Seek Binding
UN Oil Ban
On Rhodesia
British Resistance
Could Cause Breakup
Of Commonwealth
LONDON (P)-A majority of the
nations in the British Common-
wealth have agreed to press for a
binding oil ban on white-ruled
Rhodesia by making it compulsory
for All UN members through a
Security Council resolution, au-
thoritative informants said yes-
Britain, however, is reported to
prefer a quietly negotiated com-
promise with Prime Minister Ian
Smith of Rhodesia that would
give four million Rhodesian blacks
a chance eventually to take power
from the nation's 225,000 whites.
The issue could lead to a break-
up of the 23-nation Common-
wealth which opens a 10-day con-
ference here Tuesday. The Com-
monwealth joins together 700 mil-
lion people around the globe.
Prime Minister Harold Wilson is
reported by aides determined not
to be stampeded into any action
he judges too harsh.
Rhodesian Independence
Rhodesia declared its independ-
ence from Britain last Nov. 11, a
move the British branded as re-
bellious. Neighboring A f r i c a n
states demanded that Wilson send
troops to put down Smith's white
government and install one con-
trolled by blacks.
Wilson resisted and instead call-
ed for economic sanctions, includ-
ing an oil embargo. The oil em-
bargo went into effect in January
and Wilson predicted the down-
fall of the Smith regime within
Wilson acknowledges that the
embaro has failed largely because
Rhodesia has been aided by South
Africa and Portugal - the latter
through its African colony, Mo-
Now Wilson's aim is to negoti-
Chiefs of the Commonwealth
But almost to a man the chiefs
of the Commonwealth's 17 Afri-
can, Asian and Caribbean mem-
bers consider Wilson's approach
as out of tune with the collective
principles of their partnership.
They have banded together to con-
front Wilson with the demand that
the oil embargo be made compul-
sory for all UN members.
This would give Portugal and
South Africa the choice of obey-
ing the UN resolution or defying
the world body.
African and Asian members of
the Commonwealth also are sug-
gesting that an approach to the
Security Council should be cou-
pled with massive diplomatic pres-
sure on South Africa and Portu-
gal to respect the oil ban. These
two countries would be left in no
doubt that a refusal to comply
would expose them to oil sanctions
Summit Level
Wilson wanted the Common-
wealth talks at summit level. But
10 of the 17 African and Asian
top rulers will have deputies sit-
ting in for them.
RuralAreas Merged New York Papers
Pledged A id
By Johnson Tell of Strike Settlement
PARATROOPERS OF THE 173RD AIRBORNE Brigade head for helicopters that will carry them to
combat during Operation Toledo in Binh Tuy province, about 50 miles northeast of Saigon.
Election Interest Sparks Fear
OfMore Communist Terrorism
Traveling President
Also Cites Mounting
Need for Pure Water
By The Associated Press
DALLASTOWN. Pa. - Tens of,
thousands crowded this small rural
town yesterday to hear President
Johnson pledge government help
to improve life in rural America
to stem migration to overcrowded
big cities.
Johnson, said to be the first
president ever to visit here, came
to help the town celebrate its
100th birthday.
Earlier, at a dam dedication
ceremony at Summersville, W.Va.,
Johnson predicted disaster for the
world unless it meets mounting
needs for pure water.
Dallastown's chief of police, Earl!
F. Taylor, estimated 65,000 people
turned out to greet -Johnson and
his wife as they drove into town
from the Harrisburg-York Airport.
Still traveling under a nonpolit-
ical label, Johnson had warm
words here for Pennsylvania's Re-
publican governor, William W.
Scranton. "He puts his country
before his party," Johnson said.
Two Democratic governors,
Richard J. Hughes of New Jersey
and Charles L. Terry Jr. of Dela-1
ware, also greeted Johnson at the
Harrisburg-York Airport and rode
fwith him in the 31 -mile motor-
cade to Dallastown.
While Johnson spoke, some 30
peace pickets were present, but
they agreed to stay 250 feet away'
from the platform from which
Johnson spoke in order to avoid
any incidents.
In contrast many in the crowd
greeting him at the Harrisburg-
York Airport carried signs sup-
porting U.S. policy in Viet Nam.
While the crowd at Dallastown
was the largest of the day by far,'
Johnson drew sizable crowds at
all of his stops yesterday.
He reached the nearest thing
to a partisan note at the Charles-
ton Airport.
He said:
"We are doing what a Demo-
cratic president, a Democratic
government, ought to do for a
democratic people."
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-Official sources said
gradually increasing voter interest
may set off more violent terror-
ism in the Communist campaign
to wreck the Sept. 11 election of
a constituent assembly.
Captured documents were re-
ported to indicate the communists
have worked out a program with
bombings, assassinations and sim-
ilar acts.
In Washington, U.S. officials
said that while there are some
hopes for a 75 per cent turnout
of eligible voters, a 50 per cent
vote would be a good one-and
enough to shatter Communist
claims that they represent the
Failure of Elections
The Washington officials sought
to discount in advance any con-
tentions that a turnout of much
less than 100 per cent of the elig-
ible voters would mean a failure
of the elections.
The Johnson administration has
been putting great store in the
election as a move toward a broad-
based, constitutional government
in South Viet Nam.
Such a representative regime in
Saigon is needed for long-range
success against the Communist ef-
fort to take over the country, U.S.
strategists believe.
Mortar Crews
On the war scene, Communist
mortar crews last night shelled
the headquarters of the U.S. 1st
Cavalry, Airmobile Division, whose
mobility and firepower have made
it one of the most effectiverele-
ments in the allied armed forces.
A spokesman announced 27
rounds were lobbed into the divi-
sion's base, called Camp Radcliffe,
in the central highlands at An Khe
about 250 miles northeast of Sai-
There was no immediate report
concerning damage or casualties.
Bad Weather
Elsewhere U.S. 7th Fleet gun-
ners took up some of the slack in
allied offensive operations as
Communist troops generally re-
mained elusive and bad weather
limited air strikes.
A spokesman announced seven
American vessels fired more than
1,100 five-inch shells and 'about
200 five-inch rockets in bombard-
ment of enemy storage areas,sas-
sembly points and base camps at
widely scattered points along the
South Vietnamese coast.
B52 bombers, flying high above
monsoon rain clouds, made a noon
strike at Communists near the
Cambodian frontier, on' the other
side of the country. The big jets
from Quam zeroed in on a base
camp and training area in Tay
Ninh Province 70 miles northwest
of Saigon.
Rainstorms held American pi-f
lots to 96 missions over North Viet
Nam Friday and all these were
concentrated in the panhandle, a
narrow sector between mountains
and the sea extending about 150
miles north of the border.,
Yesterday aerial rescue teams
that back up American fliers drew
star billing in accounts of the re-
covery under fire of two pilots
downed over North Viet Nam.
Saved from death or capture
were Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Tucker,
Long Prairie, Minn., and Capt.
Edward Skowron, Cheshire, Mass.
A veteran Navy pilot, Tucker
was rescued from Haiphong har-
bor by fellow jet fliers and a Navy
helicopter crew as Communist ves-
sels closed in after his RF8 Cru-
sader was shot down on a photo-
graphic mission last Wednesday.
By The Associated Press ]
NEW YORK-The World Jour-'
nal Tribune reached a settlement1
with the last craft union yester-
day, apparently clearing the way
for publication of the merger-i
born newspaper.'
Matt Meyer, president of the
newspaper company, said earlier;
in the day he hoped publication
of the newspaper could begin:
Monday, Sept. 12.
Following the settlement, John.
J. Gaherin, president of the Pub-
lishers of New York City, said,
"I see no reason why we can't
make the 12th."
Sixth Agreement
The newspaper settled with the
photoengravers union at 3:50
p.m.. yesterday. It was the sixth
union to reach agreement with
the publication yesterday.
The stoppage of publication of
the newspaper was in its 132nd
The Newspaper Guild of New
York, which struck the newspaper
on the eve of its scheduled publi-
cation last April 25, has said its
members were ready to return to
work and would resolve any re-
maining differences with the com-
pany later.
Agreement Tentative
The stereotypers union agree-
ment with the company is tenta-
tive and must be approved by the
union membership, which is sched-
uled to meet Sept. 11.
Terms of the settlements reach-
ed yesterday were not disclosed.
The pressmen's union won a half-
hour reduction in the Saturday
night shift work hours.
The World Journal Tribune was
born of the merger of the morning
Herald Tribune, and the after-
noon Journal American and
World Telegram & the Sun.
The company will publish the
afternoon World Journal and the
Sunday World Journal Tribune.
Plans to continue publication of
the morning Herald Tribune were
dropped Aug. 15.
John E. Green, vice president of
the newly formed corporation, an-
nounced the settlement with the
last of the craft unions, the
Green said there are "no sub-
stantial issues" with the Guild
and that negotiation sessions with
them will be held next week.
Gaherin said, "I don't foresee
any possibility of difficulty with
the Guild."
Differences Settled
Earlier in the afternoon the
newspaper reached agreement with
the paperhandlers union. Thomas
Kopple, president of the local,, pressmen was reached, the coin-
walked out of the negotiations and pany had to renegotiate with all
told waiting newsmen, "We've the other unions because of the
settled our differences."
The electricians and machinists demise of the Tribune.
reached agreement around noon. Currently in New York the only
The drivers and mailers settled major afternoon paper publishing
at 4 a.m. The other unions had is the New York Post. The Post
stdar.Te.thruis also in precarious financial
settled earlier, shape. Because of the extended
The pressmen's union settled labor strikes in the last few years
with the newspaper last Friday. and the refusal of the unions to
The newspaper company had allow the introduction of labor
reached an agreement with all the saving computers, it is feared that
unions but the pressmen by mid- the Post will fold under the on-
August when it announced plans slaught of competition for cir-
to drop the Herald Tribune. culation and advertising once the
Demise of Tribune World Journal Tribune begins
After the agreement with the publishing.
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Eastern European Communists Counter
Red Chinese Attackson Moscow Policies
Wenk Soles Service
310 E. Washington
State St.
Division, St.
Sth Ae.
4th A".
Main St.
Returning Students Note!
VIENNA (AP)-Pro-Soviet Com-
munists in Eastern Europe appar-
ently have launched a campaign
countering Red China's stepped-
up drive to revile Moscow's way of
running communism, informants
reported yesterday.
These Western students of Com-
munist affairs said a speech de-
nouncing the Peking Communists
by President Antonin Novotny of
Czechoslovakia seemed to be a
demonstration that a concerted
drive is under way.
Novotny accused the Chinese of
shattering world Communist unity
World News Roundup ]
in the fact of the war in Viet Nam
and of encouraging "imperialist
Chinese Under Fire
In the past week, the Red Chi-
nese have come under fire of the
Communist parties in C u b a,
France and Italy. The Czechos-
lovak and Bulgarian Communist
party organizations came to the
firing line Friday.
The Czechoslovaks said Chinese
policies were a new step toward a
complete break with Moscow. The
Bulgarians blamed Peking for the
deterioration of Peking-Moscow
relations and encouraging "West-
ern aggressiveness."
The Cubans ridiculed Peking's
frequent recital of "Mao Tze-
tung's thought" and said it "has
given the enemies of socialism and
communism cause for laughing
and taunting."
Mao Tze-tung's Thought
Peking apparently was paying
no heed. A broadcast from Peking
yesterday suggested that weak na-
tions armed with Mao Tze-tung's
thought could defeat strong na-
tions armed with modern weapons.
Over the past two weeks, young
Chinese Red Guards - formed to
protect party chief Mao and his
leadership -have been attacking
not only things they considered
capitalistic and, imperialistic but
persons they regarded as revision-
To the Chinese, revisionists are
Russians. Peking claims that the
Soviet Union's post-Stalin policies
have been revising the original
communism of Marx and Lenin.
The Chinese speak out in favor of
"people's wars" against the West.
Red Guards
Red Guard mobs have demon-
strated outside the Soviet Embassy
in Peking-the latest one lasting
48 straight hours but with no vio-
The Kremlin has sent sharp pro-
tests, leading to some speculation
that a break in diplomatic rela-
tions may be imminent. But West-
ern diplomats in Moscow do not
see the Kremlin taking this step
because it would create even
greater problems. As conditions
are now the Russians are gaining
support as a voice of reason, the
diplomats say.
With that in the background,
Novotny. stepped forward with his
Chinese Policy
"The Chinese policy as well as
the present events in China are
detrimental to the forces of revo-
lution and peace not only in Asia
but all over the world," he told
a graduating military class in
By The Associated Press
MADISON - Leaders of a civil
rights group protesting public of-
ficials' membership in an all-white
club announced last night a -one-
week pause in their Milwaukee
demonstrations to provide "elbow
room" for negotiations.
The agreement came after 14
nights of picketing at the homes
of two judges and a congressman
in Milwaukee and its suburb of
Gov. Warren P. Knowles called
out the National Guard for three
nights to enforce peace at bayonet
point when jeering crowds of
whites raged at the Negro pickets
in Wauwatosa last weekend.
* * *
CICERO, Ill.-Officials draft-
ed plans yesterday to reduce the
chances of violence during today's
civil rights march in Cicero by
keeping away as many spectators
as possible.
The marchers -- their numbers
estimated as low as 100 and as
high as 500-plan to walk two
miles into Cicero and then return
to Chicago.
Maj. Gen. Francis P. Kane,
A commander of the Illinois National
Guard, announced 2,000 Guards-
men will move into Cicero about
noon today.
The march is sponsored by the
Congress of Racial Equality. Its
Chicago chapter chairman, Robert
Lucas, estimated 400 to 500 will
participate. He had predicted 1,000
last week.
* * *
DAYTON, Ohio-Approximately
300 National Guardsmen were
pulled out of Dayton's racially
troubled West Side yesterday as
quiet prevailed over the area.
About 1,000 Guardsmen were
rushed in Thursday in the wake
of the fatal shooting of a Negro
man and ensuing rioting and loot-
* * *
ATLANTA - Fire Chief C. H.
Hildebrand said yesterday that
any striking Atlanta firemen not
reporting back to duty on the next
work shift would be suspended
from their jobs.
Hildebrand issued the statement
in the wake of an order from the
executive committee of the fire-
men's union, calling for the 500
striking firemen to return to work.
Firemen demanding a wage in-
crease went on strike Friday night
for the second time in three
months. Leaders of the Atlanta
Fire Fighers Union, independent,
were served early yesterday with
a temporary court order to end
the strike.
various parts of mainland China
are remaining in Peking, Japanese
dispatches from Peking said yes-
The reports said the Red Guards
were part of several hundreds of
thousands of youths who attended
the Red Guards rally in Peking
last Wednesday.
The provincial Red Guards still
in Peking were staying for study
and training, the Japanese dis-
patches said, in preparation for
what observers in Peking believe
will soon expand into a unified,
official nationwide Red Guards
O T T A W A - Passenger and
freight trains were in operation
in much of Canada yesterday, but
defiance of a parliamentary back-
to-work order by at least 17,000
workers disrupted service in many
A labor official predicted, how-
ever, that most of the men would
'come to reason' after the holiday
weekend and be back to work on
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Dr. Kenneth Pike
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7:00 p.m. "The
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