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September 02, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-02

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Seventy-Sixth Year

A Farew

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icre Opinions Are Free.
Trutb Will Prevail



NEws PmoNE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daili ezPress the inidi'idual opinons of ctaf f writers
or the editors. T/ss must be noted in-aii reprints.




A United Nations Without
Burma's U Thant'

U THANT declined to consider a second
term as United Nations secretary-gen-
eral, yesterday, with a note of finality
that sounded more like resignation to the
hard pressures of International politics
than a retirement from a successful five
year term. For the organization that
found an able successor to "irreplaceable
Dag," the loss of the quiet Burmese may
well be as strong a blow to the world body
as the tragic plane crash which killed
Hammarskjold in 1961.
Any attempts. by the U.S. and the
U.S.S.R. to draft Thant for a second term
seem likely to fail. The job of picking
his successor may well degenerate into
a petty contest for the position between
the capitalists, Communists and "third
world" as each tries to put his spokes-
man into the seat of non-power. It would
be a sad fall from the spirit of dignity
and moral courage Thant had brought
to-the Secretariat.
HE WAS NOT a charismatic figure him-
self. Quiet,: intellectual, a diplomat-
not only because of his background but
also because diplomacy was the only way
he could get results in an organization
not structured to power politics-Thant
nevertheless molded himself over the
years into a world figure of great moral
force and independence from big-power
He called the Viet Nam war "a con-
stant reproach to the conscience of, hu-
manity." He initiated several futile peace
missions. In his farewell letter to the

UN, he spoke of the "pressure ofE
remorselessly leading towards a
war while efforts to reverse that
are lagging disastrously behind."


Editorial Director
I HARBORED many fears upon
returning to Ann Arbor. And,
alas. I found the greatest of them
realized-Red's has sold out.
For you freshmen who, of
course, do not remember the Red's
Of Old, it was a little dumpy
place around the corner from the
Daily building. You walked into
the door and looked down a small,
dirty aisle at about 15 squat stools
in front of a narrow counter. The
walls were plastered with post-
cards, sayings in various and sun-
dry different languages, and old
Daily and Ann Arbor News articles
about the rich history and tradi-
tion surrounding the Rite Spot.
THIS WAS the humble hut of
Good Food, its front window fill-
ed with random neon enticements,
its cash register squeezed at the
pivot of the L-shaped counter, cov-
ered with signs reminding you that
you had to pay for the second
cup of coffee, and the can that
showed the money from the mints
went to charity. The guys behind
the counter used to ask why you
hadn't brushed your teeth in a
month or where you got such an'
ugly date or why you were drink-
ing water instead of buying a coke.
We loved Red's. There was an
aura of convivial good feeling and
non-conformity surrounding the
place that Rite worshippers came
to value beyond life.
Spot was to be torn down and
that Red would move his estab-

lishment (little did I realize then
the full import of that word)
around the corner. There was that
great day of final glory when the
crowd gathered on Red's last day.
everybody a little high, to say
goodbye to the blessed Spot and
to cheer the arm-waving heroes of
Red's of old as the police carried

edI to JF
them off in a glory that this pres-
ent generation may never taste
again. It was a day when men
were men; and you could belong
to a restaurant.
It was magnificent.
And so I waited. All summer
with batted breath I pondered the
re-emergence of the Wonderful

Red and his happy house and glib-
ly anticipated what treats were
to be at a newer, better Red's.
BUT THE SPOT has become the
spot. It is shining brand new,
with a big unobstructed picture
window and a pavilion in front
with a keeno-neat hole in itt to

let the sun in. Inside is also
clean and new, with lots of booths
and stools. On the walls are the
old foreign stuff, but neatly fram-
ed, and alternated plaque to plaque
with clean, sharp architectural
sketches of something or other.
There is a big maize and blue (I
shudder to say it) "Michigan" in
the back. When I first walked in
I didn't see the old postcards, etc.,
but then. there they were, all
-fatly tacked up on a nice rec-
LakLular bulletin board-the ones
from Pat Brown and all the oth-
er political figures, but still, on a
bulletin board.
And upholstered baby seats.
The waiter didn't know what I
meant when I yelled "SELLOUT"
in his face. Red smiled and wav-
ed from the other side of the
room when I yelled "SELLOUT"
at him. My waiter refused to in-
sult Charlotte. "Look," I said,
flashing a smile, "my teeth. Look.
Look." "Yeah, nice," he said, and
backed away.
I tried a different tack. "Hey,
man. where's the old cash regis-
ter." "This is an old one. But
don't worry, we're getting a new
one that makes change automat-
ically soon."
SO I PAID, and left, sadly. And
as I looked back at Red's New
Rite Spot, I thought, "First the
Union pool. Now this."
And then "maybe, just maybe,
he means it to be high camp." If
he throws water at me next time
I go in, I'll know, and be happy
once more.



HIS FEELING of frustration and failure
in the Viet Nam crisis he viewed as
part of a larger shackling in the UN's
peacekeeping undertakings. He could see
as failures his inability to get the Soviet
Union and France to pay $100 million in
debts, the failure to 'admit China to the
world community, and the failure of the
development decade to significantly ad-
vance the welfare of the underdeveloped
nations. These obstacles, none of them of
his own making and really insoluble for
any one man or one hamstrung world
organization, weighed heavily on his con-
science as he left office.
Yet on the positive side of the balance
sheet, his unheralded maneuverings caus-
ed the British Foreign Office to hail him,
saying "the entire international commu-
nity owes him a lasting debt." He was
instrumental in resolving the Cuban mis-
sile crisis, the West Iranian dispute, in
forestalling a larger war in Cyprus and
in continually expanding the field serv-
ices of UN organizations like UNESCO,
THANT STEPPED into a prestigious job
to fill a prestigious man's position and
he left the Secretariat even more respect-
e4. It seems very unlikely the UN can
find a worthy successor. He will be missed.


The New Red's-all sold out.

Detroit: The Race Riot That Never Was

sororities Make a Big
Switch to Fall Rush

opened their doors to over 1200 un-
dergraduate women, including. freshmen,
in the first full fall rush in almost 10
years. During the recent past fall rush
has excluded freshmen, allowing only up-,
perclass undergraduate women - mostly
sophomores rushing for a second time
and transfer students-to participate.
The change to this new rushing system
has been beset by controversy and has
met with criticism on many fronts; sor-
ority women and administrators both
have debated at length the wisdom of
the switch. No single guiding principle
prompted the 23 members of" Panhel-
lenic's Presidents' Council to approve the
constitutional revision which brought a
full fall rush again into practice--by only
one more vote than the two-thirds margin
necessary to effect the change.
HOUGH MANY affiliated women would
prefer not to admit it, the future of
the sorority system at the University has
long been questionable. While freshman
enrollment has consistently risen in the
past few years, freshman desire to affili-
ate has not. The percentage of women
rushing has been decreasing steadily.
The problems confronting the sorority
system at the University have not en-
tirely been the fault of the sororities
themselves-increased off-campus hous-
ing, antiquated and often unsympathetic
national organizations, and new inde-
pendence on the part of the average col-
lege woman have all contributed signifi-
cantly to the decline in the popularity
of sorority living.
However, the system itself has not been
entirely immune to criticism either. Sor-
orities have not been able to provide suf-
ficient intellectual stimulation in many
instances; group living can be annoying
and adequate study facilities are often
lacking, and selection policies are fre-f
quently discriminatory or controlled to
some extent by a distant and impersonal
national arrangement,
SO A FALL RUSH materialized as means
of possible salvation. Perhaps, reason-
ed many, a full fall rush would attract
freshmen before they had begun to chan-
Editorial Staff
BRUCE WASSERS'IEIN. Executive Editor
Managing Editor Editorial Director
JOHN MEREDITH. ..'Associate Managing Editor
LEONARD PRATT....Assoiate Managing Editor
B ABE~TT'1'OHN .....h .Personnel Director

nel their interests elsewhere. Perhaps the
sororities could alleviate some-of the con-
fusion, bewilderment and impersonality
of a large campus for the incoming fresh-
Besides, the weather is nicer in the
fall and the girls, if presented with in-
formation during the summer, could
make their decision to rush or not to
rush before being prejudiced by room-
mates and rumors about which houses are
the "best" on campus.
The arguments of those who favored
a full fall rush were highly persuasive,
convincing in the end two-thirds of the
affiliated women, Student Government
Council, and Vice-President for Student
Affairs Richard L. Cutler. The members
of Panhellenic then embarked upon a
summer campaign to sell the sorority
system as a whole, a campaign for which
they are to be highly commended.
Well-written, enthusiastic literature
was sent out both to parents and incom-
ing freshmen. Panhellenic picnics were
planned in several large cities, Detroit
and Chicago among them. Massive, time
consuming pre-rush meetings were elim-
inated. Affiliates were on campus to an-
swer the questions of potential rushees
during summer orientation. Slides depict-
ing group activities in the sororities were
shown. And thus, the University's unified
sorority system was presented.
TWELVE HUNDRED women registered
this week for fall rush, and the rest
is now up to the individual houses. But
is fall rush the solution the sororities
have sought?
Although the arguments over the psy-
chological readiness of the first semester
freshman woman for rush have ended,
no clear answers have emerged. Some will
be able to handle two lives-their lives
in the dorm and their lives with their
sorority sisters. But will they all be able
to feel that they are an integral part of
The sororities in the past have been
accused of inadequate study facilities--
have the sororities made improvements?
Grade drops, girls who had not received
a 2.0 their first semester, were weeded
out when rush took place during the win-
ter semester. Now both the houses and
the girls will suffer if all who are pledged
cannot be initiated in January. From a
strictly financial viewpoint, the sorori-
ties cannot afford to lose any of those
they pledge.
Rush groups this fall are large and
rush itself will be longer. Rush will be
somewhat more hectic than usual. Will
the ewirls--affiliates and rushees alike---

T HE MOST important race
story of the past year did not
occur in New York, Chicago, Phil-
adelphia, Cleveland, Los Angeles
or one of a dozen other towns
nia- --?hv riots. Virtua?v innoredt
amidst the numerous accounts of
death and destruction in Hough,
Watts. Brooklyn and elsewhere
was t he story of a race riot in
Detroit-one that never happened.
Detroit August 9 and 10 as angry
white and Negro mobs began
hurling rocks at cars and store
windows and tossing fire bombs.
But the city did not use tradi-
tional tactics for squelching the
flare-up. Detroit sent in poverty
workers to expand recreational fa-
cilities and encourage businessmen
in the area to stay open. They
even sent garbagemen to clear up
debris. The police were almost
diplomatic-handling the disturb-
ance as an isolated event with-
out racial overtones and fired not
a single shot. Job recruiters scour-
ed the area and the press was
asked to play down the story.
To be sure, high employment
levels in the auto factories plus
the city's relatively advanced in-
tegration policies in jobs, schools
and housing also contribute to De-
troit's relative racial peace. None-
theless, the city has many of the
same problems that have brought
on riots elsewhere-slum condi-
tions that rate with the worst,
militant Negro groups and white
racist gangs as well as long, hot
success at averting racial strife-
the city hasn't had a race riot in
23 years-has left officials of oth-
er big cities unimpressed. For, in
the wake of riots in their cities,
they have shunned a moderate ap-
proach in the belief that more po-
lice and military power, along with
anti-riot legislation, is the only
solution. They plan to continue
trying to extinguish the fire with
"There's no substitute for force
in quelling civil disturbances," says

Chicago Police Superintendent Or-
lando W. Wilson. Most officials al-
so seem to share the view of Ohio's
Senator Frank J. Lausche who
said that the wave of riots were
a "national conspiracy executed
by experts." Indeed, California's
legislative answer to the Watts
disaster is an anti-riot law pro-
viding six months in jail and a
$500 fine for persons inciting riot
under dangerous circumstances.
Cleveland is moving in the same
direction in the aftermath of a
riot that killed four and injured
46. "We need a law that provides
severe penalties for the organizer
and participant in riots," says
John N. McCormack, Cleveland's
public safety director. According
to U.S. News and World Report,
the "only answer" to racial trouble
is "military power."
IT SEEMS that the only excep-
tion to the trend is Detroit. The
difference in attitude grew largely
out of experience gained in the
Motor City's 1943 race riot which
killed 34 and injured hundreds.
The riot started over a rumor that
a Negro woman and her child
had been knifed on Belle Island
Park. Fighting erupted for three
days as white gangs attacked iso-
lated Negroes on street corners
while Negroes pillaged stores. As
a result the city has built up
over the years an elaborate com-
munity relations apparatus that
constantly brings together busi-
nessmen, ministers, educators and
public officials to deal with race
problems. Thus the city's plan for
handling racial outbreaks has been
carefully worked out in advance.
When Detroit police moved to
arrest four youths for loitering on
Kercheval St. on the city's East
Side they were immediately con-
fronted by an angry mob of Ne-
gro youths. Moments later bot-
tles and rocks were flying at po-
lice cars and store windows. When
Police Commissioner Ray Girar-
din received word of the trouble
he immediately contacted Mayor
Jerome P. Cavanagh. Their deci-
sion: don't flood the area with
uniformed policemen.
Attempting to avoid arousing

trouble, 150 policemen came into
the eight-block Kercheval area
about 8:30 p.m. Though the po-
lice were helmeted and armed with
fixed bayonets, they concentrated
on calming residents and getting
bystanders off the streets. "Go
back inside, sir," blared the bull-
h,-rns. "T -re -"' o 'n a few
bad ones here. We just want the
troublemakers out of the way. The
police made six arrests and had
withdrawn by midnight-without
firing a shot.
WEDNESDAY morning the may-
or's first move was to send out
sanitation workers to sweep up
the broken glass and board over
the broken store windows. "If you
see a store with two out of three
windows broken, it's a great temp-
tation to break the other window,"
the mayor explains.
Mayor Cavanagh directed 20 city
poverty workers from other parts
of the city into the area to beef
up recruitment efforts for vari-
ous city programs. About 180
youngsters and their parents were
signed up for the city day camp.
Teenagers were recruited into the
neighborhood youth corps in large
numbers. The workers also told
residents of the area about Ford
Motor Company's new bus service
to its Wixom assembly plant in
suburban Detroit - where jobs
were open.
The city expedited a plan to
rent a gymnasium and outdoor
basketball court from a local
church. The recreational activi-
ties there opened two weeks ahead
of schedule. Other community re-
lations agents convinced all local
businessmen to stay open and
squelched a rumor about a white
man being stabbed by a Negro.
same day, the community relations
department reported to the mayor
and police commissioner on police
conduct the previous night. It con-
cluded that the police acted with
restraint, but erred in marching
down a main street in the district
in formation. The reason for the
prompt report was that Tuesday
night a quick-thinking community

relations agent spotted four police
cars moving in the same direction.
He called the police immediately
and was at the trouble spot with
the first police cars.
Privately the Rev. Nichplas
Hood, a city councilman, warned
that there' has been "undue ha-
rassment" by the police in the
area. Robert Tindal, president of
the local NAACP, also privately
cautioned against unnecessary in-
timidation and arrest by police.
THE POLICE were not without
fault in the situation. Residents
still think officers have been too
zealous about reprimanding men
who loiter on street corners. "Peo-
ple feel they can't stand on streets
in their own neighborhoods," says
Rev. Hood. Adds another Negro
leader, "People are tired of getting
arrested for loitering because they
are talking on some corner with
a friend. They wouldn't dare do
that to a white man in Grosse
Mayor Cavanagh adds that he
too is concerned about an over-
responsive police force. "I know
a good record can go down the
drain in five minutes if one cop
responds to a taunt without dis-
playing proper judgment." But all
concerned are heartened by the
Michigan Civil Rights Commis-
sion's prompt report on the affair
which said, "There was no evi-
dence of police brutality. The po-
lice did not fire any shots."
PUBT ICILY the NP-ro lpalrs
appealed for restraint from the
city's Negro community. The min-
isters met with local block clubs
urging parents to keep their chil-
drenindoors. Rev. Hood and Tin-
dal appealed to residents over
WCHB, a Negro radio station.
"Those of us who lived through
riots don't want to see them hap-
pen again and they needn't hap-
pen again," said Rev. Hood. "Ne-
groes stand to lose more from
riots than anyone else."
Mayor Cavanagh refrained from
making a public statement on the
matter. At a press conference he
simply called it an "isolated inci-

dent." Police Commissioner Girar-
din added that the affair had "no
racial overtones." Mayor Cavan-
agh felt a speech would have at-
tracted unnecessary publicity.
"The people my words would ap-
peal to wouldn't be involved. And
the people concerned wouldn't
heed my appeals."
The city community relations
commission asked the local press
for "moderate" coverage, and got
it. "The papers were tremendous,"
said Richard Marks, director of
the commission. "They told the
story carefully and unemotional-
WEDNESDAY night white and
Negro gangs poised for action
again. Police had to make 43 ar-
rests, and fireman had to extin-
guish a small fire-but the area
was quiet by 9:30 p.m. Virtually
all extra policemen on the scene
went home by 11 p.m. Thursday
night police made 22 more ar-
rests, but again there was no ma-
jor flareup. A few minor incidents
occurred over the weekend, but
the moderate police action plus
"peace patrols" of Negro and
white ministers who cruised
through the area getting young
people to go inside kept things
While there is no assurance that
Detroit's unique methods will avert
racial turmoil indefinitely, it ap-
-,ears that the city haqs the right
idea. Unfortunately most officials
elsewhere fail to appreciate the
situation and plan to continue us-
ing bullets, clubs, handcuffs, the
National Guard and anti-riot leg-
islation to put down riots-a poli-
cy destined for no moreasuccess
in the future than in the past.
WHAT the Detroit experience
suggests is that riots are not halt-
ed by such measures.hRather De-
troit's experience this summer
shows that stopping riots takes po-
lice who know how to look the
other way in the face of angry
taunts, and civic leaders who can
understand a n d communicate
pomptly with those who have so
much to riot about.


Did the U' Submit Meekly to H UAC?

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a copy
of a letter sent to Vice-President for
Student Affairs Richard Cutler from
Thomas Mayer of the Sociology
Department on the recent HUAC
Dear Mr. Cutler:
A FEW DAYS AGO I returned
from a brief vacation and
found a letter stating that the
University of Michigan, in re-
sponse to a subpoena, provided
the House Un-American Activities
Committee with records pertain-
ing to certain student organiza-
tions which have protested the
war in Vietnam. It is hardly sur-
prising that HUAC and similar
organizations should investigate
opposition to the war in Vietnam.
As an individual who believes
American action in Vietnam to be
immoral, illegal, and contrary to
the national interest, I am pre-
pared to accept the personal con-
sequences of these investigations.
I am not, however, prepared to ac-
cept the meek submission of Uni-
versity officials to the demands of
the House Committee nor their
cnri'ni,, arguments in defense of

lent opportunity to promote the
values crucial for creative intel-
lectual life. The University ad-
ministrators chose instead to com-
ply with HUAC demands and
thereby to undermine the real
foundations of academic life, to
eschew dedication to fundamen-
tal principles of human freedom,
and to disregard crassly the wel-
fare of University community
members. To justify their beha-
vior, Administration officials offer
the incredibly lame excuse that
this is "normal operating proce-
The surrender of records to
HUAC will have grave conse-
quences for the local University
community. A university can
function smoothly only if students
and faculty trust the administra-
tion. The University of Michigan
administration has shown that it
will wantonly violate the confi-
dence placed in it when this be-
comes convenient. Under these cir-
cumstances, how can it retain the
trust of students and faculty or
attract prominent scholars from

good will, etc. These are precisely
the considerations which moti-
vated the shameful behavior of
university administrators during
the McCarthy period. They differ
only slightly from the factors
which impelled many German ed-
ucators step by step down the road
of degeneracy during the 1930's.
Unfortunately, the lessons of the
recent past are easily forgotten.
Administrators still do not strug-
gle against conditions which make
the financial well-being of a uni-
versity dependent upon itspoliti-
cal "good behavior." Instead, Uni-
versity of Michigan officials calm-
ly accept this pathological state of
affairs and use it as a rationale to
tolerate the suppression of campus
political activity.
A similar point can be made
with regard to the issue of local
good will. The residents of Ann
Arbor expect the actions of the
University to be guided by autono-
mous moral principles. When. as
in the case of the HUAC sub-
poena, principles are tailored to
the imagined prejudices of the

reprehensible by the existence of
legal alternatives which the Uni-
versity coulduhave pursued. The
validity of subpoenas for organi-
zational membership lists has
often been called into question A
number of legal decisions indicate
that courts would uphold a chal-
lende to the validity of the recent
HUAC subpoena. How can the ad-
ministration protect the Univer-
sity of Michigan against illegiti-
mate and tyrannical demands by
organ-zations like HUAC unless it
is willing to question their valid-
ity and fight these demands in
I have indicated part of the
harm already done by the failure
to reject the HUAC subpoena.
Nevertheless, it is still possible to
rectify some of the damage. To-
ward this end, the following steps
are imperative: 1) the Administra-
tion must publicly admit its error
in accepting the HUAC subpoena
and must immediately initiate
suit to recover the materials sub-
mitted; 2) the Administration
must publicly state that it will

the public of the dangers to aca-
demic life posed by organizations
like HUAC.
I would like to meet with you,
Mr. Cutler, as well as with Mr.
Sells and Mr. Smith to discuss
implementing these suggestions.
Undertaking these actions will
surely require courage, determina-
tion, and conviction. Nevertheless,
it is far easier to check the in-
cursions of HUAC under the pres-
ent circumstances than under
those which would prevail if a
new epidemic of academic witch
hunts takes hold. Courage has al-
ways been the hallmark of a great
university. The University of
Michigan still has the opportunity
to regain its moral eminence. If
it renounces this opportunity, it
will also renounce its claim to
greatness and will reveal itself as
a& feeble spirit masquerading in
the body of a giant.
Sincerely yours,
Thomas F. Mayer


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