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April 14, 1967 - Image 3

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House Plans
New Ethics
Group To Set Rules
For Official Conduct
Of Congressmen,
unanimously endorsed creation of
an ethics committee yesterday
with little mention of Adam Clay-
ton Powell, the man whose case
provided the stimulus.
The 12 - member committee,
whose official name will be The
Committee on Standards 'of Offi-
cial Conduct, was given the ini-
tial task of drafting "standards of
official conduct for members, of-
ficers, and employes of the House."
Once this is done, its task will be
to police the rules.
Only First Step
But a number of members
stressed during the debate pre-
ceding the 400-0 vote that crea-
tion of the ethics committee is
merely the first step in cleaning
up the Congressional image).
Rep, Richard Bolling, D-Me.,
who headed a rules subcommittee
that drafted the proposal, said he
hopes the committee will be named
promptly and will recommend
"fair and sound" procedures. He
warned that the public would not
be satisfied until an effective code
of conduct is adopted.
The Senate has had an ethics
committee for several years, since
the Bobby Baker case developed,
k and it recently has been investi-
gating the activities of Sen. Thom-
as J. Dodd, D-Conn.
100 Members Request Action
Late last year the House cre-
ated an ethics study committee
under Rep. Charles E. Bennett,
D-Fla., which recommended cre-
ation of a select ethics committee.
More than 100 members have in-
troduced bills calling for some
kind of an ethics committee.
In the wake of strong reaction
against Powell, who was excluded
from the House March 1 because
of alleged official misconduct, the
Rules Committee went to work
on ethics.
The Bolling subcommittee was
created to resolve a conflict be-
tween supporters of a select eth-
ics committee, to be appointed by
the Speaker, and those who f a-
vored handing the job to a House
administration. subcommittee un-
der Rep. Wayne L. Hays, D-Ohio.
13 Man Committee
Under Bolling's proposal, -the
committee will take its place
alongside other standing house
committees.. Democrats will be
named by the Democratic mem-
ber of the Ways and Means Com-
mittee on Committees. In this
Congress at least, a Democrat
will be chairman of the group,
which will have six members of
each party.

Repeal Plan
For Election
Senate Action Upsts
Johnson; Vote Based
On Kennedy's Advice
ate jolted the Johnson adminis-
tration yestbrday by following Sen.
Robert F. Kennedy's advice to re-
peal the still-untried presidential
campaign-financing plan.
The vote for repeal was 48 to 42,
despite last-ininute efforts to save
the plan by trimming back the
multi-million-dollar fund it would
have split between the two major
parties for' next year's campaign.
Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La),
who fathered the plan last fall,
fought down the line for it and
said he will continue the fight in a
Senate-House conference and if
necessary will urge President
Johnson to veto the repealer. The
repealer was attached to a tax
bill on which the Senate has not
completed action.
'Big Issue'
"This is a very big issue," Long
said, "and there were some sen-
ators who did not understand
what they were voting on."
Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn), who
teamed with Sen. John J. Williams
(R-Del), in leading the fight for
repeal, told the Senate during de-
bate last week that the White
House "was calling all over the
United States during the Easter
recess" of Congress seeking to line
up voters against repeal.
LBJ Backed Plan
Johnson endorsed the plan when
he signed the bill last year but
took no open part in the battle
to defend it against such critics as
Kennedy - (D-NY), called the
projected $60-million federal elec-'
tion campaign subsidy a monster'
I that would give national political
leaders control over massive
amounts of money.

LBJ Asks for Latin American
Unity; Leaders Criticize Aid


-Associated Press
Rep. Richard Bolling (D-Mo.) is the chairman of the House subcommittee which proposed the crea-
tion of the permanent ethics committee which was unanimously approved by the House yesterday,
Antiditscriminatory Measures
Face State, Local osition

(R)-President Johnson urged the
inter-American summit conference
yesterday to follow up words with
quick economic action so Latin
America "may flourish in freedom
and dignity."
At the climatic session of the
conference, Johnson urged his 18
Latin American colleagues to make
this "a decaderor urgency" in
building a better life for their
'Ready Partner'
Promising that the United States
would be a "ready partner" in the
effort to raise the standards of
living of Latin America, Johnson
"The assistance of my nation
will be useful only as it reinforces
your determination and builds on
your achievements-and only as it
is bound to the growing unity of
our hemisphere."
It appeared the U.S. President,
alr3ady on record with limited
concessions on trade and aid, had
gone as far as he could regardless
of what Latin America decides.
Free Trade
The Latin American Free Trade
Association, rated nearly mori-
bund before the summit, moved
into position alongside the sched-
ule for the proposed Latin Amer-
ican Common Market. The asso-
ciation announced tariff barriers
will begin going down in 1970,
reaching free trade by 1985. Chile,
Colombia and Venezuela planned
a regional free trade group.
Still, recognizing ancient re-
gional feuds and special interests
that have until now defeated com-
mon Latin American action, John-
son asserted: "We cannot escape
from our problems."
"In unity-and only in unity-
is our strength," he told his fellow
chiefs of state. "The barriers that
deny the dream of a new America
are stronger than the strongest
among us, acting alone."

"The United States cannot doC
the job without help, but he added
that the barriers "cannot stand
against our combined will and
common effort."
Against what amounted to an
ultimatum for action by Johnson,
President Otto Arosemena of
Ecuador sounded a discordant
note, still intent on achieving a
Marshall Plan dollar giveaway in
place of the cooperative Alliance,
for Progress.
Expressing surprise at condi-
tions put on U.S. aid dollars, the
Ecuadorean disagreement at the
summit: "These attending this'
meeting are not completely in
agreement. The truth is entirely
to the contrary."
To that moment, Ecuadorean
sources said, Arosemena still was
toying with the idea of refusing
to sign any summit agreement.
Arosemena differs on the ,ques-
tions of U.S. aid, the trade struc-
ture which raises barriers to Latin
products entering U.S. markets,
prices paid for basic products, and
maritime limits.
Johnson pointedly did not ap-
plaud Arosemena's speech. And in
his speech Johnson digressed from
the text to emphasize what the

United States already had done
for the alliance since its inception
in 1961-a contribution of $8.7 bil-
President Fernando Belaunde
Terry of Peru provided even more
solid evidence of the divergent
views honeycombing the summit
'Dollar Insurance'
Spontaneous applause rocked
the converted gaming room in
which the summit round table sits
when the Peruvian president said:
"Each dollar that is invested in
Latin America is not a gift but an
insurance policy which is paid for
the security of the continent."
The basic disquiet still existing
between the United States and
Latin America-despite all the
words of accord-stood clearly in
relief as Belaunde spoke without
'Conditional Friends'
"We are friends of the United
States," he said, "but not uncon-
ditional friends. There are no
friendships more fleeting than
those -which are unconditional."
President Eduardo Frei of Chile,
seated across the table from Bel-
aunde, smiled and lifted both
hands aloft in the style of a vic-
torious boxer.


NEW YORK VP)-State and city
statutes aimed at racial discrim-
ination in housing-a major cause
of Negro unrest-faced strong
white opposition from coast to
coast yesterday.
Proposed open housing laws al-
ready have been beaten back this
year in some localities, and an
Associated Press survey showed
that similar proposals elsewhere
are in a. rough trip.
In some areas where antidis-
crimination measures have been
adopted, opponents are resorting,
to referendums to knock them out.
The City Commission of Jack-
son, Mich., passed an ordinance
last fall making it illegal to dis-
crimininate in the sale or rental
of housing on the basis of reli-
gion, race, color or national origin.
In a referendum last Tuesday,
voters voided the measure by a
count of 5,826 to 2,886.
In Louisville, Ky., the defeat of
an open housing ordinance at a
meeting of the board of aldermen
Tuesday brought a threat of
marches, picketing and sit-ins
during Kentucky Derby week next
Negro comedian Dick Gregory,

who had led demonstrators in
favor of the ordinance, declared:
"I don't think horses should have
more dignity than human beings."
Citizens Disagree
Last month the Maryland gen-
eral assembly enacted an anti-
discrimination law which applies
to housing completed after June 1.
A group of opponents styling
themselves as defenders of states'
rights said they would petition for
a referendum.
In the state of Washington a
similar measure has been passed
by the legislature and signed by
the governor. The Seattle Advisory
Homeowners Committee, which
opposes it, is seeking the required
50,011 signatures of registered
voters on petitions to force a ref-
Republican Gov. Raymond P.
Shafer of Pennsylvania had dif-
ficulty finding legislators of his
own party to sponsor a bill pro-
hibiting discrimination in housing
other than owner-occupied dwel-
lings or rooms sublet by lease. The
bill finally was introduced but
prospects for passage appeared
to be poor.
Open Housing
A Nebraska legislative commit-
tee killed an open housing bill
which would have applied only
to Omaha, the state's biggest city.
Public hearings have been called
on two other measures -which
would have wider application.
The Iowa State Senate passed
and sent to the House this week
an antidiscrimination bill which
would require anybody filing a
complaint to post a $500 bond.
Civil right leaders denounced this
provision as "a price tag on jus-
The New Mexico state legisla-
ture has turned down two differ-
ent open housing bills, one in-
troduced in the Senate and the
other in the House.
Illinois has been warned that
unless a statewide open housing
law is enacted, it may lose a $375-
million atom smasher plant which

the Atomic Energy Commission'
plans to build at Weston, near
Glenn T. Seaborg, chairman of
the commission, said Congress
might refuse to appropriate the
necessary funds unless the state
general assembly comes up soon
with a satisfactory antidiscrim-
ination law.
An Illinois Senate committee
has opened hearings on half al
dozen proposed measures, but their
nfate is uncertain.

Saigon Forces Continue to Fight V. Cong
Despite Pacification Involvement Work

World News Roundup

SAIGON (4P)-A Viet Cong-Viet-
namese fight in the Mekong Delta
last night underlined the fact the
Saigon government's armed forces
are carrying on afield despite
diversion of troops for pacification
Military sources said a govern-
ment batallion of about 500 in-
fantrymen established heavy battle
contact with a larger guerrilla
force 130 miles south of Saigon
in coastal Ba Xuyen Province. A
battalion was reported being rush-
ed in as reinforcements.
Vietnamese Casualties
While casualties of the other
allies and the communists declined
in generally limited action last
week, South Vietnam's went up.
A spokesman said 284 Vietnam-
ese were killed in combat, against
211 in the previous week. An un-
announced number died along
with 10 Americans in battling
Communist raiders April 6 at
Quang Tri, capital of South Viet-
nam's northermost province.
With 340,000 American service-
men now directly involved in the
war, the U.S. command said 177
were killed, 1,345 wounded and
three missing in action last week.
Losses in the week of March 26-

April 1 had been 194 kiled and
1,679 wounded.
Of the other allies 16 were killed,
down two.
Drop in Viet Cong Dead
Viet Cong and North Vietnam-
ese dead were recorded as 1,478,
a sharp drop from the 2,449 of the
previous week.
In an unusual procedure, a
spokesman for Gen. William C.
Westmoreland's command made a
point of announcing American
casualty totals for the war. He
said 8,931 had been killed and
52,946 wounded in action since
1961. In the past newsmen have
kept track of such figures unof-
ficially with week-by-week tabula-
Enemy strength in the south
was estimated to remain at 287,
000 men, with recruits and infil-
trators replacing casualties.
Tie Up Allied Supplies
Communist forces temporarily
tied up truck transportation of
ammunition and other supplies
from Da Nang to military posts
along highway 1 up to near the
demilitarized zone by wrecking
two bridges before dawn.
Two American planes crashed
in the south.

A four-engined cargo and per-
sonnel hauler called the C141 Sky-
lifter plunged off the runway at
Cam Ranh Bay's airfield and sank
in the bay. Two injured airmen
were rescued, but seven others'
were missing. Among the men ap-
parently lost in the wreck was
Skylifter's commander, Capt. Har-
ry M. Brenn of Moscow, Idaho.
U.S. Plane Crashes
In the other mishap, a Marine
Skyhawk jet crashed in a combat
run west of Da Nang after a bomb
detonated prematurely and blew
off a wing. The pilot was officially
listed as missing in action, but
witnesses said they saw no para-
chute from the crippled jet. This
was the 168th U.S. plane recorded
as lost in combat in South Viet-

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By The Associated Press
RHOENDORF, Germany -Dgc-
tors kept vigil yesterday over Kon-
rad Adenauer, the grand old man
of West'German politics, serious-
ly ill with flu and bronchitis.-
Medical bulletins reported the
91-year-old former chancellor was
A spokesman for the Christian
Democratic Party said there had
been no change in Adenauer's con-
dition up to 5 p.m. from the morn-
ing medical bulletin, which said:
"the organism's powers of resis-
tance are declining. Heart and
circulatory functions are weaker."
* * *
KANSAS CITY, Mo.-The wheat
areas that needed it the most got
substantial rains the last two days
but the drought in the nation's
breadbasket is far from over.
Relief came to farmers in the
parched wheat belt in the form of
rain ranging from one to three or
more inches.
partment spokesman said yester-
day actress Elizabeth Taylor and
her movie-star husband Richard
Burton do not need any United
States authorization to make. a
trip to North Vietnam.
Burton said Wednesday night at
Saint Raphael, France, that they
may try to visit North as well as
South Vietnam during a world
tour starting in about a month.
The spokesman, Carl Bartch,

said that "Elizabeth Taylor exe-
cuted a valid oath of renunciation
of American citizenship on Oct.
11, 1966, at the American embassy
in Rome."
He noted that Burton is a Brit-
ish citizen,
* * *
MORLAIX, France - France is
mobilizing a fleet of 200 naval and
civilian vessels to dump sand and
sawdust on patches of oil floating
off shore in a massive effort to
keep it from reaching the coast-
line, Interior Minister Christian
Fouchet announced yesterday.



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