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September 02, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-02

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I i N


Clash Over
Criticizes Viet War,
Chinese Exclusion
In His Announcement
U Thant, in an announcement
tinged with reproach for the great
powers, declined yesterday to serve
a second five-year term as United
Nations Secretary General. The
United States quickly implored
him to reconsider, and advertised
its readiness to join any move to
draft him for the job.
Thant's decision, which posed a
prospect of a new East-West clash
over a successor, turned aside
heavy pressure from many na-
tions, including the United States
and the Soviet Union, to keep him
on the job.
The soft-spoken 57-year-old
Burmese diplomat, his statement
reflecting deep worry over the
Viet Nam war and the exclusion of
Red China from the United Na-
tions, gave no clear indication
whether he would be susceptible
to a draft, but the United States
made known Washington would
do anything possible to persuade
him to stay on, if only for less
than a full five-year term.
Soviet Attitude
The attitude of the Soviet gov-
ernment might be a key to wheth-
er Thant-who kept himself un-
available as his announcement
was circulated-would reconsider.
The Soviet Union under former
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev had
provoked a near crisis five years
ago, before Thant was chosen, by
insisting on a "troika" or three-
pronged secretariat representing
Communist bloc, non-Communist
nations and neutrals.
Thant, in a 1,000-word state-
ment circulated among UN mem-
bers, reflected the frustrations and
disappointments of his office, one
of the world's toughest though
most prestigious jobs, in the five
years since he took over from the
late Dag Hammarskjold of Swe-
Thant deplored the war in Viet
Nam as threatening to lead to a
major conflict and expressed dis-
appointment at the lack of coop-
eration among member govern-
ments in the search for peace. He
called the Viet Nam war a "re-
proach to the conscience of hu-
U.S. Statement
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J.
Goldberg quickly issued a state-
ment voicing America's profound
regret at the Thant decision, but
adding , that the United States
"persists in the hope that the
secretary-general will accede to
%. the desire of the membership
that he consent to the extension
of his term of office."
Goldberg pointedly said this
was an indication of President
Johnson's personal concern.
Commenting on Thant's view of
the Viet Nam situation, the U.S.
statement recognized that the war
"hangs as a cloud over world af-
fairs." But it proclaimed a U.S.
desire to bring the war to an early
end, as well as to cooperate in
heading off the threat of major
As for Red China, the U.S.
statement said America shared
the secretary-general's dissatis-
faction at lack of "universality"
of the United Nations.
Thant's statement had said:
"I must also confess to a sense

of dissatisfaction with the fact
that the organization has riot yet
achieved universality of member-
ship," and said many of the
world's problems could be traced
to that fact.

De Gaulle


Requests U.S. Pressure Grows to Suspend
Withdrawal Tax Credits on Investments

U THANT, SECRETARY-GENERAL of the United Nations, right,
and Chile last night. He declined later in the day to serve another t
UN diplomats believe he may leave open some loopholes that wou
United States is attempting to persuade Thant to remain.
SJohnson's Call for N
Parried b Prime Mi*

LONDON (P) - Prime Minister
Harold Wilson has parried a call
by President Johnson for special
American-British-German talks to
head off any hasty troop with-
drawals from West Germany.
Government sources, reporting
last night, said they assumed
Johnson's proposal was prompted
by fear of the political conse-
quences that might follow any
sizable reduction of Britain's
51,000-man Rhine army.
U.S. Cutback
Such an action by this country
doubtless would add to congres-

sional pressures for a cutback of
the 400,000 to 450,000 U.S. service-
men in Europe.
The Democratic leadership of
the U.S. Senate proposed Wednes-
day a substantial reduction in
these American forces. The pro-
posal ran into presidential objec-
tions. The administration thus
far has given no formal sign tol
West Germany that it wishes to
reduce American troop strength,
Chancellor Ludwig Erhard said
Johnson conveyed his proposal
the German defense situation in a

Demands Pullout
After Talks With
North Vietnamese
SIEM REAP, Cambodia 0P'i
French President Charles De
Gaulle came here yesterday to see
Cambodia's famous temples after
a speech in Phnom Penh telling
the United States it cannot win
the war in Viet Nam.
De Gaulle was accompanied by
Prince Nordom Sihanouk, Cambo-
dia's chief of state, who certainly
agreed with the speech De Gaulle
delivered earlier in the day in the
Cambodian capital.
In that speech, De Gaulle de-
clared peace negotiations were
impossible until the United States
sets up a timetable for withdraw-
ing its armed forced from South
-Associated Press Viet Nam.
returned from a trip to Mexico DeNam.r
erm as Secretary General. Many day before with Nguyen rThuong,
Id make a draft possible. The Communist North Viet Nam's
chief representative in Cambodia.
But there was nothing to indicate
his suggestion for a timetable for
V U.S. withdrawal was prompted by
anything Thuong told him.
North Viet Nam, Red China
and the Soviet Union have de-
manded that U.S. forces pull out
of Viet Nam before any peace
talks can begin.
i De Gaulle, however, put it this
way: "The opening of such a vast
and difficult negotiation would ob-
for special three-power talks on viously depend on the American
personal message to Wilson in late decisions to repatriate its forces at
August. Timing, level and precise an appropriate and fixed period of
scope of these talks were not de- time."
fined in detail-Aides reported After declaring that France be-
Wilson's initial reaction was cool. lieves there can be no military
In answering the President he victory in Viet Nam, De Gaulle
made plain Britain is ready to said: "Giving up an expedition
participate in exchanges of the in a faraway land, when it ap-
kind Johnson contemplates. But pears to have no profit and no
he stipulated they must not slow justification, would in no way in-
down the pace of current inter- jure their American pride, thwart
allied studies on the future of the their ideas, or jeopardize their in-
Rhine army. terests if an international agree-
Fiscal Problems ment for restoring peace and de-
Britain, beset by fiscal woes, no- veloping an important part of the
tified the Germans and their world could be worked out."
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- De Gaulle declared such an
tion partners last month it no agreement was in line "with the
longer can afford to pay out the Western spirit" and would win
$250 million a year in foreign ex- friends for the United States all
change involved in supporting the over the world.
Rhine army. The British asked "As France sees things," De
the Germans to offset that drain, Gaulle continued, "while it is un-
saying that otherwise up to 20,000 believable that the American mil-
troops would have to be with- itary display should ever be anni-
drawn. hilated in the field, there is no
As a result, a British-German chance that the peoples of Asia
mission and a group in NATO are will submit to the law of foreign-
examining the issues with a deci- ers from over the Pacific, whatever
sion due in October. their intentions and however
Britain's difficulties have hit powerful their arms."
the alliance just when the future
of 73,000 French troops in Ger-
many is in doubt.
The problem also has coincided
with signs of instability in Er-
hard's position and in his gov-
ernment's relations with its mili-
tary leaders.
In general, Wilson was said to I
share Johnson's view. But he
seems to have set his face against
any arrangement that might take
the steam out of the money-saving
processes the British have initi-

appeared to be building to a peak
within the administration yester-
day for repeal of the four-year-
old investment tax credit despite
opposition from Republicans. busi-
nessmen and the Treasury Depart-
It will be up to President John-
son, however, to make the final
But one responsible administra-
tion official said "it's a reason-.
ably good possibility" that the tax
credit would be suspended. "There
is a growing feeling for a suspen-
sion," the source said, "among the
administration's counselors and
But he voiced doubt that any
tax increase-such as a corporate
or individual income tax hike-
would be proposed this year. Other
sources have said a general tax
boost is more likely to be proposed
next year, if at all.
House Republican Leader Ger-
ald R. Ford of Michigan spoke out
against any major boost, telling
newsmen, "Imposition of a heavy

World News Roundup


By The Associated Press
TOKYO-Peking's official Peo-
ple's Daily carried an article
by the youthful "Red Guards"
threatening to intervene in the
Viet Nam war, the NeW China
News Agency reported today.
The article declared:
"We Red Guards are not only
staging an all-out rebellion on the
domestic -scene, but are ready to
step into the international arena
to fight to the end
* * *
WASHINGTON - A four-state
presidential sortie this weekend
fits into what President Johnson

and Vice President Hubert H.
Humphrey plan as a concerted,
coast-to-coast campaign to help
fellow Democrats meet this year's
election tests.
The White House confirmed yes-
terday reports that Johnson will
be in Michigan Monday, speaking
at Detroit and at Battle Creek.
* ,~ *
DAYTON, Ohio - Racial riot-
ing appeared to be moving into
downtown Dayton on yesterday as
the Ohio National Guard was
called to halt looting and quell
roaming gangs of rock-throwing,
window-smashing Negro youths.

tax increase would further accel-
erate some of the bad aspects of
our economy."
On the other hand, Sen. Jacob.
K. Javits, R-N.Y., told the Sen-
ate that Johnson should ask Con-
gress for an immediate increase in
income taxes on individuals and
corporations. He suggested a boost
of 5 to 10 per cent.
"We face a raging, flaming in-
flation in this country," Javits
said, adding that the administra-
tion cannot avoid a tax hike to
help meet costs of the war in Viet
Ford and Senate GOP Leader
Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, at
a joint news conference, put stress
on reduced federal spending to
combat inflation.
Dirksen opposed suspension of
the investment credit, saying that
if the economy should go into a
tailspin it would be a valuable
tool for capital expansion to cre-
ate jobs.
Pressure began building for
some type of anti-inflationary ac-
tion last weekend when former

President Harry S. Truman con-
tended high interest rates would
lead the country to a depression.
The administration itself is
widely split over the issue. The
Treasury Department is firm in its
opposition . to suspending or re-
pealing the credit, ,contending it's
a permanent part of the tax law.
Asked about the possibility that
the President would settle on the
tax credit as a hedge against in-
flation, George Christian, special
assistant to Johnson, said he
would stand on Wednesday's state-
ment by White House press secre-
tary Bill D. Moyers.
"No decision has been made on
the components of any package
any tax package or proposal for
or proposal and it is not likely to
be in the next few days," Moyers
said then.

Attend Open Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 6
7:30 P.M.
Multipurpose Room

_ j

U.S. Sends Reinforcementsj
To Viet Namn, Deaths Mountj


SAIGON, South Viet Nam () -
Unheralded landings this week
have poured 3,000 more Americans
into the Viet Nam war, which is
expected to engage 400,000 by the
year's end. The U.S. Command
disclosed yesterday the roll of
land, sea and air forces has risen
to 303,400.
Fresh casualty reports shoked
American combat deaths edging
toward the 5,000 mark in the at-
trition that knifes into the forces
on both sides. Eighty-seven deaths
last week pushed the five-year to-
tal to 4,889.
While U.S. and Vietnamese
troops reported killing 70 Commu-
nists hi scattered engagements,
U.S. planes hammered at targets
on both sides of the border.
B-52 bombers rained tons of
explosives again on suspected in-
filtration routes through the six-
mile wide demilitarized zone be-
tween North and South Viet Nam,
which intelligence agents said
North Vietnamese troops were
crossing in violation of the 1954
Geneva agreement supposed to
make it a neutral buffer territory.
The raid by the Guam-based
jets, their fifth there since July
30, followed up a ground fight
Wednesday just south of the zone
between Communist and South
Vietnamese troops. The govern-

ment soldiers said they killed 70
and seized seven enemy machine
guns while'suffering light casual-
About 200 soldiers of the U.S.
25th Infantry Division, acting on
an informant's tip, ripped into a
Viet Cong camp five miles from
the division's base at Cu Chi, 18
miles northwest of Saigon. They
said they killed nine Viet Cong,
most of whom were sniping at
them from spider holes, and cap-
tured 22. American losses were
reported light.
Detailed accounts of Wednes-
day's operations over North Viet
Nam showed the United States
lost two planes, 'a two-seated Air
Force F4 Phantom jet as well as
the Navy RF8 Crusader announced
at the time as shot down eight
miles southeast of Haiphong.

sll iii


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