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April 13, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-04-13

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See editorial page


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Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Review of 'U' Communications
Media Suggested by SACUA


ait Records




new channels of communication

are desirable, and whether the ex-
Te Snte yAdvisory Commitee isting oranizational structure of
on University Affairs (SACUA) teaece oenn n pr
has recommended that a Commit- he agencies governing and oper-
teeon ommnictios Mdiabeating the media of communica-
teeonsCommunications Media betions and their relationships to
established to study "the media each other and to the University
of communcations now employed community are appropriate or can
on campus."' be improved."
The study will include, "but Needs Senate Approval
need not be limited to," the Daily, The recommendation to estab-
WUOM, WCBN, the University lish the committee is contained in
Record and Senate Affairs." a SACUA resolution which will be
The committee, if established. considered by the Senate Assem-
would be charged with the re- bly at its April 24 meeting.
sponsibility of considering "wheth- The SACUA resolution came, in
er existing media are adequate or part, in response to a request by
AWARDS TOTALING $20,600 were given to 28 winners iny
the annual Avery and Jule Hopwood Contest in creative writing
last night. Lemuel Johnson, grad, won the largest amount of
money, $2,200 total for a manuscript entitled "Piano and Drum"
and a short story collection, "The Voice of the Turtle." Keewatin
Dewdney, grad, won the largest single award, $1,500, for a novel
entitled, "The Snowflake."
Winners in the Major division were:
Novel: Mary La Berteaux, spec; John Roberts, grad; and
Keewatin Dewdney. Short story: Thomas Antrim, Jr., grad;
Edwin Gage III, grad; Howard Wolf, grad; Karen Wright, grad;
and Claudia Buckholts; '67. Drama: Richard Simon, '67 and
Richard Reichman, 67. Poetry: Michael Madigan, '67; Merrill
Gilfillan, '67 and Richard Widerkehr, '67. Essay: Paul Sawyer, '67
and Richard Simon, '67.
Minor Contest Winners were:
Short Story: Megan Biesele, '67 and Robert Berger, '67.
Drama: David Garelick, '67; John Slade, '70; and a special award
of $1,000 to Fritz Lyon, '68. Poetry: Stephen Daniels, '67; Steven
Unger, '69; Thomas Snapp, '68 and Sue Gary, '67. Essay: Richard
Stolorow, '67; Marc Savage, '67; Robert Hamilton, Jr. '67 and
Megan Biesele, '67.
THE UNIVERSITY will receive $175,149 from the Children's
Bureau of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare
to train future social workers in the field of child welfare, it was
announced yesterday.

the Board in Control of Student
Publications asking SACUA to un-
dertake an investigation of The
Daily's policies and practices.
However, Prof. William E. Brown
of the School of Dentistry and
chairman of SACUA, has said - -
that any investigation of campus
communications is not aimed pri-
marily at The Daily, but is intend- ee
ed to solve the whole problem of
communications on campus. ( o fi t
The board had asked that
SACUA subject the newspaper to
"an objective review by an outside
group, uncommitted to the exist-iO f Interest
ing system and capable of bring-
ing to the situation fresh points
of view." To Release Decision
SACUA was also asked to "con-
sider the proper purpose, function On Involvement of
and responsibility of a student University Officials
newspaper in this University com-
munity and to consider whether By STEPHEN WILDSTROM
the existing arrangements at the
University adequately serve these Attorney General Frank Kelley
goals, and to recommend changes ruled yesterday that .a member of
if better alternatives can be iden-: a local school board is caught in
tified." an unconstitutional conflict of in-


Object To-

Serious Problem
The September Knauss report
on the role of the student had
stated then that there was a seri-
:us problem in regard to the re-
porting of activities at the Uni-
versity. According to the report,
"The Michigan Daily does not be-
lieve that it has the responsibility
of printing the results of meetings,
committee reports or other items
relating to student activities unless
they are 'newsworthy.' We do not
criticize this policy but merely
emphasize that there is a serious
gap in the reporting of activities
within the University. Numerous
departments have newsletters, but
typically these suffer from lack of
funds and supportingfacilities."
The report considered recomn-
mending a new University publi-
cation, either in the Office of the
Vice-President for University Re-
lations or the Office of the Vice-
President for Student Affairs. It
did recommend that schools and
departments provide funds and
facilities for departmental news-
leters, and that the joint advisory
committee and The Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications in-
vestigate the need for a new Uni-
versity publication.

terest if he is also an officer of a
financial institution that trans-
acts business with any unit of
state government. i
The first part of a long-awaited
opinion on conflict of interest,
Kelley's opinion struck down the
portion of the State School Code
that permits school boards to
transact business with a corpora -
tion in which a board member
owns less than one-half the stock.
A second part of the opinion,
dealing with officers and regents
of constitutionally autonomous
state universities, is expected
within the next two weeks.
Kelley's opinion is based on a
portion of the 1963 Michigan Con-
stitution which states that "No
member of the Legislature, nor
any state officer, shall be inter-
ested directly or indirectly in. any
contract with the state or any
political subdivision thereof which
shall cause a substantial conflict


ROBERT BRU STEIN, DEAN of the Yale Drama School spoke at the annual Hopwood lecture last
night on the topic, "No More Masterpieces." Brustein called for an effort to put vitality into con-
temporary productions of classical drama.
Draft Comm--1ittee alls For



Continuation of Class Ranking


of interest." The attorney generall
held that the term "state officer" By JOHN GRAY The committee will release their
includes school board members The President's Committee on tentative report today. Included in
but not members of other local Class Ranking for Selective Serv- the report will be mention of the
governing agencies. ice last night reached tentative possibility that students be given
"It is fundamental that in agreement on a proposal that the the opportunity to see their ranks
Michigan, education is not a mat- University send class rankings to before making the decision to have
ter of local concern, but belongs local draft boards this year in the them sent to the draft boards.
to the state at-large," the opin- same way it has done in the past. The current regulations force
ion said. "Hence it must be con- The position of the committee is the student to choose at the be-



Law School Panel Suggests
Reformed U' Bid Procedure

cluded the members of school
boards . . . are 'state officers'
within the contemporation . .. of
the Constitution."
The portion of the ruling deal-
ing with university officers and
regents is expected to have sub-
stantial implications for the Uni-
versity. President Harlan Hatcher
is a director of the Ann Arbor

that if the University were to stop
sending ranks to draft boards this
semester, those students who have
requested that the University do
this and who have not taken the
Selective Service Qualification
Test would be without "bargain-
ing position" at their respective

ginning of the semester whether
he wants his rank sent to the draft
board or not.
Tentative approval was given
last night to the introduction and
first few pages of what will
eventually be the committee's
final report. In this section of
the report, the committee gives its

interpretation of its charge and
reports on most of the information
it considered while working out its
decision. '
The committee must still reach
a decision on its redommendations
to the University for subsequent
semesters before they can draw
up a final report.
The committee discussed many
alternative questions and pro-
posals concerning the possible fu-
ture recommendations it will final-
ly make.
They must reach decisions on
such questions as whether or not
ranks should be made available to
the draft boards on a permanent
basis, and if so, how they should.

OSA Power'
Clain 'Discretionary'
Clause Eliminates
Benefits of Report
City Editor
Graduate Assembly last - night
unanimously rejected a special
committee report prepared for
Vice-President for Student Affairs
Richard L. Cutler on the release
of student records.
The assembly objected to the
third article of the report, which
states: "Nothing in this document
shall be construed as a restriction
upon the discretionary privileges
of the Vice President for Student
Affairs, who may disclose infor-
mation (in consultation with such
student, faculty and administa-
tive person or persons as he may
choose) to preserve and protect
the reputation and integrity of the
The report, entitled "Draft of
Policies Governing Student Rec-
ords," was drawn up by Assistant
to the Director of Counseling
James Lawler, Neill Hollenshead,
'67, and Roger Leed, grad. They
acted as a special subcommittee of
the Committee on Student Records
and Their Use, "under the sponsor-
ship" of Cutler.
'Spirit' Acceptable
Kirk Grant, admninistrative vice
president of the assembly, said
"the spirit of the report is in a-
cord with the general feelings of
the assembly, but Article Three
subverts the whole tenor of the
"It vests complete discretion in
the vice president."
"Therefore," he continued, "the
rest of the report is basically
The report has not yet been
sent to Cutler for his approval.
The report, in nine sections, dis-
cusses disclosure of and access to
student records.
Four Categories
The report lists four categories
of information, and the method of
1) "Public information -- full
disclosure"; such information as a
student's address, to be given to
all persons who identify them-
A 2) "Public information-limited
or qualified disclosure"; such in-
formation as employment history,
to be given to persons with a "legi-
timate interest," such as a pros-
pective employer.
3) "Private information-limited
or qualified disclosure"; such in-
formation as religion, physical dis-
abilities, to be given with the con-
sent of the student.
4) "Private information-confi-
dential"; such information as Uni-
versity actions, for which a re-
lease statement is required.
The report recommends that
"except as disclosures may be re-
quired by law," the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs should affirm "that
release of information is discre-
tionary within limits, ... (that the
OSA) reserve the right to with-
hold information when, in its Judg
ment, the interests of the individ-
ual, the University or both, are
thereby safeguarded against un-
warranted inquiry."
The special committee recom-
mended that the OSA affirm "its
commitment to honor the indi-
vidual's reasonable expectation,
whether student or alumnus, that
his personal, academic and coun-
seling records be handled in acon-
siderate and professional manner,
securing and protecting him in his
Also at last night's meeting,

the assembly passed a proposed
joint Graduate Assembly-Student
Government Council resolution
creating a "joint standing com-
mittee on city-student relations.
"The nurnon nf this committee

Two University law professors +
recommended yesterday that thea
"University's bidding procedure 1
should be reformed to achieve sub-
stantially more favorable results
for the University." d
The discussion concerned the
implications of an April 4 Daily
article on the 1964 sale of the
School of Music property at 325
Maynard. A third professor casti-
gated The Daily for "an excess ;
if innuendoes and implications
that were not appropriate."
The discussion in the Lawyers
Club lounge before approximatelyi
30 law students in "Contracts"I
and "Corporations"' courses cover-;
ed the handling of the bidding pro- 4
cedure on the Maynard Street sale. +
The high bidder for the prop-
erty, John C. Stegeman, repre-
senting "a corporation to be form-I'
ed," withdrew his winning bid of
$161,500 on Feb. 27, 1964. The1
University then sold the land to
the second highest bidder, Donald+
E. Parsons, for $121,750. Parsons
was representing "Stepar Invest-E
ments, Inc." At that time, John C.
Stegeman was president and "50-'
50" partner in Stepar with Par-
Prof. Stanley Siegel pointed out
in the discussion that "even
though the action was entirely
bona fide, improvements are nec-
essary to eliminate any question of
Prof. Beverely Pooley concurred :
"I did not get any snide implica-
tions from the article, and it did
raise important questions on bid-
ding involving public monies." He
went on to say that "this is thet
proper aim of journalism."r
Prof. AlfIed Conard disagreed,t
stating that whether the informa-s
tion was correct or not, "therei

* The bond (Stegeman forfeit-
ed the bond of $8,050) was not
enough to cover the damages; the
bidder could get off by paying
the penal amount.
. " The bid itself was defective
because it was made for an "un-
incorporated corporation," and;
should not have been accepted. I
* A possibility of collusion be-
tween bidders.
Siegel went on to outline the
bidding practices employed by the
federal government. He then
pointed out that "while you could
not impose the extensive machin-
ery of the federal government's
bidding procedure on the Univer-
sity, there are many things that
can be done to improve the pro-
He listed as possibilities the im-I
position of larger bonds, "large
enough to cover damages to the
University," and the insertion in-
to the bidding proposal that there
may be "no contact between bid-
ders or .competitors to restrict
competition." The latter, he point-,
ed out, would give the University
legal protection.
Give Contr
Second Part of a Two-Part Series
It is possible for three students
to get three Volkswagens into two
metered parking places. Legally,
the parking money can then bel
split up three ways. But that's
not why people do it.I

Another possibility, similar to ,Bank, the Detroit Edison Co., and be_1T'e+
AnotherTepossibilityctsimilareton A c e cixiile. nivrsiyycin
what the federal government em- Tc seh rodut C amRgnt PWAt present, the University com-
ploys, would require that the bid- Robert Brown (R-Kalamazoo)is, !piles ranks for selective service by+
der be "responsible." He must have a director of the Industrial State computing class ranks for male
the necessary "financing, qualifi- R of Kalamazoo and Regent students, by class, except in the
cations and organization" to cam- ,Robert Briggs sR-Jackson) is ex- In ter st i 1 1 case of seniors. The student is
ply with the bid requirements, ecutive vice president of con classified in the highest applicable
catins nd oganzatin" o con- ecuivevicepreiden ofCom~un ~tite esicaseo ehighestudpiceni
n ers Power Co. category of the following: upper+
dSiegel pointed out that there are The controversy in Michiga n By DAN OKRENT Hollenshead added that For- one-fourth, upper half, upper two-i
University could have taken in over conflict of iterest began Voice political party (SDS) sythe was not serving as official thirds upper three-fourths, lower
'Unverity cou aver tn inct, h last year following disclosure by charged yesterday that SGC's re- counsel for SRU, and that while fourth.1
handling the affair. In fact, he ; T e D i y o h e a i n h p b - c a g d y s e d y t a G e
noted, all the bids could have The Daily of the relationship be- tention of J. Michael Forsythe as SRU officers have approached For seniors seeking defermentsa
been refused because of insuffi- tween Regent Emeritus Eugene B. counsel for the Student Legal Aid Forsythe for advice, he has re- for graduate study, the same cate-
cient response (only five bidsh s Service is a "blatant conflict of frained from advising them on gories are used, but the rank is
were offered). Also, he stated that sity Microfilms, Inc. (UMI) and interest." Forsythe is chief execu- questions that might involve his based on the work of the senior
the University should have refus- the University library. The last tive of Associated Apartments, an holdings. year only.
ed Stegeman's bid outright because session of the state Legislature Ann Arbor realty firm that rents --
ed tegmans bd otriht ecase assd alaw clarifying the Con- AnAbrrat imta et
it was defective, although this stitution on the matter. The Leg- apartments to University students. AT WISCONSIN
would have cost the University the islature'nclarhfiatonhevLeg- InATeterIoThNi
$8000 bond which they received on islature's clarification, howeveer a to The Daily, Gary i
his withdrawal. "However," Sie- was itself unclear and rn attorney Rothberger, Voice chairman, di-
gel said, "it would have prevented general's ruling as requested to rected the conflict of interest a- eI c
more such bids in the future." straighten out the ambiguities. legation at an association between
. The opinion delivered yesterday Forsythe and the SGC-sponsored
Prof. Pooley painted out that as dealt only with financial institu- Student Rental Union (SRU). ber nhIS1Iffiiit I-eaceful"
Ifar as contract law was concer tions. It is not yet known whether Neill Hollenshead, SGCmember,oIi tykw h e
led, Stegeman's actions were legal. the opinion dealing with institu- explained that Forsythe, a mem-1
He was under no legal obligation tions of higher education will bar . prominent Ann Arbor By URBAN LEHNER Fleming said that the univer-,
to maintain the bid and is not Regents and administrators from legal family, has already exempted A slightly thinned crowd of sity's protection and security forcel
liable for pr6secution because of interests in other types of cor- himself from any cases that in~ demonstrators protesting inter- had been present at the rally and
the withdrawal. porations. volve tenants of his apartments. views - conducted by recruiters Madison city police were "around"
----- -Hollenshead said that Forsythe is from the Central Intelligence in case they were needed. "They
a "minor landlord, renting apart-Agency continued their vigil at the weren't," he added.
for-*Par hing P ro b le m ments to only 30 Univesity stu- University of Wisconsin's Madison Police Available
Forsythe is presently out of campus yesterday.tr . According to Fleming, it is Wis-
town and was unavailable for The student picketers resumed consin policy that Madison police
comment. are available to the university on
,olaw building, site of the CIA inter- a niainbss oierqet
o s B u t S o lu tio n s A member of the Ann Abo views, in what Wisconsin students edibyitthunbivs.P;it reue t
v ~~~~~~~~~firm of Forsythe, Campbell, Green e yteuiest r ne h
and Vandenberg, Forsythe was and administrators agree almost supervision of the university's
Hatcher's garage, but after all the ing them on top of their own autos picked to serve as student legal usuallwo excep uhasbdeonstran chief protection and security of-
legal and illegal spaces are used (thus enabling them to double advisor with SGC approval. Hol- ~ " ficer.
u esed wocnutdth e ion."
up, there still are 10,000 cars that park with not too much complain- lenshead, who conducted the ne Robben W. Fleming, recently Dean of Student Affairs Joseph
have no place to park. ing from the cars they block). gotiations with Forsythe, said that es eUniversity Kauffman and protection and sec-
Computer Little Help Then, there are always those who SGC was aware of Forsythe po- President Harlan Hatcher and urity chief Ralph Hansen agreed
But that doesn't seem to mat- park in back of the Good Humor sition as a landlord" before the Prsenty CHaane Hathe ad- with Fleming's position that the
ter, because students use them Man in illegal parking places and, job was offered hiin. cusrn Ca ncelor the ai- i th demonstrations had been "very
anyway. That's why the Ann Arbor after getting the ticket, calmly "So far," Hollenshead conin- son campus, told The Daily in a ~de ra"
police force presently is piocessing say, "Well, the Good Humzr Man ued, "we have had no compia'ints telephone interview yesterday that orderly."
- -- - -_ _, ..-,,v_ ...- ,w .n ' the nailitv of 1the demnstrations The president of the student

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