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January 17, 1967 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-17

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See editorial page

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Windy, cold, chance
of snow today

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom





Data- The




The women who begin working
under John C. Scott of the Insti-
tute for Social Research, are told
that they might often be. mistaken
for saleswomen, welfare investiga-
tors, or even prowlers. Their
actual job, however, demands
much more patience and tact;
theirs is the task of gathering the
basic interview data for the na-
tional surveys conducted by the
ISR's Survey Research Center.
"Interviewing is an art," says
Scott, acting head of the Field
Section. "The interviewer must
develop a great deal of empathy
and ability to think on her toes
and be able to judge how far she
can press a person. The need to
establish rapport from the start
is very important."
Women, usually married and
with families to look after, are

the chief field interviewers hired;
by the ISR because the work is
part-time and the hours subject
to fluctuation. About 200 field
workers scattered strategically
across the nation are * connected
through ten regional supervisors
to the central gathering point for
interview data at the ISR build-
ing. From their basic leg work and
hours of striving to get the inter-
view with just the right person
come the raw data that feeds
ISR's computer and becomes neat-
ly packaged in the scientific fore-
casts of ISR social scientists.
The methodological heart of
this far-flung operation is in the
hands of Prof. Leslie Kish, direc-
tor of the Survey Research Cen-
ter's Sampling Section. The pati-
ent labors of five statisticians and
seven clerks with statistical strate-
gies for sampling are responsible

for the accuracy of sampling 1500 the names of the 60-million house- the area, note down the house upon the design that the sampling
persons to represent the opinion, holds in a glass bowl and draw addressed and are then told by the section must take into considera-
attitudes and habits of the na- them blindfolded." Center which dwelling to visit and tion.
tion's 200 million citizens. Instead, the Survey Research which person to interview. For specific surveys, special in-
Aerial photos and detailed maps Center uses a method that ensures "It is most important that the terview instructions are sent out
line the walls and cover the tables
in the sampling section's offices. everybody in the country an equal selection be as objective, as an- with the forms designating the
Under the direction of Mrs. Irene chance of being selected. The onymous, as possible," explains addresses to which the interviewer
is to go, and keep returning until
Hess, the sampling for upcoming Census Bureau is one of the few Kish. "The interviewer should contact is made. "Returns on sur-
surveys is determined with pin- places that rival the Center's have no choice in changing the isysdrun0abo Reurs-90yprrncbnt "
point accuracy before the field sophistication in its sampling. building or deciding who to speak says Scott "Althoughp we cent,"
section's interviewers are sent to Both use the 3000 countries in the to; this freedom would inevitably says Scott Atough we cay'
their destinies. Specific instruc- nation as their "primary sampling result in biasing the survey," to impress upon them the impor-
tions down to street addresses unts" (PSU's); from this pool, Nevertheless, much freedom of tance of the scientific contribution
and member of the household are the Center has selected 76 with judgement and subjective knowl- they are making by answering the
all selected in a manner that will which it deals. although the com- edge on the part of the survey de- questions."
assure the most accurate possible position is changed from time to signers goes into setting up the
representation. time. study. National surveys have nee- A
The key, as Prof. Kish says, "Is PSU's are further broken down essary limitations of time and week's initial training, and re-
that people do not come well by the aid of aerial maps and de- economic drawbacks. The distri- ceives continuing instruction from
mixed. To test a soup or decide tailed maps of streets and dwell- bution of the population geo- her supervisor, in the techniques
a lottery you would only have to ings into 100-150-dwelling seg- graphically and socio-economical- of i-nterviewing. The confidential
stir it well then take a sample. ments called "blocks' or "chunks." ly and the availability of inter- nature of the survey interviews is
But people can't be stirred di- It is this information that goes viewers who must singly cover an important ground-rule in gain-
rectly; it's impossible even to put out to the field wprkers, who visit whole counties place limitations ing co-operation from the subject.

The interview is conducted in a1
standardized form so that re-l
sponses and opinions are neither3
influenced by the interviewer nor
distorted by asking questions that
draw irrelevant answers.
With 5-10 national surveys3
being conducted a year, aroundt
10,000 person-to-person inter-<
views may be gathered on topicst
ranging from economics and poli-
tics to fertility studies. The Sur-t
vey Research Center has been in,
the forefront of voter studies since
its inception 20 years ago. Perhapsf
the most widely acknowledgedE
authoritative book is the "Amer-
ican Voter" by Profs. Angusi
Campbell of the psychology dept. i
and Warren Miller and Philip
Converse of the political sciencel
dept. Equally important are the#
marketing and consumer behaviori
studies of Prof. George Katona of1

the economic dept. The Center
ha's also pioneered in family-plan-
ning studies.
Both the Field and Sampling
Sections carry on their own re-
search into improving t h e i r
methodological approaches. Kish
has just published an authorita-
tive textbook, "Survey Sampling,"
on, the mathematical techniques
the Center uses. Scott and Prof.
Charles Cannell of the journalism
dept. have several projects under-
way on the problems of reporting
information, describing symptoms
and relating important personal
"Generally we are finding that
reports are most likely to be cor-
rect," says Scott, "if they concern
things that happened recently, are
perceived as important by the re-
spondant and do not threaten the
image of the person that he would
like others to hold."

Columbia Faculty Votes to End Senite



Compilation of Class Ranks

Q 4- , Ar-lk

The faculty of Columbia Col-
lege, the undergraduate's men's
liberal-arts school of Columbia
University, has voted overwhelm-
ingly in favor of a resolution
which requests the university not
to release student rankings to
Selective Service boards.
The resolution now awaits ap-
proval by the university's board
of trustees. If adopted by the

board, the proposal would prevent'
the registrar from issuing a cer-
tified statement of class rank to
draft boards or the individual'
Students at Columbia will hold
a referendum next month to de-
termine student sentiment on the
question of class ranks. According
to Peter Kirchheimer, a Colum-
bia student and members of Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society,

students will attempt to make the
referendum binding on the ad- A
If administration officials do not
take the referendum as binding,
said Kirchheimer, SDS will hold
a sit-in. -
The resolution was proposed by N om inate
Prof. James P. Shenton of the
history department and Prof. Carl
Hovde of the English department. Facuit T o
Not Formal Protest
Prof. Hovde explained that al-
though he personally is againstj
the war in Vietnam, the resolutiont
is not to be understood as a formal
war protest. "When you have a
classroom situation where grades Asseinbly Expands
are given for purely intellectual Civil Lilerties Boar
enterprise, ranking becomes an
illegitimate act that has a dam- Tables Education B
aging effect on education," he


Action Against

TWO CO-EDITORS OF Johns Hopkins University's student
newspaper have been suspended because the weekly News-Letter
carried a highly critical reference to President Johnson. Carl F.
Swanson, dean of undergraduate affairs, said that Melvin I.
Shuster and Henry G. Korn were suspended after university
President Milton Eisenhower saw a copy of the artcle.
The artcle listed Johnson on a "man of the year" ballot
stating that "last year's top mass murderer was a Texas cowboy
who has come a long way in the American crime business."
AMERICA'S GREATEST business figures will be honored in
the Business Hall of Fame to be established at the University.
Floyd A. Bond, dean of the Graduate School of Business
Administration which is creating the unique institution, said the
Hall of Fame "will serve as an inspiration to students, as a
mecca for businessmen, and as one of the leading tourist attrac-
tions in Michigan."
The Business Hall of Fame will be located in the Business
School's proposed Advanced Management Center. Funds for
the center, a facility for the advanced education of business ex-
ecutives, are being raised under the University's $55-Million
Businessmen eligible for the hall must have lived in the
United States and have been dead for at least five years. They
will be chosen by a board of 200 leading businessmen, educators
and public officials. Elections will be held in 1968 and every
three years thereafter.
THE PROFESSIONAL THEATRE Program will play a key
role in a series of statewide theatre tours being established by
the Michigan State Council for the Arts.
Robert C. Schnitzer, PTP executive director and a member
of the council's theatre committee, said the Professional Theatre
Program will organize a tour that will take live theatrical per-
formances into approximately 20 communities and school dis-
tricts in the Upper Peninsula and the northern Lower Peninsula.


According to Hovde, the resolu- The Faculty Assembly nomi-
tion was presented at a faculty nated three faculty members to
meeting which had been called to the "President's Committee on
discuss the general subject of Rules and Regulations for Disrup-
grading. "It has become increas- tive Demonstrations" and three
ingly evident," he said, "that an- faculty members to the "Presi-
xieties have been building on stu- dent's Commission on the Role of
dents in the past year. The fac- the Student in Decision-Making"
ulty found it necessary to take at its regular monthly meeting
this action." yesterday.
David B. Truman, dean of Co- The Assembly also voted to ex-
lumbia College said he would con- pand the Civil Liberties Board
vey the resolution to the Univer- established in November after
sity Council, an advisory board to recommendation of the "Ad Hoc
Dr. Grayson Kirk, president of Committee on the Disclosure
the university, and the trustees. Question."
Both Dr. Kirk and the Council * The nominees to the "Commit-
are exepected to favor the resolu- tee on Rules and Regulations" are
tion. Profs. John H. Jackson, in the
If the proposal is adopted, Co- Law School, Daniel Katz of the
lumbia would become the third psychology department and Asso-'
college in the nation to adopt ciate Prof. Thomas E. Moore of
such a policy. Both Wayne State e zoology department.

University and Haverford (Pa.)'
College have already taken such
Corrupt System
Dr. Truman sees ranking as "an
unfortunate intrusion of an extra-
neous body into student-faculty
relations." He said that he is "de-
finitely in sympathy with the;
pr'oposal" and asserted that the

Decision-Making Commission
Profs. Inis L. Claude, Jr. of the
political science department, Ber-
nard A. Galler in the math depart-
ment and Maurice J. Sinnott of
the engineering school were nomi-
nated to the "Commission on the
Role of the Student in Decision-
tMaking." All nominations are sub-
ject to the approval of University

-Daily-Tom Sheard
FACULTY ASSEMBLY members attended a regular meeting yesterday in which they made nom-
inations to several commissions and considered faculty advisory organizations.
Yale Faculty Members Urge
Halt to Bombing in Viet Nam

SDS Paper
Sent Along
With Letter
Voice Leader Sees
No Grounds for
Constitutional Action
In a letter addressed to the en-
tire membership of the Michigan
State Legislature, Republican Sen-
ate Majority Leader Emil Lock-
wood has suggested the possibil-
ity of state action against the
Students for a Democratic Society.
Voice Political Party is the local
chapter of SDS.
Included in Lockwood's letter is
a copy of a working paper propos-
ing a student syndicalist move-
ment presented last August at the
national SDS convention in Clar
Lake, Iowa. Also included is a re-
print from the Oct. 24, 1966 issue
of the New York Times regard-
ing the closing of the University of
Concepcion in Santiago, Chile, due
to a Marxist-led student revolt.
Lockwood represents the propos-
al, made by Carl Davidson of the
SDS Great Plains Regional Or-
ganizing Committee, as the ob'ee-
lives of "one group operating in
our state universities."
What To Do
'"It would be appreciated if you
would read their program care-
fully and then decide in your own
mind what, if anything, we as a
legislative body should do," the
letter continues.
Michael Zweig, Grad, chairman
of Voice, indicated that the pro-
posal is not an official policy
statement and that many members
of SDS have never even seen it.
"I can't imagine what kind of
constitutional action can come
of all this," Zweig said. "But if
we're going to have a witch hunt,
we're going to have a witch hunt."
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor), commented "I don't see
the real relevance of all this to our
state universities since it is not
even an official position of the
organization involved. I don't see
why we should get all excited about
Bursley indicated that the sub-
ject of punitive action against SDS
might come up when state uni-
versities comeutowLansing tonre-
quest state appropriations.
"A real threat to our society is
not SDS," said Sen. Roger Craig
(D-Dearborn), "but people like
Lockwood who believe America
cannot tolerate divergent points
of view. I am very frightened at
this type of thing. It is a clear
danger to the American concept
of free expression."
Senate Democratic *Minority
Leader -Raymond Dzendzel of De-
troit, the leading proponent of a
Senate resolution passed last year
banning Communist speakers on
state campuses, said he has not

present system causes "corrup- President Harlan Hatcher. By JOHN GRAY
tion, distortion, and disruption of The Assembly voted to table a
the teaching process." recommendation made in Novem- Four hundred and sixty-two
He is unsure, however, if the ber by the Ad Hoc Committee on members of the faculty of Yale
proposal will be adopted. The pol- the Disclosure Question to estab- University, including 15 depart-
icy would have to apply to all lish "a University Executive Coin- ment chairmen, five deans and the
colleges within the university and mittee consisting of faculty mem- president of the American Politi-
there is some doubt that "the hers to participate in the making cal Science Association, mailed a
graduate students' faculty will see of administrative decisions bear- letter to President Johnson Sun-
ranking as a significant issue af- ing directly on the educational day night daring that the United
fecting students." functions of the University as a States "declare an unconditional
whole, with duties and responsi- halt to theabombing of North
bilities comparable to those of the Vietnam."
executive committees of the var- The letter was originally draft-
ious colleges, schools and depart- ed and signed by nine memhbers
ments." of the faculty who then circu-
'Thorough Discussion' 'lated it among all of Yale's fac-
1 10 I10 Prof. William Brown, in the ulty. "Roughly 25 per cent re-
Dental School and chairman of sponded," according to psychiatry
the Senate Advisory Committee professor William Kessen, one of
has swept several U.S. commun- (the executive branch of the As- the drafters of the letter.

litical risks" before bombing can to unconditionally end the bomb-
be halted. ing. Premier Dong was quoted on
But it goes on to stress that the same day as saying, "The
"now the potential benefits out- moment the United States puts
weigh the risks, and that the an end to the war, we will respect
gamble is, a necessary one . . . we each other and settle every ques-
fervently hope you'll agree that tion."
the cessation of bombing is now Kessen indicated that he has
essential for the achievement of tentative plans to publish the let-
peace." ter and the signatures in a full-
Viet Response j page ad in this Sunday's New York
U Thant was reported on Jan. 4 Times, but added that "since we
to have said that he had hopes, don't have any real organization
based on fact, of a positive re- to fall back on, there's a rather.
sponse from the North Vietnamese pressing question of money to be
to negotiations if the U.S. were considered."
Cut in College Tuition Loans

Asks Local Action or

LANSING (91 - Michigan Gov. steps are necessary to see


George W. Romney yesterday com-
bined a promise to crack down
hard on future racial violence
with a warning that only action
at the local level could prevent
future racial outbursts.
Romney departed from remarks
prepared for a civil rights confer-
ence of state and local officials'
to deliver what might have beenl
intended as a position statement
on a major national issue.
Romney's statement followed by
a few days the disclosure of some
of the avenues he was exploring

private inmiviauais, wnoever tney ities. sembly). said tne resoution was Private Appeal
are, do not take the law into their Because legislation has not pro- tabled "only after thorough dis Kessen made it clear that esult oi Problem
own hands," Romney added. duced tangible changes in their cussion." The resolution was still Pthe signers of the letter were act-
Will Protect Property lives, Romney said, some Negroes , on the floor from the November
"We will call on the state polije have lost faith in moderate civil meeting of the Assembly. dn as prt t andrthat NEW YORK ()'The gradual other credit institutions.
"We ill all n th stae poicethey do not purport to represent {loosening of the credit purse Two federal laws are behind
and, if necessary, the National rights leaders who advocate legal, Brown said that the members s tr ing ma tge god news federal ae The Higher
Guard and any other instruments nonviolent attacks on discrimina- of the Assembly agreed that the te e s o ry strings may brg sme good news federal assistance The Higher
we have to do whatever is neces- . present organization of the fac- respective departments or anyone -not very much, hoivever-to par- Education Act of 1965 and the
1 we hentstfacedwwithvercis nsemestereNational DefensetEducationnAct
sary to protect people and their Actually to carry on the intent ulty (the 65-man Assembly and els at n u ents faced with second semester National Defense Education Act
property." of civil rights laws and produce the nine-man SACUA "be given we do, you have an obligation to tuition bills atop Christmas bills of 1958.
The civil rights movement,|noticeable improvement in the full opportunity to determine if k and just before tax bills. $1,00 per Student
Rme adehsrahdaaverage Negro's life, he added, it can meet the desired role of take action on your own. 14
Romney added, has reached a , firai on the aded, is cul t to inedminis- "I certainly expect some re- Some college students and their Under one of the provisions, the
point at which Congress and the ,fim action an the local level is faculty participation in admmnis- sos oth etr" Ksincn parents found last fall that money Ntoa ees tdn on
! eurd aingafcono'heUivrit. sponse to the letter," Kessen paetcfudlstflnha-oe National Defense Student Loan
states have done about all they quired. rsity. tinued "although I don't have wasn't as easily available from Program loans are made through
ean in 1egisatina on minori'fv Great Assistance The Assembly is optimistic thatI ir what fom it will take credit sources as it had been in

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