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Sir i au
:43 a t I
Turning cooler
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Federal Money
Chances for the prospective
medical student to obtain a su-
perior education at the Univer-
sity's Medical School are shaping
up as better than ever.
The school will increase its en-
rollment next year to 210 students
for the entering class and thus
qualify for federal assistance. The
federal aid will be used to upgrade
the quality of teaching.
The opportunity to channel the
federal support into more effective
and efficient methods of teaching
comes under a grant available to
medical schools that increae their
incoming classes 5 per cent over
present size, according to Chris
Carey, public information officer.
Since the Medical School has
annually admitted an unvarying
200 new students each year since
1950, excluding re-admitted stu-
dents, the increase of ten new
students will qualify the school for
the grant.
It will also involve an increase
in the number of faculty mem-
bers. The faculty now numbers
around 500, while the total num-
ber of students in the school is
779. The teacher-student ratio
comes into clearer focus, however,
when it is realized that the faculty
is also responsible for all or some
of the education of 6500 non-
medical students from the literary,
pharmacological g r a d u a t e and
nursing schools.
The Medical School is currently
re-evaluating its curriculum. The
study has been going on for the
last two years and now involves
the entire faculty. The Med School
is hopeful that a gradual change
in the structure of the curriculum
will begin next year 'to create
more opportunities to take ad-
vantage of individual abilities and
aptitudes," according to Associate
Dean Alexander Barry.
"You obviously can't keep an
curriculum crystallized over 20
years," said Barry. "Medicine is
moving too fast for that. The
changes we make will aim at more
personalized education, but we
don't want to make it such an ir-
reversible process that any mis-
takes we make will be lethal."
The increasing responsibility of
the federal and state governments
in the health field has led to a
need for medical man-power on
all levels. The demand for trained
physicians will not be met for sev-
eral years, according to Barry, but
he emphasizes that there are more
than 60 "para-medical" fields-
such as medical technicians and
nursing - for which trained per-
sonnel are greatly needed.
The medical college is the na-
tion's o 1 d e s t state-supported
school. It started as the Univer-
sity's first professional school in
1851 with 91 students. Today it has
grown to the vast Medical Center
complex in the northeast part of
the central campus. In the last
five years, the Kresge Hearing Re-
search Institute and the Buhl Re-
search Center for Human Genetics
have been built and construction
on the C. S. Mott Children's Hos-
pital and a second unit of the
Medical Science Building are cur-
rently underway.
Because the Med School faculty
and students above the freshman
level are involved in research and
clinical work concurrent with
study, the continual expansion of
physical plant and research facil-
ities simultaneously raises the
quality of education. The federal
grant under the increased-enroll-
ment policy will probably be used
to hire additional faculty, in-
crease salaries and improve the
over-all teaching level.
Med School admisison policies
are the province of the faculty. An
admissions committee, composed
of 12 tenured faculty members, is
appointed by the entire' faculty
under Regental by-law to screen
applicants and set standards for
Undergraduate preparation for
the prospective medical student
requires 16 hours of chemistry, 8
hours of physics, 8 hours of zoo-
logy and additional required and
elective subjects totatling at least
90 hours. Students with grade
point averages below 2.5 are sel-
dom admitted, and the average
falls somewhere around 3.1. Barry
cautions, however, that grade point
average is ont the sole determi-
nant of admission.
With over 1300 applicants per
year, the admissions committee
See FEDERAL, Page 2
Lit SchoolFaculty §ondemns 'U'Action on I
Class Rank
Expresses Regret'
That 'U' Acquiesced
With HUAC Subpoena
A majority of literary college
faculty' members condemned the
University's compliance with the
H o u s e Un-American Activities
Committee's subpoena of member- i
i ship lists at its meeting yesterday.
The resolution which was finally
adopted was introduced by How-
ard Cameron of the Classics de-
partment. It formally states that
"the faculty of the literary college
expresses its regret that the names
of students and faculty were turn-
ed over to HUAC." It "expresses
its confidence in the ability of the
ad hoc committee of the Senate
Advisory Committee; on University
Affairs to investigate this issue
and to make appropriate recom-:
mendations of future procedures
in such matters."
Dean William Haber of the lit-
erary college passed over the items
on the agenda which concerned a
report of the Curriculum Commit-:
tee. This report included the con-
sideration of the pass-fail option.
He explained this action by stat-
ing, "In view of certain resolu-
tions introduced on the rece!t
events concerning the HUAC ac-
tion". 'he wanted to discuss these
items first "in order to provide a
maximum opportunity for discus-:
sion of matters which appear to;
be on the faculty's mind."
Arnold Kaufman of the philos-
ophy department, introduced two,
resolutions which expressed regret
at "the secretive way" in which
the decision to comply with HUAC
was made and also expressed re-
gret at "the failure to involve in-
terested and responsible members
of the faculty in a decision of
such obvious importance."
Kaufman's second resolution
raised a number of questions which
he felt the ad hoc committee of
SACUA should answer,
Lowell Kelly of the psychology,
department introduced a subse-
quent resolution which was some-
what milder in form. His resolu-
tion was adopted in place of Kauf-
man's and eventually tabled.
C, lxe A r~ta a
t ' '
DRS ARCHIE ALLEN, vice president of Henry Ford Commu-
nity College Federation of Teachers, said today state mediators
had warned striking teachers to go back to work or the college
will be closed.
Dr. Allen said the federation's negotiating team had requested
a meeting of the faculty at 2 p.m., and had advised them: "'Get
ready to go back to work. Mediators say if we don't the college
will be closed."'
Allen said agreement had been reached last week on all
phases of a proposed new contract, excepting a clause which
would limit the college year to 176 days. Allen said 180 days were
required and 176 days would amount to a speedup and result, in
the federation's view, in inferior education.
He said the federation voted yesterday to accept the new
contract, pending development of an acceptable calendar.
*. * *
FEDERAL PROGRAMS affecting higher education may be
seriously curtailed because of President Johnson's plans to cut
government expenditures to restrain the nation's "overheated
economy," the American Council on Education reported yesterday.
In order to reduce pressure on the money market and the
interest rates, Johnson said recently, sales of "certificates of par-
ticipation" will be held at a minimum in the months ahead.
The Federal college housing program is based exclusively on
these security sales. Total funding for the proposed program is
$300 million. Title 3 of the Higher Education Facilities Act is also
likely to be affected by Johnson's plans, since $100 million of the
funds for that program are based on Federal sales participation.
STUDENT Government Council met in special session last
night to make revisions in University regulations concerning
student organizations and freed student groups requesting SGC
recognition from having to list a faculty adviser.
The Michigan Daily is planning a new weekly feature de-
signed to respond to the distress cries of our readers who may
be having problems in their dealings with the bureaucratic jungle
known as the multiversity.
Among the questions we could deal with are some of the
following: can a non-honors student take honors courses; can
an undergraduate take graduate courses; how do you audit a
course what is the difference between graduating with distinc-
tion and graduating with honor's? The Daily staff will research
answers to questions such as these and tell you how to go about
.solving your problem in the Sunday edition of the paper.
This feature is an experiment, and its success depends on
your response. If you are baffled by red tape or have questions
of general interest, call the Daily at 764-0553 between 4 and 5
every weekday. Or write us at the Daily, 420 Maynard St. Please
send us your questions as soon as possible.
Ten Faculty
President Hatcher>
Awards Service>
And Achievement
The recipients of the Dis-'
tinguished Faculty Achievement
Awards and Distinguished Service
Awards were announced by Presi-
dent Hatcher last night. Presenta-
tion of the awards followed the
President's annual "Report to the
Five senior professors were giv-
en Distinguished Faculty Achieve*
ment . Awards of $1,000 apiece.
Stanley E. Dimond, professor of
education, Gerald F. Else, profes-
sor of Greek and Latin, and chair-
man, department of classical stu-
dies, Joseph J. Martin, professor
of chemical and metallurgical en- UNIVERSITY P
gineering, and associate director
Institute of Science and Technol-
ogy, Kenneth L. Pike, professor of CLASS R
linguistics, and Walter A. Reich-
art, professor of German. received
the awards.
The awards stressed scholastic
achievements, but also included
contact with students as an im-
portant factor in all the awards.
Robert L. Keyes, assistant pro-
hew, associate professor of sociol-
ogy, Francis W. Weber, assistant By SUSA
professor of Spanish, Daniel J S
Weintraub, associate professor of
psychology, James J. White, assis- compilation of r
tant professor of Law, and James be used to decide
O. Wilkes, associate professor of can be drafted?.
chemical engineering, received presently being co
Distinguished Service Awards of dent Government
$500 as by Voice polit
rnrminc.q h . flflcr
Defends I
-Daily-Bernie Baker
RESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER delivering his annual State of the University address.
p us Groups Considering
rent Draft Referendum
Possible Rise
School Autonomy
Must Remain Free of
State Encroachment
In his annual State of the Uni-
versity address last night, Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher defended the
University's action in releasing
membership lists of three student
organizations to the House Un-
A m e r i c a n Activities Committee
last month.
Speaking before 300 faculty and
staff at the Rackham Aud., Presi-
dent Hatcher emphasized that the
University was on the eve of its
Sesquicentennial year, and noted
that 1967 would be "a year of acute
appraisal of where we are and
where we wish to move."
In regard to the HUAC contro-
versy, President Hatcher said,
"Those who believe that this form
of government is wrong or that it
is operating in a wrong fashion
have every right to try and change
it within the methods set forth in
the Constitution itself.
"It seems to me a perversion,"
President Hatcher continued, 'to
attack the University when the
point of difference lies at the seat
of government itself-
"The University must obey the
law. It cannot support those por-
tions of the law which it is willing
to accept and discard the others."
President H a t c h e r explained
that those groups whose names
were submitted to HUAC "are not
secret, private, clandestine, or
academically privileged organiza-
"They are by their own declara-
tion part of a militant, national
movement, one of whose purposes
is to gain the fullest possible ex-
posure. It is hardly accurate to
say that the University has en-
dangered them and their lives by
making known their names. They
have already seen to that."
Reviewing the state of the Uni-
versity, Hatcher cited:
! Higher Operating Costs. Due
to the higher interest rates, Presi-
dent Hatcher warned that rents
kmight have to be raised on struc-
tures erected with borrowed
money. This could affect the 400
' proposed new apartments on
North Campus.
! Autonomy. President Hatcher
outlined the University's stand
against state encroachment upon
University rights. He noted that
he would meet with the faculty
"to scrutinize and reaffirm the
ground rules" of this issue.
A Th imrinp, t,, A~-, rnrav,.aniPri-j
rr - - -= -- -°- - L L., U- I
iniversity cease
anks which can
which students
This question is
nsidered by Stu-
Council as well
ical party. Both
aCtedi a stud ent
groups nave suggesbe wut
referendum as one way of deciding.
the question.
The idea of a campus wide draft
referendum was first suggested
by SGC President Ed Robinson,
'67. He feels the referendum would
give students a voice in deciding
whether or not the draft board is
justified in using class rank as a
ing the ranking system will feel University wouldn ot agree to be
forced to turn in their rank. bound by it in advance.
According to Steinberger if the Cutler feels that "anything that
students stand behind a position narrows the option of a student in
to abolish ranking and are willing terms of getting an education is
to apply pressure, the University harmful." But he questions wheth-
will be forced to go along with er students would be willing to put
their decision. the draft consideration before the
Vice-President for Student Af- opportunity of getting a
fairs Richard L. Cutler does not cation. He is not convinced that
believe that the administration students would be dissuaded from
would agree to be bound by a stu- taking difficult courses and par-
dent referendum. He says tat tcipating in extra-curricular ac-
student opinion would be a part tivities because of concern for
of the considerations, but that the thr ir rank.
Ann Arbor Council Adopts
criterion for drafting students.
"Students should have the final -N
say about class ranking since theyN
are the ones affected and since it
has no direct effect on the Uni-
versity as an institution,"' Robin- By ROBERT K. BENDELOW motorcycles, for example outlaw
son said. He also feels that it is passing between lanes of mov-
important that provision be made In action taken last night, the ing traffic and prohibit passing
to protect those students whose Ann Arbor City Council adopted, cars stopped at an intersection.
views are not represented by the on first reading, three ordinances The first reading of an ordin-
majority vote on the referendum. dealing with the subject of motor- ance does not put that ordinance
The question of the referendum cycles. into effect, but instead brings the
will come before SGC at Thurs- Primarily, the new ordinance matter to the attention of the
day's meeting. Along with the would establish a requirement that council for later, definite, action.
question of rank, a program of motorcycle rental agencies be li- The ordinance will be reconsidered
education on the draft in general, censed, a fee for this be set, and at this the second reading. It is at
sponsored by SGC, will be sug- that certain safety measures be the second reading that the pub-
gested. 1required by law for motorcycle lic can voice its opinion on the
If SGC does decide to have a operation in the city. matter.
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