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Increasing cloudiness
no chance of rain
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Late World News
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-South Vietnam has proposed to the Communists
on Saturday a 24-hour truce in Vietnam on the anniversary of
Buddha's birth May 23 and said it was ready to talk about a
longer cease-fire.
An announcement made yesterday said the Saigon govern-
ment "solemnly appeals to the other side to heed this appeal to
allow all Buddhist followers to celebrate the festival."
The truce appeal is backed by all six allied nations fighting
in Vietnam on the side of the South Vietnamese.
The South Vietnamese government said it "is ready to meet
with North Vietnamese sepresentatives to discuss any furher
details of the truce or its possible extension."
The proposed truce would extend from midnight May 22 to
midnight 23.
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY students participating in a
cam~us poll indicated Thursday that they favor an immediate
American ceasefire and withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam,
the Associated Press reported.
The poll was challenged by Dean of Students Duncan Sells,
who noted only a fraction of WSU's 30,800 students took part in
the balloting. Only 2,071 ballots were cast at 10 polling places.
The referendum showed 1,070- votes 51.7 per cent backing
withdrawal and 1,001 48.3 per cent against such a move. The poll
was sponsored by the Wayne Committee to End the War in Viet-
nam and the Student Mobilization Committee.
* * * *
PROF. DONALD BROWN of the psychology department yes-
terday corrected a report in yesterday's Daily on a pahel discus-
sion he participated in. He said his position was that, "While
it is true that students in general no longer hold to the old-
fashioned morality where sexual relations outside of marriage
are sinful, a new and more personal morality has evolved," in
which the "Implications of the deeply interpersonal aspects of
sexual behavior determine the decision. Young people of today
are more aware of the possible psychological, social and physical
harm that can follow from indiscriminate relations. They should
govern their behavior in terms of their readiness to assume total
responsibility for its total. consequences such as psychological,
social and economic damage to one or the other partners."
* * * *
proved of an amerdment allowing non-students to participate in
student-community organizations by a vote of 9-7, not 19-6 as
was reported in yesterday's Daily. Mike Koeneke, '68, was the
seventh member who voted against the change.
evening were: first place, Sigma Phi fraternity ("Roaring Twen-
ties") and Alpha X Delta Sorority ("The American Sea");
second place, Delta Upsilon Fraternity ("A Walk on the Wild
Side") and Alpha Chi Omega Sorority ("Traveling Across the
USA"); and third place was Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity ("My
Favorite Things") and Pi Beta Phi Sorority, ("The Roaring
SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y.-Ten Long Island University studentsI
were arrested Thursday morning in a massive narcotics raid.
* More than 30 policemen arrested the suspects in dormitory suites,
apartments, and motel rooms The police said they confiscated
about $1,000 worth of narcotics and a term paper on marijuana
composed by one of the suspects
crt'h T , t n 7 -I'
To Impeach Iowa
Student Leader
A movement has erupted on the
Iowa State University campus toj
impeach the recently elected stu-;
dent body president for admitting1
to reporters that he has smoked
marijuana, and allegedly inviting1
a Life photographer to take pic-
tures of him at a pot party.
.Daily Starts
I emo
City Memo
C ontroversy
Donald R. Smith, a member of
Students for a Democratic Society,
has been assailed by both con-
servatives and radicals alike as
a "betrayer" of the university. A
petition is being circulated to
bring impeachment proceeding's
before the Government of the Stu-
dent Body early next week.
Smith in a letter to the Iowa
State Daily did not deny that he
had smoked marijuana, but said,
"I do deny that this limitsmy
effectiveness as president of the
student body."
Smith indicated that he has
given up smoking the illegal drug.
Federal narcotics agents on cam-
pus are investigating the reports.
Amend Constitution
In addition to impeachment
I1ailc--G-huck Soberman
The Fugs singing group, led by Ed Sanders (upper right), performed at the Ann Arbor armory last night. As described in their song-
book, the Fugs are "an animation or a hallucination of the culture of the Lower East Side of New York. Many of their songs deal
with interpersonal relationships in the new marijuana group-grope psychedelic tenderness society " Songs they performed last night
included "Group Grope," "Slum Goddess," and "Kill for Peace." Members of the group include Jeoff Outlaw (upper left), John
Sinclair (lower left) and Ken Weaver (lower right).
Birth Control Advisor Arrested
For Boston University Lecture
By SUSAN ELAN lecture at Boston University's larg- Baird lectured Thursday for one Editor of the Boston University
Associate Managing Editor est auditorium, Hayden Hall. He hour without the interruption of News.
Special To The Daily is accused of breaking a Mas- the police. He discussed the popu- Baird was not arrested until he
CAMBRIDGE, Mass-Wilian sachusetts state law which pro- 1 lation problem in general and its was outside the hall. He was ac-
Baird, director of the New York { hibits the distribution of birthl effect on the poor. ' Next he dis- companied to the police station by
Parents' Aid Society Clinic, was control information or devices ex- ( cussed specific birth control tech- Miss Quartin and James Hamilton
Parraigned yesterday on charges of cept by registered physicians to niques with the aid of films of and Aruerican Civil Liberties Union
! married couples. Trial has been these devices. lawyer who had been present
distributing birth control informa- set for May 8. When several members of the during the speech and offered
tion to unmarried college students. Sm two thousand sstudentsauineskdBrdtdsrbue his services to Baird.
Baird was arrested on Thursday; eIi thuad~s audience asked Baird to distribute hss i ~ n.imdaey
Bar a retdo hrdycrowded into the Hall on Thurs-i A collection was immediately
immediately following a scheduled birth control devices he handed k d t tht
day night to hear Baird speak taken by the audience o pay e
about modern birth control meth- out samples of Emko Foam which $100 bail cost. $400 was raised, the
ods and techniques. he terms "the safest device which remainder of which will be donated
Several hundred students had requires no prescription." to the Parents' Aid Society Clinic
to be turned away when the Hall Baird went on to read lists of Baird, the 34-year-old father o
which seats 1,500 was unable to names of abortionists in Mexico four children, has treated cases
By REGZIEEN proceedings, which Chuck Bullard,
Ann Arbor City Council has de- editor of the Iowa State Daily, said
ferred further discussion of the are "almost certain" to be invoked
release of confidential city memos and passed, there- is also a move-
to the public until Monday night's ment on campus to amend the
regular session. student constitution to prevent a
Thedecision came after Thurs- radical vice-president from taking
day's working session in which office in the absence of Smith.
council debated the release of a Bullard said a conservative stu-
confidential memo concerning the dent senate, which has consistent-
26 story structure being construct- ly opposed Smith's policies and
ed at Maynard and William. appointments might act on such
The memo in question was re- a matter next week.
leasd t TheDaiy byCoucil "Unless the 'New Left' on cam-
leased to The Daily by Council-'pscngtSiht einbfr
man Robert Weeks. Democrat of pus can get Smith to resign before
the Third Ward. Issued by the city he is impeached, the along with
administrator on Sept. 2, 1965: it wl eipahdaogwt
dealt with the council's decision him," said Bullard,
of Aug. 30, 1965 to permit develop- Invitation to Reporters
er Peter Kleinpell to continue con- Smith has allegedly invited re-
struction of the 26 story apartment porters from the newspapers to
building. The matter, not origin- write stories on pot parties at Iowa
ally on council's agenda, was without revealing names. Iowa
brought up when no opposition first printed a story when it
appeared to delay consideration. learned of the presence of a Life
The authorization was given on a photographer at a pot party at-
seven to four vote, with six Re- tended by Smith. The father of a
publicans and one Democrat vot- girl at the party had informed the
ing for the motion and four Dem- dean of students of the incident,
ocrats opposing it. and two students who supported
In the meio, Larcom noted the Smith's impeachment wrote a let,
council's deviation from estab- ter to the paper criticizing him of
lished procedure in not allowing "widespread notoriety" for his
the city administration to nego- actions.
tiate fully with the developer be- ThloacapeofS nr
for auhorzin th stuctre.Re-rowly defeated a censure proposal
garding such matters as parking, on Smith, but an ad hoc group of
density, setbacks and height. Lar- SDS members later drafted a pro-
com stated that previously the posal condemning Smith and dis-
cityiain administration had, dealt with a associating themselves. from him,
the developer to obtain a favor-
able settlement before the au- acrigt ulr.Teesu
thorization. He noted that such dents had been some of his closest
ationigHe otapedntforuchsupporters in the recent election.
, action might set a precedentfnor Bullard said the gene'al feeling
future developers. Larcom was not Bladsi h eea eln
present at the meeting because he on campus is that Smith desired,
Ssaid that he was unaware that publicity of pot parties on campus
the matter was to be discussed, in an attempt to force a confron-
Weeks, opening the discussion, tation with the administration on
WI commented that although he re- issues of student freedom.
gretted not conferring with Lar- Smith Platform
com before releasing the memo, he Smith had run on the platform
was opposed to not making such of'a Student Bill of Rights which
memos public. He noted that the asked the abolishment of admin-
y memo in question was a year and istration vetoes over such other
a half old and that its release had proposals as abolition of admin-
occurred after two elections. istration-made rules over student
He said that regarding the struc- conduct in non-academic affairs.
. ture, "The role of the City Council The Bill of Rights had earlier been
was a critical role and his (Lar- attacked by W. Robert Parks, pres-
s com's) memo casts some very sig- ident of the university.
nificant light on that develop-
ment." There was also concern on cam-
Weeks further stated that "If I pus, according to Bullard, that
receive confidential memos in the the State Legislature would look
future, I will urge that they be with disfavor on Smith's actions
made public." He said that regard- and consequently not alloca~te suf-
less of council's decision on the ficient funds which are presently
matter he would release such under consideration.
memos "if I feel it is in the best An Iowa Daily editorial has cri-
interest of the city to do so." ticized Smith for his actions, ask-
Both Mayor Wendell E. Hulch- ing why he would admit to smok-
er and Rhpublican Fourth Ward ing marijuana to the press.
Counciman John Hathaway said Bullard said that marijuana
they concurred with Weeks on the smoking on campus has never been
matter of confidential memos existent to a large extent until
, Hulcher said that he did not ap- this spring, and said that the
prove of the "inferences" during publicity surrounding the incident
- the past election campaign re- could misconstrue the actual in-
garding the 26 story structure. He cidence of pot smoking at Iowa.
also commented that he could not Students reportedly have hung
1 recall anything confidential about an image of Smith in effigy with
e the action. a placard attached calling Smith
I Hathaway said that councilmen a "betrayer." Bullard said that
t who release such memos should even Smith's former supporters
s bear the responsibility of identi- are charging they have been "be-
See CITY, Page 2 trayed and sold down the river."
To* Support Civil Disobedience
hold any more. and Japan in a move which "prac- of women and at times college stu-
The stated purpose of Baird's tically dared the cops to arrest dents who are "totally unawar
lecture was the distribution of in- him," according to Joe Pilati, City See 'BIRTH' Page 2
formation and free birth control ---- -- -
By SUSAN ELAN 'civil disobedience would be co-
Associate Managing Editor ordinated with the Washington
AScialeTo The Daily actions.
special TTDA proposal from students of the
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - In a New School in New York was also
move late Thursday night, the approved. It called for support of
National Council of Students for the New School's April 13 anti-
a Democratic Society (SDS), vot- war strike. It also asked for sym-
ed to support civil disobedience, pathy strikes at other schools.
student strikes, leafletting and dis- Students would , leave their
ruption of draft boards in order to classes and go induction centers
express opposition to the "ex- , and streets to speak and distri-
panding war in Vietnam." bute leaflets against the war in
The National Council stated that Vietnam.
"a qualitative shift in the war in A proposal "for a convergence
in Washington, D.C., on the draft
hearings, to oppose any draft for
Vietnam, and to organize for com-
munity, high school, and college
draft resistance work" was de-
feated. The National Council felt
that it would be impossible to
raise the necessary funds for such
a mobilization.
In earlier decisions, the Na-
tional Council voted to raise mem-
bership dues and to hold a na-
tional SDS convention in the mid-
west this June.
devices to interested coeds in de-
fiance of Massachusetts state law.
Defiance of Law
Baird defied Massachusetts law
in three ways - by describing
methods of birth control, by dis-
tributing devices, and by listing
Anti-Viet Groups To Hold
Pre-Mobilization Rally
Vietnam is now going on" which - - ---- ------ ------ - --- -- - -
requires more "effective resist-I
ance and opposition in the face "
of an evolving wartime atmos-Fes in er Asks Revu
phere in this country."
'Drastic' Opposition"""
The delegates to the Nationale Dr c i n
Council feel that more drasticNew Directions in So
means of war opposition are need-
ed. "to expose the consequences
of the impending extension of the By ELLEN BAKER approaches in social psychology.
ground war to North Vietnam." "We know how society controls The study of experimental bias is
Carl Davidson, national vice- the individual. We know next to "important but not stimulating,"
president of SDS, predicts a "land nothing about how the individual he said, and the methodology of
invasion of North Vietnam with- can change society," Leon Fest- game theories was designed for
in the next month." He bases inger said yesterday' other problems. He compared the
this prediction on rumors from work done in computer simula-
sources close to the administra- Festinger, professor at Stanford tion experiments to the early ar-
tion such as I. F. Stone, Robert speaker ticles on the microscope. "For
Kennedy, and "people in the Unit- at the Sesquicentennial fete of the years after the discovery of the
ed States." department of psychology. He ex- microscope people wrote articles
The proposed anti-war activi- pressed concern with the "slow on how things look under it."
ties are an attempt to "penetrate ; and stately progress" of the field h ow n itpy
thia rnnam1ru1anPas and create a of social psychology in the last few at w k i s psy
the names of abortionists who By CYNTHIA MILLS
practice outside the country. E A "pre-mobilization rally" in
Baird's assistant Nancy Quartin, support of the Spring Mobilization
a '66 graduate of Boston Univer- to End the War in Vietnam will
sity describes the Massachusetts be held here today at noon.
statutes against birth planning as Organized by the Interfaith
"the worst in the nation." She said Committee on Peace and Religion,
that she and Baird hope to push the program will include speakers
their case for reform to the su- from 15 groups whose members
preme court. are supporting the spring nobili-
zation. Participants from the cam-
pus will meet at 11 a.m. at North
University and State Street and
march to the City Hall Plaza at
7 noon.
nThe purpose of the pre-mobili-
zation rally here is three-fold,"
cta P ' s ' h rof. Julian Gendell, co-chairman
the coordinating committee,
the number is continually grow- -Hirst--to publicize and support
ing. Others are affected by. the the nationwide mobilization on
"selective limitations of iass April 15. Second-to indicate the
communications." There is also extent of opposition to the war in
mistrust of statements of those Ann Arbor. Finally-to show unity
pronounced an "enemy," Festing- in the common objective. - "It
er said. should tend to increase communi-
be Dr. Edward Pierce, defeated
Democratic candidate for mayor
of Ann Arbor; Anatol Rapoport
professor of mathematical biology;
and Ezra Rowry, chairman 'of Ann
Arbor chapter of Congress on Ra-
cial Equality.
Torry Harburg, chairman of the
Ann Arbor Spring Mobilization
Committee, said "there will b
about 200 people going on th
peace train to New York." At
present there are 30 paid fares
and 70 pledges.
Michigan, Ohio Students Aid
IVietnamese; May Face Arrest
Individual Change cations between anti-war groups," DETROIT (,P-A small band of
What we don't know is the way he continued. students froth Michigan and Ohio
in which an individual can change Groups such as the Young Dem- planned today to face possible ar-
society. Festinger cited the ex- ocrats, Students for a Democratic rest for what they term "the his-
ample of Copernicus whose revo- Society, Young Socialist Alliance, toric Christian principle."
lutionary ideas about the solar Quaker Action Group, and the -The students-about 20 from
system changed man's conception Citizens for New Politics will be Wayne State and Michigan State
The Canadian g r o u p sends
money and supplies to Vietnam,
and the government said there was
no way of knowing if the dona-
tions fell into the hands of the
Viet Cong.
"We want to help people who
students participating are mem-
bers of the University Christian
Movement. He described the group
as a national interdenominational
organization devoted to "resurg-
ence of the content of Christian