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(ZI rP
:43 it
Fair and cool;
clearing toward evening
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
J TU' ]Tw 7''U r 1 w ' /" A, fi~ t- T-mw *w ' -TT T1 ,
Robinson Claims 'U' Classes.
Create 'Bright Young Robots'
T:_v T 1T CfT > n T.1
By DAN SHARE I established subcommittees in the
"The University is turning out areas of judiciary and grievances,
bright young robots," charged Ed chaired by David Baad, Univer-
Robinson, '67, former president of sity assistant to the vice-president
Student Government Council, at for student affairs; student gov-
yesterday's meeting of the Presi- ernment in residence halls, chair-
dential Committee on the Role of ed by Thomas Fox, directx of
the Student in Decision Making. South Quadrangle; academic af-
He noted that in the vast ma- fairs, chaired by Jack Manning,
jority of his classes, the empha- assistant to the dean of the lit-
sis is on the learning of facts, erary college, and a case study of
rather than the development of a
method to think. He said this is a --
fundamental weakness in the Uni-
versity's educational structure -.
which leads to the production of ,'
students who are weak in the
areas of both scholarship and per-
sonal development.
Robinson appeared before the
commission together with Mark Si- N E
mons, '67, former SGC executive
vice-president, and Roy Ashmall,
the HUAC affair of last fall pre-
pared by Gretchen Groth, Grad.
The commission expects to have
the completed reports by early
next fall.
The commission's last meeting
' of the current semester will be
held next Thursday, April 13, from
noon to 2 p.m. in the Rackham
Building. The room will be an-
nounced later this week.
0 0
s Y Table Motion
On Ex-offiejo
SDS Raises
ffii3an mati June Meeting
president of Graduate Student
Discussions centered around the
differences between graduate and
undergraduate students, the prob-
lem of the University's position "in
loco parentis." and the effects that
an inadequate education system'
have on'the non-academic life of
Ashmall made it clear that he
feels a dual kind of structure was
necessary in a student government.
He stressed the differences be-
tween the concerns of graduates
and undergraduates, particularly
in academic affairs and matters
of student discipline. He did not,
however, rule out the possibility of
having some kind of executive con-
nection between two separate as-
Simons said that a bicameral
student government would only
encourage elitism: It was his opin-
ion that the commission should
not only institute structural
changes, but design these changes
so that they would bring about
attitudinal changes in the student
body. Simons claimed that the dual
structure's main danger is that
there would not be a single stu-
dent spokesman and consequent-
ly healthy debate in times of
crisis would be discouraged.
Robinson said that the pedag-
ogical nature of the University,
where the professor "hands down
the truth" to the class, hindersa
the development of individual
Said one teaching fellow, also a
member of the commission: "It's
true, my classes don't know how to
respond to an unstructured class-
room situation."'
Commenting on Robinson's state-
ments before the commission, one
member said: "It's the most ser-
ious thing that has been said so
This same kind of attitude,
claim Robinson, Simons and the
student members of the commis-
sion, carries over into the private
life of students. One member said
that the University's action asI
in loco parentis, particularly with-
in the dormitory system, does notI
allow students the freedom of ac-
tion they need for a good educa-
tion, in the broadest sense of the
Robinson's main point was that
the student should decide how to,
run his own life and not be told,
how. He said that discussion with
people of more experience is ob-
viously highly beneficial but that
"I shouldn't learn just facts, but
also how to think." The student
should be allowed to exercise his
thinking power over his own life,
he claimed.
In other action the commission
Late World News
Biy The Associated Piess
ulty Assembly's Civil Liberties Board, reports that $2,225 has been
collected from students, faculty and non-University contribu-
tors in small amounts. The money is to be used at the discretion
of the Board and will go towards the defense of three student
members and faculty advisor of Cinema Guild who were arrested
on obscenity charges for showing the film "Flam'ing Creatures."
Pennsylvania will be transferred to the University City Science
Center by the end of July, according to President Gaylord P.
Harnwell. The projects, SUMMIT and SPICERACK, were sched-
uled to expire in March, 1968, and March, 1969, respectively.
Pennsylvania University owns 50 per cent of the stock in the
Science Center.
be in academic trouble because of action taker! last night by the
North-central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
The association revoked the school's scholastic accreditation,
asserting that major deficiencies spotted several years ago have
not been corrected.
A spokesman for the association said the loss of accredita-
tion may prohibit students from transferring credits to some
other schools. "Or," the spokesman said, 'a graduate of Parsons
College might be denied admittance at some graduate schools."
* * * *
"FOR THOSE WHO CAN engage in pre-marital sex without
hurting each other physically, psychologically or emotionally,
it's difficult to say it is wrong," said Prof. Donald Brown of the
psychology department last night. -
Dr. Brown expressed his views on male-female relationships
at a panel discussion with three other members of the psychology
department, including lecturer Judith Bardwick, Prof., John
Broedel, Prof. Elizabeth Douvan, and the residents of South Quad.
When questioned as to the advantage and/or disadvantages
of pre-marital sex experience, Dr. Brown said that it makes no
difference "when the ring is put on the finger," but "marriage
actually begins when the couple enters into a total and respon-
sible commitment to each other, both physically and emotionally."
Dr. Brown also felt that the visiting policy at South Quad
should be "as open as possible."
PROF. S. J. BEHRMAN, professor of obstretrics and gyne-
cology and director of the Center for Research in Reproductive
Biology is the winner of the 1967 Ortho Medal of the American
Fertility Society. He has received acclaim for his studies during
the past three years with frozen sperm.
STUDENTS at the Brooklyr center of Long Island University
continued their boycott of classes to protest the removal of
Dr. William M. Birenbaum as provost of the campus. They
cheered speakers who denounced the university's chancellor,
Dr. R. Gordon Hoxie. Hoxie ousted Birenbaum last week in a
dispute over the operation and development of the school.
THREE UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS who are specialists on
China will analyze the present political upheaval on the main-
land at a public meeting Sunday in Aud. A at 4 p.m. They are
Prof. Alexander Eckstein of the economics department, Prof.
Donald Munro of the philosophy department, and Prof. Richard
Solomon of the political science department. Munro and Solo-
mon were recently in Hong Kong to do research.
Associate Managing Editor
Special To The Daily
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-The Na-
tional Council of Students for a
Democratic Society (SDS) voted
yesterday to raise membership
dues to $10 a year and to hold a
national SDS convention in the
midwest this June.
Dues were previously $4 per
year. Eac-i member will now be
charged $5 and each chapter will
have the responsibility of raising
another $5 from each of its mem-
bers. This money will be sent to
the National SDS office in Chi-
Financial Problem
Voting Right
An amendment permitting non-
student participation in student-
community organizations was ap-
proved by Student Government
Council last night. Immediately
following the passage of the
change, the Council approved a
motion calling for submission of
the issue to the student body in
the form of a referendum.
The refrendum will be held next
November as part of SGC's regular
fall election. It was proposed by
council member E. 0. Knowles,
'70, who felt that the "students
had a right to decide for them-
selves on an issue as important
as this one."
Acting on another issue, Council
moved to postpone indefinitely a
motion to abolish the voting rights
of its four ex-officio members.
The decision to postpone the mo-
tion introduced by Leslie Mahler,
'69, was made by 9-8 vote of coun-
cil. I
1 The amendment concerning
non-students which gained ap-
proval differed in several respects
from the change proposed several
weeks ago. Under the revised reg-
ulation groups with only students
as voting members will be rc-
Greg Calvert, national secretary
of SDS whose responsibility is the
handling of national funds, stress-
ed the financial problem of the
national office:
"For the past seven weeks the
11-man office staff of the nati.)11
al office has not been paid their
$30-a-week salary; this makes i
impossible for the office staff to
pay rent."
Calvert believes the newly in-
stituted tax on chapters could help
to alleviate the financial difficul-
ties of the national office.
"It has never been tried be-
fore. If the chapters respond be-
tween $25,000 and $30,000 could
be raised in the next couple of
"For the travelers (SDS organ-j
izers who travel to various chap-
ters within a region), it is easier
fn zpp n~in 1h l nlim d1~n
Ratliff. T
-Associated Press
TS AT EASTERN MICIGAN University protested at the office of Assistant to the
Ray B. Leeschner yesterday concerning the forced resignation of student assistant Roger
he students, all residents of Best Hall also expressed their grievances to William C.
vice president for student affairs.
test at
rdnni It
F;.r io.nof
,. W/9e tI UN s rrv ~N N vqL'W
By HENRY GRIX Wednesday night, about 150
Displaying the utmost in sar-- Best students formed an ad hoc:1
torial and social refinement, about committee to the student council
100 Eastern Michigan University to vocalize their support of Ratliff>
students-staged a protest yesterday in the first major student demon-
at the Office of the Assistant to stration at EMU.
the President of that university, Jerry Ashe, '70, asserted that
EMU President Harold E. Spon-
berg and a faculty council only
received the declaration from Wil-
liam C. Lawrence,, vice president
in charge of Student Affairs, a
week and a half ago and have not
yet acted on it.
Ico eging, ne ctaimeU. 'r'o- Ray B. Leeschner. there had been cause for student Next Tuesday, the student coun-
ple an put them up, buy then Dressed in coat and tie, the all- protest previously, but that "no- cil will meet to consider action on
of gas to get to their next stop." male residents of Best Hall sought body ever had the guts before." the declaration.
to dissuade the university from For example, one student men- Attempting to act before Rat-
Fund Raising forcing the resignation of Roger tioned he case of a friend who was liff's resignation was accepted,
Calvert feels that the institu- Ratliff. '68, a student assistant at nearly expelled for stealing a can about sixty Best men marched
tion of a chapter tax was nece- Maxwell House of Best Hall. of tuna fish from an off-campus down to the office of EMU Di-
ssary. "Fund raising from the lib- According to David Hortin, Head grocery. Another student, after rector of Housing and Union Serv-
eral community for SDS has been Resident of Best, the resignation being fined for drinking in New ices, David H. Stockham. Auten,
meeting with an increasing lack was due to "an association with Jersey, returned to Eastern only Jim Fromhart, '70, governor of
of success." 1 an incident which is inconsistent to be expelled, since the penalty Maxewll House, and Dennis Cebul-
National Convention with his role as a staff member." for drinking on or off campus is ski, '67, president of Best, pre-
The national convention of SDS ! All student and staff members immediate expulsion. sented the demand that Ratliff be
to be held somewhere in Ohio this are expected to "play by the However, "there never really retained.
June is expected to draw as many J rules," he explained. "When one been a single issue to unite every- Stockham calmed the group
as 700 people. The convention will does not, the consequences are in- one before," according to Jim proclaiming that "Eastern is a
be held at Antioch or Bowling evitable." Broile, '70. particularly liberal institution"
Green. It will have as its theme However, student council repre- The student council repudiated where it is "not our practice to
"The Analysis and Direction of sentative, Terry Auten, '69, con- the double jeopardy policy, where- be insensitive to student de-
the Movement." Such issues as tested that Ratliff's outside asso- by students are responsible to the mands."
civil rights, student movements at ciations had "nothing to do with university for activities both on Ratliff's resignation had not yet
universities and draft resistance his capability or the feasibility of and off campus, in a Declaration been accepted and the protest was
will be discussed. keeping nim on." of Rights passed February 9. But like "having a funeral for some-
____~_~~~ _~~~~one who is not dead yet," Stock-
ham noted.
Stockham would only guaran-
Idzerda Urges More Student tee to postpone any action for 24
hours. Nevertheless, Ratliff's res-
ignation was accepted less than
egi 1 * three hours later.
egislatVe and udicial Power Dissatisfied with Stockham's re-
1 sponse, the students intended to
go directly to the president and
By JIM HECK He called the theme of "student- He called many colleges "rivalry if they could not see him at the
"The course of most adminis- 'faculty-role in decision-making" a mills" that "would make a typical administration building, to sit in
trators today is fixed on image- relatively new one. In the 19th Balkan vendetta seem like a tea- on his front lawn, Sources indi-
building," Dr. Stanley Idzerda said century, he explained, there was party." cated Sponberg had said last se-
yesterday. "I am advocating dis- "little doubt" who ran the uni- Unfortunately, he said, presi- mester "I would rather see any-
persion of power where truth is- versity. "Students were required dents are sometimes forced to rule thing than students march on my
the main goal."eI to be militantly passive." Their by dictate. "Most presidents grant lawn."
Idzerda, Dean of Wesleyan Uni- ;chief job was to "absorb knowl- See IDZERDA, Page 10 See STUDENTS, Page 10
gnizedas student organizations
while groups with any other form
of membership requirements will
be recognized as student-com-
munity organizations.
Subject to Obligations
Both types of groups will be
"subject to all the rights and
obligations of student organiza-
tions under the present regula-
A second addition to the orig-
nal proposal stated that nothing
n the new amendment "shall be
construed as preventing any stu-
dent organization from includ-
ng in its constitution bylaws, or
standing rules, a clause prohibit-
ing non-students from member-
ship, franchise, or holding office
in that organization."
The changes were introduced by
Administrative Vice-President Mi-
chael Davis, Grad, "to allow the
members of an organization to
detemmine for themselves what
they wanted to do about 'admitting
Several additional changes in
the amendment were defeated by
the Council. Provisions requiring
that all organizations have at
least half of their officers posi-
tions filled by students and that
the presidency or chairmanship be
held by a.student were originally
passed, but were later defeated in
a move of reconsideration.
Speaking in support of an SGC
sponsored referendum, Knowles
felt that the Council should move
"to keep this issue from becom-
ing a challenge to SGC's author-
ity." He referred to the petitions
calling for a referendum on the
issue which have been circulating
the past few days and said that
he was certain that a referendum
would be initiated irregardless of
Council's position on the matter.
Motions supporting a referen-
dum on the issue were presented
to SGC ,last night by the Engi-
neering Council and the College
Young Republicans. The groups
expressed support for the move-
ment against the proposed amend-
ment which was begun by Inter-
fraternity Council, Panhellenic
Association and Inter-House As-r
sembly in the past week.
Organization Definitions
The amendment is a change in
the rules and regulations govern-
ing student organizations. It states
that more than half of the mem-
bers of the newly defined stu-
dent - community organization
must be students, and that at least
two-thirds of the membership
must be students, alumni of the
University, or people who have re-
nriorp" frnm Chair inctrlirtnic
-- ---
versity in Connecticut, keynoted e'LUro' Lir insrLutuni.
the 4th annual Michigan Scholars Newer Mode e fl JAu e
convocation banquet in the Mich- But the mode has now changed, G 0Oty i t
igan League ballroom. according to Idzerda. The "newer no dLs!is
"Today, many faculty members mode eriphasizes freedom, change '
and administrators say the stu-I -and privacy." } I N aturalJI-t siOi'IT
dents' only job is to learn," Id- , "Students talk about imperson-
zerda remarked. Otherwise, they ality, facelessness, and the fact,
tell students they "are welcome to that they feel themselves pawns "A new climate in America is !wilderness. paving over parks, or ,
enroll elsewhere." in a system over which they have being developed by persons who destroying rare wildlife habitat )
"This fails to take into account no control," he claimed, have a feeling for nature," Assist- and scenic beauty. The driving
that education is not a vessel o This is where the conflict de- ant Secretary of the Interior public is not to have the sole word
eIedad epaed.t "Too dio velops. Idzerda said there is "much Stanley Cain said yesterday-at the in this determination.
ma," Idzerda explained. "Too often talk today of 'the power structure,' School of Natural Resources Hon- "We are not against urbaniza-
students are just 'cast aside,'t" he establishment,' or just 'them.''lorsConvocation. Lion and urbar redevelopment; but
Idzerda would like to see stu- The issues revolve around author- "The United States has become there must be regard for human
en. "Student publication should ity, participation, communication, affluent enough to pay the price," -;:le and the need for open space.
be exclusively i ca the hands of autonomy, leadership, and goals." Cain declared. "We are not against industry;
buentxs This seemto bed a He called the charge that stu- Cain, who began directing the but production of goods carries no
touchy question at Michigan." dents must accept responsibility , overal ogrm ofs dth Bureau of right to pollute the air, water, and
Idzerda believes students should before they can be given the right t ees a W dsoil- ith waste of all kinds.
- - - - **. * .. the BavE'nh: of fCommercial Fish- . .