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September 10, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-10

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w mr r-

See Editorial Page

, i igan


Mostly sunny with
light variable winds

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Might Send T
Troops To'
Block Talks
Sources Say Threat
Important Reason
For Hanoi Position -
LONDON - Diplomatic sources
said last night Communist China
has warned North Viet Nam that
it may have to send troops to that
nation if Hanoi initiates peace
talks wpith the U.S., United Press
International reported.
Accoroing to the sources, the
Red Chinese threat constitutes
one of the principal reasons for
North Viet Nam's unyielding stand
against negotiations on the war.
There has been no indication
uphtonow that Peking had under-
taken even preparatory steps for
a possible military move into the
Viet Nam war. Only 200,000 of
Red China's 2,500,000 troops are
stationed in the southern part of
the country near the frontier with
North Viet Nam.
Military Alert
However, Peking radio reported
yesterday that the Communist
Chinese army has gone on a "gen-
eral alert" in case of the "possi-
bility of war." There was no elab-
oration on this statement, but
refugees and travellers entering
Hong Koig reported extensive
troop movements within Red
Meanwhile, China's attitude to-
ward the Viet Nam war was clari-
fied by a new statement from
Foreign Minister Chen Yi. "There
is no possibility of making com-
promises halfway," he said.
This week two conflicting state-
ments on China's Viet Nam policy
were reported. First, Japanese leg-
islators reported Foreign Minister
Chen had told them that his na-
tion wished to avoid a direct clash
with the U.S. But the Japanese
sources later modified their ver-
sion of Chen's remarks, disspellng
the impression of a slightly less
harsh Chinese line.
Hard Line
At another meeting between U.S.
Ambassador to Poland John Gre-
nouski and a Chinese diplomat,
Peking reiterated its hard line on
the war, demanding again the im-
mediate withdrawal of U.S. troops
from South Viet Nam.
In his new statement, Chen also
accused the Soviet Union and
Japan of plotting with the United
States to commit aggression in
But Chen's statement gave no
indication of any Chinese decision
to intensify its participation in the
Viet Nam war.
Back Ho Chi Minh
"The Chinese people resolutely
support the appeal of President
Ho Chi Minh. The only way left
to the Vietnamese people is to
fight through to the end, and
there is no possibility of making
compromises halfway."
Communist China now has
about 50,000 troops in North Viet
Nam, primarily logistical and sup-
port forces engaged in repairing
bridgesrand railroads damaged by
U.S. air attacks.
The militant Chinese stand
emerged during confidential talks
between Hanoi and Soviet leaders.
In these discussions, which were
held during the past several weeks,
possibilities for peace talks re-

portedly were given some consider-
The content of these talks was
kept secret, supposedly to avoid
an adverse reaction from the

Warns Hanoi Against Making Peace Move

Late World News
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-THE SOUTH Vietnamese government has banned
the current issue of Newsweek mgazine, the government office
of military information said today.
In announcing that the magazine had been ordered with-
drawn from newsstands, the office said it advised the magazine
the action was taken because of a two-page article on Viet Nam
by Newsweek's Saigon bureau chief Everett G. Martin, and titled:
"Correcting the Crucial Error."
In the article, Martin wrote that the Vietnamese "maintain
an almost total impassivity" to the war and that the U.S. so far
has failed to convince the Vietnamese "that there is a cause worth
fighting for."
LANSING-MICHIGAN can guarantee more than $10 million
worth of bank loans for its college students-if they are lucky
enough to obtain the loans, the State Department of Education
said yesterday, the Associated Press reported.
Banks are turning down many student loan applications be-
cause they are having trouble finding cash even for higher interest
building, industrial and business loans, said John Porter, asso-
ciate superintendent for higher education.
Michigan's Higher Education Assistance Authority will not
guarantee loans above 6 per cent interest.
"We have hopes that borrowing from credit unions and sav-
ings and loans associations, permitted for the first time this
year, will ease the situation," Porter said.
"We are optimistic," he said, "that either the money short-
age will let up soon or that the portion of money placed in the
state guarantee fund by the federal government can be used at
higher interest rates."
The state guarantee fund currently holds $1.7 million to be
used as collateral for college student borrowing. The fund is
made up of deposits from Michigan colleges and universities,
matched by state appropriation.
If bank money becomes readily available for loans, the
Assistance Authority expects about 6,000 students will use the
guarantee fund this year for loans valued at $4 million.
* * * *
THE UNIVERSITY OF Pennsylvania today confirmed its
decision to ban classified research by proposing a committee of
eight faculty members to vote on. the acceptability of all contracts
in the future.
The committee will have near-veto power over future uni-
versity contracts with the government or private contracts that
limit the researcher's right to publish results of his studies. The
decision to drop classified research was made by Pennsylvania
President Gaylord Harnwell last Sunday, following a year of con-
troversy over a research institute conducting secret investiga-
tions of rice-destroying chemicals for use in Viet Nam.
The university cannot legally terminate classified contracts
already underway, but it will try to persuade the government or
industry to drop the contracts or ease the restrictions to publish.
* . * ,,
THE STUDENT HOUSING Advisory Board will resume its
activity, following appointments of four new members to fill
vacancies created by graduating students. Both Student Govern-
ment Council and Graduate Student Council will each nominate
up to six students for the positions. Vice-President for Student
Affairs Richard L. Cutler will pick three students from each
group of nominations.
John C. Feldkamp, director of housing, stated, "The adminis-
tration is committed to keep the board going. We are waiting for
suggestions for new people."
* .' ,. -
BARRY BLUESTONE, GRAD, was selected by Esquire maza-
zine as one of seven college "super-students." These seven stu-
dents were recognized by Esquire in a special section on the col-
lege scene because of their outstanding school achievements that
"stirred talk as well as action among fellow students and pro-
Bluestone's 'outstanding achievement" was creation of the
University of Michigan Student Economic Union and the gaining
of an increase in the minimum wage for student employes hold-
ing part time jobs on campus.
In the same Esquire feature, Prof. Fritof Bergman of the
philosophy department was cited as a "Super-Prof." Thirty-three
professors were chosen by their respective college newspaper
editors on the basis of possessing "that certain something, making
them many notches above other educators in their fields."

'U' Reveals
Approval of
SC Move










Student Judic System

Membership Lists
Not Required For
Official Recognition To ,.



Student Government Council's
action Thursday abolishing the re-
quirement that student groups
submit membership lists to the
University in order to gain offi-
cial recognition was described by
Director of Student Organizations
Duncan Sells yesterday as a move
the administration has long fav-
Sells added. however, the Office
of Student Affairs is concerned
because the new SGC policy makes
the faculty sponsor for a group the
only person responsible for its ac-
He called this position "unten-
able from a pragmatic stand-
point," since it would place tre-
mendous responsibility on faculty
members, who were not consulted
prior to the SGC resolution, and
would give them. as individuals,
the right to speak for their groups.
OSA Veto
The SGC resolution technically
can still be vetoed by Vice Presi-
dent for Student Affairs Richard
Cutler. who has until Friday to
recommend that it be scrutinized
by a Committee on Referral. Al-
though Cutler could not be reached
for comment yesterday. it is not
considered likely that he will ex-
ercise his review option.
The SGC motion is an interim
measure; it was passed to abolish
the membership requirement un-
til a more thorough evaluation of
rules governing student organiza-
tions can be completed,
This evaluation is 41%ted to be-
gin at an SGC meeting Monday
night. when SGC will begin study-
ing working papers prepared by
SGC President Edward Robinson,
'67, in conjunction with the OSA
last summer.
Sells said he expects SGC will
reconsider the implications of the
faculty responsibility clause be-
fore formulating a permanent
membership policy, and added that
he will exert pressure on council
to make sure it broadens the res-
ponsibility section contained in
the interim motion.
Membership lists were originally
required for the benefit of profes-
sional schools. graduate schools
and employers in order to allow
them to check the validity of ap-
But few employers or schools
ever check back on applicants ac-
cording to a secretary in the OSA
and thus the value of membership
lists has been seriously questioned.
Sells says the OSA has been
pushing the abolishment of lists
for "a long time" and adds that
"nobody wants membership lists,"
Refuse to Comply
Some student organizations were
refusing to comply with the mem-
bership disclosure requirement
even before SGC's action.
The Young Democrats and the
Economic Society. both sponsored
by Prof. Daniel Fusfeld of the
economics dept., applied for offi-
cial recognition without a mem-
bership list, as did a philosophy
club, the Acolytes.
According to a source in the
OSA, administrators had not in-
tended to force these groups to
supply names and were going to
grant official recognition.

'Plan Shifts
Final Appeal
From Deans
Students Will Be
Consulted on Details
Of New Structure

-Daily-Frank wing
STUDENTS GYRATE at lawn dances held yesterday afternoon and evening by fraternities to enter-
tain prospective rushees Registration for men's rush, which starts Sept 18, begins next. week.
To Ai'd Needy Students

Expansion and refinement of
both the Opportunity Awards and
Tuskegee Student-Faculty Ex-
change Programs are underway,
according to University adminis-
Under titles three and four of
the Federal Higher Education Act,
new monies in large quantities are
being made available to the Uni-
versity for both projects.
The OAP was initiated in 1964
to help put the University within
the reach of those students com-
ing from low--income families. The
program is now assisting over 90
students, compared to the 64 who
registered in the fall of 1965.
However, the OAP has become
more than merely a scholarship
program, according to Robert L.
Marion, assistant director ofad-
missions. The OAP, said Marion,
has given Negro communities
throughout the.-state visual evi-
dence that the University is con-
Marion said that expansion of
the OAP was aided considerably
by the influx of federal funds.
He said he hoped that the Uni-
versity could expand the program
again next year, but that many
other colleges and universities
throughout the nation are becom-
ing engaged in similar activities
so that the *funds may not be
Marion estimated that there are
presently 450 Negro students on
campus, but that no exact figure
is available since the University
does not ask for racial designation
on any of its administrative forms.
He said that this was an increase
of about 50 students over the pre-
vious year.
In its first two years of opera-
tion, statistics appear to indicate
that the OAP has not been to-
tally successful. Of the 70 stu-
dents who received OAP grants
in the fall of 1964, only 37 are
still enrolled at the University.
However, 50 of the 64 who receiv-
ed OAP assistance in 1965 have
registered for this year's fall se-

have bright prospects because of
the increased availability of funds.
The program, which last year sent
eight students to Tuskegee in
numerous academic fields, will re-
ceive federal appropriations under
provisions aimed at assisting de-
veloping and expanding institu-
Dr. Rudolf Schmerl, formerly di-
rector of program development
for the office of research admin-
istration, was instrumental in the
preparation of Tuskegee's propos-
al submitted to the federal gov-
ernment. Schmerl has recently left
the University for a year of teach-
ing at the Institute.
According to John Chavis, cam-
pus coordinator for the project,

many new programs are being con-
sidered for Tuskegee, including a
rotating professorship and- a visit-
ing scholars seminar. He said that
the psychology department, in
particular, has shown interest in
the possibility of creating a rotat-
ing professorship at Tuskegee,
whereby a different professor
would lecture each week.
Greater joint use of facilities.
and the possibility of library cat-
alogue exchanges and supplemen-
tations are also being considered,
he said. The University, Chavis
added, hopes to send 12 students
to Tuskegee for their winter se-
mester but he is not sure what
response the project will receive
from the student body.

The University's student judici-
ary system is presently being re-
According to Mrs. Shirley Strong,
assistant to the director of stu-
dent organizations, a tentative
outline for a new judiciary struc-
ture has already been formulated,
but the details of the system are
still being worked out.
To date, the reorganization has
been confined largely to the of-
fice of student affairs, but Dun-
gan Sells, director of student or-
ganzations, said that various stu-
dent leaders will soon be called to
meetings so that they can advise
and helpdevelop theplan.
Associate Dean James Robert..
son of the literary college Indicat-
ed last night that he hopes "there
will be an opportunity for a °re-
view and discussion, which would
include faculty" before permanent
changes are made because the fac-
ulty is concerned with any altera-
tion in the judiciary structure
which would affect jurisdiction
over the academic status of stu-
The proposed changes in the ju-
diciary system include shifting the
final appellate responsibility from
the deans of the individual col-
leges to the vice-president for stu-
dent affairs.
. According to Mrs. Strong, the
problems in the judiciary system
have been evident for over a
"When Mr. Sells became direc-
tor of student organizations last
fall, he found that the role of
Joint Judiciary Council had not
been given the responsibility it
might have and the cases that
Joint Judic handled were not ap-
propriate for the University to
judge," she said.
Sells explained that he decided,
with the approval of Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs Richard
Cutler and the members of Joint
Judic, that Joint Judic would no
longer hear the cases of students
who had been tried and found
guilty in civil court actions.
"Actually when these students
were being tried before Judi, they
were being tried twice for one of-
fense. We decided that this consti-
tuted a type of 'double jeopardy
so we eliminated our reviewing the
case except where the civil case
seriously affected the -student's
standing at the University," Sells
A case last year, in which Joint
Judic recommended expulsion of
a student for possession of mari-
juana, was the stimulus for the
present review.
Sells then began to investigate.
"After thoroughly searching the
by-laws, we found that our prac-
tice was 'worlds apart from the
authority of the by-laws. We dis-
covered that the actual authority
to discipline students went from
the Regents to President Hatcher
and then stopped.
"We were amazed to find out
that Vice-President Cutler had
absolutely no. power to handle
demitting cases (cases involving
expulsion or suspension of stu-
.dents). This power only rested
with the deans of the college in-
volved," he said.
In -order to clear up this con-
fusion, President Hatcher wrote a
letter to Cutler this summer in
which Hatcher delegated his power
Mn handle non-academi diieili-

Greater CRC Study

Artificial Tooth Utilized to Record Data
In Research Project on Tooth Decay

The Conflict Research Center,
now under new leadership, hopes
to breathe life into a program of
directed research for University
graduate students.
Newest of the Center's spon-
sored activities is the Theory and
Method seminar, to be initiated
this semester, which will focus on
upgrading the quality of research
in international and related con-
flict studies.
The bi-monthly seminar will be
conducted jointly by Prof. J.
David Singer and Prof. Charles
A. McClelland, both of the po-
litical science department. Mc-
Clelland was recently appointed.
director of the Center replacing
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
economics department. Boulding
held the directorship during the
1965-66 academic year.
McClelland came to the Univer-
sity this fall from the University
of Southern California where he
tanht at thA Shnnl nf Tnterna-

The Theory and Method seminar
hopes to provide a common meet-
ing ground for students of var-
ious academic backgrounds in-
terested in the Center's activities.
Its composition and course of
study will reflect the Center's in-
terdisciplinary approach, with em-
phasis on all varieties ofaconflict.
The seminar carries no academic
credit and is characterized by Mc-
Clelland as "experimental and ex-
"We want to inform students
about what sorts of research can
be improved and expanded and
we hope to generate independent
and original approaches to con-
flict resolution," McClelland said..
"We hope -eventually to expand
our research output to the point
where graduate students can work
in a capacity so that they can
learn their craft by working in,
collaboration with senior faculty."
McClelland indicated that sev-
eral social science departments of

I wanted the tooth, the whole
tooth, and nothing but the tooth
-so I went to "Peyton Place."
The latter is the nickname Prof.
Major M. Ash of the dental school
gives to his research lab on
Churh et "hpm nea se r Pev-

to transmit acidity readings of
the saliva.
Very sophisticated equipment
receives the radio signals, record-
ing the data on a cardiograph-
like drum. The miniature elec-
tronic circuit boards inside the
tooth are the size of tiny finger-

cay is caused when this acid be-
gins to dissolve the outer part of
the tooth.
"Evidence from the artificial
tooth shows that acidity build-up
in the saliva occurs immediately
after eating; by the time a person
has brushed his teeth, the acid is

and block the Bieakdown of
sugars to acid.
Gum Disease
Nevertheless, Dr. Ash strongly
urged brushing to prevent two
prevalent gum-inflammatory di-
seases-pyorrhea and, gingivitis-
which are the results of a tartar,

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