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September 21, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-21

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Sevent y-Sixth Year


ere Opnions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Preval

Nuws PHoNE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The MichiIan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This inust be noted in all reprints.

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IT'S PtIA~r TXtU iIf' r
BY cv~r MAY
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Yes, Lyndon,
There Are Two Chinas

THE JOHNSON administration has de- very real and substantial role ir
cided to stiffly oppose a move to seat ing the tension of Russia's tr
Red China in the United Nations from a generally hostile nation
As usual, the current proposal, Al- oriented toward quiet peace.
bania's again, stipulates that Red China
be admitted in place of Nationalist The United Nations was not ti
China. This has been the stumbling block of that transition by any mean
-the U.S. is unwilling to unseat Secur- served as an outlet, a safety vale
ity Council member Taiwan; China ap- could ease the pressures of inter
pears unwilling to compromise even on relations which can too often
Taiwan's remaining in the organization hung up on minor points of privi
at all. of misunderstanding.
The middle ground-replacing Taiwan That there was, in fact, a
as a permanent Security Council member where nations including the U.S.
with some other Southeast Asian country U.S.S.R. could meet whatever tt
while allowing both Chinas to sit in the vation modified the atmospher
General Assembly with periodical turns post-war period. And it is atm
at the Council table seems- unacceptable that make wars. That there has
to both sides. Two compromises are need- war in the west since the UN's I
ed-none seems imminent. despite 20 years of tensions se
retrospect, quite remarkable.
bles along. With no representative BUT WHERE IS the safety v
from the world's largest political and Asia? There is a war there,
ideological activist, the organization United States remains at odds b3
lacks legitimacy. It cannot work on the tion with China. And the United
key issue of the day when neither China is irrelevant in Asia. Things ar
nor North Viet Nam are a part of the tighter and there is much less co
workings. Indeed, it cannot hope to work cation than is safe.
anywhere in pivotal Southeast Asia until
China is a member. And than is necessary. The A
An organization that will hope to al- public and probably Congress are
leviate the pressures that. lead to con- verse to recognizing China. The
flict must first. include the combatants the "morality" of recognizing the
under its roof-indeed that is the crux government died the day the
of its, function. Parties at odds with each States recognized its first dictat
other can air their complaints, play their an act it has repeated numerous ti
politics, bang their shoes on tables. But
they can't shoot at each other while they NEITHER CHINA nor the Unite
are talking to each other, and they can't has ever had much propensity
walk out of the room without the whole promise stands once taken. BL
world seeing it. that's what wars are made of.
THUS THE UN could serve after World -HARVEY WASSI
War II not a charismatic but in fact a Editorial Directo
The Negro, the 'U,' and OAP.

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eems, in
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Sept. 21: Ad Hoc Bits of Concern


Associate Managing Editor
SUCCESSFUL implementation of
the Knauss report on student
participation - one of the best,
most significant documents ever
turned out by a faculty body on
this campus-is unfortunately very
much in doubt.
The report is good because of
the incredible amount of effort
that went into it - almost two
years of work by some of the
most experienced minds here, be-
fore it was finished. The work
required merely to find the 92 var-
ious student advisory committees
on campus, much less to find out
what they do, must have been im-
it recognizes the growing world-,
liness of this generation's students
and recommends ways to channel
it in a constructive manner. The
Byrne report at Berkeley would
have done the same thing, but
the regents there could not quite
see their way into the future.
Knauss' report is more important
because it is presenting construe-

tive proposals in an atmosphere
in which they might be able to
But only might.
It is an obvious fact that, as a
rule, the better a report - the
deeper it looks into its assigned
problems, the more direct the
changes it proposes in current
procedures, the better its grasp
of the relationships involving its
charge-the less chance it has
of being implemented. Good re-
ports almost inevitably offend
powerful people by telling them
how they could do their jobs bet-
ter, or by telling them they
shouldn't be done at all. And the'
powerful people promptly bury
the good reports.
Knauss statement could be in big
For one of the outstanding char-
acteristics of Michigan's educa-
tional system, statewide and in
Ann Arbor. is its ability to swal-
low reports which suggest reforms
in it.
In 1958 the final version of the
Legislature's Russel report was

released, giving proposals for
guidelines for development for the
state's future educational estab-
lishment. A few of those propos-
als have been partially implement-
ed ,but for reasons far from those
cited by Russel.
The various studies of Michi-
gan's medical education system
have had even less success. De--
spite their all but unanimous stand
against the creation of a third
state medical school, it is nearly
certain that Michigan State Uni-
versity will soon expand its two-
year College of Human Medicine
into a full four-year medical pro-
IN 1965, Gov. George Romney's
much-vaunted Blue. Ribbon com-
mittee brought out quite a com-
prehensive report. Presumably it
looks nice on the governor's shelf,
but that's about as far as it's gone.
Locally things aren't much bet-
ter. There is an incredible number
of faculty studies on subjects
from the growth of the literary
college to space utilization and
academic reforms that are now
so obscure that it's almost im-

possible to obtain a copy of them
One of the most successful edu-
cational reports to come along
has been the University's Reed
report on the reorganization of
the administrative machinery
dealing with students. The pres-
ent Office of, and vice-presiden-
cy for, Student Affairs owe their
existence and their authority to
BUT THE REPORT was accept-
ed as completely and as readily
as it was only because of the
great pressures acting on the ad-
ministration at the time. The Uni-
versity's student population was
increasing in size and complexity
very rapidly and the old machin-
ery for dealing with it was liter-
ally crumbling under the pressure.
The usual administrative recrim-
inations about implementing wide-
spread reforms were therefore
overriden by sheer, almost physi-
cal, necessity.
Nothing in the nature of the
University today suggests that the
issues dealt with in the Knauss
report carry this same impetus
behind them. On the contrary,

it's easy to see how it could go
the same route as almost every
major faculty report except Reed's.
Despite the Assembly's proposed
formation of a Joint Advisory
Committee whose "primary pur-
pose . . . is to implement the vari-
ous recommendations in this re-
port," there will be the usual ten-
dencies for the administration to
shelve the report.
THE REGENTS will leave the
matter to the executive officers.
The President will leave it to his
vice-presidents. They, in turn, will
leave things to the vice-president
for student affairs who is already
struggling to set up student ad-
visory boards to the vice-presi-
dents, a struggle which cannot but
seriously affect his opinion of the
report's recommendations.
Administratively the report, by
being everyone's job, could easily
become no one's job. And without
the administration's whole-heart-
ed cooperation, the Joint Advis-
ory Committee-on which the suc-
cess of the Knauss report hinges
-will be helpless.

More Answ

ers Needed
onnsideration to Negroes who a


gram, after a shaky start, hasty plan-
ning and insufficient time for proper re-
cruitment, has begun to blossom into an
effective and worthwhile project.
The program was initiated in 1964 as an
attempt to put the University within
reach of students from low-income fam-
ilies. From the beginning it has been
plagued by a ,high dyopout rate-losing
almost half the students who enrolled the
first year of the program.
However, with time ,experience, and
genuine concern on the part of the ad
ministration, the program is now making
an invaluable contribution to the Univer-,
derwritten a large part of the pro-
gram's expansion under Title Four of the
Higher Education Act.
However, money was not the real stum-
bling block to an effective program. For
the OAP is much, more than a scholar-
ship program in which students, quali-
fied on the basis of academic averages
and test scores, vie for a limited supply
of money.
Under OAP, the college recruiter must
take extra pains to find hidden talent
in the culturally deprived student-abil-
ity which may not show up in marks or
testing especially geared for the middle-
class Caucasian. More subjective criteria
had to be developed to enable the pro-
gram to reach the right student.
This fall, 90 award winners have reg-
istered at the University, an increase of
more than one-third over last year's fig-
THE FACT REMAINS that the Opportu-
nities Awards Program only goes a
small part of the way in solving the prob-
lem of disproportionately low Negro en-
rollment figures.,
Opportunity awards are geared only to-
ward chose students whose family income
falls below a certain level and includes
white and oriental students. The pro-
gram does not and should not have any-
thing to do with the recruitment of quali-
fied middle-class Negroes who have the
money to attend the University.
But, money, in many cases, is not a

sidering attending the University.
THERE IS A RAPIDLY expanding Ne-
gro middle-class in this state which
for some reason does not wish to take.
advantage of the University's resources.
Official University policies and attitudes
are not keeping potential Negro students
away. Bias in housing has been largely
eliminated in Ann Arbor.
Then what exactly are the reasons Ne-
groes choose other schools, many infer-
ior, over the University? Whatmiscon-
ceptions are harbored in the Negro com-
munity about the University which are
preventing the University from recruiting
its share of the qualified Negro students?
WHILE THE NUMBER of Negroes at-
tending colleges and universities
throughout the nation has risen drama-
tically in the last five years, Negro en-
rollment is still below 500 here in a state
where there are seven to eight hundred
thousand Negro residents.
To determine what these misconcep-
tions are, to spotlight the sources of dis-
content and to eradicate them is the
task the University must tackle. If the
trouble seen is really non-existent or not
within the scope of University influence
or authority, then an intensive public re-
lations campaign to dispel the myths
surrounding the University must be at-
THE UNIVERSITY Steering Committee..
on the Development of Academic Op-
portunities, the coordinating committee
for Negro staff and student recruitment
programs, presently has before it a pro-
posal calling for a sociological survey to
determine just where Negroes are going
to school.
The committee, which has yet to take
any sort of decisive action since its crea-
tion last January, must give serious con-
sideration to the proposal and do so as
soon as possible.
One member of the committee esti-
mated that a comprehensive study of po-
tential Negro college students-their col-
lege preferences and vocational ambi-
tions-throughout the state of Michigan
would cost $25,000.
THIS IS A SIZABLE figure. But, unless

S-QC Prexy Replies to Letter

To the Editor:
DEBBIE REAVEN'S editorial "A
Bad Start for IHA" made sev-
eral good points which West Quad
Council refuses to acknowledge.
First, the statement that Sherry
Meyer was due at two meetings
at the same time did give the
general impression that she was
trying to rush through the meet-
ing. Misst Meyer's first responsi-
bility is to IHA and as its presi-
dent, that is a complete responsi-
Miss Reaven was in error in
stating there wasno executive
board meeting; there was one
Tuesday, Sept. 6. However, sev-
eral of the members of that
board left that meeting with the
understanding that there was to
be another session Sunday to plan
the President's Council meeting.
The Tuesday meeting was mark-
ed by lack of communication -
only three people had shown up
by 7:30'p.m. A quorum was fin-
ally obtained, but little was done
in preparation for Monday's meet-
ing. This is what Miss Reaven,
was criticizing.
What still needs to be done, un-
fortunately, is for the President's
Council, the Executive Board, and
even the President herself to reach
accord on what their role and
function as a residence hall gov-
ernment should be. The vote of
confidence received by the orga-
nization last spring has not dim-
inished, but it very easily could.
Several of the houses in the
system are in despair over the
inability of IHA to get moving, to
do something. The momentum that
the organization ought to receive
from its leaders is not being de-
There exists in the residence
halls a great pool of experience,
capability and interest which re-
mains untapped merely because
there exists no established method
of communication with the resi-
dents. There is no way of telling
them that there exists in the dor-
mitory a living and learning en-
vironment as complete as can be
found anywhere else at this uni-
versity. Upperclassmen in the
dorms, although a small number,
should be enlisted to help trans-
mit this idea to incoming stu-
dents. .

attaining maximum social, cul-
tural, academic and athletic ful-
Attempts at implementing these
extra-curricular goals should not
be discouraged but should be the
primary concern of the Inter-
House Assembly. The speaker pro-
gram at South Quad would have
been an ideal place for the As-
sembly to assert itself progressive-
ly. True, as West Quad Council's
letter points out, the budget had
not been approved, but even the
President herself admitted that
the appropriation asked for could
have been added to the budget be-
fore approval or taken out of the
contingency fund.
As for IHA's speaker program,
WQC neglected to mention that
IHA did not start planning one
until after the program in South-
Quad had been firmly establish-
ed. That program, contrary to
what WQC stated, was set up to
give not only the residents of
South Quad, but the more than
7500 residents of the entire sys-
tem the opportunity to learn more
about problems of community
interest for it to be financially re-
buffed refutes the basic principles
upon which IHA was established.
IHA is going to be judged by its

actions, and not its words; the
time for procrastination is long
since past.
South Quad, as should all who
take the initiative in similar pro-
grams, should be financially sup-
ported in its efforts to provide the
example of what can be done in
positive dorm living.
West Quad Council's letter al-
so criticized the editorial for stat-
ing that "'a valuable source of
strength is being missed' by not
utilizing upperclassmen." Al-
though there are upperclassmen on
the Executive Council, IHA still
does nothave the leadership of
an experienced president.
Miss Meyer, when elected last
February to head IHA, a new or-
ganization of importance, was a
freshman. In such an important
position, someone is needed a little
more experienced than a sopho-
does have some good programs as
pointed out in the editorial and
letter. It remains to be seen, how-
ever, whether they will be imple-
mented as well as possible. The
fate of IQC was the price of ig-
noring the needs of the students,

while becoming embroiled in petty
The dissension in. IHA must end;
if it is to succeed. Progress can
be achieved by learning from the
lessons of failure. The needs of
the students are the same wheth-
er they are in East Quad or Alice
Lloyd. The challenge is to deal
with these problems today, and
with positive action.
THE YEAR is still young,, and
there is no way to go but forward.
Only in a united effort will the
residence halls and IHA be able
to carry out any worthwhile plans
and make what was in fact " a
"Bad Start for IHA" into a good
-Steven Brown, '69
President, South Quad
Bicycle Plea
To the Editor:
issue of University Record (a
bulletin for faculty and staff mem-
bers) there is a short article on
the University's plans to construct
walkway systems on the campus
grounds. In that article we are
forewarned that, in the future, bi-

cycles (not just motorbikes) will
be banned from campus.
The article quotes Mr. John
Telfer. University planner, as say-
ing, "Bicycle parking will be mov-
ed from present locations near
each building to generous parking
lots about the edges of Central
and North Campuses and the
Medical Center."
ISN'T THERE some way in
which we can stop this irrespon-
sible action before it takes place?
Bicycles on campus are by no
stretch of the imagination noisy,
hazardous, or in any way disturb-
ing to the regular business of the
Being able to park one's bicycle
within a hundred feet of the en-
trance to most buildings on cam-
pus saves many thousands of peo-
ple many precious minutes several
times daily. Moreover, that con-
venience is one of the few things
that makes it possible for stu-
dents who have classes great dis-
tances from each.other to get to
class on time. For that reason I
think it is important that faculty,
as well as students, seek to have
the planner's office alter those
-Kenneth Fisher, Grad


Rean Impressive Job

Associate Professor of English
MY FOND HOPE of last year
year that "The Offset Per-
spective" would not perish from
the campus has been handsomely
gratified. The second issue re-
peats the very satisfactory mix-
ture of information, intellection,
and literary art that characterized
the first. Despite the shortcom-
ings to which I am obliged to call
attention, the magazine is well
worth buying and reading.
A new department, wittily en-
titled "Perspectives: On and Off
Set," proposed to devote itself to
cultural events pending at the time
of the issue and presents this
time what are really historical
brochures for the University Mu-
sical Society, the PTP, and the
Ypsilanti Greek Theatre. (The de-

the Ark and a history of the John
Barton Wolgamot Society.)
The articles supply background'
material and inside knowledge of
much value. The only trouble is
that the first and third are atro-
ciously written, in just the way
that brings out the basic sadism
of reviewers and instructors in
Freshman English. The historian
of the Music Society writes sen-
tences of doubtful logic and mas-
terful obscurity. Parallelism he
knows not of, and he exposes him-
self to criticism by speaking of
things like the "compact concerts
with orchestra" of the May Festi-
val, the way in which the at-
mosphere of a church proves "con-
ducive to Biblical text and ancient
sounds," and "the historic im-
port of the 12th century." His-
toric indeed! Where would we all
be without it?

terpretation of the "Oresteia"
seems to me hair-raising. Marcel-
la Cisney's briefer "Restrospec-
tive" on the PTP is however ex-
mentary Particles, Time Reversal
(and All That)" by Oliver E. Over-
seth. Prof. Overseth probably
wrote it off the top of his head,
but what goes on there is well
worth encountering, and the writ-
ing is literate and graceful, neith-
er unnecessarily difficult nor pa-
tronizing. (The editorial apology
for giving so much space to sci-
ence strikes me as awkward be-
cause unnecessary.)
There is also a fine essay, with
illustrations, on "Coins as Auto-
biography, Marc Antony" written
by T. V. Buttrey. A facetious
and satirical piece, "A University
of Mi.hiva." hvyElton B. Mc-

Contributions by undergraduates
are conspicuously and regrettably
few. The magazine earnestly sol-
icits them, and I urge students to
take this opportunity to be pub-
lished and read and the teachers
of classes which still require writ-
ing to persuade their best students
to contribute to "Offset," using
force if necessary.
Scattered through the issue,
however, is some good poetry by
younger writers, notably a gen-
erous selection from a Hopwood-
winning manuscript by Wendy
Roe, who all but overcame my
preJudice against free verse, she
writes so directly'and simply out
of experience. Yet my favorite
poem is that by Peter R. Wood,
though the eighth line is wrong
and the title must of course be
changed: "To Some Girl in the

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