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April 12, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-04-12

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Reagan Says First Hundred Days No Hone)


t SACRAMENTO, Calif.(P)-Ron-
ald Reagan has swept through his
first 100 days as governor of Cali-
fornia with a dash and glamour
reminiscent of his movie star days,
but he concedes It hasn't been a
a A Democratic opponent calls it
a period of "on-the-job training"
for a newcomer to office.
Nevertheless, Reagan has been
propelled into the national spot-
light as a possible Republican
presidential nominee-praised and
condemned for his determination
to keep campaign promises of gov-
ernmental economy to move Cali-
fornia along a conservative path.,
"I think he has made more

headway this year than any other
possible Republican candidate for
president," said Oregon's first-
term Republican governor, Tom
Reagan, inaugurated Jan. 2 as
chief executive of the nation's
most populous state, completed his
first 100 days yesterday.
There has not been the flood of
new laws that sometimes marks
the advent of a landslide victor,
but there has been plenty of noise
and fire as Reagan has tried to
redirect the course of a state ac-
customed to the liberal programs
of his Democratic and Republican
'For one thing, Reagan confronts
a legislature controlled by the

Democratic opposition; and some-
times his Republican colleagues
have disagreed with him.
In three months he has changed
from a Hollywood personality to
an executive who takes a briefcase
of papers home at night and
makes decisions next day from
one-page memos typed by his
In four paragraphs, they sum-
marize the issue, the facts, the
discussion and the recommenda-
Reagan has spoken before 10,000
demonstrators protesting his effort
-to charge tuition at state colleges
and universities.
Polls indicate he has retained
much of the popularity which car-

ried him to an almost million-vote
victory over Democratic Gov. Ed-
mund G. Brown last November.
With his national prominence
increasing, the governor intends to
lead a Reagan for president favor-
ite son delegation to the 1968
Republican National Convention.
He maintains he is not a serious
candidate, but his California sup-
porters believe he could wind up
with the nomination if the con-
vention should deadlock.
In his 1966 race Reagan prom-
ised morality in government, more
local control and strict economy
-a program he called the "Crea-
tive Society."
He concedes he has had prob-
lems but insists, "I believe we have

made a good start toward imple-
menting the Creative Society.
"I'd been led to believe there
was a honeymoon period, but
evidently the license on the way
to the church, because I haven't
had any honeymoon for 100 days.
His Democratic opponents agree
with this.
"Largely-on-the-job training," is
the way Democratic Assembly
Speaker Jesse M. Unruh sizes up
the first months.
Republican Lt. Gov. Robert H.
Finch differs, saying, "By and
large, the public is going to give
him a big 'E' for effort and thinks
he is trying to do what he set out
to do.
"The first 100 days have been

a shakedown period, setting up3
relationships. The governor's staff
has been jockeying to see who will
be closest to his ear and there has
been jockeying by legislative lead-
Reagan so far has fallen short of
his goals in economy.
He is heading for a bitter fight
with legislative Democrats and Re-
publicans over his opposition to
proposed withholding of state in-
come taxes from salaries.
Behind the scenes he has dis-
agreed with two members of his
Republican team, Finch and Con-
troller Houston I. Flournoy.
He is-now asking for a $5.06 bil-
lion state budget, largest in the
history of any state. He blames

the need on the former Brown
administration, which he says left
the treasury bare.
To replenish state funds, he has
called for a $946-million tax in-
crease, largest in state history.
He tried to reduce the budget by
demanding a general 10 per cent
cut in state spending, including
the costs of higher education, but
his program has fallen short.
He announced for this year his
effort to charge tuition, and has
delayed slightly the projected firing
of some thousands of employes in
the state mental health program.
He has also announced plans to
reform judicial appointments, re-
organize the executive branch and

improve welfare and park admin-
He has put volunteer task forces
of business executives to work on
tax reform, governmental effi-
ciency and problems of minorities.
Unruh contends that Reagan
has abandoned his conservative
approach in an effort to improve
his national image. He says Rea-
gan's program amounts to a tacit
endorsement of the Democratic
policies he criticized during the
On the other hand. State Sen.
George Deukmejian (R - Long
Beach), one of Reagan's closest
legislative friends says, "He is
making a very honest and sincere
effort to carry out the promises
he made in the campaign."

Congress Votes
To Dela Strike
Moves With Urgency To Postpone
National Railroad Walkout 20 Days

Johnson Meets with Leaders;
Difficult Summit Foreseen

WASHINGTON () - Congress,
moving with urgency, approved
with few, dissenting voices yes-
terday a resolution President
Johnson asked to head off a na-
tionwide railroad strike set to
erupt at midnight tonight.
The machinery was set in mo-
tion to rush the document to
Johnson for his signature in Punta
del Este, Uruguay, where he is
meeting with the chiefs of state
of the Latin American members
of the Alliance for Progress.
t Within minutes, the Senate
voted 81 to 1 and the House 396
to 8 to pass a resolution to extend
until May 3 the no-strike period
in the railway shop craft dispute.
In Punta del Este, Johnson
hailed the congressional action
TLEI Lockout
Puts Pinch
On Business
segment of the nation's industry
felt yesterday the pinch imposed
by a three-day trucking lockout
although grocery stores continued
to keep their shelves stocked.
But a Nashville, Tenn., food dis-
tributor, perhaps echoing senti-
rnents from around the country,
said, "We're at their mercy. If the
lines are not operating soon, we're
going to have to shut down."
A major supermarket food chain
in Boston already has switched to
trains for its perishable shipments.
A spokesman said he anticipates
no price hikes but added, "if the
dispute lasts a long time, our ship-
ping costs undoubtedly will go
up with a resulting increase to the
Auto Workers
In addition to an estimated
250,000 locked out truckers, some
8,000 auto workers have been
idled because of parts shortages.
Auto makers expect more layoffs
and reduced work shifts as the
trucking dispute continues.
Emral Ruth, a spokesman for
Arizona Motor Transport Asso-
ciation, predicted the number of
layoffs throughout the nation
would be "staggering" when the
full impact of the lockout hits
There already were widespread
reports of merchandise stacked up
at trucking docks. Although most
stores reported adequate inven-
tories now, many said a prolonged
disputed soon would deplete their
Negotiations Resume
The Teamsters Union and
Trucking Employers Inc. resumed
negotiations. They reportedly still
are about 10 cents an hour apart
on a wage agreement.
The Employers group, which es-
timates the lockout by its 1,500
members affected some 250,000
drivers, is offering a 5 per cent
pay boost. The Teamsters are seek-
ing a 7 per cent raise in wages that
now range between $3.74 and $5.35
an hour.
* The Justice Department, mean-
while, was studying whether to
seek the Taft-Hartley act's 80-day
cooling off period. Employers Inc.,
representing 65 per cents of long-
haul truckers, called' the lockout
retaliation for what it said were
scattered, selective strikes against
some of its members.
Meanwhile, many local Team-
sters officials are telling their
members to show up for work and,
if the firms are closed, to apply
for unemployment compensation.

and said railroads and workers
should "use very hour of these 20
days", to negotiate a settlement.
Debate was short in both cham-
bers-an hour and a half in the
Senate, 20 minutes in the House.
The dissenters protested mainly
that there should be permanent
legislation to deal with strikes
that create national emergencies
so Congress wouldn't have to act
under the pressure of crises.
The 20-day breather extends a
60-day truce due to expire at mid-
nig.t tonight. Six craft unions
were set to srike immediaely after-
ward, tieing up an estimated 95
per cent of the nation's rail mile-
Last Minute Appeals
The senator who voted against
the resolution' was Sen. Thomas
J. McIntyre (D-NH). He said he
is not opposed to the 20-day ex-
tension but wanted to protest
agaist repeated last minute ap-
peals to Congress to resolve emer-
gency labor disputes."
The House was approving its
own bill at the same time the
Senate was acting. But in an ef-
fort to speed the legislation to
Johnson,the House then voted to
accept the Senate version.
Chairman Harley O. Staggers
(D-W Va) of tne House Commerce
Committee ' said the issue was
not one of taking sides in tne dis-
pute but of heading off a strike
that could paralyze the nation's
economy and interfere with ship-
ment of war supplies to Vietnam.
Wage Settlement
Republican Leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois commented that
the shop craft unions "don't have
a leg to stand on" because he said
they are seeking a wage settle-
ment beyond the industry pattern.
In the Senate debate, several
GOP .members protested that
Johnson had completely failed to
propose permanent legislatioin to
deal with emergency strike situ-
ations. Some said they plan to try
on their own to attach such legis-
lation as amendments to extrane-
ous bills unless the administration
acts quickly.
There were protests too from
GOP members that Johnson had
waited until the last minute to
subimt the rail dispute resolution
so there wasn't sufficient time to
use it as a vehicle for broader
strike-controlling legislation.

-Behind a tight security screen.
President Johnson flew in yester-
day for a difficult summit confer-
ence declaring "we must quicken
the pace" of the alliance for pro-
Before plunging into the thicket
of economic problems at today's
first summit session. the President
arranged a series of conferences
with five Latin American presidents
that may have given him an idea
of what he faces. These were his
colleagues from Argentina, Co-
lombia, the Dominican Republic,
Mexico- and Venezuela.
Latin American nations want
more U.S. economic aid under the
Alliance for Progress, and they
want to spend these dollars any-
where in the world, not just in the
United States as they now are re-
quired to do. Faced with a balance
of payments problem, Washington
is unwilling to do this.
U.S. Choice
Referring to this a U.S. govern-
ment source remarked that the
United States is faced with a
choice between "desirable policy
and harsh necessity."
Johnson made his remarks on
the Alliance for Progress as he
set feet on South American soil

for the first time at the Mon-
tevideo airport.
Noting that the alliance charter
was 'written in Punta del Este six
years ago, he declared that "under
its banner we have made progress.
We are demonstrating through in-
stitutions of representative Demo-
cracy can satisfy man's aspira-
They in an apparent reference
to U.S. hopes that Latin America
will do far more than it has done
so far to help itself, he continued:
"The progress of our alliance

shows that the initiative is in-
creasing with Latin America. We
welcome this, as you do."
Despite these words, there was a
feeling here that the summit con-
ference today and Thursday will
not solve any major problems, but
U.S. officials were hopeful, it will
help toward solving some.
Besides feuds, differences over
borders and other issues, Latin
American nations are insisting on
trade preferences in the common
market the United States hopes to
see established by 1985.

Court Rules Judges
Immune from Suits,

-Associated Press
COMMUNIST YOUTHS YESTERDAY shouted a nti-Johnson slogans in rioting in Montevideo,
Uruguay. Johnson arrived at Montevideo airport for a summit conference in Dunta del Este with
five Latin American presidents on the Alliance for Progress.
Bame Aviation Firm, AS
For Apollo Spacecraft Fire

preme Court yesterday gave local
judges complete immunity from
liability for damages for acts com-
mitted within their judicial juris-
"This immunity applies even
when the judge is accused of act-,
ing maliciously and corruptly,"
Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote;
in the court's 8-1 decision. t

Expect Special Harlem, Vote
To, Return Powell to House

WASHINGTON (P) -Witnesses
at two separate congressional
hearings blamed North American
Aviation, Inc. and the national
space agency yesterday for the
Apollo spacecraft fire that killed
three astronauts last Jan. 27.
Top officials of North American,
principal contractor for the space-
craft, acknowledged their firm as
guilty of major equipment defi-
ciencies. They told a House space
a g e n c y oversight subcommittee
that they had not anticipated a
fire on the ground.
Dr. John McCarthy, division di-,
rector for research, engineering
and testing for North American
Aviation Inc., said officials did
not realize the fire danger of
flammable materials in a pres-
surized oxygen atmosphere.
Responsibility Shared
Astronaut Frank Borman, testi-
fying at the opening of Senate
Space Cpmmittee hearings on the
accident, said responsibility for
the fire was "shared by the con-
tractor and the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration

Borman, a member of the eight-
man board set up by NASA to
probe the tragedy and recommend
changes, ui'ged moving ahead on
the entire space program.
After several experts on' the
board had testified that the fire
probably resulted from defects in
the bundles of wiring inside the
capsule, Borman said that the
fault for that rested with North
-American Aviation and NASA.
No One Aware
"None of us were fully aware of
the hazards of combining pure
oxygen with combustibles and
having a source of ignition," Bor-
man said. "This is the trap into
which we fell."
Borman rejected a suggestion
by Sen. Howard W. Cannon (D-
Nev), that the U.S. program shift
to a two-gas system used by the
Russians for space flight.
Instead he urged that most of
the combustible materials that
burst into a searing fire in the
Apollo capsule be replaced in
other units, that a quick system
for venting pure oxygen be in-
stalled, and that the program
move ahead.
McCarthy told the House sub-
committee at its second day of
hearings that his firm shares
blame with NASA for the fire.
"I think, myself, as well as the
top technical people in both or-
ganizations feel this was one of
the greatest errors we ever made,"
he said.
A review board reported over the
weekend that the probable cause
of the fire was an electrical arc or
short circuit.
J. L. Atwood, North American
president and board chairman,
said his company is not convinced

World News Roundup

that this was the most likely
cause, but he said his firm cannot
point to a more probable one.
"We're not fighting the find-
ings of the review board," he told
a reporter later. "My technical
people have told me they believe'
there are some other causes just
as likely."
Atwood, a crew-cut man who
speaks softly and slowly, added
"I. wish we knew exactly" what
triggered the fire. -He said the
firm could find no individual to
The blaze, spread by the flam-
mable material in a pure-oxygen,
pressurized atmosphere, quickly
claimed the lives of Air Force Lt.
Cols. Virgil I. Grissom and Ed-
ward H. White II and Navy Lt.
Cmdr. Roger B. Chaffee
McCarthy said under question-
ing by the subcommittee that "we
did not design for a fire hazard
on the ground."
The review baord reported that
a door may have rubbed the in-
sulation off some wires, causing
sparks that ignited the fire.
Atwood said'the company has
added metal covers to protect the
But North American's Apollo
program manager, Dale Myers,
said "there is strong question in
my mind if we had rubbing..."
Thursday, Friday
directed by Herbert
Biberman, 1953.
American. First time
in Ann Arbor-
revolutionary worker's
film for which the
writer, producer and
director were blacklisted.
Saturday, Sunday

NEW YORK (AP)-Adam Clayton
Powell easily won re-election in
absentia yesterday as Harlem's
congressman, and the House of
Representatives was faced anew
with the problem of what to do
about its debonair outcast.
With more than half the 214
election districts reporting, Powell
was piling up an 80 per cent mar-
gin over his two opponents, Lucille
Pickett Williams, Republican, and
the Rev. Ervin F. Yerling, Con-
But a lackadaisical turnout
threatened to keep the total vote
well short of last fall's turnout.
This was a blow to Powell packers
who had sought a large vote in
support of the free-wheeling Negro
Polls were open from 6 a.m. to
7 p.m. and early returns indicated
a light turnout.

L. Joseph Overton, Powell's
campaign manager, had said any-
thing above the 74 per cent mar-
gin by which the 22-year con-
gressional veteran was re-elected
last November would be a solid
repudiation of the House resolu-
tion that excluded him March 1.
But Overton had expressed con-
cern that complacency might cut
the size of the turnout to half of
the 60,000 persons who voted in
November. Harlem has about 125,-
000 registered voters, most of themj
Powell, subject to arrest on con-
tempt of court warrants if he re-
enters New York state, hasn't set
foot in his largely Negro district
since November. The 'warrants
stem from his long delays in pay-
ing a defamation judgment won
by Esther James, a Harlem widow.

Justice William 0. Douglas, the
lone dissenter, said he does not
think "all judges under all cir-
cumstances, no matter how out-
rageous their conduct are immune
from suit" under a section of an
1871 civil rights statute known as
the Ku Klux Klan act.
In another major decision, the
Supreme Court upheld a Federal
Trade Commission ruling that
Procter & Gamble Co.'s acquisi-
tion of Clorox Chemical Co. assets
was unlawful under the Clayton
Antitrust Act.
The F'C order required Procter
& Gamble to dispose of Clorox.
The order was reversed by the 6th
Circuit Court of Appeals and the
Justice Department appealed to
the Supreme Court.
The ruling that judges have ab-
solute immunity from damage suits
for their judicial acts grew out of
the arest of four Episcopal min-
isters in Jackson, Miss., in Sep-
tember 1961. They were convicted
of breach of'peace charges after
they tried to eat in the coffee
shop in the Jackson bus terminal.
The four ministers were part of
a racially mixed group of Epis-
copal clergymen on' a civil rights
"Prayer Pilgrimage" from New
Orleans to Detroit.
Chief Justice Waren held that
the immunity of judges is for the
benefit of the public,, "whose in-
terest is that the judges should
be at liberty to exercise their func-
tions with independence and with-
out fear of consequence."

By The Associated Press
LA -PAZ, Bolivia-The positive
confirmation that Castro - type
guerrillas are operating in Bolivia
has led to a swift but restrained
U.S. response in La Paz.
Douglas Henderson, the exper-
iknced American ambassador, re-
pcrted Monday to President John-,
son that Communist guerrillas
were in fact established in the Bo-
livian jungles and yesterday five
American Rangers arrived from
the U.S. Latin American Com-
niand in Panama.
They are to open a jungle war-
fare and antisubversion training
school for the Bolivian army.
However, American military re-
ports here estimate that it will
take six months to turn out a fully
trained Bolivian battalion for
Jungle fighting.
Shipments to Bolivia of weapons
and equipment for use against
guerrillas, notably field radio sets,
small arms and helicopters, are
being expedited and should arrive
within a few days, although Hen-
derson has been pressing for these
shipments for months.

MIAMI BEACH-Several scient-
ists reported promising advances
yesterday toward production of
non-addictive drugs that have the
pain killing powers of morphine.
Development of several new, po-
tentially useful synthetic oral
compounds were described in sep-
arate reports to the 153rd national
meeting of the American Chemical
* * *
Judiciary Committee approved a
bill yesterday that could force re-
apportionment of congresisonal
districts'in many states by 1972.
Under the bill, the population
size of congressional districts in a
state would be limited to a 30 per
cent deviation starting in 1968 and
to a 10 per cent deviation starting
with the 1972 election.



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