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April 12, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-04-12

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Sevent y-Sixth Year

Magazine of the Year

irut pwinr" Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NEWS P140NE: 764-0552 1

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Pass-Fail System:
Toward Abolition of Grades

Toilet Reading
magazine carriEc no mention in this week's 124
page issue that it has been chosen "Magazine of the
Year" by the Michigan Daily.
Read by nearly . third of all college students, the
8 by 11 inch magazine has become a bathroom fixture
for campus young people from Cambridge to Berkeley.
And with term paper deadlines nearing, demand for
Time was reaching a peak on some campuses. In tri-
mester ridden Ann Arbor, students were nearly trading
blows in the grey library stacks over the right bound
volume of Time
What makes Time a favorite with students? For
the most part, perceptive young people appreciate Time's
fair, impartial news coverage.
For example, in the March 24 issue Time ran this
caption "Exploiting the Feb. 8-11 bombing pause during
the Tet truce, North Vietnam massively stepped up sup-
plies to troops in the South, as shown by these photo-

graphs released by the Defense Department. An esti-
mated 23,000 tons of enemy supplies were safely hunted
southward under the 4-day truce umbrella,"
In line with its terse policy Time omitted some in-
formation supplies in the Defense Department caption
that read, "Many of the bags and baskets presumably
contained food Some of this activity seen here was
unquestionably associated with the redistribution of this
food and other non-military products . . . It must be
emphasized that this was not all bound for South Viet-
PEOPLE LIKE TIME because it always fights for the
underdog. For example, the week after the Central In-
telligence Agency war exposed covertly funding the Na-
tional Student Assocation and many other groups the
magazine put CIA director Richard Helms on the cover
and called the intelligence unit "a well-regulated arm..
of the U.S. Govermnent.",
Time's well-paii editors are respected in the pub-
lishing industry for their high integrity. Several years
ago a Time busines3 editor made a practice of buying
stock in small unknown companies, then writing favor-

able stories that pushed the stock price up and then
selling out at a proft When he was exposed, the editor
resigned promptly.
TIME'S EDITORS are also known for their skill
rewriting copy In the summer of 1963 Time's chief
Southeast Asian correspondent Charles Mohr filed a long
pessimistic story, saying that things were looking grim
for the regime of South Vietnamese Premier Ngo Dinh
The story was altered by the editors to read that
the war was looking much better for Diem. When the
Premier was assassinated several weeks later, Time's
managing editor responded by writing a press section
piece that charger the pessimistic reporters had a
myopic view of the war because all they did was sit
around Saigon's "Caravell Hotel bar."
THE MEASURE of Time's success is the degree to
which other news magazines try to emulate it. Time
itself noted recently that Ramparts magazine dupes
gullible readers into "accepting flim flam for fact."
How much more Timely can you get?

fail system this semester, academic
reformers must now necessarily look for
the next step in the improvement of an
archaic grading system. The issues which
arise are the feasibility of extending the
pass-fail system and the very nature of
examinations themselves.
Do tests prove anything? Sometimes
they do reward the. student who
has learned something permanent, worth-
while and broadening from the course.
But sometimes they reward the grade-
grubber, the crammer who won't remem-
ber he took the course three days after
the final. Moreover, they sometimes pun-
ish people who really got something out
of the course.
Consequently, many teachers empha-
size papers rather than tests. Since a
well-cor ceived topic forces students to
become involved deeply with an inteller-
tual problem, these are usually better
courses. Yet even in these, grading is not
entirely rational. Plagiarism is a danger,
of course. And there certainly are tricks
for pulling good marks on papers that
students learn with experience. Many
find, for example, that by arguing an out-
rageous or novel contention in a paper,
they stand a good chance of attracting
the attention of a teacher who is bored
with reading essay after essay on the
same old thing.
Because inaccuracies crop up in the
grades assigned papers and exams, they
surely must show up in the final course
grades contingent unun them. If later
occupational su'ccess can be used as a
fair index, there seeris to be little cone-
lation between high grades in school and
high achievement in thrie professions.
This, of course, does not constitute an
argument to, support the expansion of
pass-fail or any other specific academ-
ic reform. The point is that our present
grading system is not so efficient rr ra-
tional that-it can be cited as an ipso fac-
to condemnation of any proposed devia-
tions from It.
sons why the pass-fail setup should be
expanded. Primary among them is that
the student who uses his option to take
courses under pass-fail is likely to get a
better education.
For example, some of the findinvs be-
havioral scientists in perception and sens-
ory data are making have huge implica-
tions for lawyers of the future. These psy-
chologists are finding that very often peo-
ple don't really see and hear what they

think they are seeing and hearing. As
the subjectivity of perception gets more
and better documentation the prospects
for a defense lawyer to challenge tie re-
liability of a witness' testimony on these
grounds increases greatly.
A smart pre-law major in LSA would
do well to take the upper division psych
courses in perception and sensation so
he will be knowledgeable in the field and
will be able to use the experts' findings
to advantage in court. Yet as anon-
psych major he may be hazy about his
background and fearful of competing
with amateur psychologists who wili Corm
the majority of the class.
THE INEXORABLE academic pressure
that is the heart and soul of under-
graduate life at the University gives add-
ed weight to the argument for pass -fail.
The student suicide late here is an un-
derstandably well-guarded secret bllt the
fact that suicides do occur and that they
are often directly related to academic
pressure is significant if not shocking. To
be able tc take a course on pass-fail would
provide some relief not only to upper-
classmen but also to underclassmen on
whom the pressure is often just ci sde-
The literary college has shown a com-
mendably progressive attitude toward the
pass-fail program, which is presently
working well. James Shaw, head of jun-
ior-senior counseling, sees little chance
that pass-fail will be extended to fresh-
men 'and sophomores. Grades, he feels,
give freshmen in particular a good moor-
ing - letting them know where they
stand and whether they should continue.
However, this seems a dubious conten-
tion. The same arguments which brand
grading in general as irrational are espe-
cially powerful when the focus is )n
freshmen and sophomores, for under-
classmen take more introductory courses,
and it is here that grading inefficiencies
are generally most offensive.
PASS-FAIL SHOULD BE seen only as a
first step toward a thorough academ-
ic renovation that will eventually elimi-
nate grades entirely. In the meantime.
future employers and graduate schools
should be able' to devise more efficient,
and rational means of judging applicants,
if onlybecause almost anything would
be more rational than grades. But until
then, pass-fail is an excellent program
and should be expanded to include un-


Letters: A Near-Tragedy at Stockwell Hall

To the Editors:
'HIS LETTER is not being
written in order to disrupt life
on'campus, but to bring to the at-
tention of the Housing Admin-
istration the disorganization that
was found in Stockwell Hall on
Saturday evening, April 8.
At approximately 7:30, two girls
discovered smoke coming out of.
one of the rooms on our floor. The
desk was called and one of the
girls on the floor turned on the
fire alarm. To our dismay we heard
no alarm go off on the floor. No
one came down from the desk with
te key to open the room, so we
called the desk a second time. This
time someone came. A few min-
utes later, the firemen arrived on
the floor. The girls had since put
out the fire to the best of their
THE SITUATION was resolved
without any serious results, but
the point is that the fire and
I injury could have spread because
of the following inefficiencies:
(1) the fire alarm did not sound
in the dorm 4lerting dorm res-
idents to clear the building with
the result that the 1-5 corridor
was , filled wih gaping spectators
who did nothing but get in our
way; (2) the fire extinguisher was
of no help since the glass on its
case would not break with repeated
efforts to break it with the handle
of a dust mop; and (3) the dorm
staff appeared be completely dis-
We suggest that the fire extin-
guishers be made readily available
and the residents be taught their
proper usage also that the fire
alarm be turned on to its loudest
capacity twenty-four hours a day.
-The Residents of
Corridor 1-5
Stockwell flail

Student Power
To the Editor:
Arbor's voters on April 3 again
chose the status quo, you correct-
ly noted that it was by a small-
er percentage than ever in the
Second Ward. Now that the fig-
ures are all in, the election story
of that University-area, heavily
Republican ward can be told. Even
though it was not decisive-this
time--the student vote there play-
ed a highly influential role.
Of the total registered voters
in the ward, over 55 per cent
went to the polls; as opposed to
under 50 per cent citywide. The
Republican incumbent pulled ap-
proximately 44 per cent of his
potential vote. The Democratic
vote wardwide was approximately
69 per cent of its potential. In
the two heavily student precincts
the Democratic potential came out
at approximately 81 per cent in
the first and 72 per cent in the
second. The student vote showed
over 90 per cent in both precincts:
and the new voters, overwhelm-
ingly student, voted close to 100
per cent. From the extensive door-
to-door contacts my organization
and I had during the campaign,
we had every reason to believe that
the great majority of the students
voted for The Daily-SGC-GSA-
endorsed candidate.
DESPITE THIS magnificent
turnout, the fact that the ward
is approximately two to one Re-
publican prevented victory. Yet
some vital points were proved.
This showing refutes the claim
of Councilmen Hathaway and
Feldkamp that students don't take
their local voting privilege seri-
ously. This showing proves 'that
the voter registration efforts of
student organizations db bear fruit

and have a local impact. Based
on these percentages and this vot-
ing pattern, had we managed to
register approximately 275 more
students in the second ward the
result would have been different.
Finally, this showing (coupled
with a similar high voting pat-
tern in the third ward, first pre-
cinct; a heavily student area)
shows that future candidates for
city office from either party will
not be able to ignore the con-
cerns of their student voters with
I CAN ONLY hope that our ex-
perience this year will encourage
students and student organiza-
tions to mobilize even more seri-
ously next year. Students com-
prise over one-third of this town's
population. They provide; it with
much of its reason for being and
a great part of its wealth. Yet,
as they well know, and for rea-
sons we explained over and over
again through the campaign, their
interests have been poorly served
and often disserved by the lead-
ership of this community. Hope-
fully we are on the way to a
change in the leadership's atti-
tudps. or, if necessary, a change
in the leadership.
If my campaign helped toward
that goal, it was well worth the
-A. Jerome Dunont
Former candidate for
Council in the 2nd Ward
Point of Order
To the Editor:
Squit its indiscriminate use of
the word "student?" I don't know
what your style book says now,
but I assume it must define a
"student" as any two-legged crea-
ture embroiled in a campus flap.

This makes the news pretty
-confusing. Left unchecked, things
are bound to get worse. Before
the term is out, I fully expect to
be confronted by a story in The
Daily son'rewha t as follows:
"Administrative carelessness trig-
gered a, student demonstration at
the MUG last night when a stu-
dent's cbmplaint against excessive
paprika went unheeded.,
"Claiming an allergy to paprika,
former student Jon Frutzelhutzel
led the protest to prohibit fur-
ther imposition of paprika on un-
suspecting students. He said, 'This
is our last resort, the only way

we can impress the Board of Re-
gents with the serious nature of
the problem.'
"However, Harlan Hatcher, Grad,
intervened. Instead of being jail-
ed, Grutgelhutzel was taken to
University Hospital -and given a
physical exam by former medical
student A. C. Kerlikowske who
'ound him to be suffering from
"primary paprika-phobia, not a
true allergy.
Please do take a look at that
style book, fellers. Your writers are
getting to sound like Gertrude
-W. Bender (Former Student)




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Robert lCenttedy- Charts. m-- a, or to

Hemnisp heric Summit

ference convenes today amid circum-
stances which will almost certainly in-
sure its ultimate failure.
The stated desire of President Johnson
and the United States is to further the
development of regionalism and interac-
tion among Latin American nations by
initiating a common market along the
lines of the European Economic Com-
munity. The President's advisors feel that
a free flow of goods, capital, manpower

The Daily is a member of the Associated Press arnd
Collegiate Press Servted
S,scription rate- $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail; $8 for two semesters by carrier C$9 by mail .
Pubfished at 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor. Mich.,
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michtgsu
425 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104.
Editorial Staff
MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor

and technology will break the restrictive
and nationalistic economic mold of the
region, allowing for a great upsurge in
a now-feeble industrial development.
The problems that must be overcome
in this admirable plan, however, are
nearly insurmountable. Population in Lat-
in America is increasing almost three per
cent a year, faster than in any other re-
gion in the world. This poses an awesonni
dilemma for future generations unless tlhe
rate of growth in economic, social and
political fields can keep pace. At prese t
the Latin American per-capita GNP
growth rate is only one per cent a year.
far below the minimum standard of 2 5
per cent set by the Alliance for Prog-
ress as necessary to insure rising stand-
ards of living.
The small and less industrial hemis-
pheric nations are afraid that the new
economic plan will favor their large
neighbors. They fear that they will be
flooded with industrial goods from Bra-
zil, Argentina, Mexico and other big na-
tions, without any guarantees that their
own sales of agricultural products.and
raw materials will increase-since the
large nations will also be able to produce
THE PRIME OBSTACLE facing the L.I t-
in American presidents meeting at
Punta del Este this week is the set of
conflicting goals. The problem is apty
phrased by Mexican economist Victor L r -
quidi: "Can development be undertaken
better, or sooner, by creating conditions

Last of a Two-Part Series
W ASHINGTON - Once reviled
and denounced by liberals,
Robert Kennedy is now nearly a
darling of the Americans for1
bemocratic Action, who were over-
joyed to land him for their Wash-
ington dinner and relieved to find
Hubert Humphrey would be, in
Europe and couldn't come.
But controversy about Kennedy
among liberals persists: Hasn't
he been long on charisma and
short on content? And what does
he really offer to the youth who
are so drawn to him?
Part of Kennedy's appeal to
youth comes from the simple fact
that youth identify with him -
and vice-versa.
One top Michigan Democrat re-
calls Kennedy's campaign anpesr-
ance near Wayne State University
"Somehow during the introcinv-
tions, a gorgeous blonde up frornt
managed to get Kennedy's atten-
tion. He grinned at her and said.
'Make love, not war'."
BUT KENNEDY also has the
ability to strum time-honored lib-
eral chords.
New York Times editorial whit-
er William Shannon reports Ken-
nedy speaking about Latin Amenr
icah youth at Columbia Universi-
ty: "They will welcome, as we
must welcome, the revolution of
our time (applause), the revolu-
tion of rising expectations (wild
applause), of human rights and
social equality (crescendo of ap-
And Shannon notes: "Kenne ly,
to his credit. looked slightly sta,-
tled that these words evoked sucri
a response. He would doubtl--s
have been bemused if he had
known that when he was still a

cially-bound copies of "The Com-
plete Poems of Robert Frost," "The
McNamara Strategy" and "John F.
Kernedy and the Negroes."
While presiding over the Senate
ca chore junior senators often get)
the other day he read "An An-
thology of English and American
Poetry" (carefully taking notes on
ificex cards). He also had a copy
uf "The Economist"-in prepara-
tion fo.' an interview with its edi-
b r later on in the day.
He thinks someone who wants
to be a senator should concen-
trate in English in college because
self-expression is so important.
BUT DESPITE the glamor and
tvle, charges one columnist, Ken-
nedy's legislative accomplishments
--for someone who was special
counse2 to a Senate committee, at-
torney general and for three years
assistant president-have been mi-
"An ad-to-Applachia amend-
ment, a work-training amendment
to the poverty bill and an influ-
ential speech on the (Russell)
Long (D-La) campaign financing
act-that's about all," this observ-
er says.
But a number of commentators
say Kennedy can't develop more
of a program.
"What else can you expect?"
one observer says. "The Senate
clearly isn't his arena-there are
no Kennedy bills or Kennedy caus-
es there "
"He may enrich the debate, but
anything he puts his name to is
almost automatically dead-Lyn-
don Johnson just isn't going to
sign a Kennedy aid-to-education
bill, and Kennedy knows it."
So Kennedy's arena is outside
the Senate-but here charisma is
more important than programs,
which in any case have little

used against John F. Kennedy -
absenteeism. a scanty legislative
record, a grand style but little
substance-might be made against
his 40-year-old heir.
But in several important ways
Kennedy has added content to
charisma-and the result, everyone
agrees, is extremely potent.
"If Wayne Morse proposes it,
that's one thing," McGeorge Bun-
dy, then assistant to President
Johnson, said privately during the
furor over Kennedy's speech a
year ago urging a share of power
for the Viet Cong in a post-P3eace
talks Saigon government. "But
with Kennedy, it's something else."
Clearly, Kennedy is something
else. And even though, as he con-
cedes, his feeling that the bomb-
ings should be stopped is a minor-
ity viewpoint, he has given that
minority a degree of political clout
and respectability it simply did
not have before.
TOM HAYDEN-a founder of
Staughton Lynd for two hours on
and now a community organizer in
the Newark, slums-talked with
Kennedy along with Yale Prof.
Stoughton Lynd for two hours on
Viet Nam on Feb. 13.
Hayden criticizes Kennedy's
March 2 Vietnam speech because,
he says, "It didn't expose the rea-
sons why Johnson wants negotia-
tions-for propaganda purposes."
But Hayden concedes that "hon-
orable men can differ" on the ad-
ministration's motivations for talks
and adds that, in a sense, Kenne-
dy's positions are just as cour-
ageous as those of more militant
opponents of the war.
"It must be very difficult for
him to advance. the substance of
a program of social justice," Hay-
den maintains. "I don't know why

ly on us and what we do," Hayden
contends. "I'm interested in
changing public opinion, not in
trying to push a political figure
further to the left. Public opin-
ion changes politicians-well, let's
create some public opinion and
see what he does."
HAYDEN ADDS that, in a
sense, Kennedy's positiois are just
as courageous as more militant op-
ponents of the war in Vietnam.
"Many peace people I know are
more militant than Kennedy, but
by their own lights they're not do-
ing anything more courageous
than he is," Hayden maintains.
Hayden points to Kennedy's
statements on the effect of dem-
onstrations and Kennedy's belief
that those opposed to the war are
a relatively small minority.
"You can't just ask a politician
to do what you want him to do
under these circumstances. "If you
want him to do more, you have to
do more (to change public opin-
ion)," he says. "When a million
people demonstrate against the
war,' then maybe they can accuse
Kennedy of not doing enough."
One might accuse Kennedy of
not doing enough to oppose the
Vietnam war by failing to mpke
more critical speeches, Hayden
said. But, he added, "Speechos
like his March 2 Vietnam sneech
help keep alive the possibility of
protest, and that may have been
one of his reasons for smeaking.
It made it harder for protestorsr
to be attacked by President John-
BUT SPEECHES or no, at this
ooint Kennedy seems in a sense
to be stalled in a relatively now-r-
less f'enate seat and still five
years away from 1972.

"moving again," to end the state-
mate which the war abroad and
increasing conservatism at home
have created.
He told South African students
last June
"Our answer is the world's hope,
it is to rely on youth,. The cruel-
ties and obstacles of this swiftly
changing planet will not yield to
obsolete dogmas and outworn slo-
gans. It cannot be moved by those'
who cling to a present which is
already dying, who prefei' the illu-
sion of security to the excitement
and danger which comes with even
the most peaceful progress. This
world demands, the qualities of
youth; not a time of life but a
state of mind, a temper of the
will, a quality of the imagination,
a predominance of courage over
t'midity, of the appetite for adven-
ture over the love of ease. It is a
revolutionary world we live in .
it is young people who must take
the lead."
indeed, the hope of the future,
Kennedy also recognizes that the
hope may be a vain one. He told
students at Rio's Catholic Uni-
versity in November. 1965:
"The very education and advan-
tages which equip you for the
task allow you also to escape the
misery, to ignore the poverty, to
1" e in a world where injustices
and bondage do not exist."
And at the University of Ala-
bama last year Kennedy said:
"With your education and train-
irg the comfortable life would
be the attractive and the easier
EOternative ...it is easier to build
c. ps own career, to enjoy the
avprobr: ton of friends and family
a, .-a nnr nm i -in- n -ohm n~p n


City Editor

Editor1 l Directoi


SUSAN ELAN .......... Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW....... Associate Managing Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN .. Associate Editorial Director
RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director
SUSAN SCHNEPP.......... .... Personnel Director
NEILSHISIER..................Magazine Editor
CAROLE KAPLAN ........ Associate Magazine Editor

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