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September 08, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-08

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China Warns
U.S. Against
Ambassador Asserts
Full Commitments
To North Vietnamese
WARSAW, ()-Communist Chi-
na's ambassador said yesterday it
would be a "grave historical blun-
der" for the United States to un-
derestimate Chinese willingness to
support North Viet Nam in its con-
flict with the Americans.
He also sought to dispel any
idea of a "U.S.-Chinese reconcilia-
tion" which might have been fos-
tered by a Peking statement the
day before.
Emerging from another in an
11-year series of ambassadorial
talks with the U.S. envoy in War-
saw, the Chinese declared that any
attempt to use the 1954 Geneva
agreements as a way out of the
Viet Nam war "will never succeed."
Downgrade 1954 Agreements
This was a repetition and a re-
emphasis of recent Chinese declar-
ations downgrading the 1954
agreements, which ended the
French-Vietnamese war, as the
basis for settlement of the present
Ambassador Wang Kuochuan,
leaving his meeting with U.S. Am-
bassador John A. Gronouski, broke
an 11-year-old policy of silence on
what goes on at such meetings. He
called reporters and issued a long
statement, in which he singled out
the Soviet Union for a new attack.
"Singing a Duet"
The Soviet leaders and the U.S.,
he said, "singing a duet, have
spread deceptive propaganda in a
vain attempt to create an impres-
sion of Chinese-U.S. reconcilia-
A few days earlier, a statement
by Foreign Minister Chen Li to
Japanese visitors in Peking-that
China had not necessarily dismiss-
ed the idea of talks with the U.S.
on Viet Nam-had raised hopes in
Washington of a changing Chinese
atThe Warsaw statement, Wash-
ingtoii reports said, tended now to
dash those hopes.
Red Guards
In Peking, China's youthful Red
Guards have been told to keep
hands off farms and factories, the
Soviet news agency Tass reported
Created last month to aid in the
antiparty purge, the Red Guards
have been warned by Defense Min-
ister Lin Piao to curb the violence
of their campaign.
Tass said the official People's
Daily pointedly declared:
"Tie Red Guards and revolu-
tionary students are not to call at
industrial enterprises, or people's
communes, not to interfere in their
affairs or to take part in discus-
sions there.
Affects Production
"Interference by outsiders who
are not well aware of the situation
easily affects normal progress of
As told by Tass, however, the
young militants have stepped up
activities in Peking to promote
the "cultural revolution"-as the
purge is called. Tass said they had
6 plastered walls in Peking with
proclamations saying:
-Every street, every home, ev-
ery man, and all new bicycles,
cars, planes and trains, should
carry the sayings or the picture of
party Chairman Mao Tze-tung.
-Every man should have a copy
of the utterances of Mao Tze-tung,
carry it with him constantly, study
it all the time and act in every
case in accordance with what is
stated in it."-

-Loudspeakers must be placed
in every square in Peking so they
can popularize Mao. Writers and
! artists must create characters who
study and follow Mao's teachings.
-Old customs such as visits to
relatives and purchase of fruit and
sweets for relatives must be abol-
-All Chinese with feudal or
bourgeois names must go to police
stations and have their names
-On leaving their homes, all
landowners, counterrevolutionar-
ies, subversive elements, right-wing
elements and capitalists must put
on a tablet with the inscription

minimum Teacher's Walk-Out Could

Wage Boost

Face Test on Strike Law

Pay Increase Bill, DETROIT P)--Picket lines, work tory for the AFL-CIO union in
Effective Feb. 1, stoppages, court injunctions, un- Detroit and several of its sub-
certainty-one or more of these urbs.
If Senate Approves faced some 54,000 Michigan The association has petitioned
youngsters as they set out to re- for a representation election in
WASHINGTON (A)-The House turn to school this month. Grand Rapids, claiming a ma-
passed 259 to 89 yesterday a bill A jurisdictional dispute in Grand jority of the city's 1,500 teachers
that would increase the minimum Rapids and demands for higher Until that, vote-is held, the school
wage from $1.25 an hour to $1.60 salaries by instructors at Henry board claims, it cannot bargain
on Feb. 1, 1968, and extend cover- Ford Community College in the with either group.
age to eight million more workers. Detroit suburb of Dearborn af- Classes in Grand Rapids, Michi-
Before sending the bill to the fected some 35,000 of that total. gan's second-largest city, were
Senate for final congressional ac- But smaller distdicts also faced scheduled to resume today. Spokes-
tion, the House defeated 183 to teacher uprisings of various sorts. men for the rival teachers' groups
163 a Republican-led attempt to State Law inidicated the teachers likely
delay the effective date of thewolbetre
$1.60 rate until 1969. A state law which took effect would be there.
For the 30 million workers now last yeai' permits public employes, In Traverse r CCity,afuity-
covered by minimum wage legis- including schoolteachers, to join community on the "Little Finger"
lation the minimum would be collective bargaining units. The of the mitten-shaped state, a bit-
boosted to $1.40 next Feb. 1. Those law forbids teacher strikes but ter dispute has seen 105 teachers
newly covered 'by the law would provides no automatic sanctions. refuse to report for work Tues-
start at $1 an hour on that date. It has not been tested in the day and yesterday.
Last May, the House approved courts.
lam'nri+ u 4 T'hainhiL F.r nAThe Michigan Edudcation As-
* ~ ~ ±~LUa~U1 1~O)~lf

sociation MEA Tuesday imposed
sanctions on the district, telling
woul-be Traverse City teachers it
"has unacceptable minimum condi-
tions for proper education of chil-
Traverse City teachers contend
they are paid less than are edu-
cators in any Michigan district of
similar size.
Other Disputes
Other disputes remained un-
settled Wednesday at Hillsdale
in south-central Michigan and in
the Detroit suburb of Riverview.
Hillsdale has 118 teachers, River-
view about 150.
Gov. George Romney said that
if the wage disputes are not set-
tIed he will take steps.
Meanwhile, in Detroit, teachers
ratified a new contract, thus as-
suring that schools would start
there on schedule.

-Associated Press
MEMBERS OF THE MILITANT RED GUARD cheer Mao Tse-tung in Peking last month. Behind
Mao (second from right) is Lin Piao, and between them in rear is Premier Chou En-lai.
Private Found Guilty For
Refusal To Go to Viet Narn

1969 dy ate for thetp wgbu
it reversed itself yesterday and
accepted a speeded-up version
passed by the Senate and recom-
mended by House-Senate con-
ferees. The vote was a victory for
the administration and organized
Rep. William H. Ayres (R-
Ohio) proposed delaying the in-
crease as a brake on the present
inflationary trend. House Speaker
John W. McCormack (D-Mass)
led the fight against him, declar-
ing the bill, which would mean a
weekly wage of only $64 when
fully effective, is needed to
strengthen family life in the
A major feature of the bill is its

i n miitgan ' ucauon Associa-
tion, rival of the federation, can
not strike, since those teachers
have no cantracts.
The Ford College unit of the
AFL-CIO AmericanFederation of
Teachers AFT describes its ac-
tion as "the first college teachers'
strike under collective bargaining
in the United States."
St. John's University
The strike last January by 75
teachers at St. John's university
in New York is not comparable,
they said, because it did not in-
volve a union certified as bargain-
ing agent for the faculty.
Picketing continued at the two-
year college yesterday for the sec-
ond day, causing the school to
postpone student registration, ori-
ginally schedfuled to begin today.
A date was not set immediately.1
The school has about 150 in-
structors and some 12,500, stu-
Grand Rapids
In Grand Rapids, a dispute be-
tween the AFT and the National
Education Association has forced
postponement ? of negotiations.
Such disputes are not rare in Mi-
chigan and have resulted in vic-

Pledge Continuance
Of Verwoerd Policy

FT DIX, N.J. (A)-Pvt. Dennis
Mora was found guilty yesterday
by a United States Army general
court-martial of disobeying orders
to go to Viet Nam, and was sen-
tenced to three years' imprison-
ment at hard labor, dishonorable
discharge and forfeiture of pay.

Lt. Col. Richard L. Rice, who
was prosecutor during the two-day
trial, said after sentence was pro-
nounced, "Justice has been done."
He added that the sentence could
be reduced for good behavior.
Mora was one of three soldiers
who banded together at Ft. Hood,f

Tex., and decided they would not proposed new coverage, which
would include for the first time
fight in Viet Nam. The other two farm workers, employes of res-
are Pfc. James Johnson, 20, of New taurants, laundries, hotels, motels
York and Pvt. David Samas, 20, and hospitals, and tipped em-
of Modesto, Calif. ployes.
Am M adetoities.aidthThe new-$1.40 rate to be reach-
Army authorities said the trial ed next Feb. , 1 would actually
by general court-martial against mean pay raises for only about 12
Johnson would begin today, also per cent of the 30 million pres-
on charges of disobeying a super- ently covered-the rest are already
ior officer's order to go to Viet making more than that. About 18
Namd Ariamaewaper cent are estimated to be mak-
ced for Samas. ing less than $160


CAPE TOWN, South Africa (R)
-The ruling Nationalist party
pledged its "unshakable determin-
ation" yesterday to follow the
apartheid policies of Prime Mini-
ster Hendrik F. Verwoerd. But
elsewhere in Africa there were bit-
ter words for the assassinated
In Addis Ababa, Ethiopian For-
eign Minister Tesfaye Gabre-Eg-
zy issued a statement saying the
assassination "is the natural re-
sult of apartheid, which breeds
blind hate and evil."
He said it would have "a pro-
found impact on the way the rac-
ists run the country" but doubted
if it would reverse the policy of
"The Sharpeville butcher stabbed
to death," read the banner in the
New Times of Addis Ababa, refer-

Hano Rejects U.S.

By The Associated Press
President Johnson's offer to set
a timetable for removal of United
States troops from South Viet
Nam whenever he sees a Commu-
nist schedule for halting infiltra-
tion from the North was rejected
as nonsense in Hanoi yesterday.
The scoffing comment on Nhan
Dan, the official paper of Presi-
dent Ho Chi Minh's Communist,
party, was broadcast by the North
Vietnamese News Agency.
Of Johnson's statement on the
issue in Detroit last Monday, Nhan
Dan said it was made with "the
fury of a guilty person who, short
of argument, is talking nonsense."
North Viet Standl
The paper reiterated the North
Vietnamese stand for ending the
war that the U.S. must, first of all,
withdraw its troops from the;
Meanwhile in Saigon a captur-
ed Communist document showed
yesterday that the Viet Cong anti-
cipate great difficulty in carrying
out their avowed aim of sabotag-
ing South Viet Nam's election Sun-
The secret Communist action
order urged agitators to carry on
the campaign through election;
These directions largelydcon-1
firmed what has been pevident
throughout the election period.
The order, however, also disclosed
in an indirect manner that the
Communists were far from sure
their campaign would succeed.
Secret Order
The secret order proclaimed
that all Vietnamese were against
the election. But it added, "the,
determination of the masses is not
very high."
The directive also expressed lit-
tle faith that the minority move-
ment of radical Buddhists would
mount an effective boycott as their
leaders claim.

for Peace IThe three men were apprehend- INA TLANTA
after they said at a news confer- l A L N A
ence that they refused to fight in
"Even though the Buddhists are the Southeast Asia war, which
the strongest force, they do not they said was illegal, immoral and M ayor
have a positive attitude," the di- unjust. j
rective said. "Primarily, they have Mora admitted he knew he wasi
not positively boycotted the elec- violating military law and that he ATLANTA, Ga. (/P) - May
tion." deliberately disobeyed the order. an Allen, Jr., charged yes
Mora has said he was a mem- that Student Nonviolent C
The directive went on to say ber of the W.E.B. DuBois Club, nating Committee members
that some people would insist they a group declared subversive by the directly responsible for Tt
had to go to the polls or face gov- U.S. attorney general. night's rioting that shatter
ernment reprisals. In this case Mora told the court he felt he lanta's image of racial harn
some people could be allowed to would be committing a "war Allen told a news conf
vote but should deface their bal- crime" under international law if 'that the disorders "were the
lots, the order added. he went to Viet Nam. of a deliberate attempt by c
. During the trial, the defense had members of SNCC to crea

ring to the killing of about 50 Af-
ricans in South African rioting
after Verwoerd took over as prime
minister in 1958.
"He who raises the sword shall
perish by the sword," said the En-
glish language Voice of Ethiopia.
"Evil Genius"
In Lusaka, the capital of Zam-
bia, the Times of Zambia said in
an editorial under the heading
"Death of an evil genius" that
there were few who more deserved
a violent death than Verwoerd.
"The society he created in South
Africa is sick," said the Times.
"For him, at the second onset, the
sickness has proved mortal."
In the United Arab Republic,
Cairo's government radio said "the
elimination of Verwoerd should en-
courage the African and Asian
peoples to carry on they struggle
against the hated system of apart-
"Total Racism"
In Moscow, the Soviet govern-
ment paper Izvestia said that "for
millions of honest people in Afri-
ca and all over the world," Ver-
woerd was "the embodiment of the
monstrous doctrine of total rac-
Any thought that South Africa's
segregation policy might be weak-
ened by the assassination was
shattered when the prime mini-
ster's Nationalist party caucus
After adopting a message ex-
pressing "deep appreciation for
the invaluable services which the
deceased rendered to his country,"
the members of Parliament prom-
ised to carry on his policies.
is HERE!

Blames Riot on SNCC

yor Iv-
ed At-
ate an

Since the Viet Cong virtually
control areas holding about 25 per!
cent of Viet Nam's population, any
admission of weakness was viewed
hopefully by government authori-

sought to prove that the U.S. pre-
sence in Viet Nam was illegal.
Mora originally was to have re-
ported to Oakland, Calif., Army
Terminal for shipment to Viet
Nam. These orders were canceled
when he was arrested in New York.
If Mora merely had missed ship-
ment from Oakland, he would
have been liable to punishment of
not more than one year in prison.

that a 68
among the
ters would

Nguyen Cao Ky said
to 70 percent turnout
five million eligible vo-
be regarded as a suc-

World News Roundup

incident of this kind."
The silver-haired mayor, who
climbed on top of a car and tried
to calm the jeering, angry Negroes
during the disorder, said: "If Sto-
kley Carmichael, national chair-j
man of SNCC, is looking for a bat-
tleground, he created one last'
night, and he'll be met in what-
ever situation he cares to create."
Unavailable for Comment
Carmichael, along with other
SNCC members, was in the area!
before the rioting began, but he
was not seen there later. He was
unavailable yesterday for com-
Officers said SNCC representa-
tives urged the crowd to demon-
strate and denounced police offi-
cers as they chanted "black pow-
Seventy-two persons were ar-
rested and 15 injured during the
outbreak-the worst the city has
experienced in modern times -
which broke out after a white po-
liceman shot a Negro wanted on
a car-theft charge.

Police arrested 10 persons at the
riot scene after a crowd gathered
and began passing out leaflets and
shouting "black power." Officers
ordered the crowd to disperse and
those who refused were taken
away in paddy wagons. Order
quickly was restored.
Allen shocked some of his con-
stituents several years ago when
he testified at a congressional
hearing in favor of the public ac-
commodations bill. This made his
position unique among major
Southern politicians.
But this made his job in Atlan-
ta a little tougher. He said the
public accommodations law was
necessary to avoid racial violence.
Devoid of Violence
And up until Tuesday, Atlanta
was devoid of major racial distur-
"We've had quite a supply of
riot equipment, including an arm-
mm taaMm m mm m -sm mm=mMm m m mR

ored car, on hand for years," Po-
lice Chief Herbert Jenkins said.
"This was the first time we've
had to use it-and I hope it's the
last. The ammunition and tear gas
we had to use is being replaced
now," the chief said.
Asked by a Negro reporter if the
rioters were already angered by
the shooting of a Negro before
SNCC members arrived, Allen said:
"The man the police arrested
had a long criminal record. He
was a known crook. He was being
approached for the safety of all
citizens. He ran away and it was
necessary to shoot."
The mayor said assessment of
property damage has not been
completed but said it does not ap-
pear to be too severe. Five police
cars were damaged when bricks
and bottles were thrown through
windows and a newsman's car was

~ ~ ~-r-

. il i

1mm m m"

NEW YORK-A man who gets
$115 monthly in GI benefits while
attending New York University
Law School said yesterday he will
turn his government checks over
to the American Civil Liberties
Union as a protest against the war'
in Viet Nam.
Gabriel Kaimowitz, 31, turned,
two checks over to the ACLU ex-
ecutive director, John Pemberton,'
at a news conference in the or-
ganization's offices.
The ACLU director said the
money will be used to defend'
draftees who object to military
service in protest against the Viet
Nam war.

"go" for takeoff Friday, as astro-
naut Richard F. Gordon rehearsed
by performing an earth-bound
version of the 107-minute space
stroll he plans this weekend.
strike called by the leftist Uni-
versity Students Federation failed
yesterday. Student groups not af-
filiated with the federation an-
nounced they would not follow its
lead, and thousands attnded class
as usual.
The federation called for a strike
to protest the governments dis-
solution of university councils,
comprising representatives of pro-


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