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September 01, 1966 - Image 24

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-09-01

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Rege nts Approve Pre-doctoral Certificate ECono's WAnG:
Johnson's Conduet ii:


At the recommendation of Dean
Stephen Spurr of the Rackham
School of Graduate Studies, the
Regents approved in May the
granting of a Certificate to grad-
uate students who have completed
all doctoral requirements except
the dissertation.
The Certificate is the first step
toward the establishment of an
intermediate degree between the
masters' and the Ph.D. Spurr
commented in that "there is a
great need for this degree. The

proposed Candidate's certificate is
designed to give not only recogni-
tion to the many students who
have completed all their require-
ments except the dissertation, but
also to meet the needs of students
who wish to become thoroughly
exposed to the subject matter of
a particular field of specialization,
and yet who are not interested in
the type of detail and extended
scholarship required by the doc-
toral dissertation."
Wait for Acceptance
Both Spurr and Vice President

for Academic Affairs Allan F.
Smith observed, however, that the
University should not create such
a degree until it becomes accept-
able elsewhere. While the Univer-
sity is the first of the Big Ten
schools to adopt a certificate pro-
gram, Yale and Berkeley among
other institutions, are considering
Dne too.
Spurr noted that since May,
when the Certificate was first an-
nounced, "favorable reactions and
good publicity have appeared
i across the country." He cited re-

cent articles in Time Magazine Spurr is optimistic that the Uni-
and the New York Times as well versity will begin the intermediate
as in numerous education journ- graduate degree program in June.
,als. He said, too, that response 1967.

Strike Sets Stage for S piral

from the University's faculty itself
has been equally encouraging.
As soon as there is agreement
among institutions as to some of
the specifics-such as the name-
of the degree, Spurr will ask the
executive council to recommend
that the Regents formally institute
the program at the University.
"It would be demoralizing, said
Spurr, "to begin using the degree
and then have to change its name
two years later.".

Education School
The education school also an-
nounced in June the establish-
nent of a new doctoral program
in educational research. Program
lirector Byron G. Massialas said
that the Social Science Education
Doctoral Program will prepare re-
searchers in social science educa-
tion at elementary and secondary
school levels.




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C o l l764-0558

President Johnson in the airline
strike has taught the nation's bus-
inessmen that he will not back
them up even when they are sup-
porting his own policies, a Uni-
versity of Michigan business econ-
omist charges.
Associate Prof. Ross J. Wilhelm
says the President's conduct also
has helped teach the union mem-
bers that militancy pays - that
the longer they hold out, the more
they will receive.
"The stage is set for a wage-
price spiral upward over the com-
ing year, and Mr. Johnson's ac-
tions may have been a major con-
tributing factor in bringing it
about," he concludes.
While the airline strike has
caused much inconvenience to the
public, the economic questions and
problems raised by the strike will
have serious long-run effects on
the economy, Wilhelm points out
in a discussion on his radio pro-
gram, "Business Review," produc-
ed by the University Broadcast-
ing Service.
Fundamental Problem
"The most fundamental prob-
lem raised by the airline strike
arises from President Johnson's
efforts to settle the strike," he de-
lares. "The President personal-
ly moved into the dispute when it
appeared that there was a strong

possibility that a settlement could
be reached."
Whatever the President's rea-
sons, the maneuver failed when,
union members rejected the pro-
posed settlement. But more im-
portant, Wilhelm says, are the long
run economic effects of his ac-
Key Point
"The key point in the airline
dispute was President Johnson's
own wage-price guidepost policy,"
he explains. "The airlines had tak-
en the position that any settle-
ment in excess of a 3.2 per cent
increase-the President's guide-
post-was unacceptable. The un-
ion was fighting for a settlement
which was much higher.".
"Now, when the President en-
tered this dispute and personally
agred to an increase that
amounted to about 6 per cent, he
obviously was setting a precedent,
and in effect he changed his own
policy . . . Where do the Presi-
dent's actions leave the airline
executives and any other man-
agement group that tries to sup-
port the President's anti-inflation
policies? Why should any company
management accept all of the pain
and losses of income involved in a
strike if the President ends up by
not supporting them and giving
in to the unions by changing his
"Because the Johnson interven-

tion was made so early in the
strike, and his policy on inflation
apparently was 'changed overnight
on the whim of the President,' cor-
porate executives may feel that
the wage-price guideposts are not
very important and that the ad-
ministration will not back them
up in following them anyway,"
Wilhelm says,
'Militancy Pays'
"On the other side, the Presi-
dent's actions in the airline strike
have taught every union member
and every union leader that mili-
tancy pays," the University econ-
omist adds. "The settlement ac-
cepted by the President not only
went beyond his own wage-price
guidepost, it even went beyond the
inflationary settlement the Presi-
dent's own fact-finding advisers
had recommended.
"Militancy by the union has
brought forth increasing offers
from all parties the longer the
strike has continued. Is it sny
wonder why the union members
refused to accept even the Presi-
dent's offer? They have been
taught by everyone, including the
President himself, that the longer
they hold out the more they re-
ceive," Wilhelm said.
"It is only reasonable that if
Mr. Johnson and his advisers gave
them bigger offers twice in a row
as the strike continued, they might
get even more if they turned down
the President's second offer."



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Commuter Service
A new Commuter Bus Service is available
with stops at the following locations:
Hoover & Brown Sts. Phys. & Astro-Church St.
Hill & 5th Ave. Clements Library
Law Quad-State St. State St. & S. Univ.
Angell Hall I. M. Bldg.
Chemistry Bldg. Admin. Services Bldg.
Commuter parking lots are available to all faculty
and staff, at Hoover &,Brown Sts., and Hill & 5th
Ave. Bus service operates on an 8 minute schedule.
Commuter lot permits may be obtained by staff
members at no charge from the PARKING AD-
MINISTRATION OFFICE, 1053 Admin. Bldg. Cars
bearing Staff Paid and Meter permits are also
authorized to use these lots, and require no addi-
tional permit.
Your questions should be referred to:



English imports by Cox
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A long time traditional favorite.
British tab styling, fine water re-
pellent poplin.



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