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September 09, 1966 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-09

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..sDA,, SPEBR ,9 TH IHGA AL P1 u

rrsu ar.vcty

Ca rmichael Cries 'Black Power' on Tour Johnson To Hold Spending,
Of Northern Cities; Audiences Enthusiastic Ask Reserve Board Help

Please don't
zlupf sprite.
It makes
plenty of noise
all by itself,

Stokely Carmichael, the Stu-
dent Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee has done a drama-
tic about face since the days
when it helped thousands of
Northern white students to
fight for civil rights in the
South. Last week, Carmichael
stumped Northern cities and
found , receptive audiences in
Negro districts., Here's a com-
prehensive report on his mes-
sage as developed on the tour
and previously.
NEW YORK ()-The applause
t within the Harlem church was
frequent, almost deafening. Even
from the street, through heavy
wooden doors closed to keep out
whites, cries of "that's right," and
"preach, brother," could be heard.
But many of the remarks tum-
bling rapidly from the lips ofthe
. slender young Negro behind the
pulpit microphone were sharply
at odds with the religious setting.
"This country is moving to de-
stroy black people," he shouted
to waves of applause. "We cannot
afford to be part of the American
system. We have to destroy West-
ern civilization. Integration is just
a trick bag. Nothing counts but
power. We have to hook up with
the people of the third world."
Black Iove
The bundle of thoughts that

He preaches that Negroes must rican colonies and Negroes in the suburbs. We've got to have a group
analyze the world around them, United States, because white men of people own that store and use
must understand the workings of are exploiting both. the profits to develop our con-
both foreign policy and the white "Our friends are going to be the munity!"
businessman next door, must save people who are fighting to destroy To gain such control, he recom-
their money and use it te help Western civilization," he said in mends third political parties, such
themselves. Philadelphia. "We've got to hook as the Black Panther party he
And, as he promised shortly up with our non-white brothers helped organize in Lowndes Coun-
after becoming head of SNCC, he across the world because they are ty, Ala.
tries to rally black people around fighting a system that oppresses Knowing That
the issue of their color. and exploits them, the very same "They just found out, and we
One Reason thing we are fighting." been knowing that all our lives.
"Black people in this country Brothers And they tell us looting can't ac-
are oppressed for one reason," he "They must become our broth- complish anything.
said early in July, "and that's be- ers. So we can't fight in Viet Nam "They been building a new store
cause of their color. Their rally- if we wanted to, because our bro- every single day with the money
ing cry must be the issue around thers are trying to get rid of the they looted from us all these years.
which they are oppressed, as it man and it's our job to help them "It ain't looting that's the issue,
was for unions." bring the man to his knees." it's who has the power to make
He hammers at the theme: The argument follows a line the looting legal. We got to talk
Black people must"come togeth- which Carmichael said earlier about power!"
er," young Negroes must stop would be a psychological vehicle Understanding Carmichael i s
"cuttin' each other on Friday and for black people, but would not be sometimes complicated by state-
Saturday nights," older ones must intended as a call to take over the ments which he says should not be
so"hslnofeahohr"u-country. taken at face value, since, he in-
stop "hustlin' off each other," un- Asked several months ago sists, heis not talking to whites at
employed must stop "drinkin' that whether he saw non-whites com- taken at face value, since, he in-
che rotgut wine and that cheap ing together to become a dominant all.
wh"Wsegment of the world's population, "They're building stores in Cle-
We have to develop in our com- he said: "The reality is that Wes- veland with no windows," he told
munity such love-and such respect tern civilization has dominated a Harlem audience. "I don't
for each other that every mornin' this world ruthlessly, but that in know what they think they'll ac-
it's gonna be good mornin', broth- all the emerging nations in Africa complish. It just means we have to
er, good mornin', sister," he told when the Africans took over you move from Molotov Cocktails to
the audience in the heart of North saw no white signs and no colored dynamite."
Philadelphia's slums. signs. You haven't seen white peo- Asked if he should be taken lit-
Beauty ple excluded anywhere. Nobody in erally, he shook his head no.
And in Harlem, "We've got to SNCC wants to take over this Philosopher
say to our little children, you're country. We wouldn't know what r .r..... r n ..r TTn

(cotined romPag 3)the burden of holding inflation in
La. . introduced last week a bill check, welcomed the President's
to suspend the investment tax announcement and said the pro-
credit as the lo'ical way, in his gram should curb some of the
view, to dampen inflation. extraordinary demands for ;oods,
No Tax Rise services and credit that have been
In his message to Congress, forcing up both prices and miier-
Johnson hinted strongly that he est rates.
would propose no increase in cor- Many board members have
poration or individual income urged the administration to raise
taxes this year but left the door taxes or suspend the invesment
open to the possibility by saying: credit.
"Further longer-range actions may The board said the program pro-
prove necessary to maintain bal- posed by Johnson should oper-
anced growth and finance the de- ate along with its own action "to
fense of Viet Nam." I combat inflation and to foster;
But he said no further -tction sustained, healthy e c o n om i c'
can be taken until his administra- growth."
tion knows exactly how much mon- Strains Lessened

Sprite, you recall, is
the soft drink that's
so tart and tingling,
we just couldn't keep
it quiet.
Flip its lid and it
really flips.
Bubbling, fizzing,
gurgling, hissing and
carrying on all over
the place.
An almost exces-
sively lively drink.
Hence, to zlupf is
to err.
What is zlupfing?

ey Cong}ess will appropriate tlis
year and the extra money the Ie-
fense Department might need to
fight the Viet Nam war.
Government officials have said
a request for, increased income
and corporation taxes, if one is
made, is more likely to come after
the first of the year than ill the
immediate future.
Some officials have talked of an
over-all income tax increase of $10
billion to $15 billion but say this
depends on congressional appropri-
ations and Viet Nam spending.-
Suspension of the 7 per cent in-
vestment tax credit and the ac-
celerated depreciationwouild in-
crease government revenues by
more than $2 billion.
The Federal Reserve Board
which has borne a major ;ha e o'
Pead and
Cla<s-sif ied

beautiful. With your black, nappy the hell to do with this monster.s

raauated fromti owara Uni-
versity with a degree in philoso-t

, '

Stokely Carmichael, 25, hurled at
his listeners also included a great;
deal of love-love of black people
for themselves, their families, their
communities, their culture.
But despite his statement in an
interview July 6 that black power
does not mean antiwhite power,
love was clearly reserved for non-
"We got to start loving our-
selves because we are black," he
said. "We don't have to lose our
blackness to become equal with
white savages." His cheering aud-
ience rocked the wooden floor with
stamping feet.
First Tdur
On his first extensive tour of
Northern slums as chairman of the
Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee, the handsome young
Carmichael found a receptive aud-
ience for "black power," his bat-
tlecry for Negro militance and
He said shortly after he was
elected in June that civil rights
movements "weren't even talking
to black people in the ghettoes but
were in fact gearing their' pro-
grams to what white liberals
thought should 'be done.
"For once," he said, "we've got-
ten enough strength to talk to our
black people who need to be talked
to. Everybody in the country talks
about them. No one talks to

hair and vur .hrnad i viraani

We ins* It want+rto get whitei ncmnlc i

SlanAkuluALS(At. J.L4,fl- -l., V V '. .. - ,-Jnoa ll a LV g "u.. .,.Ms. . flt phy, Carmichael said he admires,c
your diaper hanging, you're beau- off our backs." in addition to Malcolm X, Dr. W.
tiful. We've got to say it to our- Methods E. B. DuBois. the Negro writer who
selves." Once Carmichael has outlined helped found the National Associ-.
Such statements bring waves of his rasoning he outlined the me- ation for the Advancement of Col-
applause, even from Negroes who thods he thinks Negroes must use. ored People, and then broke with
admit that much of what Car- Instead of civilian police review it because, he felt, it was too mo-
michael says scares them. boards, "which we aren't going to derate.
"I don't go along with him on control anyway," he suggests end- "He got it, baby." said one young
Viet Nam," said a middle-aged F ing alleged brutality by making woman in an audience where most
mother at a Newark rally, "but "the captains of our precincts res- of the soectators who appeared to
he's right on this. We got to come ponsible to us. You can bet we'll to be 35 or older did not join in
together." end brutality." the applause.
Good Speaker He often says everything in a And Carmichael added his own
An animated speaker who leans Negro communitiy should be con- ;appraisal: "We've got some black
toward his audience to drive trolled by its residents. youth out here whose eyes are op-
home points-alternately shouting 52 Per Cent ening up wide," he said. "The
and whispering in a heavy Negro "You are 52 percent" of the white officials can deal with the
dialect he reserves for speeches- city's population, he shouted to an man over 30, but he's got hell on
Carmichael delivers essentially the audience in Newark. his hands under that."
same message everywhere, varying "There's no reason why you
it to encompass local problems, can't have a black mayor, a black
Although he once said black school board, a black city council.
power has to involve white coop- Then you can tax hell out of these
eration at some level, his speeches white businesses and'get the mon-
now .do not hint at cooperation. ey you need."'.
"We have to understand," he says, To a Harlem audience he said: :
"that we are going to build some- "We have to control our communi-
thing they are out to destroy." ties. Harlem belongs to us. It is
"This country is anti-black, and ours. We should not only rule it,
we must be against the things we've got to own it, lock, stock and
they're for." barrel.;

"To the extent that presiden ial
and congressional action of this
character serve to moderate aver-
all demand in the economy." the
board said, "strains on credit and'
financial resources which have
been a major factor in the recent
rise in interest rates will be les-
The board said it will watch!
closely for any easing of ;nfla-
tionary pressure "in order tnat
monetary policy can be adjusted
accordingly"-in other words, a
loosening of tight money.
The investment tax credit per-
mits businessmen to deduct from
their total federal tax up to 7
per cent of the cost of new cquip-
ment. It was passed by Congress
in 1962 to stimulate the economy.
Anew world
of softness afoot
1 9;
! - r
A ReWW~fa

Zlupfing is to drinking what
smacking one's lips is to
It's the staccato buzz you
make when draining the last few
deliciously tangy drops of
Sprite from the bottle with a
It's completely uncalled for.
Frowned upon in polite society.
Andhnot appreciated on campus
But. If zlupfing Sprite
is absolutely essential to your
enjoyment; if a good healthy
zlupf is your idea of heaven,
well...all right.
But have a heart. With a
drink as noisy as Sprite, a
little zlupf goes a long, long





Similarities Resources
His line of reasoning is similar "We've got to move to keep our
to that of the late Malcolm X. resources in our community. We
Carmichael says Malcolm influen- can't even accept their nonsense
ced him greatly. about the individual. We can't af-
Carmichael often starts with a ford to let one black man own a
statement that there is no differ- store in Harlem and put that mon-
ence between black people in Af- ey in his pocket and move into the

He's Tryingt
That's what he is trying to do.{
His Harlem audience happened
to be a fund-raising rally. It
might as well have been the cheer-
ing crowd in Jersey City, N.J., the
night before, or the standing-room
only crowd in a stuffy, second-
floor room in Newark, or the thou-
sand Negroes who blocked a Phil-
adelphia street.
Trinidad-born, but raised in
Harlem and the Bronx, Carmichael
is one of the new SNCC leaders
whose roots are in the valleys of
the big cities, not the dusty vil-
lages of the rural South.
Not All
While his radical statements
catch the headlines, they are by
no means all that Carmichael is
trying to say to "black people"-
he shuns the word "Negro," using
It as a term of derision.
NOUNCEMENTS is available to otticially
recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Organizaatinns who'
are planning to be active for the Fall
Term must be registered in the Office
of Student Organivtions by Fri. Sppt
16. Forms are available in Room 1011
Baha'i Student Group, Informal dis-
cussion, Fri., Sept. 9. at 8 p.m., at
335 E. Huron, Apt. 5. All welcome.
Folk Dance Club, Club meeting, Fri.,
Sept. 9, 8-11 p.m., at Barbour Gym.
U. of M. Chess Club, Meeting, Sept. 9,
7:30 p.m., 3A Michigan Union.
University of Michigan Dames, Gen-
eral meeting, Mon., Sept. 12 at 8 p.m.,
yin Michigan Union Ballroom.
Newman Student Club, Community1
mass and supper, Fri., Sept. 9. at 5:10
4 p.m., at Newman Center, 331 Thompson
't.. .
International Program Council, Rec-
ord hop, Fri., Sept. 9, 8-12 p.m., at the
International Center, 603 Madison.
Everyone invited-no admission.
We admit it! In these times of
crisis and world tension what could
possibly be practical about a pair
of bermuda length, gray suede
pants with two zippers and a knife
pocket? If you're the kind of per-
son who has to be practical about
everything he does, you probably
wouldn't he interested But . . .

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