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January 14, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-14

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See editorial page


L it i An


Chance of
rain tonight

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


'Sex In The Sixties:' The


and Topless,


The "Mother of State Univer-
sities" (which refers sequicenten-
nially to the University) appeared
Thursday night along with the
Mothers of Invention in ABC-
TV;s hour long telecast "Sex in
the Sixties." Written by Univer-
sity alumnus Robert P. Goldman
and produced by Irving Gitlin,
the documentary attempted to
examine sexual attitudes stan-
dards, changes, and trends-in
American society.
Opening with the psychedelic
music and antics of the Mothers
of Invention and flashes of New
York City's 42nd St. marquees, the
program progressed through 51
minutes of interviews and brief
visits to the places where the na-
tion's action is.
"Playboy" editor Hugh Hefner
Not Used
As Protest
Haber Says Students
Turned in Grades
Despite Faculty Move
The pass-fail option given to
some students last semester as a
means of protesting the class rank-
ing policy of the administration
reportedly was not requested by
any student.
The pass-fail option, a policy
initiated through a pledge of 35
faculty members during the Uni-
versity-Student Government Coun-
cil clash of last month, allowed
students to request instructors to
submit no letter grade as a means
of showing his dissatisfaction with
University policy towards class
ranking for the Selective Service.
Two Options
The pass-fail option is not to
be confused with the formal
change in'academic policy which,
when implemented, will enable
junior and senior students to at-
tend onenclass each semester In an
area outside their field of con-
centration in which they will re-
ceive only a pass or fail grade.
According to Prof. William
Gamson cf the sociology depart-
ment, one of the original signers
of a pledge to withhold grades al-
together, the petitioners "decided
to turn in grades unless the stu-
dent specifically asked for a pass-
fail. Under the circumstances (the
University policy classifying a
pass-fail as a 'No Report' grade or
an eventual 'E') students weren't
encouraged to do so."
No Requests
To Gamson's knowledge, there
were no such requests for a pass-
fail option.
Dean William Haber of the lit-
erary college reported there were
few of "No Report" grades and
that apparently no student re-
quested 'that his letter grade not
be submitted to the University.
Haber termed the absence of
pass-fail grades "an interesting
commentary" in that "folks must
have r alized that there were ser-
ious disadvantages to the students
affected" and decided not to put
the student's academic record in

reiterated his condemnation of
the "Puritan ethic" while the
magazine's July 'playmate' claim-
ed that her 'art' is no more lewd
or obscene than Michelangelo's.
Against a backdrop of Playboy
Club bunnies and customers, a
New York psychologist suggested
that those currently "middle-
aged" had been brought up in a
generation that could "look but1
not touch," a generation of voy-
eurs." ,
Scenes made in California's
topless bathting suit night spots
were juxtaposed against a visit to
a Chicago Planned Parenthood
Center where methods of contra-
ception were being explained to a
Among those expressing opin-
ions on sex in the sixties were
the authors of the bestseller "Hu-

man Sexual Response" Dr. Rob-
ert Masters and Dr. Virginia
Johnson; Dr. Mary S. Calderone,
executive director of the Sex In-
formation and Education Council
of the United States; and Daily
editor Mark Killingsworth.
Fashion designer Rudi Gern-
reich presented models in motion
whose attire, which consisted of
everything from peacock feathers
to patches, was supposedly equally;
representative of sex attitudes and
Even the world of the homo-
sexual was surveyed with films
made at a Washington protest of
the Mattachine Society when
members picketed the White
House carrying signs proclaiming
among other injustices "The
Draft Dodges Us."
The University's role in the pro-

gram was far from a bit part. not necessarily +a question of other, although Tonsor felt that enormous," Goldman said, "par- journalism department felt that
Filmed during Homecoming festiv- morality. .perhaps the University should ticularly for an anxiety-ridden the production was "thin and
ities early last semester, sequen- I John Manning, an assistant to take a more responsible stand to- medium dealing with a subject superficial." "They didn't grapple
ces in Ann Arbor were used to Dean Robertson in the literary ward student behavior. of extreme controversy." with the problem-sex in the six-
illustrate sampus sex in the six- college who counsels both students Reaction to the ABC produc- But not all the criticism on ties can't be dealt with in 60 min-
ties. Killingsworth's comments and parents, maintained too that tion was as diverse as those par- Goldman's writing and editing was utes nor even in 40 hours."
summarized the increasing par- students perahaps do not really so enthusiastic, especially among Manning observed that although
ticipation of students in Univer- view sex as a moral issue, but ticipating i the program. Gold- University participants. he thought it was "well-done" and
sity affairs, pointing out that stu- rather that they are making1 man said yesterday that the show Miss Toll called it a "bad docu- "well-edited," it did nothing to
dents are now even working on morality judgments on things such' had brought much favorable com- d
the selection of a new president. as the war in Vietnam and segre- ment in New York. The New York aentary" which left unanswered ecdvance an understaanding of
Four University coeds were gation where injustices are more Times termed it the "frankest re- questions and which was often in- university surroundings and in-
idntfibl.consistent..' fluences for most viewers.
viewed discusing attitudes toward view" yet presented on televisios .u sr
Professors Shaw Livermore and ' "They tried on the one hand to
ther Stephen Tonsor, both of the his- while the Daily News observed be academic and to approach the said nothing new and that parts
affecting students during their tory department, and Dr. Donald that the program was "one of the subject at a high intellectual level ofit werein poo ast, partu
college careers. Schaefer. director of the Univer- most daring documentaries on while at other times they appeared f it were in poor taste, particu-
Graduate student Carolyn Toll sity' Mental Health Clinic, ' also time on a commercial network." to be merely attempting to elicit home.
suggested in a brief interview that participated in the telecast. Each this topic ever telecast in prime a viewer reaction to particular se- home.
students are seeking primarily to implied that the University ad- Goldman explained that over 30 quences. The whole thing was And as far as Livermore was
communicate with one another ministration has adopted a seem- hours of film was shot and edited more like a collage than a unified concerned: "I didn't even watch
and that sexual expression is an- ingly laissez-faire policy toward in order to produce the 51-minute program." it, though my wife thought it was
other form of commuication and student involvement with one an- program. "The editing job was Prof. Ben L. Yablonky of the interesting.'"

___- -- =P rograms
1We ig a4 gh Send Staff
NFWS WIRE To College


TOKYO-Peking radio acknowledged today there is a
"small group" of anti-Maoists within Red China's army and
'"even now they are staging a counterattack."
A Chinese-language broadcast monitored in Tokyo described
the struggle with the army dissidents as "acute and complicated."
Other Peking broadcasts claimed revolutionary "rebels"
throughout the country were rallying behind Chairman Mao
Tse-tung and that the people's liberation army backed his decision
to reorganize the party's Military Cultural Revolution Committee.
KEY EDUCATION advisors in the Johnson Administration
have nothing yet in the way of higher education proposals to
offer to this session of the Congress, highly-informed sources say.
"We don't have anything for higher education this session,"
one White House education advisor is quoted as having said. A
senior official in the Department of Health, Education and Wel-
fare has added that "we've got our backs to the wall with the
Congress this time," the sources say.
* * * *
THE UNIVERStTY's Professional Theatre Program will play
a key role in a series of statewide theater tours being estab-
lished by the Michigan State Council for the Arts.
CoAnnouncement of the tour was made at the council's State
1sConference on the Arts in Lansing.
Robert C. Schnitzer,, PTP executive director and a member
of the council's theater committee, said PTP will organize a tour
that will take live theatrical performances into approximately
' 20 communities and school districts in the Upper Peninsula and
the northern Lower Peninsula.
It is believed that this will be the first time that many of
these communities will have had the opportunity to view a
theatrical production of professional caliber.
WASHINGTON-The United States is producing stockpiles
of chemical and biological weapons that "provide a far-ranging
offensive capability," a leading scientific journal said yesterday.
Such stockpiles are one result of a research and development pro-
gram on which the military services are spending about $150
millon yearly. said an article in the technical journal Science,
the oficial weekly of the American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science.
mThe article, authored by Elinor Langer, a staff writer, said
without amplification that: "U.S. policy concerning the use of
chemical and biological weapons is ambiguous and contradictory.
and is rendered even more so by the use of chemical weapons in
Vietnam. Official secrecy makes a complete portrait of the
chemical and biological weapons program difficult to construct."
The writer declared that within the Defense Department, the
program "is represented as being some kind of cross between
defensive preparations, on the one hand. and peaceful by-products
in preventive medicine, on the other." She added: "Defensive
preparations are only one part of the program, for the United
States is engaged in a comprehensive and flourishing . . . effort
in chemical and biological weapons."

Negro Schools Get
Graduate Students
For Tutorial Work
For students who would like to
teach in a predominately Negro'
college there are two organiza-
tions on campus which will help
finds jobs, the Southern Teaching
Program (STP) and the Recruit-
ment of Southern Teachers
(RST). With combined efforts
they hope to place at least 25
students with one year or more of
graduate work in teaching posi-
The participating Negro schools
vary greatly in academic quality,
size and resources. However, they,
have one thing in common: they
say they need more faculty. Since
they offer many programs in the
summer, these colleges critically
need replacements for vacation-
ing teachers as well as larger full_
staff academic staffs.
!These programs are diverse in
nature. Some help raise the scho-_
lastic level of entering freshmen,
many of whom have never owned
a book or been in a library.
RST and STP help fulfill this
need by trying to find teachers
fromaall disciplines; however STP
is making special efforts to secure
those with mathematical or Eng-
lish backgrounds. The additionalI
staff would enable regular faculty f
to do research and advanced
study, as well as to up-date1
In three years STP has placed a
over 300 individuals in 35 schools p
while RST, operating for two
years, has found 65 teachers for V
31 colleges. Michigan, in the last c
two years, has contributed 20 rep- e
resentatives to STP and five toa
RST; however Fred Schulze, ex-d
ecutive director of STP, stressed
that the Negro colleges have the p
final say about the candidates. g
Candidates will be interviewedf
by University faculty members n
and graduate students who haveS
had experience relating to these
colleges. All interested should con-
tact Mrs. Potter of Special Pro- li
jects insroom 1223 Angell Hall,
the Junior-Senior counseling of- i
fice. Placement will begin in thea
spring semester.

-Associated Press
Marching supporters of Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Tse-tung filled Shanghai streets
recently as a struggle for power grew in the country. (See page 3).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- --- - .
MSU Students Form Union
To Disrupt Selective Service

Conflict Not
To Affect
State Board
Memibers Favor
No Formal Move
To Disqualify Votes
Conflict of interest apparently
will not effect the voting privileges
of members of the State Board
of Education, according to several
board members.
Board members interviewed yes-
terday indicated that they would
not favor a formal move which
which would disqualify the votes
of members with a conflict of in-
The question of conflict of in-
terest, whereby members could be
affecting the educational institu-
tions that employ them, has been
sharpened since Leroy Augenstein,
chairman of the bio-physics de-
partment at Michigan State Uni-
versity, became a member of the
board Jan. 1.
Now before the board is a pro-
posal to expand thempresent two-
year medical program at MSU in-
to a full four year curriculum.
Rev. Charles Morton, a lecturer,
at Oakland University, and MSU
branch, has also been attacked
for voting on the medical edu-
cation issue.
In answer to these charges,
Morton said yesterday, "The point
of the question of conflict of in-
terest is to get you to resolve
the conflict or resign from the
board." It is a matter of the rela-
tionship of the two positions and,
thus, "if you remain on the board,
a conflict of interest is not a
justifiable reason for abstaining,"
Morton explained.
Morton also pointed out:
The key word in conflict of
interest legislation is "substantial"
and Morton is a lecturer, not a
full faculty member with a vote
on faculty affairs. He is no ad-
ministrative or policy-makiiia po-
sition at Oakland.
Not College Representatives
Board member Carmen Delli-
Quadri, an instructor at Michigan
Technological University, s a i d
"Board members are elected state-
wide and run as individual cit-
izens, not as representatives of the
institutions they work for."
Peter Oppewall, a board mem-
ber who works for Northern Mich-
igan University, said, however,
that he is in favor of the board
taking a formal policy stand on
conflict of interest since five of
the eight board members receive
pay from state-supported educa-
tional institutions.
(See 'CNFLICT,' Page 2)

From Wire Service Reports proceedings at such centers;
A Michigan State University, -Breaking up draft exemption
student group yesterday said it is test sessions for college students;
forming an "anti-draft union" as -Harassing military recruiters
an activist organization to op- in the MSU student union, and
pose the draft. -Campaigning through "we
The union is reportedly com- won't be drafted" slogans and em-
posed of members of the MSU phasizing opposition to the draft
chapter of Students for a Demo- for Viet Nam.
cratic Society, a group which has SDS said this was a "tactical
a maximum membership of 75 stu- about-face" since it had previ-
dents. ously concentrated on educational
The organizing group said it work on the draft.
plans to "bring the system to a No Anti-Draft Union Plans
grinding halt by interferring as ef- V
ficiently as possibly with the for- Stde nts forUniversity chapte of
mal functioning of the Selective Suets fo a D ora So-
Service System." ciety, has. no plans for a sim-
Plans for Action ilar anti-draft union here, Voice
The activist program was out- chairman Michael Zweig, Grad,
ied as including: said yesterday.
-Blocking buses carrying pre- "I don't think we'll do anything
nductees to testing centers such like that but it hasn't come up
as Detroit's Fort Wayne; . yet," he said.
-Possibly disrupting induction Zweig emphasized the draft is-
..ss --y---___sue as it affects the University
UUmiif.w ill nnnfllntfi n h pa

operate the center. It also. has
about four attorneys and hopes to
get at least six more, officials said.
The center will have weekly
sessions on Sundays at St. Jo-
seph's Episcopal Church. The Rev.
David M. Gracie, rector of St. Jo-
seph's, is committee chairman.
Not Draft Dodger's School
"This will be a center for youths
with problems of conscience," he
said. "It shouldn't be labeled a
draft dodger's school."
The counselling will be done
without trying' to direct the deci-
sion of the youth, Mr. Gracie said.
"I thing the label 'draft dodg-
er' seriously misses the point," he
said. "I think a draft dodger has
no problems with his conscience,
and therefore is morally irrespon-
The Dec. 28 draft seminar, aim-
ed at explaining the alternatives
to military service in Viet Nam,
drew fewer than 100 youths.
Information Center
"The phone calls and mail were
split about 50-50 on what we're
doing," Mr. Gracie said,
"The.response indicated a need
for this type center. People didn't
know basic information.

Reaction To Statements On Local Drug Use
Surprises Reseacher-Psychiatrist Pollard

community wi continue t e a
major concern of Voice, but the
members have yet to decide upon
the most appropriate methods for
acting on the problem.
' Jail or Fine
The law states that any person
"hindering or interferring" with
the draft can be sentenced to jail
for a term -of up to five years or
fined up to $10,000.
Col. Arthur Holmes, state Se-
tective Service director, said he
did not recall any such convic-

By DAVID KNOKE half. He indicated that several
arrests have been made for pos-
A University psychiatrist yester- session of marijuana but he
day said he was "amazed by the ".wouldn't pinpoint its source to
press response" to earlier state- the campus."
ments he had made concerning The manufacture, sale or pos-
students' use of the illegal hal- session of LSD is illegal under
lucogenic drug LSD and mar- state law, but use of the drug is
juana. not. Pollard explained that a per-
Prof. John C. Pollard, a re- son coming to an hospital ill
searcher at the Mental Health Re- from an overdose of LSD couldr
search Institute, said there was not be prosecuted unless further
"nothing particularly new or re- evidence of purchase or possession
vealing" in statements he had were found.
made earlier in the week to the Krasny agreed with Pollard's
Washtenaw Medical Society, statement that evidence of the

sidered this to be a "come-on ap- 'Orie of
peal" that producers use on a is that
gullible market. hunt."
He said it was very likely that Later,
underworld syndicates were pro- thorities
ducing the drug. but I un
.Presumably youngsters who are in a dif
likely to be taking it are just ' Vice-P
those who have strong feelings fairs Ri
about political issues and such. he was
Changes of Exaggeration Hlard'sid
Pollard said he was disappointed I whateve
in the lack of verification fromj'tio e"
University officials who had said Pollan
he exaggerated the extent 'of i or

the most ridiculous things
this could start a witch-;
he said "University au-
make me look like a liar,
aderstand I have put them
ficult position."
President for Student Af-
chard L. Cutler had said
"thunderstruck" by Pol-
statements on drug use.,
"we have no information
nr to support this conten-
d said he agreed with the
ted guess" of a colleague !

tions in Michigan.
"You just don't walk down the Some students convicted of tres-
street and catch a guy with a bag passing at the Ann Arbor Selective
full of marijuana," he pointed out. Service office last year were re-
Krasny said, there has been an classified 1-A. Several of the stu-'
"obvious" increase in narcotics dents appealed and their 1-A clas-
traffic on the University campus sification was changed.
and he said his department has 'No Slackers'
stepped up investigation proce- The MSU organizing group said
dures as a result of the greater membership in the anti-draft un-
activity. ion would be small because it
Continue Investigations wanted activists "and would not
"We have made drug arrests in tolerate slackers."
the campus area," he reported. i Members will b° sought on the
"We'll continue to investigate and MSU campus, in the East Lansing
welcome any help from citizens." and Lansing high schools and in
The Daily reported in October, local ghettoes, the organizing

Debate Team Will Consider
Changes in Foreign Policy

The Varsity Debate Team has
been an active organization in the
University for over 80 years.
Last semester the debate team
took honors in the University of
Chicago National Debate Tourna-
ment. In this contest, held the
weekend of Nov. 4-5, the team's
record was 8-0 in the preliminary
rounds. The University team then
won the octave finals but was eli-

of Kentucky Thoroughbred Tour-
nament, the University of Detroit
Motor City Tournament, and tour-
naments at Georgetown Univer-
sity and the Air Force Academy.
Other Debates
Future plans include debates at
Ohio State University on Jan. 22
and at Northwestern on Feb. 11.
At present, the debate team con-
sists of 15 two-man squads. The
president of the team is Lee Hess.
The debate team is under the

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