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April 05, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-04-05

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i huG A"Ktoza


King Knocks'
U.S. Policy.
In Viet War
Violence Hinders
City Ghetto Reform;
Reflects Sick Society
NEW YORK (IP)-Martin Luther
King, Jr. said last night that the
United States is on the wrong side
of a world revolution and urged an
admission "that we have been
wrong from the beginning of our
adventure in Vietnam."
He called theUnited States "the
greatest purveyor of violence in
the world today," and pleaded for
a greater understanding of the
drama and fears .of newly emer-
ging nations.
In a major policy speech linking
his, criticism of the war with his
position as a civil rights leader,
King said his increasing opposi-
tion vas sparked in part by his
slum organizing campaign in
northern cities over the past three
'Desperate, Rejected'
"As I have walked among the
desperate, rejected and angry
young men I have told- them that
Molotov cocktails and rifles would
not solve their problems," King
said, "maintaining my vonvictions
that social change comes most
meaningfully through nonviolent
"But they asked, and rightly so,
what about Vietnam? They asked
if our own nation wasn't using
massive doses of violence to solve
its problems, to bring about the
changes it wanted.
"Their questigns hit home, and
I knew that I could never again
raise my voice against the violence
of the oppressed in the ghettoes
without first having spoken clear-
ly to the greatest purveyor of vio-
lence in the world today-our own
King's remarks were in a speech
prepared for delivery in New
York's Riverside Church, at a
meeting sponsored by a year-old
antiwar group, Clergy and Laymen
Concerned About Vietnam.
U.S. Initiative
King called again for the United
States to take the initiative in
ending the war and repeated his
five recommendations, including
a unilateral cease fire, as end to
to the bombing, and negotiations
with the National Liberation
But he also called on "all min-
isters of draft age to give up their
ministerial draft exemptions and
seek status as conscientious ob-

The head of the Southern Chris-
tian Leadership Conference re-
peated what he told The Asso-
ciated Press two weeks ago: that
he planned to step up his fight'
against the war because it was
draining the domestic programs
needed to fight poverty and seg-
Last night, he said the war is
but a symptom of a far deeper
malady within the American
spirit," a focus on "things" instead
of people.
Increasingly, said King, "by
choice or accident," the United
States has taken "the role of those
' who make peaceful revolution im-
possible by refusing to give up,
the privileges and the pleasures
that come from the immense prof-
its of overseas investment."
In Vietnam, he said, the more
sophisticated soldiers, surely real-
ize that we are on the side of the
wealthy and the secure while we
create a hell for the poor" . . . that
"none of the things we claim to
be figthing for 'ate really in-
APRIL 7 & 8
8:30 P.M. at TAPPAN JR.

British; Rival Powell v. House Case Raises
Groups Fight Separation of Power Question
Nationalists Aveige WASHINGTON 1)-Questions House acted against him because beyond the Constitution when it
Commando Leader and comments of a federal judge of his race. rejected Powell.
offered little comfort yesterday Powell's attorneys, headed by The House, through Bromley.
Shamshair's Murder to lawyers asking him to order Frank D. Reeves of the Howard has asked Hart to dismiss the case,
Adam Clayton Powell restored to University law faculty, argued that asserting federal courts cannot
ADEN (An -Two pro-Egyptian his seat in the House. Powell meets the three constitu- intervene because the Constitution
on istropsee One of the key issues in the case tional qualifications for House sets up the legislative and judicial
day and then fell upon each oheris whether the U.S. courts can membership-age, citizenship and branches, along with the executive,
dictate to Congress. Federal JudgeI residency. as co-equal branches of govern-
A nationalist leader was assas- George L. Hart Jr. commented at They held that the House went ment.
sinated by rival Arab gunmen in one point: "The fundamental --
Aden. The two groups had clashed quetion of freedom itself depends
late Monday at Dahla, near the onutesprtion of powdm terdps.
waskied arndi1, were onedr. m h eaaino oes'ney Symathetic
Yemen frontier, and one Arab Hart heard oral arguments in U yae
Embroiled are the Front for the the battle between Powell and the
Liberation of Occupied South House, which denied him a seat T o 1l e xiindn i11Iira nts
Yemn (los) ad te Ntioalin the 90th Congress. He was 1 X 0 R M a I
Yemen (Flosy) and the National barred on grounds of "gross mis-
rivals for the loyalty of the Arabs conduct" and that he diverted
rivals of oy Aden. government funds to personal use LANSING ') - Gov. George is sympathetic," Alfaro said. The
as chairman of the Education and Romney "was sympathetic, but governor did promise to seek the
Want Country Split Labor Committee, said he couldn't commit himself appointment of a migrant or ex-
of th w anttosee the g edeaing Courts Can Step In on any specific . questions," the migrant on a proposed new com-
of South Arabia, a grouping of 17,
sheikdoms and sultanates of which Powell's legal team held that leader of a group seeking to im- mission on migrant workers to be
Aden is the keystone, broken up his exclusion was a case of "the prove the lot of Mexican-Amer- created within the Department of
after the British pull out next House running riot" and they said ican migrant workers said yester- Labor.
year. The British suspect' they the courts have every right to step day. The group had asked for a mi-
want to see Aden and the federa- in.Romney met for one-half hour grant majority on the commission.
tion fall under the sway of Egypt. Bruce Bromley, special counsel in a closed session this morning The group further asked that a
NLF gunmen early yesterday retained by the House, told Hart with representatives of Concerned representative of the executive of-
shot to death Haider Shamshair, he had no more right to tell Con- Citizens for Migrants. The group fice be assigned to help with their
a commando leader of Flosy. gress what to do than Congress is asking for better pay and better problems. Ted Blizzard, an exe-
"Tonight we will kill 10 NFL had to tell Hart how to decide living and working conditions plus cutive aide, was named to the
men in revenge for Shamshair's cases. iniproved education for their chil- position.
death," declared a Flosy leader. Hart said he will announce his dren in Michigan. Among complaints made to the
governor were that no appropri-
Demonstrators Wounded decision Friday, which will be four "We asked him to use his lead- ation has been made for medical
At Dhala, demonstrators from days before a special election to ership to sponsor the kind of legis- care for needy migrant workers,
the rival groups battled it out. A fill Powell's vacant seat from the lation that will respect and pro- although a $360,000 grant was
Flosy supporter threw a grenade 18th Congressional District in tect the dignity of migrant work- authorized by the Legislature last
that fell short and killed one of New York's Harlem area. ers," reported Ruben Alfaro, exe- year; and that no appropriation
his own people. At least 10 other No Right to Reject Powell cutive director of the migrant pro- was made for the establishment
persons were wounded. Powell is expected to win re- test group, of migrant rest centers, although
Demonstratorsfolded their anti- election easily with support from "He promised to look into our they were authorized by the 1966
British aners gandiscnlledmodthefellow Negroes who maintain the problems. I think the governor Legislature.
British army garrison for medical
aid. Two of the most seriously x:R3:::::# o >%v..m.%#Aw.v.w...S .!<"A:.YNr:A:.>.n. :t.vn# ::YrJN : Y. 1 xsivti:
wounded were flown to an Aden
Supported by- armored cars, LAILT OFICIAL
British troops occupied the ArabA
Crater District of Aden, moving
in behind 3,000 Arabs marching . ... ..
in Shamshair's funeral procession. The Daily Official Bulletin is an Symposium: "Problems at the Fron- vious exper. required for expanding
official publication of the Univer- tiers of Social Psychology." Program: program of roadside beautification.
Nationalists Avoid Fight sity of Micnigan for which The Prof. T. M. Newcomb, Univ. of Michi- Ouachita Memorial Hospital, Hot
Waving banners denouncing Michigan Ilaily assumes no editor- gan, chairman. Prof. Leon Festinger, Springs National Park, Ark.-Register-
both the NFL and the British, the ial responsibility. Notices should be Stanford Univ., "Historical Perspec- ed Physical Therapist, 142 bed hospital.
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to tives on Modern Social Psychology"; Walston & Co., Inc., Chicago, Ill. -
mourners moved unmolested past Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- Prof. Dorwin Cartwright, Univ. of Mich- One of the nation's largest brokerage
army strongpoints to the Moslem fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding igan, discussant. Prof. Harold H. Kel- firms seeks candidates for trang. prog.
cemetery. At least a dozen Arabs publication and by 2 p.m. Friday ley, Univ. of Calif. at Los Angeles, for acctg. executives (stockbrokers).
for Satarday and Sunday. General "Interpersonal Accommodation"; Prof. Young men out of college several yrs.,
in the procession carried sub- Notices may be published a maxi- Anatol Rapoport, Univ. of Michigan, sales bkgd. helpful, must be 26 plus,
machine guns, mum of two times on request; tray discussant. Prof William J. McGuire, diverse bkgds. welcomed.
But the Arab nationalists shied calendar items appear once only. Columbia Univ., "What Gets Noticed IBM Corp.-ASDD, Yorktown Heights,
Student organization notices are not in Complex Stimuli"; Prof. Herbert C. N.Y.-Assistant industrial behavioral
away from a confrontation. Spo- accepted for publication. For more Kelman, Univ. of Michigan, discussant, scientists, machine systems dev. in 4
radic bombing and sniping went information cal 764-9270. Fri., April 7, Rackham Amphitheatre, PhD man department. BA/MA and spe-
ontruhtedywt 0sp-9:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. cific trng. in psych, or so. sc. plus
ratet t h on Bih troos WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 irt in Elementary Ed- interest in computers. Opening for PhD
faeatak nBrts rop iretdTahn nEeetr d Psych. in Psych. Svst. Dev. group at
being reported. One Arab was 3neatioR-Fall Term, 1967: Students who Mohansic Labs. Ed. and/or Couns. Psy-
wounded and a grenade thrower ! U fdatenia expect to elect Education D305 for Fall chology degree and interest in compu-
Term must verify in person by April ters.
captured. Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- 14 the directed teaching application Kenosha Youth Foundation, Ken-
The three-nation U.N. mission' inar-"The Managment of Managers": on file, Room 140 UES, 1.to 5 p.m., osha, Wis.-Director of Physical Edu-
which flew in Sunday to advise 146 Business Administration, 8:15 a.m. Monday through Friday. Students elect- cation, grad in Phys. Ed., Recreation
ing directed teaching in Special Edu- or related field. Skill and interest in
ton problems posed by South Ara- Real Estate Clinic - Registration, cation, Fall, must also verify by April swimming necessary.
bia's independence was working on Rackham Bldg., 8:30 a.m. 14, Special Education Office, 737 East * * *
policies and programs for South University. For further information please call
Arabia. Peace Corps Recruitment-No ap- 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
pointments necessary. For information, Doctoral Examination for Raymond Appointments, 3200 SAB.
call Miss Webber, Bureau of Appoint- Joseph Ortali, Romance Languages &
ments. 764-7460, 3200 SAB, 8:30 a.m. Literatures: French; thesis: " n Poete SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE:
buKe D odd; (1571-1646),' Thurs., April 6, East Coun- INTERVIEWS:
Student Tea: At the home of Presi- cil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3 p.m,. THURS., APRIL 6-
.,--.ana VrS. XISudLI,, luuueh I. Chairmana Fa F- Gray-

-Associated Press
GOVERNOR GEORGE ROMNEY met yesterday with leaders of a migrant worker group seeking
higher wages and improved working conditions and educational opportunities for their children.
Romney sympathized but refused to commit himself to any specific program while promising to
seek the appointment of a migrant to the labor department's proposed new commission on migrants.
U.S. Air Activity Increases;
J"Johnson Fears M ilitary Bill

SAIGON (P)-The end of the
Monsoon season will probably
bring more U.S. air action in
North Vietnam, U.S. officers pre-
dict while in Washington President
Johnson worries about having "his
hands tied" in.fighting the war.
Johnson complained yesterday
that Congress was forcing him to
tie his own hands as commander
in chief .when he signed a $12.2-
billion supplemental appropriation
for the Vietnam war.
The presidential p rotest was
over an amendment written into
the money bill that would interfere
with Pentagon plans to cut diown
on Air National Guard and Re-
serve Air Force units.
"While similar restrictions" have
been included in the Defense De-
partment appropriations bill in
recent years," Johnson said, "I am
becoming increasingly concerned
about them because of the un-
desirable rigidity they impose on
our military structure."
The $12.2 billion provided in the
bill is to finance military opera-
tions for the remainder of the
fiscal year which ends June 30.
It boosts military appropriations
for the year to $72.14 billion.
Johnson felt the Senate amend-
ment .would require the Pentagon
to 'maintain at least 25 Air Na-
tional Guard airlift groups and 40
Air Force Reserve airlift and troop
carrier units unnecessarily.
The Senate Appropriations Com-

mittee report on the measure
made it clear that the aim of this
provision is to block plans to de-
activate three Air National Guard
and eight Air Force Reserve air-
lift units.
Johnson said the changes the
bill blocks "involve the modern-
ization of the active Air Force
strategic intertheater airlift capa-
bility- and the re-equipment of
Reserve force elements with newer
aircraft released from the active
forces, the result of which will be
an increased and much more ef-
ficient strategic airlift capability."
In Saigon, U.S. officers hinted
yesterdaw they expect the all-time
high of 175 missions to be ex-
ceeded before the end of April.
U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine
pilots, flying under the best
weather conditions in weeks, ham-
mered North Vietnamese storage
areas, bridges, trucks and cargo
barges in 147 missions Monday.
Presumably more than 400 planes
were involved.
Two instances of alleged confes-
sions by captured American pilots
to bombing civilians in North Viet-
nam have come to light in the
past two days.
An American photographer who
visited North Vietnam writes in'
Life that he heard a "confession"
delivered from behind a closed
curtain in an alert, sincere voice.
He said when the pilot was pro-
duced, however, he appeared to be.

"vacant" and "like a puppet." 4
ABC showed a Vietnamese film
of two Navy pilots who, during the
course of a discussion, "confessed"
to dropping napalm on civilians.
Three lip readers who went over
the film said they were unable to
match the lips of the two pilots to
the dialogue during the allleged
In Washington, the Defense De-
partment declined specific com-
ment yesterdaytand reiterated that
U.S. policy is to bomb only mili-
tary targets in North Vietnam.
The spokesmen asserted anew that
some civilian casualties are in-
evitable in war.
The question of treatment of
American captives has been raised
again by the puppet-like behavior
of an American pilot in Hanoi be-
fore a shocked group of foreigners.
Group To Re

detand .Mrs. Harlan Hatcher. All
students are cordially invited. Wed.,
Et icsCodeStillUnfinished April 5, 4 to 6 p.m.

IWorld New,
By The Associated Press
LONDON -Vice President) Hu-l
bert H. Humphrey debated thei
Vietnamese war with leftist mem-
bers of Britain's Labor party yes-
terday. After hearing Americans;
called "bomb-droppers" he said
the British lawmakers'should de-
nounce North Vietnam as much
as they do the United States.
The exchange came at a packedl
private meeting of a British-
American i n t e r parliamentary
group in Westmlnister Palace.
Humphrey told the legislators
President Johnson is ready to fly
anywhere, anytime within 24
hours for peace talks with Ho Chi
Minh, president of North Vietnam.
* * *'..
TOKYO-The attacks on Com-
munist China's President Liu
Shao-chi raged on without letup
yesterday in Peking amid evidence
he still has support within the
,Communist Party Central Com-
As Red Guard rallies continued
to call for Liu's ouster, the offi-
cial party organ, People's Daily,

s Roundup
published four articles saying that
he must be overthrown "ideolog-
ically and politically."
But the articles never mention-
ed Liu by name, referring to him
as "the top party man in author-
ity taking the capitalist road."
NEW YORK - Johnny Carson
announced his resignation from
his Tonight show yesterday, claim-
ing his contract was breached by
NBC's use of re-runs since a strike
of network performers began a
week ago.
However, NBC refused to accept
the resignation, saying it had a
right to substitute his old tapes.
In a statement, the network said
it "looks forward to Johnny's re-
turn to the Tonight program
when the strike is over."
Meanwhile, the striking AFL-
CIO American Federation of Tele-
vision and Radio Artists asked the
multimillion national membership
of the AFL-CIO and independent
unions to boycott the products
of sponsors who advertise on the
struck networks.

WASHINGTON (iP) - Members
expect Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-
Conn), to be rebuked in a report
being drafted by the Senate ethics
committee staff for transferring
testimonial dinner and campaign
funds to his personal bank ac-
Dodd acknowledged in the com-
mittee's public hearings which
ended March 17 that $150,785 pro-
duced by a series of fund-raising
events went into his personal ac-
The ethics committee, which de-
cided earlier neither to exonerate
Dodd nor to recommend his expul-
sion from the Senate, has not
agreed yet on the language it will
use in recommending that the sen-
ator be reprimanded.
But a majority obviously is un-
willing to accept Dodd's thesis
that since his first election to the
Senate almost every action he has
taken has been political. The Con-
necticut senator said his con-
science was clear in the use of

what he called "personal-political"
Chairman John Stennis (D-
Miss), is determined to get action
on a code of ethics covering staff
members. He told the Senate re-
cently the committee's work on
provisions of a code of conduct
had been sidetracked by the Dodd
The committee's staff is report-
ed to have drafted some critical
observations on Dodd's trip to
Germany at the expense of the
Internal Security subcommittee at
the time Julius Klein of Chicago,
registered agent for foreign busi-
ness interests, was having some
difficulties with German clients.
The committee chairman indi-
cated that the question of a code
of ethical conduct for senators is
something that will have to be
thrashed out after the Dodd re-
port is made. He said the question
of requiring senators to make pub-
lic their outside incomes, for ex-
ample, is a "very difficult" one
that needs extensive study.

Zoology Seminar-Dr. James Larimer,
Univ. of Texas, "The Interactions of
Light and Temperature on Activity of
Caudal Phbtoreceptors": 1400 Chemis-
try Bldg.. 4 p.m.
Botany Seminar* Dr. Katherine Esau,
Univ. of California, "Cytology of the
Phlcem and its Possible Relation. to
Function" : Wed,, April 5, Aud. E,
Physics-Astronomy, 4:15 p.m.
Dept. of Speech University Players
Performance-Arthur Miller's "The Cru-
cible": Trueblood Aud., 8 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital -
James Larkin, oboe: Recital Hail,
School of Music, 8:30 p.m.
School of Music Concert-William P.
Malm, director, "Music of Southeast
Asia": Hill Aud., 8:30 p..m
General Notices
American Culture Students Associa-
tion: Last luncheon meeting. Marvin
Feiheim, professor, speaker: Thurs.,
April 6, Guild House; admission: 25c,
12 p.m.
Phi Beta Kappa Annual Dinner: Dr.
Charles R. Keller, director-emeritus of
the John Hays Fellows Program, speak-
er. Reservations should be made with
Hazel M. Losh, secretary. Meinbers
of other chapters invited: Thurs., April
6, Michigan Union, 6:30 p.m.

with THE BEAUBI ENS and old hits.
Be at South Quad Friday, April 7
s Free Refreshments
* Guys, 50c-Girls come free

vauuwta'.a.a.xtyCamp Tamarack, *Mich.-Coed. 9-5
p.m. 2 nurses, spec. in waterfront, na-
Pla em tturecraft, canoe trippers, unit supv.,
truck-bus drivers, physicians.
POSITION,OPENINGS: IGood Humor-Men and women, out-
Last Day Peace Corps Team - Today, doors all summer.
April 5, no appointments necessary, 3200 Please pick up your College Interview
SAB. Forms.
State of Idaho Dept. of Highways, * * *
Boise, Idaho..-4 yr. degree from univer- Details and applications at Summer
sity with major emphasis in field re- Placement Service, 212B AB, Lower Lev-
lated to landscape architecture, no pre- el.

U 4

Saturday, April 8

1:30-5:00 P.M.

A Symposium with
JOHN GERASSI, Author: Great Fear in Latin America,
reporter for the New York Times, editor at Times
Magazine, Latin American editor at Newsweek.
Executive Sec., Human Relations Division, Catholic
Archdiocese of Detroit, has had experience in Brazil
and works with the diocesan program in Recife.
Associate Prof,, Monteith College, Wayne State
Univ., specializing in international affairs with par-
ticular interest in economic development in Latin

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