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March 31, 1967 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-31

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Supplement to
The Michigan Daily





Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Honors Program Stimulates ndividual S
By STEPHEN SPITZ ing special opportunities and chal- vard University in the number of The Honors counseling system been greatly expandde in recent Graf said the Honors program Hon
The Honors Council has, since lenges to students most strongly Wilson Fellowships won. Twenty- is designed to offer the student a years. provides the student with a sense grad
its inception nine years ago, ex- qualified to receive them." seven of the University's twenty- greater degree of flexibility in New courses to be offered by the of identity and the advantage;of Only
panded from an experimental pro- Graf emphasized that in this nine Wilson Fellowship winners course selection.
gram comprising 21 courses to year's -,Honors program seniors for the fall of 1967 are presently The Honors Council stresses the Honors Council in the fall of 1967 a challenge by peers that is not cant
"the largest and most comprehen- have "done spectacularly well" in in Honors, Graf pointed out. informal seminar course structure, include two interdisciplinary sem- necessarily availabl ein non- acce
sive Honors program in the na- national competitive scholarships The Honors Council is offering providing the Honors student with inars. One of these, a course en- honors curriculum. Graf main- depa
tion," according to its director, in recent years. He cited the high a total of 117 honors courses and 77 upper level seminars titled "Six Doors to Southeast tained that classes are small be- Hon
Dr. Otto Graf. numbers of Woodrow Wilson Fel- sections for the fall of 1967, an Graf sees a growing interest Asia," will be taught by Prof. cause the "pedagogical message is culty
The honors curriculum has lowships, National Science Foun- increase of 12 over the present among Honors students in inter- Mark Steinberg, director of the largely a dialogue" in Honors and
grown to include courses in all dation Fellowships, and National semester's offering. There are pre- disciplinary courses and indepen- University's Center for South and courses incorporate a greater de- choi
departments of the Literary Col- Defense Education Act Fellow- sently 924 students enrolled in the dent study. There are now some Southeast Asian Studies. Prof. gree of critical analysis and more Or
lege in addition 'to twenty-two in- ships won by University Honors Honors Council and 237 staff 30 upperclassmen studying under Erik Voegelin, an eminent political writing of a critical nature to en- acce
terdepartmental College Honors program students as strong evi- members connected with the pro- the joint sponsorship of two or theorist and historian from the able the qualified student to en- - in th
courses. Graf said he was' "extre- dence of the success of the Honors gram. All staff members in Hon- more departments. Both the sum- University of Munich will lead a gae in independent investigation erall
mely pleased" with the success of program. The University placed ors are pre-doctoral instructors or mer reading program and inde- seminar in Interpretations of His- and research. exam
the Honors program in "provid- second nationally this year to Har- above, Graf emphasized. pendent research options have tory. Over ninety-five per cent of all high

ors seniors continue on to
uate or professional study.
about one-third of all appli-
s to Honors Concentration are
pted on the average in various
rtments, Graf said. The
ors graduate has little diffi-
getting into the graduate
professional schools of his
ce, Graf concluded.
af remarked that freshmen
pted into the Honors Council
e fall of 1967 have scored gen-
y higher on College Board
ninations and substantially
er in the National Merit Test.

U Thant: Pledging World U Thant
A Decade of Diplomacy




1odern Education


war, he continued his role in edu-
cation as Secretary of Burma's
Education Reorganization Coin-

mittee, returning in 1943 to the
The Honorable U Thant, Secre- National High School as Head-
tary General of the United Na- master. He was also active as a
tions, and featured speaker at the free-lance journalist during this
44th annual Honors Convocation, same period.
is a man whose experience clearly Through his work in education,
exceeds his years. The 58 year old and journalism, Thant was drawn
Burmese citizen, currently in hisi.H
second five-year term as head of into the governet. He wa -
the U.N., has served his country pointed Press Director of. the Gov-
and later the world in numerous eement of Burma in 1947. In 1948
and diverse capacities-as educa- he became Director of Broadcast-
tod bureaucrat, diplomat, free- ing, and in the following year,
to, uralit,adip ecary he was appointed Secretary to the
lance journalist, and Secretary Government of Burma in the Min-
General, istry of Information. In 1953, he
He since has emerged as, a de- was named secretary for projects
termined and consistent advocate in the office of the Prime Minister
of world peace. and in 1955 he was assigned addi-
Born in Pantanaw, Burma, on- tional duties as executive secretary
January 22, 1909, Thant was first of Burma's Economic and Social
educated at the National High Board.'
School in Pantanaw, and later at As the government's respect for
University College, Rangoon. In ' his talents grew, Thant the Bu-
1931, he became Headmaster -of reaucrat slowly became Thant the
the National High School, possi- Diplomat. He received his first di-
bly aided by winning two nation- plomatic experience as member of
wide educational competitions. Burmese Good-Will Missions to
Educator Thailand and Indonesia in 1951.
Before World War II, Thant As an official advisor, he assisted
served on various national educa- the then Prime Minister U Nu, at
tion committees, and, during the the first and second ColomboI
Honors Convocation
Order of* Exercises

Prime Ministers' Conference, held
respectively in Colombo, Ceylon,
and Indonesia; at the Asian-Afri-
can Conference in Bandung, Indo-
nesia, 1966, and at the Belgrade
Conference of Non-Aligned Na-
otins, 1961.I
He became Burma's ambassador
to the United Nations in 1957.
Since then he has headed the Bur-
mese delegations to the sessions of
the General Assembly. In 1959, he
served as one of the Vice-Presi-
dents of the Assembly's fourteenth
session. Thant was Chairman, in
1961, of the United Nations Congo
Conciliation Commission a n d
Chairman of the Committee on. a
United Nations Capital Develop-
ment Fund.
He was named acting Secretary
General in 1961, soon after Dag
Hammarskjold's death. Within
weeks, he was elected to a four-
year term. He was reelected-una-
nimously- by the General Assem-_
bly on January 2, 1966.
He has been awarded several ti-
tIes by the Burmese government
and holds honorary degrees from
14 colleges and universities in the
United States, three in Canada,
and the Moscow University.
Thant's job has taken him to all
parts of the world. He visited Cuba
at the invitation of Prime Minister
Fidel Castro, in connection with
the Cuban missile crisis in October,
Papal Audience
In 1963 Thant visited Hungary,



University News Service Photo

..-United Nations Photo

President Harlan Hatcher Presiding
Fantasia in G Major Johann
The Star Spangled Banner
Presentation of Honored Guests A:
Assistant tc
Laudes Atque Carmina TheT
Presentation of Honor Students H.
Greetings The Honorable
Governor of the Sta

Bulgaria and Italy: while in Pome
he had an audience with Pope
Paul VI. In early August, th.i Se-
cretary-General was invited by the
Sebastian Bach governments of the Soviet Union.
The Audience the United States and the United

THE GUEST SPEAKER at today's Honors Convocation in Hill Au d, is the Honorable U Thant, Secretary General of the United Na-
tions (pictured at right), who will speak on "Education in a Changing World". Last year the convocation heard Arnold Cantwell
Smith, Secretary General of the British Commonwealth of Nations (at left), deliver an address on "The Role of the Commonwealth in
World Politics."
Kilingrsunrth Named Rhodes Scholar

W., Hildebrandt,
o the President,
of the University
Men's Glee Club
W. Hildebrant
George Romney
ate of Michigan


Kingdom to participate In the
ceremony marking the signiwt of
tMe test ban treaty in Moscow.
Tn~~ ~ Srh OAfi p-pay

To Cite High
Romney and Parents
Of Honored Students
Also Invited To Attend
The Honorable U Thant, sec-
retary - general of the United
Nations, will address over '2000
students and their families today
at the 44th annual Honors Con-
vocation in Hill Aud. He Will
speak on the topic, "Education in
a Changing World."
Thant, recently elected unani-
mously to a second five-year term,
will receive an honorary degree
from President Harlan H. Hatcher,
who will preside over the convo-
cation, which begins at 10:30 a.m.
Attending will be undergradu-
ates receiving class honors for
attaining a 3.5 grade point aver-
age for the last two semesters.
Special recognition will be given
James B. Angell Scholars (seniors
who have achieved a 4.0 average
over the past two semesters.
The guest speakier at last, year's
convocation was Arnold Cantwell
Smith, secretary-general of the
British Commonwealth of Nations.
who spoke on the topic, "The
Commonwealth in World Politics."
Governor George Romney wll
give a few salutoy remarks before
the secretary-general speaks.
Unfilled seats in Hill Aud. will
be open to the public at 10:15 a.m.
Rackham Lecture Hall will open
its doors for a closed circuit tele-
vision telecast of the convocation
at 10 a.m.
Classes will be suspended this
morning for students being hon-
ored at 9 a.m. All other classes will
end at 9:30 a.m., and will'not con-
tinue until noon.
In addition to class honors, un-
dergraduates and graduates are
being honored for superior per-
formance in many types of
achievement. Initiates to the
many campus honorary societies
as well as recipients of special
awards and scholarships are listed
in this honors supplement to The
An annual event is the tea to
be given this afternoontby Presi-
dent and Mrs. Hatcher. The
Hatchers welcome this opportun-
ity each year to personally con-
gratulate the honored 'students
and their parents in an atmos-
phere which is not easily found
in the multiversity.
The members of the Honors
Convocation selection committee
this year are: Dr. Herbert W.
Hildebrandt, secretary of the Uni-
versity, assistant to the President,
ex-officio chairman; Dean Gordon
J. VanWylen of the Engineering
School; Dean James B. Wallace of
the Music School; Dean David M.
French of Flint College, and Dr.
Edward G. Groesbeck, registrar.
Two students were also on the
selection committee: Stehanie E.

JK- =_ a/ W/ w RV N IIL/ in -It-F W/ %-, ML-Al W IL/ W qv A- I %-, - - -

Convocation Address:
"Education in a Changing World" His Excellency U Thant,
Secretary General of the United Nations
Goddess of the Inland Seas The Men's Glee Club

In tJuly. 4 t~ ~ie ecretai y-
General went to Cairo at the invi- By CATHY PERMUT economics. He plays bassoon in
tation of the Second Conference the University symphony orches-
of Heads of African States to ad- Mark R. Killingsworth, '67, was tra and is active in Young Demo-I
dress the opening session. recently selected the University's crats and Michigauma.
After Cairo, the Secretary-Gen- twenty-first Rhodes Scholar since Winner of a Branstrom Awardj
eral visited Paris at the invitation the program's inception in 1902, and the Sims Senior Scholarship;
of President de Gaulle: London at As one of 32 students selected an- in Economics, Killingsworth has
the invitation of the British Gov- nually across the nation, he has written for "The New Leader,"?
ernment: his native Burma (the evidently satisfied the selection and has worked as a congressional
Secretary-General relinquishes his committee for the midwest district intern and a 1964 Democratic Na-
citizenship) at the invitation of its that he is, in the words of founder tional Convention page. He plans
government; Moscow at the invi- Cecil Rhodes, "the best man for to study for a B. Phil. in Eco-
tation of the government of the the world's fight." nomics at Balliol College at Ox-
Soviet Union, and Washington at He is a just-turned-20 senior ford-the college of Herbert As-
the invitation of President John- Honors economics student plan- quith and Lord Curzon.
son. ning .a career in labor law and Oxford uses the tutorial system,

Conferring of Honorary Degree
The Yellow and the Blue

The Audience

Fugue and Chorale,
"We all believe in one God" Johann Sebastian Bach
Professor Robert Noehren, University Organist

Wolverines Unsuccessful in Big Ten Competition

in which each student is paired in animal physiology. He has since
with a tutor for one weekly meet- been awarded a DS from Oxford,
ing. The student writes an essay which he calls, an honorary degree
a week on an assigned given in middle age to show "they
The youngest former Rhodes approve of your career so far."
Scholar on campus is Richard Prof. of Physiological Acoustics
Noble, Grad, who studied chem- Joseph Hawkins was at Oxford
istry at Wooster (Ohio) in his from '34 to '37 where he took a
undergrad days, switched to PPE BA in physiology. At Harvard.
(Philosophy, Politics and Eco- Medical School he did research
nomics) in which he took an Ox- during the war on the human ear
ford B.A. after studying there and on a U.S Public Health Fel-
from '64 to '66. lowship he studied electron micro-
Assistant to the Vice-President scopy of the inner ear at the'Uni-
for Student Affairs David Baad, versity of Goteborg in Sweden.'
former Daily managing editor, was Glenn Gosling was the Univer-
a Rhodes Scholar from 1957-58 sity's Rhodes Scholar in 1931. He
and the most' recent University took an Honors degree in Oxford's
student to be selected before this England Language and Literature
year. His one-year study of PPE course in '34. He was an English
was interrupted when the National major and worked for the Univex'-
Student Association asked him to sity of California Press before he
go to the Soviet Union. He has came here as director of the Uni-
since returned to his alma mater versity Press.
to work on his PhD in History. In 1930 Undergraduate Allan
Prof. Spencer Kimball, director Seager was chosen to study at
of Legal Research for the Law Oxford where he earned Honors
School, took his Bachelor of Civil in English Language and Litera-
Law at Oxford in '49 and then ture. His adventures there ahd at
received his SJD from Wiscon- the University are recounted in
sin. This year he sat on the com- A Frieze of Girls. He has since
mittee that selected Killingsworth written several other books and
as a state Rhodes candidate. returned here as a professor of
Prof. George Piranian of the English except for a one-year
Mathematics department studied stint at Bennington College.
at Oxford from 1937-39 and used Oldest member of the commun-
his vacations to bicycle over .ity to have been a Rhodes Scholar
Europe. During the war he was is Clark Hopkins. Professor Emeri-
a research mathematician at tus of Classical Art and Archaeol-
Northwestern and Columbia Uni- ogy, who went there in 1919 to
versities. study the Greek and Latin course
At Oxford from 1936-39 was called "literae humanioris." He
Pr +, ari va mm f the Znliov wasdrectr-or of the MichiaaE-

Acting Executive Sports Editor
The Wolverine sports scene tore
a page out of ancient Egyptian
chronicles this year, and is ap-
parently out to emulate the feast-
famine cycle of the land of the
pyramids and the Nile.
After a period of success un-
paralleled in recent tim'ies during
the preceding three campaigns, a
period which included three' Big
Ten basketball champions and a
Rose Bowl football team in addi-
tiono to continued excellence in
the so-called minor sports, Michi-
gan athletics slipped from the
headlines into a quagmire of medi-

honors chalked up by the Wolver-
ine eleven would have compared
favorably with any 1966 collegiate
: football power.
Named to virtually every All-
American squad in existence, cap-
tain Jack Clancy pulled down 76
passes for 1079 yards and four
touchdowns, which ranked second
nationally among receivers. The
r split end also found himself the
subject of one of the last bidding
wars in professional football, as
the Miami Dolphins successfully
outbid the St. Louis Cardinals for
his services.
Rick Volk, Wolverine defensive
halfback, was cited on the All-

counter, Detwiler was a member of
the Associated Press and United
Press International All-Big Ten
teams, and was drafted in the
first round, also by the Colts.
Also awarded recognition on the
All-Big Ten units were Volk. Clan-
cy, and linebacker Frank Nunley
in the AP poll, and Clancy, Nun-
ley, Volk, Don Bailey and Dave
Fisher in the UPI.
Fisher, starting fullback in his
junior and senior years. exhibited
his talents in the classroom as well
as the field. He earned an Earl
Blaik NCAA Scholarship for grad-
uate school, Fisher being one of
11 recipients around the country.

lush green of the football field had
only slightly yellowed, the overall
landscape was not so fortunate.
For the first time since 1957, Mi-
chigan winter sports teams failed
to win one Big Ten Championship.
The Michigan dynasty in bas-
ketball was unfortunately to prove
synonymous with the name of Caz-
zie Russell, as his departure ush-
ered out Wolverine dominance of
the Big Ten. Plummeting from
first to tenth, the sophomore-
studded cagers could only manage
a 2-12 record. Center Craig Dill's
slot on the second team All-Big
Ten team was the only individual
honor awarded.

The Michigan icers. after begin-
ning the campaign brilliantly, fad-j
ed in the final weeks of the season
and finished fourth in the West-
ern Collegiate Hockey Association
behind North Dakota. Denver, and
Michigan Tech.
The track squad garnered fifth
place in the Big Ten Indoor Track
Championships. A d d i n g some
brightness to the thinclad's pic-
ture were the sparkling perform-
ances of Wolverine sophomore
Ron Kutschinski, who set varsity
records in the 880 and 600-yard
: run and anchored the two-mile
relay team for a varsity record and
a second place finish in the NCAA


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