses to that part of
the student body who are not
straight music majors."
There are several thousand stu-
dents electing one or more music
courses while majoring in a field
outside of the music school. Class-
es for these non-music majors are
taught at Burton Tower for the
convenience of central campus

Since 1941, the University has
had affiliation with, and control
of, the University Division of the
National Music Camp at Inter-
lochen, Mich. There are 25 pro-
fessors from the music school in
residence there for the summer
months. Also, there are a number
of students enrolled at the school
at Interlochen for the summer
since courses there are acceptable
for credit here.
Students entering the music
school must meet the same aca-
demic standards as other enter-
ing students, in addition to dis-
playing talent in the field of music
or voice. This talent must be dem-
onstrated in an audition before a
committee of teachers in the ap-

plicant's major field, before his
admittance can be finalized.
Ninety-three per cent of those
admitted and graduated do go on
into professional music, and the
overwhelming percentage of these
will make careers as teachers of
music on a university campus.
As outlined by Dean Wallace,
future plans call for the construc-
tion of a $3-million concert hall
on the grounds of the music
school. This hall will have a 1,100
seat auditorium with three bal-
conies, patterned after the com-
pact, intimate style of an Italian
opera house. The money for the
concert hall will come out of the
$55-million private gift campaign
now in progress.

MSU Council AcceptsU. S.
Free Editorial Policy Witi

idrawal fro

m Vietnam

The Academic Council of Mich-
igan State University has accept-
ed, in principle, the statement
made by 'the Faculty Committee
on Student Affairs concerning the
editorial freedom of the' State
News, MSU's student newspaper.
The statement reads, "it is de-
sirable to adopt an organizational,
structure which will make it clear
that the State News is a student
newspaper with its tone and ,con-
tent determined by the student:
editorial staff."
The report further states that
"the faculty, administration, and
students who are not staff mem-
bers can provide advice and criti-
cism but should not exercise any
powers of veto or censorship over
the news or editorial comment."
The Academic Council, com-
parable to the Faculty Assembly

at the University, overwhelmingly cause of violations of University
endorses the principle but did not regulations. The two statements
approve all of the specific orga- were MSU's charges against Schiff (TT
nizational suggestions the com- and countercharges and defense by U Pr
mittee offered. These will be re- Schiff.
considered and reformulated by Had the editor decided to print
the faculty panel and will thenthe story, Berman said, he would A s
Ibrsbmttd. adwllte have exercised his power to over-
The present administrative struc- rule the editor and prevent the
ture of the State News includes statements from being printed,
an advisor, appointed by MSU claiming that printing them at
President John Hannah. At pres- that time, "might prejudice the
ent, Lduis Berman ,a retired news- panel evaluating the case." The Hatcher {
paperman, holds this position. The four resigning editors felt Ber-H
advisor has the power to censor man had exercised undue pres- Collectiv
and change stories. sure.B
An incident concerning possi- The statement concerning re- By Publi
ble censorship last year caused evaluation of editorial freedom ony
the resignation of four senior edi- the State News appeared as part By ROBE
tors because the News' editor, at of the extensive, 42-page docu- University P r
Berman's advice, did not print the ment which was released by the Hatcher questic
texts of statements concerning the Faculty Committee on Student Af- public employes
case of Paul Schiff, a student who fairs. The committee was assign- bargaining met
was not readmitted to MSU be- ed by the Academic Council in yesterday befo
December 1965 "to study the uni- I Bar Association
versity's regulations and policies "The old and
relating to academic freedom for of labor-manag
students." warfare shouldr


End to
e Bargaining
lc Employes
e s i d e n t Harlan
oned the rights of
s to use collective
hods in a speech
re the California.
in Los Angeles.
d weary bitterness
gement strife and
not be carried into


STOKELY CARMICHAEL, National Chairman of the Student
Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, will speak at Hill Audi-
torium, Tuesday, September 27, at 3:00 p.m.
His visit to the University is being sponsored by the Univer-
sity's Office of Religious Affairs. Rev. Bob Howard, Director of
the Speakers Program, said, "If he's not in jail, he will be here
on campus."
John R. Preston, '69 and Mike Koeneke, '69 to fill two" seats
made vacant by the resignations last year of Donald Resnick
and Alex Goodwin. The appointments are of an interim nature
and extend only until the regular fall elections, SGC President
Ed Robinson, '67 emphasized.-
REP. MARVIN L. ESCH, Republican candidate for U.S. Con-..
gress last night announced that he is initiating a drive to register
voters on the University's campus.
Esch made the announcement at a meeting of his campaign
steering committee.
* * *
bers, who contended their criticism of CMU's administration led
to loss of normal pay raises, agreed Wednesday on a compromise
pay raise.
Under the agreement, the AP explained, the CMU chapter
of the American University Professors withdrew its unfair labor
4. practices charges against the school.
Democrat and one Republican for eight-year terms to the State
Board of Education this past weekend.
UACo Give

The report covers many areas. the public service or into a mod-
The Academic Council meets Tues- ern university environment," Pres-
day to consider the following ident Hatcher said.
other recommendations: His remarks came on the eve of PROFESSOR RICHARL SHAUL
" Student conduct. The report a Michigan AFL-CIO meeting to- last night in the discussion "Th
says that no regulation shouldebe day which will vote on a resolu- which discussed the issue includ
made unless there is an evident tion seeking an AFL-CIO boycott at Wayne; and Michael Luea,a
need for it, and that student par- of University educational services.
ticipation in formulating and re- This boycott is intended as pun-
vising regulations governing stu- ishment for the school's opposition
dent conduct should be as exten- to PA 379, a state law requiring C
sive as possible, public employers to bargain collec- C
states that no record should be There was no indication lasta
s* eStudent records.d The report tively with their employes. ls
kept unless a definite need for it night what effect Hatcher's re-Pc
can be demonstrated and a prop- marks mlight have upon the AFL-
er authorization given; that each CIO meeting. P sye h o l
record must identify the source of However, a letter had been sent
authorization and specify the pur- to the AFL-CIO from the Univer-.
pose for which the information sity's Institute of Labor and In- By DENNIS RAYMOND
may be used and who may have dustrial Realtions, which would.
access to it; that anyone who b otafce yabyot x Carl Oglesby, past president of
wishes to see the records must first plaining that the University has the Students for a Democratic
demonstrate a valid reason. No n otyetfailed to comply Society, spoke on "The Third
records will be kept concerning the World Revolution in the American
rtueo srds i usad betca b-PA 379.Wol.RvutninheA rca
student's religious and political be- It noted that the University has Century" to an audience of sev-
liefs. enty-five at the UGLI multi-pur-
" Academic rights. The report complied with recent hearings set- etse at te
says that faculty has the final ting bargaining-unit lines and pose room, yesterday.
authority and responsibility for othersprocedures under the law. Mr. Oglesby read from a chap-
course content, classroom proced- President Hatcher's speech in ter to be entitled, "The Revolter"
ure, and grading; that the stu- Los Angeles, a source close to the to be included in an up-coming
dent's responsibility is to learn ILIR said yesterday, "makes our book which he and Professor Rich-
the material presented, and that letter look awfully silly." ard Shaull, of the Princeton The-
he has the right to demand justi- Injection of industrial union ological Seminary, are co-author-
fiable academic regulations. bargaining techniques into public ing.
" Disclosure. The report states employment, Hatcher said, "comes
that the student has the right to at a time when the model itself"
protect himself against improper' and its wider implications are be- 'IeshOns
disclosure of information concern- ing subject to severe strains and
ing his grades, views, beliefs, po- severe misgivings on the part of
litical associations or character some thoughtful labor leaders and "
which had been acquired by the particularly by the big, long-suf-(
instructor during the year. fering but sympathetic general OMr i
Other statements include those public."
on judicial processes, procedures, President Hatcher suggested la- By DENNIS RAYMONS
for formulating regulations gov- bor, management, and government
erning student conduct, and stu- could find better ways for public Helen Hayes and other members
dent government. employes to make their needs of the APA repertory company
known. have come under fire recently be-
"Any university president I cause they are living in married
know would gladly adjust salaries housing while University students
of every class if the citizens Iare still waiting for openings. The
y would meet the payroll" through question of on-campus accommo-
l dincreased taxes. yr dations for the APA company may
~ R ead-iI'i President Hatcher admitted that be subject nvestigation by
p u b 1 i c employes, particularly the Office of Student Affairs.
inr.-nmpva a.rc.tha fouaclt has

-Daily-Andy Sacks
L OF the Princeton Theological Seminary made the opening remarks
e Third World Revolution in the American Century." The panel
ed Carl Oglesby past president of SDS; Otto Feinstein, a professor,
advisor to Catholic foreign students.
ne shyExamines
ogy of the Rebel

The chapter examined the rebel
psychology as a product of despair
and injustice. Mr. Oglesgy stated
that the rebel is not born a rebel
but became one as a result of his
environment. He has accepted
death as an only alternative to his
slavery. In Watts and in Viet
Nam, this motivation is the same.
Injustice, according to Mr. Og-
lesby, is the main source of revo-
lutionary anger. This injustice be-
comes more coherent as it becomes
less random. When a rebel real-
izes that it is the entire system
Z4PA Use
1 TT~ ffi

and not a small part of it which is
corrupt, he accepts total change as
the only alternative. He believes
that this change can be brought
about only by himself.
The rebel has no intellectual
basis for his rebellion. He does
not want to "construct a utopia,
but to destroy an inferno." Any-
thing could be better than the
existing conditions, he feels. For
this reason he will not accept
compromise or reform. The rebel
that only a violent overthrow of
the existing social order will ac-
complish his freedom.
Mr. Oglesby feels, too, that the
rebel, in renouncing his slavery.
is accepting another master: the
rebellion itself. He has no more
freedom than he had before. But
he prefers slavery of his own
choosing than that which others
would impose upon him.
In citing incipient revolts in
Guatemala, Angola, and in thirty
other nations, Mr. Oglesby de-
scribed the intolerable conditions
in South Africa, Haiti, and else-
where. He quoted a Brazilian reb-
el: "We are in dead earnest; at
stake is the humanity of man."

Goldberg Put
Latest Offer
Before UN
Rusk and Gromyko
Dine, Discuss Soviet
Position in Viet Nam
By The Associated Press
ed States proposed to Hanoi that
both sides agree to a phased super-
vised military withdrawal from
South Viet Nam as a prelude to
ending the war.
In a major policy speech yes-
terday to the UN General As-
sembly, U.S. Ambassador Arthur
J. Goldberg also offered to end
the U.S. bombing of North Viet
Nam, provided there are assur-
ances from North Viet Nam of an
appropriate military de-escalation.
He urged that these two ques-
tions be put to Ho Chi Minh's
Communist regime in the north:
"Would it, in the interest of
peace, and in response to a prior
cessation by the United States of
the bombing of North Viet Nam
take corresponding and timely
steps to reduce or bring to an
end its own military activities
against South Viet Nam?"
"Would North Viet Nam be will-
ing to agree to a time schedule
for supervised phased withdrawal
from South Viet Nam of all ex-
ternal forces-those of North Viet
Nam as well as those from the
United States and other countries
aiding South Viet Nam?"
Meanwhile, Secretary of State
Dean Rusk invited Andrei A. Gro-
myko to dinner last night to sound
out the Soviet foreign minister
on Viet Nam and a wide range
of other issues.
One theory among U.S. experts
is that the Kremlin may feel freer
to deal with the West now that
the Soviet Communist rival, Com-
munist China, is losing influence
in the Communist world because
of her internal strife.
On Viet Nam, Rusk wanted a
Moscow move to get peace talks
going. The official Southeast Asia
role of the Soviet Union includes
co-chairmanship, with Britain, of
the 1954 Geneva accords for the
peace and independence of Indo-
The Soviets have rebuffed such
U.S. efforts in the past, saying it
is up to her ally, North Viet Nam,
to decide whether to negotiate for
a settlement. Hanoi has denounc-
ed U.S. discussion offers.
Soviet reaction to Goldberg's
speech was reserved. It won praise
from many delegates, while some
others said it contained nothing
Nikolai T. Fedorenko, the So-
viet delegate to the United ;Na-
tions, said the speech was "a set
of declarations and words with
familiar lod sounds and tunes. It
has some ideas, but each speech
should be Judged not by sounds
but by deeds. We are aware of the
escalation of the barbaric war in
Viet Nam."
In making the proposals, Gold-
berg raised the main points of the

at noustng
"We are not going to up our al-'
lotment to the faculty because of
the APA," assures Feldkamp. In
fact, he feels that the 10 per
cent figure for faculty married
housing should also be looked into
in light of the fact that it has
never been filled.


By ANN L. MARCHIO Donald Hall, poet and professor
at the University, stated the goal
A poetry read-in on the Vietnam of the read-ins are "not to per-
war is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. suade but to act as a united af-1
2. Sponsored by the University Ac- firmation of opposition to the
tivities Center and in cooperation war." He feels that the read-ins
w i t h the "American Writers "promote a sense of community9
Against the Vietnam War," there with other protestors."
has, however, been no attempt -e
made to provide uniformity of The read-ins were created to
madeo ovideh i forsmi Atleaty one"encourage both writers and stu-
opinion on this issue. At least one detstotae niii sta ~fnd Aon the

Slated for next week's reading
are W. D. Snodgrass, Robert Bly,
Calway Kinnel, John Woods, Tim
Reynolds, and Jerome Badanes.
Will G~eer nan a etn riretly ith

teachers, have not seen their in-
comes rise as fast as the general
wage level and said it would be
"expecting too much of these de-
voted people" not to copy union

U' 0 sme yers0ie yL uJ
been guaranteed 10 per cent of the
married housing. The actual num-
ber of people who have taken ad-
vantage of this "has never reach-
Pd n ~ rrp "arcordinr Mo Hous_

Telescope Travels to Chile
For 5-Year Research Loan

,il rxuul ul Uc .L ' Currently W1L y eu V1 per ceL ±, g kJI U - v.
the Association of Producing Art- tactics. ing Director John Feldkamp. The The University's Curtis-Schmidt used there for spectroscopic and
ists, will also give a reading. In more direct reference to the APA is then given a chance to wide angle photographic telescope p h o t og r a p h i c investigation of
PA 379 controversy, President apply for the remainder of this will soon be moved to South southern stars while planned ad-
G prticyath ed akveysinh Hatcher said that for legislatures allotment. America on a five year loan to the ditions to the facilities there are
never participated ractively in fi to set a university budget and The APA policy began five years Association of Universities for completed. By the end of the loan
i n r Af fir*then allow bargaining "is to re- ago when the company started Research in Astronomy (AUR ). period, Kitt Peak plans to have

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